DeskTime blog

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Unlimited PTO: What is it and what are the pros and cons?

Unlimited paid time off sounds like the best policy a company can adopt from an employee’s perspective. But is it, really? Read the article and find out!

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Guest Author 15.02.2023

What to do if you’ve been laid off?

If you’ve just received the news that you’ve been laid off, you’re not alone. Large companies such as Amazon and Goldman Sachs…

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Rudolfs Millins 13.01.2023
An illustration depicting the best apps for time management

30+ best time management apps to maximize your productivity in 2023

Effective time management apps are great for boosting productivity and making the most of every hour, every day.  The best apps for…

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Ieva Sipola 5.01.2023

Should you support an employee with a side hustle?

Want to know the benefits of supporting your employee’s side gig and get some pointers on what boundaries to set to avoid potential conflict? Keep reading!

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Zane Franke 16.12.2022

3 New Year’s resolutions everyone should focus on in 2023

2022 is almost over, and it’s a fitting time to reflect upon the past year and envision the upcoming one.  The tradition…

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Rudolfs Millins 14.12.2022
embarrassing christmas party stories

Embarrassing Christmas work party stories to learn from

It’s the season of cheer, goodwill, work parties, and… regrets. As offices gear up to end the year with a joyous bang,…

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How to deal with productivity dysmorphia

Productivity dysmorphia is a condition characterized by an unhealthy attitude toward productivity. It can involve thinking that one is never doing enough (despite contrary evidence), having unfounded fears about being confronted about one’s performance, constantly comparing one’s productivity to that of others – or simply trying to do too much all at once.

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Rudolfs Millins 15.11.2022
what is a manifestation

What is a manifestation, and does it work?

Before hiring a sensei to help you transform your life, let’s explore what a manifestation is, what manifesting can look like, and whether it works or not.

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Aiva Strelca 26.10.2022

Why being proactive matters + 20 ideas on how to be proactive at work

Being proactive is one of the best ways to improve your work life. But how to actually achieve it?

In this article, we’ll look at what proactivity means, why being proactive is important, and provide some examples of how to be proactive at work.

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Zane Franke 21.10.2022

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