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Illustration of a team video call

Improving remote employee engagement: actionable tips for managers and team leads

Remote work engagement is a common hurdle that leaders face as their teams shift to working from home. Explore these actionable tips for better remote employee engagement!

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Guest Author 28.07.2021
A person working from home office

How to grow as a freelancer: actionable tips to level up your freelance career

Thinking of effective ways on how to grow as a freelancer is never easy.

But despite the relative instability of this career path, still, many professionals are choosing the freelance road.

Check out these tips on how to grow as a freelancer.

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Guest Author 28.06.2021
Illustration of people communicating in the workplace

15 Strategies to improve communication in the workplace

Due to the rise of hybrid work, communication in the workplace has become more important than ever before. How to make sure it’s efficient? Check out these 15 tips for improving communication at work!

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Guest Author 22.06.2021
Tired and anxious person not being productive

Anxiety and productivity: a tricky combination but here’s how to make it work

Anxiety and productivity at first can seem impossible to combine. How can one remain productive and efficient when dealing with stress-induced mental and emotional instability? Here are a few actionable tips that can help.

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Guest Author 18.06.2021
Person working at a desk

5 Productivity-boosting benefits for remote employees

Offering additional benefits for remote employees is an ideal way to show your workers you have their back while improving their job performance. Today, we’ll take a look at the top remote employee perks you can provide to help support your remote workers.

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Guest Author 31.05.2021
Person using time blocking method

How to boost your productivity with time blocking: the ultimate guide

Have you ever heard about a productivity-boosting method called time blocking? Yes or no – here’s the ultimate guide to everything you need to know about it to be as productive as you can possibly be!

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Guest Author 27.05.2021

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Person with a face mask

How to help your employees with pandemic fatigue in a hybrid workplace

Managing a hybrid workforce that is also dealing with pandemic fatigue can be challenging for sure. Here are five ways you can support your team during this time of flux without them sacrificing their productivity.

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Guest Author 20.05.2021
Finding out what is a virtual assistant

What Is A Virtual Assistant? + Tips for Virtual Assistant Training

Do you know what is a virtual assistant? To spare you a lengthy Googling session about the topic – here’s everything you need to know about virtual assistants, what tasks you can delegate to them and how to integrate one into your team.

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Guest Author 9.04.2021
Struggling with working from home mental health issues.

Working from home and mental health: the negative impact of remote work + what to do about it

The prolonged impact of pandemic-related restrictions has made remote work a usual setting for many of us and additionally has brought working from home mental health concerns of different grades. Here are a few easy-to-follow tactics to prevent the negative impacts of remote work.

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Guest Author 31.03.2021

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