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12 employee scheduling apps to choose from

12 employee scheduling apps for your business

When your company grows and your team expands, one of the tools you’ll find hard to do without will be a shift scheduling app. In our latest blog post, we take a look at 12 apps for different types of business.

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Līva Spandega 25.04.2023
Toxic positivity in the workplace – illustration

How toxic positivity in the workplace hurts our sanity

Ever heard of toxic positivity?
It turns out it can easily infiltrate our workplaces.

How to spot it? And what to do about toxic positivity at work?

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Aiva Strelca 12.04.2023
project expense tracking main banner

The importance of project expense tracking and how to implement it

Every project has a budget and with project expense tracking you can ensure this budget is put to good use toward achieving…

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Viesturs Abelis 5.04.2023
how to track employee hours

How to accurately track employee hours (and which solution to choose)

If you haven’t tried to track employee hours in your team yet, it’s high time you should give it a try. Time tracking offers various benefits that you and your team members will appreciate.

But it’s important to choose the right time tracking software for your team, so read on to find out more about the types of options available.

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Līva Spandega 31.03.2023

11 project tracking software tools for improving your workflow

Juggling multiple projects at once can seem overwhelming, but with the help of project tracking software, it becomes much more manageable.  With…

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Rudolfs Millins 16.03.2023
15 best time clock app options

15 best online employee time clock apps

If you want to get accurate data on your team’s work hours and schedule your workforce in an effective way, a time clock app is your best bet. Check out our list of 15 different apps, and choose the one that fits your needs the best.

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Līva Spandega 15.03.2023

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How to discover what your peak productivity hours are and maximize their impact

Our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day, directly impacting our ability to focus and be productive.

In this article, you will find out how to identify your peak productivity hours and how to best use them to your advantage.

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Zane Franke 28.02.2023
desktime projects feature

How to use the DeskTime “Projects” feature to manage your projects and calculate their costs

Great project managers do two things very well: First, they know their projects inside out – which people are involved, at what…

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Krista Krumina 22.02.2023
How to prepare for meetings banner

How to prepare for meetings so they’re not pointless

How to prepare for meetings so that they’re not a waste of time? After all, meetings are an integral part of our…

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Viesturs Abelis 13.02.2023

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