social media News - SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Tue, 13 Aug 2024 19:28:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Safeguarding Your Digital Footprint: Navigating the Landscape of Private Social Media Fri, 21 Jun 2024 04:00:00 +0000 We live in an increasingly online world that, at least on paper, presents us with opportunities to connect with one another in unprecedented ways. Unfortunately, this is far from the reality of what social media has become. Although many social media platforms claim to be designed to unite and “connect” us, their reality is much […]

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We live in an increasingly online world that, at least on paper, presents us with opportunities to connect with one another in unprecedented ways. Unfortunately, this is far from the reality of what social media has become.

Although many social media platforms claim to be designed to unite and “connect” us, their reality is much more nefarious. Most instead serve as data collection companies, which reduce us to mere data points that can be sold to advertisers. Although the leaders of these companies explain the collection and use of data away as necessary for the “personalization” of the user experience, this personalization is an illusion.

Does social media take more than it gives?

While social media platforms have claimed to be transparent about the way their platforms collect, store, and use user data, the truth is much less clear. Research shows that these agreements, such as terms of use and privacy policies, are written using deliberately confusing language. If a user even reads the agreement they are signing — accounting for a scant 1 out of 5 people who “always” or “often” read these policies — they are unlikely to understand how these companies use (or, more accurately, sell) their data. 

For example, just look at the controversies that have shaken the social media sector in the past few years. People still have not forgotten Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal or how other platforms, like TikTok, are currently experiencing their own data privacy controversies. Users are understandably concerned about the relationship between online communication and their data.

The reality of social media is that these platforms are run on business models that depend entirely on revenue from selling user data. Although these platforms are “free” services, users must remember the adage that “nothing is ever free.” Instead of paying for these apps with their wallets, users pay for them with their data, and their behavior becomes data that can be sold by these apps to advertisers at a rate of around 2 cents per minute of screen time per user. Thus, it becomes clear that these platforms are not interested in forming genuine connections between their users — they are interested in how they can market screen time and ads to users.

Today, social media is causing more fragmentation and isolation than genuine connection. Social media users are forming superficial online relationships with people they (mostly) don’t know. 

However, just because a photo they post gets hundreds or even thousands of views and likes doesn’t mean it made a genuine or lasting impression on even one of those people. Social media platforms have tricked our society into being immersed in the virtual world of an algorithm’s creation.

In the era of social media, many of the “connections” we form with people online are not due to actual connections but rather connections perceived between data points of our behavior that algorithms have determined to be relevant for marketing purposes. The result is a formation of rabbit holes and echo chambers — online spaces where content and marketing “tailored” to users is continuously recommended to them, isolating users from the rest of the community in favor of guiding them to certain actions, like making a purchase based on an advertisement.

Creating a communication platform that protects data while driving exponential value

Communication platforms have an opportunity to disrupt the status quo of social media by allowing users to foster genuine connections with others. Instead of the data collection from which most social media platforms have derived their revenue, online communication platforms instead look toward one simple way of generating revenue: providing legitimate value in forming connections that reach beyond the digital realm.

Ultimately, the key to success in disrupting the status quo of social media and creating a communication platform that can thrive without collecting or selling user data is restoring the element of user privacy. Users must be able to create private communities where they opt-in to share their data with locations they are visiting or people they connect with, allowing them to curate a space genuinely tailored to their interests and needs.

By establishing a platform in which the choice of data sharing is restored to the user, communications platforms also have the opportunity to regain freedom and lack of censorship. In a virtual community of their own creation, users have opted in to participate and share their information. There is no monitoring by a digital watchdog policing what is said in these spaces. Instead, members of these communities can determine what is and is not appropriate and moderate it themselves. Additionally, because these environments are created by the users, they can block parties like bots, scammers, and third parties that take advantage of traditional media platforms to the detriment of users and their data privacy.

The future of social media lies not with the platforms that currently exist but with a new class of online digital communication platforms that seeks to restore the concept of legitimate connection to the digital world. It is high time that online communication platforms stop looking at users as data points to be sold and, instead, as real people to whom they can provide value by helping them form legitimate connections.

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Why Social Media is More Important Than Ever Thu, 20 Jun 2024 04:00:00 +0000 Social media is constantly accelerating and innovating, with a notable spike in the competitive market due to changes in user interests. Over the years people have shifted into their digital spaces more than ever, with social media platforms deriving better perks for the time users spend online.  Reportedly, there were around 5.44 billion online users […]

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Social media is constantly accelerating and innovating, with a notable spike in the competitive market due to changes in user interests. Over the years people have shifted into their digital spaces more than ever, with social media platforms deriving better perks for the time users spend online. 

Reportedly, there were around 5.44 billion online users globally, which is valued at 67.1% of the global population. Of these total numbers, around 5.07 billion or 62.6% of the global population were noted as social media users.

Social media is more than just branding awareness. It is best for that as social media influences your marketing and sales funnel, helping with brand reputation and authority, informing you about product development, offering customer service, and more.

Growing Importance of Social Media

Let us now check out the key reasons behind the importance of social media.

  1. Growth

So, what is it about social media? The answer revolves around the evolving number of audiences, driving traffic that contributes to the business objectives. Frequently, we will locate the best strategies for social media that are extremely tactical and less strategic, eventually leading to a better approach that is often disconnected from the goals and outcomes.

Whenever social aims to generate awareness, foster better engagement, or deliver distinctive conversion goals, the KPIs and the rest are generally based on the growth objectives. Growing social is often the ideal strategy. Aim towards the things you are growing, how we scale it, and why we are undertaking it, with the highly essential attributes of considerations involved in shaping a plan or a strategy.

  1. Driving Traffic

Whenever you assume that one of the objectives relies on driving traffic and attaining greater traffic, social media becomes the digital channel or vehicle for getting this done. The value normally relies on the engagement and impressions happening across the social media platform. But at a specific time, we need the users to click on the website while engaging with it.

There are numerous ways to drive traffic to the resources and content where the audience member is present in the community or throughout the customer journey. Like the different content-based channels and tactics, using social media can effectively boost website traffic that engages with the audiences in different ways, offering better value to them and getting closer to conversion over the entire objectives.

  1. Customer Support & Outreach

Other than the marketing objectives, social media enables us to interact with our audiences and customers in numerous ways that are difficult across other channels. You can send emails to those who are subscribed. But whenever one wishes to foster community and have effective communication with a more two-way scope, social media becomes the ideal channel.

However, when individuals need to think about social media for customer support, a customer will use it to solve a problem. Never get caught off guard or wait for it to locate you. Use social media for better customer support and to reach any topic whenever it makes sense.

  1. Reputation Management

Several social media sites, mainly for B2C businesses, serve as review and rating sites. Suppose you need to figure out the social media sites your audiences are using and leaving behind reviews in the industry. In that case, you can always take advantage of the scope for leveraging the reviews for your benefit.

Additionally, you can take advantage of the negative reviews, which you have the scope for responding to and addressing professionally to know about the company’s reputation it deserves.

  1. PR

Social media is a robust platform for disseminating vital company messages and news. LinkedIn enables greater professional and press release-based communications however, beyond the corporate feeling of the content where you can use several social networks to garner positive news to the customers, prospects, and stakeholders about whatever the company is doing beyond just the profit.

Spreading cheer and attaining goodwill on social media would increase engagement from the audience, which would increase the size of their audience over time, impacting greater visibility across feedback and timelines. Always pay attention to the impact of social media on amplifying PR.

  1. Local Search

The entire algorithms and the ecosystem appear more than the information verified through Google My Business and the other native maps platforms.

As part of the external look at the directories, including social media networks, the location-based information and the features of social pages and different profiles factor into the search authority rankings and status. A properly optimized benefit of the social media pages that move beyond the social media network extending out to the local search.

  1. Funnel Development

Social media is extremely effective in its impact across the varied levels of the marketing funnel. It is considered as a way for generating awareness and it offers the scope to perform the best job. Often, like the keyword strategy involved in the search, you can map out the entire content strategy addressing the audience where they are included in their journey. 

Having notable ways and content engages the ones who lack awareness of getting reintroduced to the brand, which is essential. After capturing the right audience, you are consistently delivering the best content as you can engage them and enter into the depths. It includes the traffic you are driving to the site.

  1. Agile Marketing

Huge content investments continue to be made across books, gated content, ebooks, and research studies with agile marketing that has evolved as the required approach. It includes smaller content investments and instant testing for making the necessary adjustments. 

Instead of investing in the six-month figures across the bigger content projects, it is important to try out the smaller pieces to know more about the way the audience responds and use this information for guiding the constant investment in this content. Social media is the ideal place for trying out the content and ideas and judging engagement and interest as it is quick, cheap, and easier to deploy.


Social media has turned out as the core part of our lives that has attained a huge importance. It would connect the people from across the globe, facilitating instant communication, driving better brand awareness and allowing the targeted advertising. The massive range of perks makes things clear where social media constantly plays their vital role to shape the society on ways we can interact with each other.

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The Rise of Social Commerce: Turning Followers into Customers Wed, 22 May 2024 04:00:00 +0000 As you know, social media is used for sharing and posting images, memes, reels, demographics, and diverse stories or statuses. Simultaneously, e-commerce plays an important role as a multi-market place where you can buy many goods in fashion, electronics, academics, and many other categories. Social media platforms have surpassed their purpose of communication and are […]

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As you know, social media is used for sharing and posting images, memes, reels, demographics, and diverse stories or statuses. Simultaneously, e-commerce plays an important role as a multi-market place where you can buy many goods in fashion, electronics, academics, and many other categories.

Social media platforms have surpassed their purpose of communication and are now considered market hubs. Brands connect with customers to sell their products/services, termed social commerce. This blend of e-commerce and social networking is a game-changing spin for business and customer communication.

Let’s delve deep into this article to explore the rise, influence, and types of social commerce, its ability to turn followers into customers, and how businesses leverage it.

What is Social Commerce?

It is a branch of e-commerce that utilizes social networks and digital media to bridge a transactional gap between businesses and customers. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and more already have a feature that enables businesses to create a social brand account and sell their products and services. Through this collaboration of marketing and sales, brands tend to establish more meaningful relationships with customers. Let’s have a short look at the types of social commerce:

Types of Social Commerce

Using social commerce to connect with customers and increase sales is a strategic method that aligns with current practices in social marketing. Also, using the capabilities of social networks that have integrated social commerce tools, brands can enhance stronger connections with their target audience, which leads to improved relationships with customers and better outcomes for businesses.

Let’s explore the platforms that feed social commerce and can be used within social networks as a social commerce strategy:

  • Facebook. Businesses can use a valuable feature, Facebook Shop, on this platform to build highly tailored pages. Similar to e-commerce stores built on Shopify and Amazon, retailers can select products and collections to feature on their sites to sell.
  • Instagram. Mostly, individuals look for products on Instagram. The Instagram Shop enables brands to sell products that customers can directly purchase within the platform. Customers can access Facebook shops from Instagram.
  • Pinterest. As of 2015, this platform has adopted social commerce, which enables customers to purchase products from Pinterest’s business pages through an integrated checkout process.
  • TikTok: It is a third-largest platform integrated with social commerce features and a go-to for brands that need to reach a massive portion of audience. Reports state that +71% of normal TikTok users and 49% of Gen Z shoppers make a purchase from the platform, which clearly shows its close competition with Facebook and Instagram. With TikTok LIVES, users can shop during streaming via in-feed videos, and product display tabs.

Apart from these largest market hubs for social commerce, there are others, such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Amazon Live, Weibo, and more.

The Rise of Social Commerce

Estimated sales globally through social media platforms set the figure at $992 billion in 2022. However, this number of sales grows highly in the future through online purchases from social channels. According to statistics, the sales value of social commerce will become $8.5 trillion by 2030.

There’s no doubt social networks have changed people’s routines, such as how they use, spend, and make money. When social media and e-commerce fuse, it is termed social commerce. The Asia-Pacific region pioneered the concept of social commerce, and its adoption has been popular in the U.S. market over the past years. In the middle of 2021-23, the number of US shoppers has accelerated from 97 million to almost 107 million. The research suggests that the GMV of social commerce will reach a number of $150 billion by 2028, ultimately double the figure of 2024.

Leveraging the Power of Social Media to Delivering Personalized Shopping Experience

Alongside delivering flexible customer engagement opportunities for businesses, there are plenty of values social commerce has to offer to customers. After the successful hype of social commerce, customers engage with it through friends and family product/service recommendations who’ve already used or purchased it before they buy. Moreover, direct interaction with a brand by comment section or via Q&A (question and answer) helps customers or shoppers ask relevant questions regarding the purchase of a product. It allows them to seek deeper into brand market insights confidently for better decision-making toward transactions. Social channels deliver an excellent opportunity to customers for an open pre-sale and after-sale interaction with a brand through they’re purchasing.

Many businesses use the data collected from these interactive customer engagements — such as likes, comments, and shares — to deliver personalized experiences based on customers’ picks or favorites. This personalized shopping experience truly cultivates a long-term bond between both the customer and the brand.

Do I Need Customer Engagement Services For My Social Commerce Business?

Customer engagement is the beating heart of your social commerce business. In today’s competitive market, where every interaction is a close chance to seal the deal, customer engagement services play a game-changing role for your brand. They help you convert passive scrollers into long-term sales and interact when an engagement occurs, such as a like, comment, and share on your published posts.

Turning Followers into Customers

In business, turning leads or followers into customers is an art of interactive marketing and sales, so how exactly do brands use social commerce to do it? Let’s explore some key techniques:

Transactional Posts and Product Tags

Showing transactional posts and product tags on your social media brand profiles enhances user flexibility to find and buy products that meet their needs quickly. By maximizing customer experience with this strategy, brands can reduce attrition rates and gain monetization and ROI.

Shopping Events or Product Launches

Creating urgency around your products by hosting live shopping events or product launches on social channels can directly grab the attention of shoppers. It is better to engage with customers in real-time, Q&As, and offer exclusive discounts or promotions to increase the purchase ratio.

Influencer or Brand Collaborations

Connecting with influencers or brand ambassadors to promote your products to their fans or followers gives you an edge. It is recommended that you collaborate with an influencer or a brand that aligns with your goals, values, and target audience. Authentic, captivating, and target-based content is the backbone of better collaboration results between your brand and an influencer or a brand you choose to collaborate with.

User-Generated Content

Must encourage your followers to make and post user-generated content (UGC) such as unboxing, reviews, hacks, or valuable tips featuring your products. This UGC effort converts into your brand’s social credibility and authenticity and is social proof of credibility.

Personalized Recommendations

Use data and analytics to provide customized product recommendations to your followers or customers based on their previous browsing and transactional behaviors. Through targeted ads and email marketing campaigns, re-engage users who have shown interest in your particular products but haven’t finished the transaction.

Navigating the Trust Factor

Fluctuation is a necessary part of nature, even in social commerce as well. Trust is the core aspect of running a successful business, and the key is to maintain it to remain prosperous. Users entrust businesses to protect their financial information and personal data. Further, if any kind of security breach happens or misuse is conducted, the consequences affect the overall business reputation and growth.

Thus, businesses worldwide ensure the layered security patterns to double up the safety measures and proceed with transparent communication. Multi-layered cloud databases, end-to-end encryption, reliable payment gateways, and clear data usage policies are becoming prevalent.

Trust is the key to winning customers; the more you build, the more conversions you will get soon.

In Last…

As we stand in 2024, social commerce has emerged as an emphatic force transforming the digital marketing landscape. It is not a fleeting fad but an effective transition that has truly redefined the way we shop and interact with brands. The blend of social media and e-commerce has enabled businesses to reach a massive audience to enhance sales. Using a smartphone to scroll through captivating visuals and purchase with a single tap has reimagined instant satisfaction. User-generated content, influencer, and brand collaborations have spun the orthodox marketing standard upside-down. It is risky for businesses to rely on the campaign’s results for ROI instead of using social commerce tactics such as UGC and influencer marketing, which offer more value.

Using platforms’ built-in social commerce features to increase sales by reaching the target audience. Social commerce platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and more, offer businesses the opportunity to grow worldwide. Customers need a personalized shopping experience that aligns with their preferences and is transparent when making a purchase. In this case, data analytics and customer behavior history help curate a more personalized shopping experience.

Trust is a prime factor; nothing works without it. Thus, social commerce businesses interact with customers, collecting their personal data and transactional information; it is mandatory to safeguard all of these essential components with the utmost security measures to cultivate a safe business-consumer journey. Otherwise, dire consequences will occur if security does not reach the level of expected customer trust and any hazard happens to their legal property.

Lastly, Social commerce is a blend of technology, customer behavior, and marketing innovation that has thrived in 2024. As per the research, social commerce has the power to turn followers into loyal customers. It is important to consider that social commerce is here to stay and will be deep-rooted in the market additionally in the near future. In this case, stay well-equipped with the necessary tools and strategies to lead the digital marketing landscape and future by cultivating unmatched business growth.

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Struggling With Your Social Media? 5 Tips to Get You Back on Track Tue, 30 Apr 2024 04:00:00 +0000 Having a social media presence is vital for any business, such as phone repair Red Deer, looking to expand. To the surprise of many businesses, however, a social media strategy isn’t always easy to implement. A lot of the time, the results end up being underwhelming. With the five following tips for getting your social […]

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Having a social media presence is vital for any business, such as phone repair Red Deer, looking to expand. To the surprise of many businesses, however, a social media strategy isn’t always easy to implement. A lot of the time, the results end up being underwhelming. With the five following tips for getting your social media strategy back on track, you can expect your business to see a major uptick in what you get from social media.

Why Is Social Media Important for a Business?

Social media is vital for any business trying to reach as many customers as possible. Millions of people all around the world use social media every day. This means that a strong social media presence can offer as many benefits as a traditional advertising campaign. Not only that, social media allows businesses to connect with their customers by creating authentic and positive interactions. By humanizing your business, customers can more readily connect with your brand allowing for stronger engagements. This combination of customer interaction and product advertisement allows social media to provide a unique avenue for businesses to easily increase their growth and reach.

5 Social Media Tips To Get Your Business Back on Track

Engage With Your Audience

The ease of interacting with your customers is one of the biggest benefits of social media. Ignoring this aspect is a big mistake and can easily cause you to lose out on hundreds of potential sales. That’s why it’s vital that you engage with your social media followers as well as other social media personalities to build your reach.

Likewise, it’s important to also spend some time promoting all of your social media accounts. Consider adding your social media links to your website pages, email signatures, and blog posts to help further grow your social media audience from your current audience. When combined with active engagement with your followers, these tactics will greatly increase the reach of your business.

Monitor Your Progress

It’s easy to post content and forget about it when it comes to social media. However, it’s extremely important to continue to monitor all of your social media platforms. Everything may be going perfectly one week, but it’s easy for things to suddenly stagnate or start to fall behind. By keeping a close eye on your various posts, you can gather information and find alternative strategies that complement your business strategy. Likewise, active monitoring allows you to more easily implement new approaches and keep track of any platform changes that may occur.

Be Consistent

Consistency is one of the most difficult aspects of implementing a social media strategy. It’s easy to become lazy and decide not to post today. However, that’s a big mistake and can easily lead to all of your hard work falling apart. That’s why you should aim to regularly post content. Depending on the social media platform, this can be a few times a week to multiple posts a day. When searching for the ideal posting strategy, experimentation will show you the way.

Of course, posting quality content every day isn’t easy. Especially since not every business can afford to hire a social media expert. In these cases, consider using social media management tools as well as in-built business tools on various social media platforms. These tools can help you analyze the quality of your content and allow you to schedule your posts for a specific day and time to maintain consistency.

Don’t Share Low-Quality Content

It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of posting low-quality content every once in a while. And just like inconsistent posting habits, sharing bad content is a fast track to having all your followers leave. Before you decide to share that generic sales pitch, ask yourself if your followers (and potential followers) actually care about that. Social media posts should provide value and that means providing high-quality content with originality. Focus on what your customers need and provide content that can help them find a solution. Likewise, find out what interests them and provide content that can pique their interest, surprise them, or even just make them laugh.

Have a Strategy in Mind

Having a social media strategy is one thing. Knowing how you’re going to go about posting your actual content, however, is its own problem. Having a strategy in place for what type of content, how much content, and when that content is going to be posted is a key aspect that you need to figure out. Making a plan will make your social media strategy a lot easier to manage and successfully implement. The important thing, however, is to take your time and make sure that you don’t rush things. Patience is a virtue when it comes to social media.

Keeping Your Social Media Strategy On Track

Implementing a social media strategy isn’t easy. Whether it’s making sure to post high-quality content on a regular basis or having a strong plan in place, finding the right trick can give your business a boost when it comes to having a strong social media presence. If things aren’t working, don’t be afraid to reevaluate your strategy and goals to make your business’s social media shine.

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Using PR to Reach Gen Z Mon, 25 Mar 2024 04:00:00 +0000 As more and more members of Generation Z continue to enter adulthood, this generation adds its distinct perspective to public discourse, joins the marketplace, and helps shape marketing strategies. Public relations and other communications professionals need to keep up to connect with them effectively. But who is Gen Z, and how can we reach them […]

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As more and more members of Generation Z continue to enter adulthood, this generation adds its distinct perspective to public discourse, joins the marketplace, and helps shape marketing strategies. Public relations and other communications professionals need to keep up to connect with them effectively.

But who is Gen Z, and how can we reach them best? The secret lies in understanding their unique characteristics and developing PR communications strategies with them in mind.

Who is Gen Z?

Gen Z (aka the “Zoomers”) is comprised of people who were born approximately between 1997 and 2010. This generation is between that of Millennials and the new kids on the block — Generation Alpha — and their parents are usually members of either Generation X or older Millennials.

So, from a communications standpoint, what do these demographics mean for marketing? One of the most notable things about Gen Z is that they were the first generation to grow up with widespread access to the Internet, smartphones, and social media. They also tend to spend a lot of time on these platforms.

To Reach Gen Z, Stay on Top of Social Media Trends

Studies show Gen Z spends more time on social media than the American adult population on average. In one survey, 54 percent of Gen Z respondents said they spend four or more hours on social media every day, and only four percent say they use it for less than one hour per day.

Members of Gen Z also tend to spread their attention across different platforms. According to another survey, over 80 percent of American Zoomers watch YouTube on a monthly basis, and the same amount visit TikTok and Instagram. In case you’re worried that Facebook is fading away with this demographic, more than half of Gen Z still use it.

Since Gen Z is made up of digital natives, they tend to engage more with quick, funny, engaging content from brands. In general, they boost posts that allude to popular culture and participate in viral trends. They also like posts that demonstrate authenticity — those that show the realities of people and organizations behind the scenes. To reach these users, marketers and PR professionals need to stay on or ahead of these curves.

To Reach Gen Z, Prioritize Corporate Social Responsibility

As a McKinsey & Company report explains, “Young people today have come of age in the shadow of climate doom, pandemic lockdowns, and fears of economic collapse.” In consequence, many members of Gen Z want to help forestall climate change and move the needle further toward equality. To cite McKinsey again: “More than any other generation, Gen Z collectively demands purpose and accountability, the creation of more opportunities for people of diverse and underrepresented backgrounds, and rigorous sustainable and green practices.” 

Gen Z is therefore deeply concerned about what big corporations are doing when it comes to climate change, wage gaps, and political donations. Research shows that Gen Z prefers businesses that demonstrate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), with over 90 percent of respondents reporting not only strong feelings, but also a willingness to hold companies accountable.

As to how they hold these companies accountable, the short answer is by doing their homework. Members of Gen Z are quick to look claims up on their smartphones to double-check their veracity. This is not to say Gen Z tries to catch people out on lies — that’s not their intention — they’re just the first generation to have the resources to hold every person or company in the media to a certain standard. If that isn’t met, they will let you know.

In short, to win their support, your company has to help the world, not hurt it, and words about CSR need to be accompanied by corresponding actions. 

To Reach Gen Z, Don’t Perpetuate Bias

Given Gen Z’s sensibilities, brands also can’t afford to continue trading in outdated stereotypes and discriminatory messages. These risk marginalizing your brand to only the small percentage of Gen Z that continues to adhere to conventional ideologies of previous periods.

In particular, the women of Gen Z are finding their voices. For example, many no longer automatically blame the woman during public controversies. Consider the breakup of actress Sofie Turner and musician Joe Jonas. While Jonas’ team tried to paint Turner as a party girl who isn’t involved with her kids, Gen Z users took to the Internet, dug up videos that contradicted that portrayal, and took this story down with a few TikTok videos. As a result of the subsequent backlash, Jonas needed to distance himself from these previous claims.

Brands should keep this climate in mind while developing their messaging. When promoting weight-loss products, for instance, make sure to stay body-positive, and be conscious of any kind of nepotism to avoid embarrassment. Don’t promote a millionaire as self-made if they actually come from wealthy parents! 

If you want to position your brand as promoting equality, make sure to check what political donations it has made. If these aren’t in alignment with the Gen Z audience you’re trying to reach, they can make your brand’s marketing look disingenuous.

An Emerging Force for Good

Gen Z stands for the environment, equality, and humanity. They are a massive force on social media and in consumer markets, as well as for elections. As more and more of them enter adulthood, their influence will continue to grow.

Brands need to consider Gen Z in their marketing and PR strategies or risk being ineffective, embarrassed, or even exposed. To win this generation over, communications professionals will need to rethink business as usual.

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Mastering Social Media Engagement in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide Wed, 13 Mar 2024 04:00:00 +0000 Social media engagement refers to the level of interaction users have with your brand’s content on social media platforms. Encompassing a combination of actions such as likes, comments, shares, mentions, and clicks, engagement directly correlates to the effectiveness of your online content. High levels of engagement indicate that your audience finds your content impactful, relevant, […]

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Social media engagement refers to the level of interaction users have with your brand’s content on social media platforms. Encompassing a combination of actions such as likes, comments, shares, mentions, and clicks, engagement directly correlates to the effectiveness of your online content.

High levels of engagement indicate that your audience finds your content impactful, relevant, and engaging. By continuously tracking content to see what your users engage with most, you can better connect with your audience, foster brand loyalty, and attract a community of engaged followers.

Measuring Social Media Engagement

Measuring social media engagement provides valuable insights into how well your content resonates with your audience. Likes indicate that users find the content appealing, shares demonstrate that users believe the content is worth sharing with their own networks, and comments show that users are actively engaging with you by leaving their thoughts and opinions.

However, likes, shares, and comments are not the only measures of social media engagement. The click-through rate measures the percentage of users who click on a link within your social media content, making it a valuable metric for measuring the effectiveness of your call-to-action elements, such as blog post links, product pages, or landing pages. A higher click-through rate indicates that your content entices users to take further action.

Monitoring your brand mentions and the usage of branded hashtags provides another indication of how users engage with your content. Users who mention your brand or use its hashtags are actively associating themselves with you as brand advocates.

To calculate your brand’s average engagement rate, total up all of the interactions on a given number of posts or your posts over a certain length of time, divide the number of interactions by your number of followers, and then multiply the result by 100. Similarly, you calculate one post’s engagement rate by totaling all of its interactions, dividing by its number of impressions, and multiplying by 100.

Why Measuring Social Media Engagement Matters

Every content creator hopes someone out there will find their blogs, posts, and videos worthwhile, but social media engagement is more than just a feel-good statistic. This qualitative data from real users enables you to adjust content strategy and make real-time improvements.

Understanding your social media engagement metrics empowers you to optimize your content strategy and improve your overall social media presence. By analyzing this data, you can more easily identify the types of content that resonate most with your audience, determine optimal posting times, refine your messaging based on user feedback, and measure each campaign’s success. As you learn to leverage insights from social media engagement, you can create more effective content, improve your overall brand perception, and drive tangible business results.

Effective social media engagement ultimately boosts your brand’s visibility because social media platforms know that high engagement equates to relevant content. The more interested your target audience is in your content, the longer they will engage with it.

Social media platforms are designed as virtual spaces where people want to spend time, talk with like-minded peers, and share and discuss information. If your metrics show high engagement, the platform’s algorithms will know that you produce quality content that resonates with your audience. 

As a result, these algorithms will boost your reach, getting even more eyes on your content and creating a win-win scenario for everyone involved. You get more viewers, and the platform gets more engaged visitors.

Strategies to Increase Social Media Engagement

1. Define Your Social Media Engagement Goals

To successfully engage with your target audience, you must first clearly define your goals. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, generate leads, or foster customer loyalty? By identifying your objectives, you can tailor your social media strategy accordingly.

Next, take time to understand your target audience by researching and analyzing their demographics, interests, and behavior to help you create content that resonates with them and increases engagement. Use what you learn about your target audience to choose the proper social media channels and platforms for your content. 

Nevertheless, remember that not all social media platforms are created equal, and not all platforms will be suitable for your business — you have to choose the ones that align best with your target audience and engagement goals. For example, if you target professionals and B2B customers, LinkedIn will be a more suitable platform than TikTok or YouTube.

2. Consistently Craft Relevant and Compelling Content

After you’ve selected which social media platforms to focus on, it’s time to create compelling and relevant content. Remember, content is king in the world of social media engagement. 

To grab your audience’s attention and keep them coming back for more, you must create compelling and relevant content, so make sure your posts are informative, entertaining, and visually appealing. Feel free to experiment with different formats, such as images, videos, infographics, and live streams, to keep things fresh until you figure out which approach works best.

In addition to relevant content, consistency is critical in driving engagement. Create a content calendar to schedule your posts and ensure a regular flow of content. Consistency helps build trust with your audience and increases your chances of being discovered by new followers.

3. Engage with Your Audience

Don’t just push out content and expect engagement to happen magically. Once your audience starts responding to your content, you have to actively engage with your audience by promptly responding to comments, messages, and mentions where your business or brand is tagged. 

Additionally, show your audience that you genuinely care about their opinions and feedback. Proactively seek out conversations and participate in relevant discussions tied to any hashtags or events that mention your business, industry, market, or niche.

4. Use Analytics to Measure Your Content’s Performance

To ensure your social media engagement strategy is working effectively, regularly monitor and analyze your performance by paying attention to metrics like your content’s reach, engagement rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate. Use analytics tools provided by social media platforms or third-party tools to gain insights and make data-driven decisions.

Social media is a dynamic environment, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Stay updated with the latest trends and changes in the social media landscape, then regularly reassess and evolve your strategy based on the feedback and insights you gather.

A successful social media engagement strategy requires careful planning, audience understanding, compelling content creation, consistent efforts, active engagement, data analysis, and adaptation. By following these strategies, you can build a strong online presence, increase brand loyalty, and ultimately drive success for your business.

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From Likes to Actions: Social Media’s Role in Securing a Greener Future Thu, 23 Nov 2023 05:00:00 +0000 My steadfast conviction lies in the transformative potential of community, the core function of social media itself – uniting individuals, shaping norms, and ultimately molding behavior. If change is to be realized, it must echo and resonate through the channels of social media. On social media, everyone has a voice, and everyone’s voice is heard.  […]

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My steadfast conviction lies in the transformative potential of community, the core function of social media itself – uniting individuals, shaping norms, and ultimately molding behavior. If change is to be realized, it must echo and resonate through the channels of social media. On social media, everyone has a voice, and everyone’s voice is heard. 

It poses the question – what role will social media play in driving sustainability behaviour on a mass scale to drive the green transition? 

Currently, social media is primarily used for keeping in touch with family and friends, filling spare time, and reading the news, but it can be used for so much more. The focus is already shifting to using it as a tool to raise awareness, mobilize support, and advocate for change. Research conducted by Unilever, the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) and a group of nine influential creators from TikTok and Instagram, has discovered social media has more of an influence on sustainable behavior than news, TV documentaries, and governmental campaigns. 

One study published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology revealed that social media posts containing climate content are more likely to generate engagement and be reshared, which ultimately increases awareness of sustainability-related issues. Another study published in a sustainability journal shared that social media has the potential to support the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by offering a universal platform for sharing ideas, best practices, and insights concerning the environmental crisis. 

Social media is used every single day by billions of people across the globe. These platforms present a real opportunity to promote sustainability and sustainable behavior. Harnessing this unique power, individuals and businesses can generate collective impact, helping to secure a greener future. So, how can social media be a game changer for sustainability? 

The answer is creating, together with early adopters, a social media platform which would be the driver for a paradigm change. Our early adopters are sustainable, curious, and sustainable enthusiasts who shape the community and actions and create the socially contagious effect of good actions. We are already seeing marketing making the switch to responsible marketing or marketing 2.0 based on empathy and more influencers advocating for important causes. 

The same transformation can be seen in the digital world with social media. Users spend, on average, over 2 hours on social media each day, looking for meaning. They need to use this time to search for collaborative purposes instead. When used correctly, social media can help us better understand issues concerning the climate crisis and find ways to make a difference. There are many ways we can use social media as a platform for good to achieve the society we envision. 

It can help us achieve a sustainable world through its opportunity to raise awareness and mobilize support. On social media, users can use their voices and share their thoughts. Through this, they can inspire others and encourage them to venture into a greener lifestyle. Social media can be utilised as an educational resource to teach people about the importance of tackling climate change and how to make more sustainable choices. 

Social media can be a beneficial resource in making people aware of sustainable products and encouraging eco-conscious behavior. Through social media, businesses and individuals can also share their success stories, which shows others that the journey is achievable and that they can make waves too. Collaboration is essential in the fight against climate change, and social media facilitates worldwide collaboration. It brings together people from all different walks of life from all around the world. 

Users can use these platforms to share ideas, resources, and knowledge, joining forces to drive even more positive change. We have already seen the power of social media for advocacy, with hashtags acting as powerful instruments for activists, bringing important movements to the forefront: #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter, #SmallStepsBigDifference, and so much more. We have also witnessed social media being used as a tool to amplify crucial causes. 

Challenges like the Ice Bucket Challenge for ASL or Movember have attracted millions of partnerships, establishing further support around the causes. These are prime examples of viral altruism, which supports the rapid and monumental spreading of social norms, trends, and information. The four ingredients to build on viral altruism are social influence, affective reactions, meaningful engagement and constant moral elevation. 

Through these elements, we can translate social momentum into sustained real-world contributions. On social media, brands are told to post content that falls under SMART dimensions. Dr Sander Van der Linden argued in 2017 that social issues like climate change score very low across these dimensions. Social norms surrounding climate change are not very well pronounced in that most do not see it as a moral issue. Rather, they typically view climate change as a psychologically abstract and distant issue. 

To explore social media’s true potential for driving the sustainable transition, however, we need a platform that practices what it preaches. We need a platform specifically for sustainability that is also driven to enable users to scroll with impact. While topics like climate change are certainly brought over to traditional social media platforms, this is not enough. A sustainability-focused platform would facilitate those important discussions while also educating and raising awareness.

Social media platforms should do more than raise awareness though. We need to close the loop by pointing users to things they can do to live more sustainably. This is where behavior tracking, like using a lifestyle carbon calculator to assess your carbon footprint can be a real game changer. A carbon calculator assesses the environmental impact of one’s lifestyle, exposing impact blind spots so they can make informed decisions concerning sustainability. 

By sharing small actions towards sustainable living on social media, we can motivate other people and organizations to follow suit. Social media users are ready to use social platforms as impact hubs and have already started doing this. We have seen this shift with the arrival of Facebook applications like “I am Green”, which garnered over 2 million members. This initiative allowed users to display their environmental attitude as a badge on their own social media profiles. 

The time for purpose-driven businesses and organizations to use social media platforms to speak to receptive audiences and inspire change is now. Social media can be harnessed as a disruptive force to amass support around sustainable living. As Actor and Environmentalist Leonardo Di Caprio said: “Climate change is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together.”  Social media is that space that will allow us to raise awareness, collaborate, and inspire each other on the road to change. On social media, the voice of one person can reach billions of people, and it has become a powerful weapon for social and environmental change that can ignite the climate movement. In the race to net zero, the time to use such a weapon to save the planet and leave behind a better world for future generations is now.

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How to Get Verified on TikTok: An Expert’s Step-by-step Guide Mon, 11 Sep 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Out of 4.8 billion global internet users, 1 billion visit TikTok every month. Though this video-sharing platform only hit the scene in 2016, it already ranks as the sixth most popular social media platform, surpassing Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat. TikTok is the hottest new platform, and content creators are clamoring to receive their verification status. […]

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Out of 4.8 billion global internet users, 1 billion visit TikTok every month. Though this video-sharing platform only hit the scene in 2016, it already ranks as the sixth most popular social media platform, surpassing Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat. TikTok is the hottest new platform, and content creators are clamoring to receive their verification status.

The Benefits of TikTok Verification

To stand out from the millions uploading and exchanging videos on TikTok, you need credibility, which you can gain from having your account verified. When TikTok users see a blue checkmark next to a content creator’s name, they know that account is well-known and trusted. If you want people to take your TikTok account seriously, this is the way to do it.

People frequently create bogus “mirror” channels to steal viewers’ attention, and trolls or other bad actors might try to pass themselves off as you or your business for any number of malicious purposes. TikTok verification proves to your audience that your account not only belongs to you (and no one else), but shows that you can be trusted as a reliable and credible source of information. With that sought-after blue checkmark on your account, your followers will far more easily be able to cross-reference in the event that anyone else tries to offer them information in your name.

Along with greater credibility, the little blue check that comes with getting TikTok verified lends your account an element of prestige. And since the platform’s algorithm tends to more often favor and promote content from verified accounts, you’ll gain the benefit of more frequent exposure to your current followers as well as a broader audience of potential ones.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of having your TikTok account verified is the ability to monetize it in a variety of ways. For example, as a verified influencer, you have the potential to promote a certain product in a sponsored video, which — depending on your niche and the loyalty of your following — could help establish a long-running collaboration with a sponsored brand you value.

Finding Out If You’re Eligible for TikTok Verification

The good news is that, at least as of August 2023, TikTok’s verification process is open to anyone. The bad news, however, is that the details regarding how the platform evaluates applications for verification aren’t exactly clear or transparent. Here’s what we know:

  1. To begin the verification process, you must have an active public (not private) TikTok account.
  2. Whether you are attempting to verify your personal account or one for a business, your account’s profile has to be fully completed in order for it to be authenticated, meaning it must include the following information:
    1. Your name
    2. Your bio
    3. A profile photo
    4. At least one TikTok video posted
    5. For business accounts, you will also need to include a verifiable email domain that represents the business, organization, or entity seeking verification. For example, mine would have to end with “”.
  3. Additionally, your account must show activity within the past 6 months of starting the verification process. While having only one video posted four or five months ago won’t necessarily hurt your chances at verification, the more active you are, and the more content you post, the better your chances will be.
  4. Your account must be 100% authentic — TikTok won’t consider verification for any accounts that parody or imitate other users.
  5. The last step to getting verified on TikTok requires a level of notoriety, which is made easier if your name, brand, or organization has been highlighted in news outlets and received some significant online engagement. Although this isn’t necessarily needed, consider how much easier it would be for a well-known international brand name to get verified over an up-and-coming influencer.

Applying for TikTok Verification

Until recently, TikTok did not provide a portal that allowed creators to submit their applications for verification. Prior to this being implemented, you needed to have a direct contact at TikTok submit your case and move it up the ladder.  

To request verification on TikTok’s new portal, simply open the TikTok app and select your profile in the app’s lower-right corner, then tap “Menu” in the top right. Select “Settings and Privacy,” then “Manage Account.” Tap where you see “Verification,” click “Start,” and follow the on-screen prompts to finish the process and submit your case.

Here’s the thing: for some reason, not all TikTok users have access to this new function just yet. Luckily, even if you don’t see the verification option on your “Account Settings” page, you can still submit a case to request verification on TikTok’s site.

Once you complete the online form, the next step is perhaps the most difficult one in the process: waiting. TikTok’s verification team will analyze your request and get back to you within a few days with their decision.

Improving Your Chances of Being Verified on TikTok

If you’re worried about your chances of getting verified on TikTok, remember that the key is to optimize your account as much as possible. Start by making sure you have an updated picture and clearly outline who you are in your profile’s bio, including links to your website and other social media accounts. 

To grow your profile’s visibility in search results, try including more relevant hashtags and keywords on the content you post, repost, and comment on, and post a few new videos on your account that include these. This is especially helpful if those videos are targeted more toward a general audience, since receiving a sudden influx of new followers and engagement will skyrocket your account’s activity and credibility.

Of course, don’t ignore the importance of producing material meant to foster interest and engagement from your current followers or targeted viewers. Depending on your audience and the type of account you have, the type and frequency of engagement you’re after can alter significantly, so ensure you’re posting as often as you can. Whether it’s a couple of times each week or even once per day, your followers will start waiting for your content to appear on their “For You Page.” And as more users engage with your material, it will get linked to even more users’ pages.

Still, at least as far as TikTok’s verification team is concerned, the quantity of your account’s content is more crucial than its quality. The most difficult part of getting verified on TikTok is probably uploading consistently since the platform only checks popular accounts for authenticity. Essentially, if you aren’t posting regularly, you may not make the cut. 

Building this strong presence on TikTok requires constant interaction, meaning the more you engage with those who repost or comment on your content, the better your chances will be at obtaining that coveted blue checkmark badge. Although this can feel awkward at first, try replying to some of the most-liked comments on your posts and go from there.

Even if you meet all of the standards and have a perfectly optimized profile, winning the blue check mark is not a given. Every day, thousands of users ask TikTok to verify their accounts, and the majority of them are declined. If you’re one of them, don’t get discouraged — TikTok’s verification process is extremely rigorous. Keep creating high-quality material, continue engaging with your followers, and try again until you get that little blue badge of honor.

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Harnessing the Power of Social Media Marketing to Expand Your Business Reach Tue, 08 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 If you’re a business owner, you need a website. And if you have a website, you can’t ignore the power of social media marketing to expand your business reach. Most business owners these days are already using social media to promote their services… But the truth is, many of them have no idea how to […]

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If you’re a business owner, you need a website. And if you have a website, you can’t ignore the power of social media marketing to expand your business reach. Most business owners these days are already using social media to promote their services… But the truth is, many of them have no idea how to really do it effectively. 

But there’s good news! It’s not hard to learn a few tips and tricks to boost your social media and reach new clients. It all starts with having a goal, knowing your target audience, and from there, it’s as simple as giving them what they want. 

Here’s what you need to know to start expanding your reach and boosting your success using your social media. 

Why Is Social Media Marketing Important for Businesses? 

Pretty much your entire target market is on social media. If you’re selling anything to anyone under the age of 80, then they’re online (albeit in different places online). The simple fact is nobody turns to books, encyclopedias, libraries, phone calls, or visits anymore when they need information or services. 

They turn to the internet. This means when your target market is looking for your product or service, you can bet they’re searching for it online. Online means Google, but it also means social media. 

This means your social media channels can be a valuable tool for driving website traffic, engaging with your audience, building confidence and trust in your brand, and ultimately, increasing sales. 

How Can Social Media Marketing Help You Expand Your Business Reach? 

One of the great things about social media is the opportunity to share. If you’re putting our valuable, shareable content that your target audience enjoys, it doesn’t just stay with you—your people will share it to their own networks. 

This means that if you do social media right, you’re essentially leveraging the audiences/connections of the people who are already your fans. That means you’ve got a huge range of people who could potentially become customers right at your fingertips. 

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

The key to reaching those potential customers in your current audience’s friend groups is to create shareable content. But in order to do so, you’ve got to know who you’re talking to. 

From there, it’s a simple process… Although be warned, you need to give it at least a few months of consistency before you’re likely to start seeing tangible results. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a social media marketing strategy to start expanding your reach and gaining new customers and clients. 

Understand Your Target Audience 

You can’t create shareable content if you don’t know who you’re creating it for. What appeals to you might not appeal to your audience, so it’s essential to know your audience! Try to nail this down as definitively as you can. 

A fun trick is to create “customer avatars” that embody your audience and make them as human as possible. This will give you a great indication of your real customers’ pain points and worries, so you can address them upfront. 

Let’s assume you’re selling a “Muscle-Building Mastery” workshop for middle-aged people. Here are a couple of potential avatars you might use: 


Bob is a middle-aged man with a wife and few kids. He works long hours, so he doesn’t have much time to get to the gym. He’s got a “dad bod”, with a bit of extra weight that he’d love to get rid of. Bob would like to feel like he did in his 20s: energetic, strong, and attractive to his wife. But he’s worried about finding time to work out, and he doesn’t know where to start. 


Jane is a middle-aged woman with a husband and three kids. She works a half-day job and tends to the kids in the afternoons, leaving her feeling tired and without a lot of time for herself. She’s 20 pounds overweight and self-conscious, but she just doesn’t have the energy to go for a run. She’s heard that weightlifting can be a great way for women to lose weight, but she’s not sure that’s true… Doesn’t it make them bulky? 

Choose the Right Social Media Platforms

Once you know your target audience’s age, demographics, and interests, it’s easier to figure out where they might spend time online. Older generations tend to favor Facebook, creatives enjoy Instagram and younger generations like TikTok. 

Figure out where your audience is hiding and go there. You can choose one or two platforms to focus on—there’s no need to be on everything. In fact, it could be overwhelming and make you less efficient, so choose one or two wisely. 

Create a Content Calendar 

Plan and create your content upfront. You should be working a month or two in advance, at least! This means if you do have to skip a day due to illness or unforeseen circumstances, you’ve still got plenty of content to go out. 

You can put out any content you want, but make sure it’s relevant to your audience and your niche. Here’s a quick tip: check out what National Days are coming up that could be appropriate to create content around. Also, think about content that would solve a problem for your reader. 

Set Goals for Your Social Media Marketing

Goals can help you see if you’re on the right track. Set small ones in the beginning, like “Get more traffic to the website”. Set a time frame too; we recommend two to three months. At the end of your time frame, see if you’ve achieved that goal. 

In this case, you’ll need to know roughly how much traffic you were getting before so you can compare it to how much you’re getting after those few months. 

Creating Engaging Social Media Content 

There are two keys to social media content: value and engagement. You provide value to your audience and encourage them to engage with you in return. 

Your content should fulfill a purpose for the reader. It can answer a question, solve a problem, make them think, give them new ideas, or simply be an enjoyable read. But there needs to be something to attract them and keep them interested in the post. 

When someone leaves a comment, likes your post, or shares it, other people see that. And that’s extremely helpful to expand your reach. Encourage people to engage as well, and make sure to reply to/like as many comments as you can! 

Paid Advertising on Social Media

In the beginning, paid advertising is worthwhile. The idea is to eventually gain enough organic traffic that you don’t need paid ads, but an ad a month can be valuable in expanding your audience. 

Call to Action 

Your CTAs (calls to action) need to be effective. The main gist of your content should be to provide value to your audience. But you NEED to have a compelling CTA at the end. This is your invitation to get more—buy your product, sign up for your services, read a blog post, check out your website… 

You can have multiple different CTAs in your content. BUT—you should only have one CTA per piece of content. Direct your reader/listener exactly where you want them to go at the end of your content and give them a compelling reason to go there! 

Analyze and Measure Results

Pouring your effort into social media is pointless if you aren’t analyzing your own results. Is your social media having a positive effect on your business? You won’t know unless you’re analyzing some metrics. 

Keep an eye on your social media metrics, as well as on your website traffic and where it’s coming from. Remember the goals that you originally set—these will be your markers for success. 

Your goals may change along the way, but as long as the data shows progress, then you’re on the right track. Keep going—social media is a long game, but one very worth playing!

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How to Leverage Social Media to Boost DTC Sales Mon, 17 Apr 2023 04:00:00 +0000 If you think just having an account on social platforms will automatically bring in the results in terms of engagement and sales, you need to re-evaluate.  Just a mere presence on social media stopped working to boost sales a long time ago.  Around 80% of business executives think it’s essential to invest additional resources in […]

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If you think just having an account on social platforms will automatically bring in the results in terms of engagement and sales, you need to re-evaluate. 

Just a mere presence on social media stopped working to boost sales a long time ago. 

Around 80% of business executives think it’s essential to invest additional resources in social media marketing. 

It shows that we’ve moved long past the ‘just post and hope’ strategy. 

Now you need a solid presence in which you operate your accounts thoughtfully and measuredly. 

Below are some of the top ways to leverage social media to boost your Direct To Consumer (DTC) sales and revenue. 

Let’s check them out. 

1. Identify the Best Platform for Your Audience 

“Be where your customers are” isn’t a novel marketing strategy. Brands are practising that ever since the possibilities of personalisation. 

Social media is a big word. There are so many platforms, some popular while others not so much. But popularity has very little to do with selecting your presence. Understand that all social media platforms aren’t equal. You already know your target demographic so try to find out on which social media platforms they’re most active. 

For example, LinkedIn works best if you’re targeting a B2B audience while TikTok and Instagram work best if you’re targeting younger professionals in the B2C domain. 

Once you know where you can find your target audience, you’ll be able to interact with them better and create content specifically for their needs and interests. And once you get the awareness right, you can expect an eventual impact on sales. 

2. Work with Social Media Influencers

Influencer marketing isn’t the ‘next big thing’ in social media marketing. It already is the next big thing. The industry reached $16.4B in 2022 from just $1.7 billion in 2016. Through various influencer marketing strategies like account takeovers, paid sponsorships, giveaways, etc, you can witness a spark in your sales. This is simply because the amount of trust people place in influencers is as good as the trust they place in their friends and family. 

Studies show that influencer marketing is known to deliver an ROI as high as 600% in some cases. Some of the top examples of influencer marketing are Charli D’Amelio and Dunkin Donuts, Julie Sariñana, Ela Velden with H&M, Nick Offerman with My tales of Whiskey, etc. 

3. Simply Purchase Process on Social Media

Your social media sales need to be as smooth as your online store sales. A lot of brands even sell directly to consumers on social media through Instagram shops, Facebook shops, and Rich Pins and Buyable Pins on Pinterest. However, if you don’t have a direct shop on Instagram, ensure that you navigate the user to a checkout page or product page which has listed all the shipping and delivery instructions. 

For example, if an international customer is visiting your page from social media, provide them with the information they can really use before making their purchase. These include the shipping charges, the number of days, the tracking number, etc. Choose an air service freight provider that first delivers top-notch shipping services and only then commits to the customers on your social media. 

4. Share User-Generated Content 

Customers need a sense of assurance before making a purchase from a brand they barely know. Since they’re apprehensive, you give them authentic reviews in the form of user-generated content. This strategy brings online buyers closer to the brand by building trust and credibility. 

Encourage your customers to share their photos or videos with your products and go a step further by sharing that content on your profiles too. It is a genuine way to increase loyalty with your existing customers and encourage your other social media followers to try out your products. 

For example, every holiday season, Starbucks launches the #RedCupContest to promote its holiday-themed seasonal beverages. But the catch? Coffee drinkers need to submit shots of coffee for the chance to win a Starbucks gift card. 

5. Create Valuable Content for Users

Social media provides a great opportunity for brands to get a little personal. Considering the essence of the platforms, you also need to be ‘social.’ Develop content that is reflective of that. Publish compelling content but in a manner that is conversational and engaging enough to urge users to make a purchase. 

Be it your captions or your videos, reels or posts, you need to be original, creative, and informational. Leveraging informational content gives context to your product and gives ideas to customers about how to use the same. You can also promote your blog posts, guides, and any other kind of information that has the potential to convert interest into sales. 

6. Create Brand Specific Hashtags

Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok are a game of hashtags. They bring attention to your brand and let you get discovered more easily. 

But it can do more than just spread awareness. With unique and sales-oriented hashtags, you can drive engagement, increase your sales, and bring together a community that is interested in a particular product. 

For example, a London-based womenswear brand named Rixo encouraged their followers to tag them and use the hashtag #humansofRixo. They also clubbed user-generated content with hashtags that extended the collaboration of the users with the brand. 

7. Invest in Social Media Advertising 

Apart from your organic efforts, you need to leverage paid marketing when necessary. Merely finding your target audience on social media platforms is not enough. Social media platforms have paid advertising options in terms of ads or content promotion. Utilise them to ensure high visibility among a relevant target audience. 

However, before you do so, have your KPIs and tracking metrics in place. On Instagram, you can advertise through stories and sponsored posts and videos. You can do the same on Facebook and LinkedIn. 

Finishing Thoughts

Building trust is at the heart of social media selling. Right from using user-generated content to even publishing informative posts, it’s all about going the extra mile to engage and entice customers. If you’re doing that while following the above-mentioned strategies, you’re on the right path to enhancing your DTC sales from social platforms and staying ahead of the curve. 

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5 Ways B2B Companies Can Boost Their Online Presence Fri, 10 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000 The internet has become an integral part of the modern business landscape, and having a strong online presence is crucial for B2B companies looking to succeed in today’s market. With more and more customers conducting research and making purchasing decisions online, a robust online presence can help B2B companies reach new customers, build brand awareness, […]

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The internet has become an integral part of the modern business landscape, and having a strong online presence is crucial for B2B companies looking to succeed in today’s market. With more and more customers conducting research and making purchasing decisions online, a robust online presence can help B2B companies reach new customers, build brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.

In this article, we’ll explore five effective ways that B2B companies can boost their online presence. We’ll cover strategies ranging from creating a professional website to leveraging social media, publishing high-quality content, engaging with customers and prospects online, and monitoring and analyzing online performance. By implementing these strategies, B2B companies can establish a strong online presence and stay competitive in an increasingly digital world.

1. Create and Optimize a Professional Website

Creating a professional website is one of the most important steps that a B2B company can take to establish a strong online presence. A website serves as the digital face of a company, providing customers with information about the company, its products and services, and its values and mission. Here are some key steps to create and optimize a professional website:

  • Develop a clear and consistent brand identity: Your website should reflect your company’s brand identity, including its values, messaging, and visual elements. Use consistent branding across all aspects of your website, including color schemes, fonts, and logos.
  • Make your website easy to navigate: Ensure that your website is easy to navigate and that visitors can easily find the information they need. This includes creating a clear menu structure, using intuitive labels, and providing clear calls to action.
  • Optimize your website for search engines: Use relevant keywords and meta descriptions in your website’s content and code to improve your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly: With more and more people accessing the internet on their mobile devices, it’s important that your website is optimized for mobile viewing. Make sure your website is responsive, with a design that adjusts to fit different screen sizes.
  • Use high-quality images and video: Incorporate high-quality images and videos into your website’s design to make it visually appealing and engaging.

By following these tips, B2B companies can create and optimize a professional website that effectively represents their brand and helps them establish a strong online presence.

2. Leverage Social Media Platforms

Social media can be a powerful tool for B2B companies looking to boost their online presence. Social media platforms provide an opportunity to reach a wider audience, engage with customers and prospects, and showcase products and services. Here are some tips for leveraging social media platforms to boost your online presence:

  • Choose the right social media platforms: Identify the social media platforms that your target audience uses the most and focus your efforts on those platforms. For B2B companies, LinkedIn is often a key platform for networking and lead generation, while Twitter and Facebook can be effective for building brand awareness.
  • Optimize your social media profiles: Ensure that your social media profiles are complete and consistent with your brand identity. Use high-quality profile pictures and cover photos, and include a clear description of your company and what it offers.
  • Share engaging content: Share relevant and valuable content with your social media followers, including blog posts, infographics, and videos. Use a mix of content formats to keep your followers engaged and interested.
  • Engage with your followers: Respond to comments and messages from your followers in a timely manner, and use social media to build relationships with your customers and prospects.
  • Use social media advertising: Consider using social media advertising to reach a wider audience and target specific demographics. Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook offer robust advertising options for B2B companies.

By leveraging social media platforms effectively, B2B companies can expand their reach, engage with their audience, and establish a strong online presence.

3. Publish High-quality Content

Publishing high-quality content is an effective way for B2B companies to boost their online presence and establish thought leadership in their industry. By creating content that is valuable, informative, and engaging, B2B companies can attract new customers, build brand awareness, and establish themselves as experts in their field. Here are some tips for publishing high-quality content:

  • Develop a content strategy: Develop a clear strategy for your content marketing efforts, including the types of content you will create, your target audience, and your distribution channels.
  • Create valuable content: Create content that is valuable and informative to your target audience. This could include blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, and other types of content that address common pain points or challenges that your customers and prospects face.
  • Use visual elements: Incorporate visual elements like images, infographics, and videos into your content to make it more engaging and shareable.
  • Optimize your content for search engines: Use relevant keywords in your content and meta descriptions to improve your content’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Share your content on multiple channels: Share your content on your website, social media platforms, and other relevant channels to expand your reach and attract new customers.

By publishing high-quality content, B2B companies can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry, attract new customers, and build a strong online presence.

4. Engage with Customers and Prospects Online

Engaging with customers and prospects online is essential for B2B companies looking to boost their online presence. By building relationships with customers and prospects through online engagement, B2B companies can improve brand loyalty, increase customer satisfaction, and attract new customers. Here are some tips for engaging with customers and prospects online:

  • Respond to comments and messages: Respond to comments and messages from customers and prospects in a timely manner. This shows that you value their input and are committed to providing excellent customer service.
  • Participate in online communities: Participate in online communities relevant to your industry, such as forums or social media groups. This provides an opportunity to engage with prospects and customers, answer questions, and establish thought leadership.
  • Host webinars or online events: Host webinars or online events to provide value to your audience and engage with them in a more interactive way.
  • Personalize your communication: Personalize your communication with customers and prospects by addressing them by name and tailoring your messaging to their needs and interests.
  • Monitor your online reputation: Monitor your online reputation by tracking mentions of your brand on social media and review websites. Respond to negative reviews or comments in a professional and constructive manner.

By engaging with customers and prospects online, B2B companies can build relationships, increase brand loyalty, and establish a strong online presence.

5. Monitor and Analyze Online Performance

Monitoring and analyzing online performance is essential for B2B companies looking to boost their online presence. By tracking metrics and analyzing data, B2B companies can identify areas for improvement, measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their online presence. Here are some tips for monitoring and analyzing online performance:

  • Set clear goals: Set clear goals for your online presence, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, or improving customer engagement. This will provide a framework for measuring performance and tracking progress.
  • Track key metrics: Identify the key metrics that are relevant to your goals, such as website traffic, conversion rates, engagement rates, and social media followers. Use tools like Google Analytics or social media analytics to track these metrics over time.
  • Analyze data regularly: Analyze your data regularly to identify trends and patterns. Look for areas where performance is strong and areas where improvement is needed.
  • Experiment with different strategies: Experiment with different marketing strategies to see what works best for your business. Test different types of content, distribution channels, and messaging to see what resonates with your target audience.
  • Use data to make informed decisions: Use your data to make informed decisions about how to optimize your online presence. Make adjustments to your marketing strategy based on your findings and continue to monitor performance to track progress.

By monitoring and analyzing online performance, B2B companies can identify areas for improvement, optimize their marketing strategy, and establish a strong online presence.


In conclusion, boosting online presence is essential for B2B companies looking to attract new customers, build brand awareness, and establish thought leadership in their industry. By creating and optimizing a professional website, leveraging social media platforms, publishing high-quality content, engaging with customers and prospects online, and monitoring and analyzing online performance, B2B companies can establish a strong online presence and stand out in a competitive marketplace. By adopting these strategies and continually optimizing their online presence, B2B companies can achieve long-term success and growth.

The post 5 Ways B2B Companies Can Boost Their Online Presence appeared first on SiteProNews.

How to Monitor Hashtag Performance and Engagement on Twitter Wed, 08 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Social media for business is all about forming relationships with people who might become customers in the future, the more engagement the more they are likely to do business with you and social media marketing has become an integral part of businesses because Twitter is a powerful platform. What is a Hashtag? Hashtags are used […]

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Social media for business is all about forming relationships with people who might become customers in the future, the more engagement the more they are likely to do business with you and social media marketing has become an integral part of businesses because Twitter is a powerful platform.

What is a Hashtag?

Hashtags are used in microblogging and photo-sharing services such as Twitter, it is a metadata tag that is prefaced by a hash symbol. Some of the examples are #fashion, and #beautiful, you just have to use this symbol (#) before a word.

Why Should You Monitor the Hashtag?

Monitoring hashtag performance is essential for businesses because it helps in keeping up with everything that is being mentioned about you and your brand, or your marketing campaign online.

A hashtag strategy is important because using the correct hashtag will help to become more visible to your target audience. Hashtag in social media has significantly grown, they are very common and are used on most social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Benefits of Tracking Hashtags on Twitter

  1. Determining your primary audience is crucial when using a hashtag. Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic, and Behavioral are the four levels of segmentation that will help in finding the audience. Research yourself which hashtag has the most retweets and views on your post or any other influencer post, track them, and follow their activity, from them you will know which hashtags are in trend and also find your target audience.
  1. Identifying your brand influencers and measuring the most popular accounts that have used a certain hashtag is a great way to flag potential ambassadors that would deliver the best ROI. like if you are going to a baseball match and you know nothing about it, then you will first look for the best players of baseball who regularly post on #baseball and try to imply their strategy. In the same way, you should look for influencers who have the same brand as yours and try to look at what has worked for them.
  1. Competitors and content research are the most important research. They provide us with the image of our brand by knowing and tracking our competitors, we can analyze what can work for our brand and what does not. To educate your content strategy you have to track your hashtag in your industry, for that you can use some hashtag tracking tools.
  1. Sentiment analysis is used to help in finding out, how a user is feeling about your product or your post and what thoughts they are having while reading your stuff, creating a positive environment around you and your users is a must because then only they will able to trust you, if there is more negativity than people don’t want to read that again, there will be distrust among your users.

How to Monitor Hashtag Performance on Twitter?

Choose Your Hashtag Wisely

Choosing a hashtag is one of the difficult tasks, it will only be easy if you know your brand upside down, and for that, you have to research a lot on your brand or product, proper knowledge is a must. Make sure you have your own unique hashtag, through which people can relate your brand, and use clear, easy-to-read, and relevant.

Consider Your Timeline

You should be clear about your timeline, and which data will help you the most. Most of the tracking hashtag tools do not provide historical data, and some give only after the subscription. So it becomes more important to use the tools. Make sure you set up hashtag tracking before you start a campaign, to ensure that you have access to the entire campaign history.

Identify Your Key Metrics

The most important metrics that business track are called key metrics or KPIs, which shows the overall health and performance of your hashtag.

Customer engagement– This is the means through which you can create a relationship with your customers, it will show the number of likes, shares, clicks, and comments a hashtag received and help you to improve.

Customer impression– It is an advertisement or any other form of digital media rendered on a users screen, you may hear of “ first impression is the last impression”, it should be authentic, how many times this hashtag is seen depends on the quality and sentiment of that post, number of tweets multiply it by number of followers is equal to the number of impressions.

Customer reach– Discover which tweets you should be resharing multiple times in order to hit more of your audience, Twitter reach means how many feeds this hashtag shows up on.

Choose a Hashtag Tracking Tool

Amazing hashtag monitoring tools will help you see which hashtag is performing well, and what your audience is most interested in. Some of the best hashtag tracking tools are TrackMyHashtag, keyhole, and Brand24.

  1. Trackmyhashtag

TrackMyHashtag is a Twitter hashtag analytics tool that allows tracking Twitter hashtags, keywords, accounts, or events. It can help you access real-time as well as historical Twitter data, only by typing (hashtag, keyword, @mention, or any topic). It provides data for any time period since 2006 in Excel or CSV format which you can use when needed.

Following are some of the features and metrics provided by TrackMyHashtag.

  1. Real-time hashtag tracking- Track any hashtag, Twitter account, or keyword mentioned in real-time and see the results on the dashboard.
  2. Historical hashtag data- Fetch the data from 2006 to the present time, write any keyword or hashtag it will show you all the historical data.
  3. Competition hashtag analytics- Plan a social media marketing strategy and analyze the activities of your competitors.
  4. Measure and analyze- With the help of an AI analytical platform, you can measure the reach of your Twitter hashtag campaign.
  5. Find social media influencers-Find all the most influencer users who are trustable or responsible to promote any Twitter hashtag campaign.

2. Keyhole

Keyhole is a social media analytics platform that helps you effortlessly track hashtags, keywords, @accounts, and URLs on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and Facebook. It helps to create customizable reports and intuitive layouts which helps to create actionable insights.

Some of the features are:

  • Influencer tracking- Identify top creators of your industry, and ensure that they only work with genuine influencers.
  • Hashtag analytics- Generate and share reports for all your social media campaign and social channels, and find and analyze any conversation with hashtags to improve your social media presence
  • Keyword tracking- It can find any online conversation that mentions your keyword
  • Twitter historical data- keyhole historical data include total posts users, impressions, and influencers, they deliver reports in 1 business day.

3. Brand 24

Brand24 is a social media analytics tool that offers the ability to alert when the conversation on your brand hashtag reaches a certain volume. Some of the features are:

  • Data exporting- Turn your data into automated PDF reports and infographics
  •  Filtering- Focus on what is important for you by narrowing the results.
  • Alters- Customize your alters the way you need them.
  • Influencer score- Find out your industry influencers to make correct decisions about who you should be working with.


I have mentioned every possible detail that one needs for monitoring hashtags, and have written an abundance of content about which tool you should use, so you don’t have to waste any more time exploring the various alternatives, initiate TrackMyHashtag free trial and test the tool yourself.

The post How to Monitor Hashtag Performance and Engagement on Twitter appeared first on SiteProNews.

Best and Worst Social Media Platforms for Growing a Business Fri, 03 Mar 2023 05:05:00 +0000 Social media platforms are an essential part of any business operating today. They help you connect with customers, increase sales, and reach new audiences. Personally, I have used social media to help build eight separate multi-million dollar companies.  However, not every platform is the right fit for your business. In this article, we’ll explore some […]

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Social media platforms are an essential part of any business operating today. They help you connect with customers, increase sales, and reach new audiences. Personally, I have used social media to help build eight separate multi-million dollar companies. 

However, not every platform is the right fit for your business. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular social media sites and explain why each one may or may not be the one that can grow your brand.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platform for Your Business

Content marketing on the right social media platform is one of the most effective and affordable means of growing your business. Conversely, if you choose the wrong social media platform, you stand to waste valuable time or even damage your brand. First, consider your target audience. Think about the people you want to reach with your content and where they spend their time online — are they spending most of their time on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn?

Next, consider how much time and money you have available. Each social media site offers different levels of access, from Facebook’s free accounts, allowing basic posting privileges, all the way up to LinkedIn’s premium plans providing additional features and benefits. If budget constraints are an issue, consider getting started with one free account. You can always invest resources into a more expensive site later.

Some of the Best Social Media Platforms for Growing a Business in 2023


Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, boasting 2.96 billion monthly active users at the end of 2022’s third quarter. If you want to reach a massive audience and capitalize on the benefits of social media advertising, Facebook is an excellent choice. In fact, anytime a business owner comes to me and wants more leads and sales, I almost always start them on Facebook. It provides a wide range of features that make it easy for you to engage with customers and build your brand. You have access to a variety of targeting options for reaching different audiences, a newsfeed to alert followers to what you’re doing, and the ability to host live video events or create custom ads leading to your website.


Instagram is another tool that can grow your business. It is primarily a visual platform, allowing you to share photos and videos of the products, services, or events that you offer, and boasts an audience of over 2 billion active monthly users who will see that content if you post it in an appealing way.

Given these numbers, Instagram is ideal for building brand awareness and generating leads since it allows businesses to showcase their products in an artistic way and generate attention with catchy hashtags. Because users engage with each other through comments or likes on posts, it’s also a great place to build a community around your business, generate customer reviews, and sell products.


LinkedIn is an excellent platform for B2B businesses that want to find leads, boost sales, increase brand awareness, and network professionally. This social platform has 875 million users worldwide and 310 million monthly active users. The platform allows users to create profiles and connections based on their specific industry role or level of expertise. To get started on LinkedIn, ensure your company page is filled with relevant information about what you do and why people should hire your services or buy from you. The more complete your profile, the better your chance to grow your business.


YouTube ranks as the world’s largest video-sharing platform and second-largest social media platform. It has over2.6 billion users and over 122 million active users each day as of 2022’s third quarter. YouTube also makes up a huge part of Google’s revenue, making it an important platform for any business that wants to reach people globally.

The key to growing your business on YouTube is generating creative content that engages viewers. The more engaging your content is, the more likely people will watch it and share it with their friends.

Some of the worst social media platforms for growing a business in 2023


Twitter is a popular social media platform that provides an opportunity for businesses to connect with customers on a non-business level. This can be useful in strengthening relationships, although Twitter doesn’t offer the same level of personalization that social media platforms like Facebook do. 

Twitter may help you get your business’s name out there, but it’s not a good platform for growing your business. The platform has so many users that it can be hard to get noticed if you aren’t already well-known. It’s essential to understand how Twitter can be used in combination with other platforms rather than trying to use it alone.


Snapchat is not an ideal platform for business growth. Each month, the platform’s Spotlight feature sees125 million active users, and its Snap Map feature sees 250 million. In terms of social media reach, that is a small user base. In addition, Snapchat primarily appeals to younger users. As of July 2022, users aged 13 to 17 made up 20.5% of Snapchat’s total audience, and users18 to 24 accounted for 39.1%. Given these demographics, Snapchat may not be the best place to advertise if you’re trying to reach older audiences.


TikTok is a video-sharing app that allows users to create short videos for followers. The platform boasts 1 billion active monthly users, making it less popular than Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. In addition, the majority of people viewing a post on TikTok will only watch the first 15 seconds before scrolling away. Before your business puts a lot of time and resources into video creation for this platform, be sure it is worth your investment. 

Each social media platform comes with its own audience and its own set of pros and cons. The goal of using any medium is to reach new customers and grow your audience through content marketing. No one social media platform is best or worst for everyone, but some will be better suited for your business needs than others. It all depends on your audience, the time you can invest in social media management, and your business goals for the marketing content. Investigate each platform and make an informed decision about which ones work best for you.

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Social Media and Reputation Management for Doctors Fri, 13 Jan 2023 05:05:00 +0000 According to digital marketing research firm Smart Insights, 6 in 10 people globally now use at least one social media platform. Their average daily usage is two-and-a-half hours, meaning that many of us now get our news, financial advice, and career guidance from social media.  With the cost of healthcare rising even faster than inflation, […]

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According to digital marketing research firm Smart Insights, 6 in 10 people globally now use at least one social media platform. Their average daily usage is two-and-a-half hours, meaning that many of us now get our news, financial advice, and career guidance from social media. 

With the cost of healthcare rising even faster than inflation, people are turning to Facebook, Instagram, and even TikTok to help manage their health. For doctors looking to capitalize on this, there are several factors to keep in mind as to how they manage their social media presence and reputation online.

Being Present

Decades ago, it was unheard of for a hospital or medical practice to advertise. Last year, however, the healthcare advertising market exceeded $21 billion, and it is forecasted to climb even higher over the next five years. 

Many of these dollars will go towards advertising on social media for two major reasons: one, it is highly targeted; and two, social media offers an interactivity that mirrors the doctor-patient relationship. Any medical practice without an active social media presence will be at a serious competitive disadvantage in the coming years.

What to Say (and What Not to)

While doctors can (and should) be thought leaders, they are somewhat limited by the ethical parameters of their profession. Top among these is their patients’ right to privacy. Doctors are prohibited from discussing a patient’s treatment or history with others, even in generalities. Confidentiality is a right so fundamental that the Hippocratic Oath refers to patient data as “holy secrets,” and this rings true on social media as well.  

When it comes to physicians sharing content from their personal lives, the strategy becomes more complicated.  For example, Instagram’s most popular physician, Dr. Mike Varshavski, boasts 4.4 million followers who are more likely to see photos of his physique or his dog than an endorsement of any single drug or wellness trend. He gives off the persona of an influencer who also just happens to be a medical doctor. Others have focused on overall wellness rather than medicine, such as Dr. Mark Hyman who often shares general advice on diet, exercise, and longevity with his 2.2 million followers, but also steers clear of anything patient or procedure-specific. 

Doctors on social media should not mix business with pleasure. If your account is solely for personal use, don’t mix in medical content. Likewise, if your account is for your practice or to establish yourself as a leader in your medical field, keep the content professional and focused on your niche.

Business Casual for MDs

As with other disciplines, practicing medicine on social media implies a balancing act between professionalism and celebrity. One of the first choices is whether to present oneself as a virtual friend or as an authority. Even if a doctor succeeds in striking the right balance between promoting themselves and their craft — or simply promoting a healthy dialogue — they must  immediately consider the flood of comments and direct messages that will follow a popular post. They must also consider the possibility of disgruntled former patients becoming online “trolls,” a fact of virtual life that has already resulted in litigation.

Just as Twitter and Facebook strive to take down harmful content, a medical influencer must grapple with, for example, comments not attributed to them, but ones still posted by others on their account’s content which might contain misleading or harmful information. They must also make it clear if a product they recommend, such as a pharmaceutical or workout regimen, has paid them for the shout-out.

Damage Control

As the saying goes, it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and less than a minute to destroy it. When a Michigan family physician named Jeffrey VanWingen decided to post some grocery cleaning tips on YouTube during the early days of the pandemic, he had no idea that his homemade D-I-Y video would be viewed more than 25 million times — or that it would create a firestorm. Some viewers immediately pointed out that tips, like washing vegetables with soap, were questionable, while others accused him of scare-mongering. What VanWingen quickly learned is that while there is an “edit” button available for posts on some social media, this isn’t the case with peoples’ memories or screenshots; you can either take down the offending video and apologize for your mistake, or double-down and stand by it. 

Damage control is a critical piece of a social media strategy, yet most influencers don’t tend to consider this when posting. Doctors may consider themselves to be the experts, but a single misguided or misconstrued post can irreparably harm an entire practice in moments. Always carefully review any content that goes out on behalf of your account, regardless of who is physically creating and sharing it. Any consequences will fall on your shoulders.

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How to Grow an Online Following Wed, 23 Nov 2022 05:00:00 +0000 Building a large and loyal audience on social media doesn’t happen overnight, or even after one viral video. Content creators with millions of followers pace themselves and don’t give up. If you’re looking to boost your online following, the first step is to find a niche you can create intriguing content for. Once you have […]

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Building a large and loyal audience on social media doesn’t happen overnight, or even after one viral video. Content creators with millions of followers pace themselves and don’t give up.

If you’re looking to boost your online following, the first step is to find a niche you can create intriguing content for. Once you have that niche, grow your following by posting regularly, engaging with your followers, and networking with fellow creators.

Finding Your Niche

If your goal is to grow an online audience, focus your content around a specific topic. In other words, find your niche and own it. Where can you offer expertise? What do you talk about effortlessly? What topics do you enjoy researching? Where do your passions naturally turn? As you answer these questions, ideas for niche topics should become fairly obvious.

As you accumulate niche content, you’ll begin to attract followers as an authority — and, hopefully, the best source of information — on the topic. For example, as a dental hygienist, I noticed an overwhelming lack of information on oral hygiene and decided to focus my social media content there. My content in this niche rapidly gained a large following. Pursue your passion, and people with an interest will follow.

Engaging Followers and Networking with Creators in Your Niche

Increasing your audience starts with engaging followers. Think of building an online audience like building a relationship. Your task is to create a back-and-forth conversation. Your content may be fascinating, but if you don’t offer people the chance to talk, they won’t stay long.

Entice your followers to share their thoughts, and when they respond with DMs and comments, answer them. When viewers see an active conversation, they’re more likely to join in on it.

Get to know other creators who post content in your niche. These people are not your competitors — they are your friends. Collaborating with them boosts your authority and excites your viewers. Making guest appearances on other channels and hosting experts on yours provides access to new audiences interested in your content.

Start networking with these creators by following their channels, liking their videos, and commenting on their posts. If you notice someone posting great content, share it and give them credit. When they reciprocate, build a relationship and make plans to collaborate. This positive atmosphere goes a long way toward attracting followers on social media platforms.

Posting Engaging Content

Posting niche information is not enough; your content has to be engaging enough to hook followers and keep them coming for more. Be an expert on your audience as well as your niche. For example, when I post to TikTok, I know I’m likely to reach followers between the ages of 16 and 24. I also know this audience is best targeted through a combination of humor and education.

I started by posting primarily comedic content in my niche. When I won a loyal audience, I began introducing more educational content by answering questions from followers and offering tips on dental hygiene.

Posting Consistent and Regular Content

If you hope to grow your following, posting consistently is essential. Regular posts enable your content to rank higher in search engine results. Search engines index fresh content in your social media posts and display them when people search for those same keywords on search engines such as Google or Bing.

Posting regularly allows you to know your followers better. The more often you post, the easier it is to see which posts engage followers and which fall flat. You can establish patterns between the posts that attract new followers and higher views.

Designing content on a regular basis requires commitment. Success on certain social media platforms — such as Instagram or Pinterest — means posting multiple times a day. On TikTok, where I generate content, brands post an average of 1.8 videos per week, and the top 25% of active brands post content five times a week or more. Research finds a correlation between the frequency of your posts and the size of your audience. Accounts with 1,000-5,000 followers publish around one weekly video, while accounts with over 1 million followers post three or more.

When it comes to content, my advice is quality over quantity. However, quantity cannot be ignored. When you have chosen a platform, research how often the popular creators in your niche post, set a schedule for yourself, and stick to it.

Content batching is a technique that saves time, maintains consistency across your posts, and enables you to post regularly. Instead of planning your daily topic, shooting footage, creating graphics, editing, posting the content to your channel, then starting all over again the next morning, batching involves producing a week’s-worth of content at once.

Preparing a week’s worth of content at once may seem time-consuming, but it spares hours in the long run. When you engage in one task, rather than bouncing from one to another, you focus your energy and accomplish far more.

Remember, building your online audience takes commitment and dedication. Discover your niche, then post engaging and regular content. You’re in it for the long haul, so dig in, do what it takes, and don’t be discouraged.

The post How to Grow an Online Following appeared first on SiteProNews.
