Software Development News - SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Tue, 13 Aug 2024 20:02:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Role of Software Development in the Financial Services Industry Thu, 15 Aug 2024 04:00:00 +0000 The future of the finance business has been revolutionalized through technology whereby banking and financial institutions were transformed. For instance, making a financial transaction now is more safe and fast rather than writing the balance for hours or waiting in the queue to check credit score or the balance on the account with the help […]

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The future of the finance business has been revolutionalized through technology whereby banking and financial institutions were transformed. For instance, making a financial transaction now is more safe and fast rather than writing the balance for hours or waiting in the queue to check credit score or the balance on the account with the help of a couple of clicks. The breakthrough in the area of technology has made it possible for individuals to retrieve information regardless of the location or time of the day.

In the Fintech environment, institutions collaborating with precise and dependable digitally designed products and services get ahead and differentiate themselves from the rest. By incorporating modern solutions like AI, ML, and Blockchain, they will be able to satisfy the modern customer needs, optimize the teams’ performance, and attain the wanted goals.

In this comprehensive blog post, we will try to focus on: What software development involves in the financial industry, advantages, and disadvantages of software development for the finance industry, and some other details. Therefore, let’s begin without any further disruption.

Digital Transformation in Finance Sector is Here to Stay 

Software development has played a great role in the growth of the financial services industry primarily in the current digital world. With an enhanced pace of advancements in financial technologies, many organizations look for end-to-end and exclusive solutions that are expected to streamline operations, enhance service delivery standards while sustaining corporate dominance.

Starting with the mobile banking applications, trading technologies, and other online services, software development drives innovations, maintains security, and helps in taking better decisions for improvement in the financial market. One of the best examples is JPMorgan Chase that spends more than 12 billion US dollars yearly on technology, that is about one third of which is spent on software. It has provided them with improved features of online banking, enriching customers’ experiences.

By creating a safe environment for customers and their money, financial institutions not only improve the level of satisfaction for their services but also take off the extra work load off the offices and branches. This means that change is not just a phenomenon that has affected fintechs but also a core business enabler in a world where the digital environment is a major factor.

Key Applications of Software Development in Financial Services

The financial institutions can adopt updated solutions through the implementation of customized software. Here are several financial software applications where software development is leaving a considerable impact:

Mobile and Online Banking

Providing safe and efficient online baking platforms allows customers to track their business transactions at any time and from anywhere. Whether it is transfer of funds, payments for bills or any transaction that takes place in real-time, those applications refine customer experiences.

Trading Platforms

High-frequency trading is specific to automatic trading as it relies on the high efficiency and accuracy of the custom software solutions. These solutions, based on complex algorithms, perform trades at a speed and frequency, which is beyond human capability.

High-frequency trading platforms offer high efficiency and reliability since they work with tremendous volumes of data and make decisions in microseconds.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

An earlier development of CRM software enables financial institutions to capture, manage and analyze customer data to suit their requirements. Thus, gathering information through numerous points of contact, these platforms give information that will help to provide individualized services to consumers and reduce customer turnover.

In fact, more progressive financial companies are reliant on a capable software development agency and taps the potential of new technologies. Such strategic partnerships not only encourage innovation but also put such institutions at a better place in the competition and it is quite apparent that there is a strategic edge in this particular case.

Benefits of Software Development for Financial Services 

Since the financial industry develops rapidly in the modern world, software development acts as the primary instrument for the most effective processing of financial operations. Such technological advancements help faced institutions deliver the best solutions and respond to the client better while enhancing competition. We should extend on what has been said before about the advantages of software development to the finance industry.

Better Efficiency and Automation

  • Firstly, it is efficient in the fact that it gives a part of its function towards performing repetitive tasks and reducing the errors commonly made by humans.
  • Is helpful in that it reduces the time required to process the transactions
  • Speed-up back office operations

Superior Customer Services

  • It is highly likely that it promises mobile and online banking services that will be easily availed by the customers.
  • AI applications in finance exist in the form of individual consulting and banking, for example, bots.
  • It keeps the convenience of the user because he or she can get their financial needs met at the convenience of their time.

Top-Notch Data Security to Prevent Fraud 

  • Incorporates modern methods like the use of blockchain technology in finance to secure encryption or network protection.
  • Most importantly, it can recognize fraud and prevent it in real-time.
  • This prevents the leakage of the customer and other sensitive data to people who have no right to access it.

Legal Compliances

  • It supports continuing compliance with the requirements of financial regulations and standards.
  • Reduces compliance reports and compliance checks and balances
  • It minimizes the fines for violation of provisions of the law.

Reduced Cost 

  • It assists in the reduction of operating costs since many of the undertaken activities are automated.
  • Encourages efficiency of process by streamlining them
  • This reduces the need for the erecting of structures that are usually essential in infrastructure development.

Through software development, several financial institutions can improve internal processes and provide high-quality services to their clients, surviving the market challenges.

Challenges & Considerations in Software Development for the Financial Industry 

However, like any other process, software development comes with its own ups and downs and can pose certain issues and concerns in the financial industry. To capitalize on the benefits of technology, while at the same time addressing the crucial issues of compliance and security, financial institutions have to overcome these barriers, underscoring the gravity of the role of technology experts in this process.

Stay Adapted 

Maintain software solutions to meet the emerging and constantly changing financial regulations and standards.

Pay Attention to Security 

To ensure the financial data is safeguarded from the growing sophistication of cybercriminals. Leverage the most advanced technologies such as AI and Blockchain to address these issues. 

User Experience 

A user-centric interface is important for financial software, as people need to access and process data quickly and efficiently. Designing and developing a user interface is these days one of the most crucial aspects of the Fintech development process. 

The creation of realistic interfaces is a key aspect that serves customers’ demands and ensures reliability and flexibility. This underscores the importance of financial professionals in meeting customer demands and making them feel the significance of their role in the software development process.

If these challenges are well understood and solved, financial institutions are in a better position to create sound, safe, and effective software systems that fuel more innovation and better customer satisfaction.


Software development is revolutionary for the financial industry, fostering growth, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Indeed, there are several challenges to meet. Still, the benefits and its applications outweigh the issues, making it a pivotal investment for any banking and financial institutions aiming to stay relevant. The future is digital, and those who accept it will surely lead the way. So, let’s innovate, safeguard, and transform the financial world together!

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Empowering DevSecOps in a Complex Multi-Cloud Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide Thu, 31 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 In today’s digital world, managing software development and operations effectively ischallenging. Complex multi-cloud environments and the need for security have led to theemergence of DevSecOps. DevSecOps integrates security into every stage of the softwaredevelopment lifecycle. In this blog post, we will explore how to empower DevSecOps in acomplex multi-cloud landscape and highlight the importance of […]

The post Empowering DevSecOps in a Complex Multi-Cloud Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on SiteProNews.

In today’s digital world, managing software development and operations effectively is
challenging. Complex multi-cloud environments and the need for security have led to the
emergence of DevSecOps. DevSecOps integrates security into every stage of the software
development lifecycle. In this blog post, we will explore how to empower DevSecOps in a
complex multi-cloud landscape and highlight the importance of seeking expert guidance, for
successful implementation.

Understanding the Multi-Cloud Landscape

A multi-cloud environment utilizes multiple cloud computing services to meet specific
business needs. It offers flexibility, reduced vendor lock-in, and improved reliability. However,
managing security across multiple clouds can be daunting. DevSecOps provides a
framework to integrate security practices into multi-cloud deployments.

1 . Build a Secure DevOps Culture:

Creating a culture of security awareness and collaboration is crucial for DevSecOps. Teams
should work together to identify and address security vulnerabilities from the start. According
to a recent survey, organizations that foster a DevSecOps culture experience a 50%
reduction in security incidents compared to those without a strong security culture.
Encourage cross-functional collaboration, knowledge sharing, and training programs to
promote a security-focused mindset.

2. Implement Continuous Security Practices

Traditional security approaches fall short in dynamic cloud environments. Implement
continuous security practices like continuous integration and continuous deployment
(CI/CD). Automate security testing, code scanning, vulnerability assessments, and
configuration management throughout the software development lifecycle. According to
industry reports, organizations that adopt CI/CD practices experience a 75% decrease in the
time required to detect and remediate security vulnerabilities. Leverage tools such as
Jenkins, GitLab, and SonarQube to automate security checks at every stage of the
development pipeline.

3. Leverage Cloud-Native Security Tools

Each cloud provider offers security tools and services. Leverage cloud-native security
solutions aligned with your multi-cloud strategy. Use network security groups, web
application firewalls, identity and access management, and data encryption. A study
conducted by a leading research firm found that organizations utilizing cloud-native security
tools experienced a 30% decrease in security incidents. Leverage cloud provider-specific
security services such as AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), Azure Security
Center, and Google Cloud Security Command Center to enhance your security posture.

4. Employ Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is vital for DevSecOps in a multi-cloud environment. Define and
manage infrastructure resources using code for consistent, repeatable, and auditable
deployments. Treat infrastructure as code to codify security controls and configurations. A
survey of IT professionals revealed that 78% of organizations adopting IaC reported
improved security compliance and reduced configuration errors. Utilize tools like Terraform,
CloudFormation, or ARM templates to define infrastructure and enforce security
configurations consistently across multiple cloud platforms.

5. Seek Expert DevOps Consulting

In a complex multi-cloud landscape, seek expert guidance to empower DevSecOps
effectively. DevOps consulting firms provide specialized knowledge and experience in
implementing and optimizing DevSecOps. For Toronto organizations, engaging with the best
DevOps consulting services
offers valuable insights and strategies tailored to your needs.
According to a customer satisfaction survey conducted by ABC Consulting, 95% of
organizations that collaborated with top DevOps consulting firms reported improved security
and operational efficiency. These experts can assist with strategy development, tool
selection, process optimization, and security best practices.


Empowering DevSecOps in a complex multi-cloud landscape requires a holistic approach
that integrates security practices throughout the software development lifecycle. Build a
secure DevOps culture, implement continuous security practices, leverage cloud-native
security tools, and employ Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Seek expert guidance, such as the
best DevOps consulting in Toronto, for navigating the complexities of multi-cloud
environments. Embrace the power of DevSecOps to unlock your organization’s full potential
in the digital landscape. By prioritizing security and collaboration, and leveraging automation
and expert knowledge, you can ensure the successful implementation of DevSecOps
practices in your multi-cloud environment.

The post Empowering DevSecOps in a Complex Multi-Cloud Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on SiteProNews.

Streamlining Workflow and Boosting Efficiency with Low-Code Platforms Wed, 14 Jun 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Low-code platforms are software development tools that enable users to create applications using visual interfaces, drag-and-drop components, and minimal coding. With low-code platforms, users can streamline workflows, automate processes, and create digital solutions with minimal technical expertise. These software platforms allow developers to solve business problems by crafting new applications without having to write code […]

The post Streamlining Workflow and Boosting Efficiency with Low-Code Platforms appeared first on SiteProNews.

Low-code platforms are software development tools that enable users to create applications using visual interfaces, drag-and-drop components, and minimal coding. With low-code platforms, users can streamline workflows, automate processes, and create digital solutions with minimal technical expertise. These software platforms allow developers to solve business problems by crafting new applications without having to write code from scratch.

What is Low-Code Development?

Low-code development is an approach to software development that speeds up the process. Developers do not need to write complex code from scratch to complete an app, as most of the application’s functionality is created using pre-built components and visual interfaces. Many of these platforms include pre-built app templates and components that are easy to use.

Low-code software typically provides integration capabilities that enable users to more easily connect to databases, other software solutions and workflows. This means that developers can easily integrate their applications with business processes and other software solutions, such as CRM or ERP systems, without writing complex code.

Compared to traditional development methods, low-code development provides several benefits, such as: 

  1. Faster Development: Low-code development speeds app building by eliminating the need to write code from scratch and providing components for routine coding tasks.
  2. Reduced Technical Expertise: Low-code development allows users with limited mobile app development expertise to create cross-platform apps that run on many smartphones and tablets, reducing the need for mobile developers. 
  3. Improved Collaboration: Low-code development allows developers and business users to work more closely to solve business problems, improving collaboration and reducing development time around such tasks as requirements gathering. 
  4. Increased Flexibility: Many low-code platforms provide pre-built app templates that kickstart development and components that ease complex development tasks, making it easier to create custom applications that meet specific business needs. 
  5. Accelerating Time to Market: Low-code development allows developers to create applications quickly and efficiently, which can reduce development time and speed up time-to-market for new applications. By accelerating the development process, businesses can stay competitive in the market and meet changing customer needs. 

Streamlining Workflow with Low-Code

By leveraging the integration capabilities of low-code software, companies can improve information sharing to power better inventory control, risk mitigation, or customer service. For example, when you integrate low-code apps with existing systems, you can trigger alerts or events and streamline workflows. 

By tying low-code apps directly into existing processes and systems, you can share information quickly. This will improve processes, reduce manual tasks, enhance collaboration and communication, and accelerate time to market.

  1. Improving Processes and Reducing Manual Tasks: Low-code development provides automation capabilities that allow developers to create workflows that trigger actions based on specific events. This can automate repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and save time. For example, a low-code platform can automate a company’s employee onboarding process by automatically creating new employee profiles, sending welcome emails, and scheduling orientation meetings, which can reduce the need for manual data entry and ensure consistent communication. 
  2. Enhancing Team Collaboration and Information Sharing: Optimizing connections between teams and information allows them to work together better, take action quicker, and understand the priorities every step of the way. 
  3. Reducing Risk or Seizing Opportunities: Accurate data makes it easier to act quickly. When a safety issue triggers an alert, the manager can resolve the problem faster because they have the right information to act on. This is also true when using integrated systems to restock an inventory item ahead of time to avoid rush order fees when running out of materials.

Best Practices for Implementing Low-Code Successfully

Implementing a low-code platform for workflow and efficiency requires a calculated approach to achieving success. Here are some best practices to consider: 

  1. Assessing the current workflow and processes: Different low-code tools’ functionality are more applicable to certain areas of a business and certain types of processes. Finding a solution that builds apps that best meets users’ needs is crucial for integration and automating tasks. Needs and use cases will be different for sales reps, HR departments, or marketing teams, so alignment is key. 
  1. Choosing the right low-code platform: It’s important to choose the right low-code platform that meets your unique technology needs. This includes evaluating the platform’s capabilities, scalability, security, and support. It’s also important to consider the match between the development environment and the skill level of the person(s) developing your apps.  Implementation is vastly different depending on whether you’ll use internal developers, business users, or an external development team. 
  1. Building a cross-functional team: To ensure the successful implementation of a low-code platform, it’s important to build a cross-functional team with expertise in different areas of the business. This can include representatives from IT, operations, and business units. Having a diverse team can help to ensure that proper business requirements are gathered, the right team is user testing, and the low-code platform is aligned with business goals and objectives. 
  1. Defining goals and KPIs: Setting clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) can help managers measure success properly. Depending on who is using the software, the goals, and KPIs will likely be quite different. For existing teams, it might be a measurement on improved collaboration or levels of adoption. On the other hand, management might want to know how many or how much manual tasks have been decreased. 
  1. Continuous improvement and iteration: After the initial implementation, it’s important to continuously improve and iterate these apps for the dominant user or teams who regularly use them. You’ll also want to make sure the app keeps up on the evolving needs of the business – from business processes to integration, to workflow,  to security. This can include soliciting feedback from users, monitoring performance metrics, and identifying areas for improvement.

Boosting Efficiency with Low-Code: Real World Results

Low-code development can be applied to a wide range of use cases to boost employee productivity and competitive advantage. For example, Building Engineering Company built a mobile app that saved each inspector 15 hours per week doing home energy inspections. These kinds of cumulative gains have a massive impact in the long term. 

By replacing its paper warranty process with a mobile field app, GBS Enterprises increases the productivity of its field team by 80%. It’s these kinds of real world results that drive the market. 

Delivering a 23 tier-one corporate application, Bendigo Bank, one of Australia’s major retail banks, completely changed the way customers interacted with them. They were able to release more than one app per month because they were all created utilizing ta low-code application development platform.

These are some of the reasons that Gartner predicts that by 2023, over 50% of midsize to large companies will use a low-code solution as one of their strategic application platforms.

In Conclusion

Low-code development has become a popular solution for streamlining app development and boosting efficiency within companies. When you build powerful mobile apps that can tie directly into business systems and daily workflows, the solution becomes even more powerful. As the demand for agile and efficient solutions continues to rise, low-code development is expected to play an increasingly important role in transforming businesses and driving growth.

The post Streamlining Workflow and Boosting Efficiency with Low-Code Platforms appeared first on SiteProNews.

The CEO’s Dilemma: Balancing Control and Outsourcing in Software Development Wed, 03 May 2023 04:05:00 +0000 Are you a CEO or business leader looking to optimize your software development process? Have you considered outsourcing as a solution? The fact that software development companies generate over 50% of the global outsourcing value proves its popularity. However, considering this strategy, you face a critical dilemma: how do you balance the need for control […]

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Are you a CEO or business leader looking to optimize your software development process? Have you considered outsourcing as a solution?

The fact that software development companies generate over 50% of the global outsourcing value proves its popularity. However, considering this strategy, you face a critical dilemma: how do you balance the need for control over your software development process with the benefits of outsourcing?

On one side, CEOs aim to maintain control of the development process to ensure quality and consistency. On the other side, outsourcing brings cost savings and specialized expertise. It seems like CEOs deal with quite a quandary, right?

Below, we will delve into the dilemma in depth, offering insights and strategies to help CEOs make informed decisions, from overviewing the outsourcing models and finding out what suits you best to advice on better management of outsourcing processes.

Whether you are a CEO looking to optimize your development strategy or a software professional seeking to understand your leadership team’s challenges, this article is worth reading.

Strategies for Balancing Control and Outsourcing in Software Development

Companies often turn to outsourcing to achieve their software development goals. While outsourcing can be an effective way to reduce costs and increase efficiency, it also comes with the risk of relinquishing control over critical aspects of the development process.

However, different engagement models emphasize different degrees of control and involvement. Let´s explore 4 outsourcing models and find out the pros and cons of each.

Dedicated Team

A dedicated team is a staffing solution where businesses hire full-time employees who work on-site and focus on a specific project or task. With a dedicated team, the outsourcing partner becomes an extension of the software development company, working closely with the in-house team to meet project goals.

This outsourcing model involves minimal client involvement in the daily activities of individual staff, as the outsourcing company manages this responsibility. Instead, the client plays a higher-level role in directing the deliverables.

Here are some advantages of this outsourcing model:

  • Specialized expertise and resources to businesses without the need for additional hiring or infrastructure investment;
  • Regulation of workload;
  • Flexibility;
  • Scalability;
  • Ability to fast-track progress;
  • Spare time for the client to focus on other parts of the business.

Additionally, the dedicated team approach allows the software development company to maintain more splendid quality control over the development process and ensure that the project meets the company’s quality standards and requirements.

Dedicated teams are most suitable when a business needs ongoing assistance or support for a continuous process.

Team Extension

In contrast with the dedicated teams model, the team extension model offers full control of the development process. It is a flexible outsourcing strategy that involves hiring IT professionals on temporary, short-term projects or projects with too tight timelines.

Here are some advantages of this outsourcing model:

  • Accessing specialized skills and knowledge;
  • Full control over the entire development process;
  • Full-time developers, thus they are focused only on your project;
  • Transparent payment model;
  • Employing extra IT staff is more cost-effective than outsourcing the entire project or hiring a dedicated team of professionals.

You can choose this strategy for various purposes, such as software development, project management, quality assurance, testing, and support.

Time & Materials

In a T&M outsourcing contract, the client and the outsourcing provider agree on an hourly rate for each team member involved in the project, which may vary depending on their experience level and expertise. The client also pays for any materials needed to complete the project, such as hardware or software licenses.

The main advantage of this model is its flexibility, so clients can:

  • Modify the project’s scope;
  • Adjust timelines;
  • Add new features at any point during the development process (It can be beneficial when project requirements are not fully known or may change over time.);

However, the disadvantage of T&M model can be:

  • Expensive costs for the client (as they are responsible for paying for all hours worked, regardless of the project’s outcome.) Thus, the final cost might appear higher than the initial budget.
  • Concerns about the transparency and accuracy of time tracking and the potential for scope creep if changes to the project are not managed effectively.

Turnkey Software Development

The turnkey software development model differs from previous more traditional models by hiring an external service provider to complete a specific project or task on a one-time or as-needed basis.

The advantages of this model are the following:

  • The service provider is responsible for all aspects of the project, from planning and execution to delivery and implementation. Once the third-party service provider clearly understands the project’s requirements, they take ownership of the project for the duration of the contract. Thus, the company retains control over the overall project goals and outcomes but delegates the responsibility for completing the project to the external provider.
  • This model benefits companies that need to complete a project but don’t have the internal resources or expertise.
  • This model can effectively allow companies to complete specific projects or tasks without committing to a long-term outsourcing arrangement.
  • It is also more cost-effective than hiring additional staff or investing in new equipment or technology.

However, there are some potential drawbacks to this model as well. For instance:

  • The external service provider may need a deeper understanding of the company’s internal processes or culture, which could lead to miscommunications or delays.
  • The company may have less control over the final product or service quality than it would if it completed the project in-house.

What Is the Best for Your Project?

Determining the best outsourcing strategy for a project depends on several factors, such as project requirements, budget, timeline, and business objectives. Depending on their specific business needs and circumstances, a company may choose to use dedicated teams, IT staff augmentation, or project-based outsourcing.

Here are some general recommendations for when each model might be appropriate:

  1. If your company has a large, ongoing project or multiple projects that require a significant amount of specialized expertise, then the dedicated team model is an appropriate choice. Dedicated teams are usually established for extended periods and work closely with the company’s internal team.
  2. The team extension model is a right fit when a company has a short-term project or needs to address a specific skill gap in its existing team. The team extension model can provide additional resources and expertise to the company’s existing team while allowing the company to retain control over the project.
  3. Companies should consider using the Time and Material outsourcing model when project requirements are not fully known or may change over time. For instance, there is uncertainty regarding the work´s scope, the duration of the project, or the specific features that need to be developed.
  4. If your company has a project requiring specialized expertise or resources in-house, the turnkey software development model is the suitable option. It can provide access to technical expertise, reduce costs, and improve project efficiency.

Outsourcing offers excellent resources to help your company accelerate its growth and reach the next level. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and each outsourcing strategy has the advantages and disadvantages described above. Conducting a thorough analysis to determine which outsourcing model best fits your processes to achieve optimal results is essential.

Key Steps to Better Manage Your Outsourced Processes

Regardless of the company’s outsourcing strategy, there are some key steps to oversee outsourced processes efficiently.

  1. Clearly define the scope and objectivesThe scope defines the project’s boundaries, including what will be delivered, when it will be delivered, and any limitations. Objectives define the project’s purpose and what the company aims to achieve through outsourcing, including reducing costs, increasing efficiency, improving quality, or gaining access to specialized expertise.
  2. Choose the right outsourcing partner
    Choose an outsourcing partner that has experience in your industry and can meet your requirements. Look for a vendor with a good reputation, excellent communication skills, and a proven track record of delivering quality work.
  3. Establish clear communication channelsThere are various tools for communication out there to help you manage tasks, facilitate communication, and track progress. Establish regular sync-up meetings to be on the same page.
  4. Define roles and responsibilities
    Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of your outsourcing team and your internal team. It will help avoid confusion and ensure everyone knows what to do to achieve the desired results.
  5. Establishing metrics for measuring progress and quality
    Identify key performance indicators (KPIs), including quality, productivity, turnaround time, customer satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness. Afterward, define benchmarks based on industry standards, best practices, and internal performance data. Then, establish service level agreements (SLAs). SLAs define the expectations and responsibilities of the outsourcing partner and the software development company.
  6. Monitoring progress closely
    Set up a system to regularly review the project’s progress, including status updates, milestone reviews, and quality checks.
  7. Provide feedback
    Provide feedback to your outsourcing team on their work. This will help them understand your expectations and make the necessary adjustments to meet your requirements.
  8. Build relationships
    Building relationships with your outsourcing team is essential for successful outsourcing. Treat them as part of your team and involve them in decision-making processes. This will help build trust and ensure that they are fully committed to your project’s success.

By following these steps, you can better manage your outsourced processes and achieve the goals in software development.

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How to Apply Agile Methodologies in Your Software Development Thu, 20 Apr 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Agile software development is a software project management style that prioritises humans and relationships, working software, customer collaboration, and adaptability. It is a flexible and iterative software development approach that prioritises collaboration, adaptation, and the regular delivery of working software. The Methodology of Agile Software Development Agile software development is a software development methodology that […]

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Agile software development is a software project management style that prioritises humans and relationships, working software, customer collaboration, and adaptability. It is a flexible and iterative software development approach that prioritises collaboration, adaptation, and the regular delivery of working software.

The Methodology of Agile Software Development

Agile software development is a software development methodology that prioritises flexibility, collaboration, and client satisfaction. It takes an iterative and progressive approach, delivering software in small chunks and incorporating client feedback on a regular basis. 

The Agile methodology emphasises continuous progress through constant review and adjustment over documentation and preparation. The Scrum framework, which provides structure and defined roles for product owners, development teams, and Scrum Masters, is frequently used to apply the Agile technique.

The methodology is characterised by several key practices and rituals, including:

1. Sprint: Agile development is typically divided into short time-boxes, known as sprints, which last one to four weeks. Each sprint focuses on delivering a usable piece of software that adds value to the customer.

2. Sprint Planning: Before each sprint, the team holds a sprint planning meeting to determine what can be accomplished in the upcoming sprint. The team works with the customer to prioritise the most important features and decides what can be delivered in the sprint.

3. Daily Scrum: Agile teams hold daily stand-up meetings, known as scrums, to discuss progress, identify blockers, and plan for the day ahead. These meetings are designed to keep the team focused and on track.

4. Sprint Review: At the end of each sprint, the team holds a sprint review to demonstrate the working software to the customer and receive feedback. The customer provides feedback on what is working well and what needs improvement, and the team uses this feedback to adjust the project direction as needed.

5. Sprint Retrospective: After the sprint review, the team holds a sprint retrospective to reflect on the sprint and identify ways to improve. The team discusses what went well, what didn’t go well, and what can be done differently in the next sprint.

6. Backlog: The backlog is a prioritised list of features and tasks that the team will work on over time. The backlog is updated regularly based on feedback from the customer and changes in the project direction.

7. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment: Agile teams use continuous integration and continuous deployment tools to automate the build and deployment process. This helps to ensure that the software is always in a releasable state and that new features can be delivered quickly.

These practices and rituals are designed to help teams deliver working software quickly, while also being flexible and responsive to change. By following these practices, Agile teams can create a more flexible, adaptive, and responsive development process that results in better outcomes for the customer.

How to Apply Agile Methodologies in Your Software Development?

If you’re looking to apply agile methodologies in your software development, here are seven steps you should follow:

1. Decide on the Project Scope

The first step in using agile approaches is to define your project’s scope. This includes deciding what the software will do, what features it will have, and what issues it will tackle. To accomplish this, you must collaborate extensively with your team and stakeholders to fully understand their goals and requirements.

Once the scope of your project has been decided, you should create a product backlog, which is a prioritised list of all the features and functionality you wish to include in your software. This backlog will act as a roadmap for your development efforts, guiding you to the most crucial features and functionality.

2. Roadmap Formulation

After you’ve assessed the scope of your project and created a product backlog, it’s time to construct a roadmap for your software development efforts. This roadmap should include a calendar for each sprint (see below for additional information on sprints), as well as milestones and deadlines for each significant deliverable.

Working closely with your team, you should determine the most critical activities and deliverables and prioritise them based on their relative relevance and urgency while creating your roadmap. This will assist you in staying focused on the most important components of your software development process and avoiding becoming bogged down by less crucial chores.

3. Sprint Cycle

The sprint cycle is a critical component of agile techniques. A sprint is a brief, focused period of time (often two to four weeks) during which you will work to provide a set of features and capabilities for your programme.

Each sprint should begin with a planning meeting in which you will evaluate the product backlog, prioritise tasks, and decide what you will deliver in the following sprint. During the sprint, your team will work to finish the tasks and deliverables, and at the end of the sprint, you will hold a demo or review meeting to display the completed work.

The sprint cycle provides a flexible and iterative approach to software development, allowing you to deliver software quickly and adjust to changing requirements and customer needs.

4. Regular Meetings to Discuss the Progress – Involve All

Regular meetings are an important aspect of agile approaches because they ensure that everyone on your team is on the same page and working toward the same goals. These meetings should include everyone on your team, including developers, testers, and stakeholders, in order to be productive.

You will examine the success of your development activities, address any issues or roadblocks, and make any necessary changes to your plan or sprint cycle during these meetings. This continuous engagement and collaboration keeps everyone informed and involved while also ensuring that everyone is working toward the same goals.

5. Process Enhancements – Make the Required Changes

Agile approaches are intended to be fluid and adaptive, so it is critical to constantly enhance and optimise your development process. To accomplish this, you should examine your development process on a regular basis, identify areas for improvement, and implement the necessary modifications.

For example, you may discover that your sprint cycle is too long or that you are not receiving the necessary feedback from stakeholders. In such circumstances, you should modify your process and continue to iterate and improve as needed.

6. MVP Launch – Be Sure Before the Software Launch

After you’ve completed your sprints and created a working version of your software, it’s time to release a minimal viable product (MVP). An MVP is a version of your software that contains the essential features and functions but is not yet completely functional. The goal of an MVP is to obtain feedback from consumers and stakeholders as soon as possible so that you may make any necessary adjustments and enhancements before releasing the full version of your software.

It is critical to extensively test and quality assure your programme before releasing your MVP. This will help ensure that it is free of bugs and technical concerns, and that it satisfies your clients’ wants and requirements.

7. Reviewing and Modification

The final phase in using agile approaches in software development is to review and adapt your process as necessary. This entails checking in with your team, stakeholders, and customers on a regular basis to gather input and decide what is working well and what needs to be improved.

Based on this feedback, you should make any necessary modifications to your development process, such as upgrading your product backlog, refining your sprint cycle, and making other changes as needed. You’ll guarantee that your software development activities are always aligned with the objectives and requirements of your clients by continuously reviewing and updating your process, and that you’re providing high-quality software as efficiently as possible.

In conclusion, applying agile methodologies to your software development is a powerful way to deliver high-quality software quickly and efficiently. By following these seven steps, you’ll be able to prioritise your development efforts, collaborate effectively with your team and stakeholders, and continuously improve your process as needed.

What are the Benefits of Applying Agile Methodologies in Software Development?

Agile software development methodologies are becoming increasingly popular, offering a flexible and adaptive approach to software development. This approach prioritises customer satisfaction, collaboration, and continuous delivery. It is essential for businesses to understand how to apply agile methodologies in their software development projects to increase efficiency and achieve better results

The following are some of the key benefits of applying agile methodologies in software development:

1. Increased efficiency: The use of product backlogs and regular retrospectives helps to continually improve processes and workflows, leading to increased efficiency over time by delivering high-value items first. .

2. Better alignment with end-user needs: Agile approaches place a strong emphasis on cooperation with end-users and stakeholders in order to better match with their demands, resulting in a software development project that exceeds their expectations.

3. Elevated customer satisfaction: The end-user is involved in the development process and receives regular updates on the software’s progress. This results in enhanced client satisfaction and a higher-quality end product.

4. Better risk management: By delivering small and incremental changes to the software regularly, the risk of delivering a flawed product is reduced. The use of product backlogs and regular retrospectives helps to identify potential risks and address them before they become major issues.

5. Flexibility: Agile techniques are adaptable and flexible, allowing teams to modify their procedures and workflows as needed. This enables teams to respond rapidly to changing requirements and stay current with industry advancements..

6. Improved team collaboration: Agile methodologies prioritise collaboration and communication between team members, helping to build a strong team culture and improve the overall effectiveness of the development process.


Applying agile methodologies in software development can lead to increased efficiency, better alignment with end-user needs, increased customer satisfaction, reduced risk, flexibility, and improved team collaboration. By following the steps outlined above and embracing the principles of agile methodologies, teams can ensure that their software development projects are successful and deliver value to their customers.

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What is Software Development Methodology & Why Its Learning is Crucial for Developers Mon, 29 Aug 2022 04:05:00 +0000 It is highly important for the developers to understand how an application is made using different types of techniques. The sound knowledge of a development methodology gives them an edge in preparing plans for all kinds of software development. It lets them know what type of tools will be needed and how many resources will […]

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It is highly important for the developers to understand how an application is made using different types of techniques. The sound knowledge of a development methodology gives them an edge in preparing plans for all kinds of software development. It lets them know what type of tools will be needed and how many resources will be required to build a software project. This also provides an early analysis of the time frame, as well as the complexities that could arise during the development process.

Unfortunately, many budding developers do not have an understanding of these methodologies at the start of their careers. They randomly try to pick different processes for the development of applications without knowing any technical implications. This only creates problems for them when their projects face failure in the execution. It not only wastes their time, but also muddles their learning by not allowing them to understand the right methodology for software development.

To avoid facing project failure every time, it is advised to first understand the different software development methodologies completely. It not only simplifies the development process, but also lets you know how different types of software should be developed using different techniques. In this article, we have discussed some of the most popular development methodologies in detail. But before moving into them, let’s take a quick view of the core definition of software development methodology below.

What is Software Development Methodology?

The development of a software product needs to go with certain rules and principles. All of these guidelines help to formulate a strategy to build software according to the given requirements. These rules are smartly made for the development of all types of applications, so that everyone can work with them easily. It doesn’t matter whether you are creating a desktop application or website, the methodology will remain the same for everyone as long as your product goals are aligned with their results.

During the last few years, software development methodologies have evolved dramatically. This has been done to further streamline the process of software development. Today, you can use different types of methodologies depending on your product’s nature and functional requirements. It has made easier for the developers to pick the most relatable technique that fits their software needs. Using its practices and guidelines, they can swiftly create robust applications without being puzzled by any misconceptions.

Types of Software Development Methodologies

Software development methodologies have evolved rapidly in the last few years. Their different types have allowed developers to focus on various working models according to the given requirements. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular development methodologies used by developers.

Agile Development Methodology

The agile development methodology is the most recommended technique to build large-scale software applications. It is not like any conventional method in which different processes are arranged linearly. Instead, the agile methodology focuses on fulfilling the user needs by prioritizing the completion of the most important software functions. It can be easily customized as per the required needs, giving developers and their teams more control over the process.

The breakdown of the agile method is also very unique as compared to other practices. It is divided into multiple sprints spanning over days and weeks. The purpose of planning these sprints is to allocate tasks into multiple time frames. Different development teams are given the responsibility to take care of these tasks separately, so that synchronized results can be achieved at the end of every sprint. This process precisely streamlines the development work, enabling multiple jobs to be completed within a given time frame.

Waterfall Development Methodology

The waterfall development methodology focuses on completing different tasks one by one. It could be termed a classical technique that underlines the linear approach. This means that the waterfall model deals with different tasks in a sequential manner. This generally takes a lot of time, but also ensures to bring clarity at the end of each stage. Developers can analyze the results obtained from every stage to further plan actions for the upcoming phases.

Generally, the waterfall model is not used for large-scale applications due to its lacking in different dynamic areas. It is best suited for small-scale software products in which result-oriented tasks are more focused in each stage. The advantage of this model is that it provides the required results at the completion of the whole process. There are very few chances of failure or disruption in this model because it focuses to get the required results at the end of every phase. This ensures to complete everything with efficiency, precisely as per the given requirements.

Prototype Model

The prototype model works in a different manner as compared to the other practices. It is a method in which developers primarily focus on creating a product prototype first. It helps them to test the prototype in the market, so that any major loopholes or pitfalls can be identified at an earlier stage. The selection of the development process depends upon them, as the prototype process doesn’t restrict them to pick any specific one.

Nowadays, many software developers prefer to use this approach for their relevant projects. It gives them a free hand to use different methods and functions in the development of a prototype. They know that any mistake or error in the prototype can be fixed at later stages. This allows them to experiment with different things in the development, so that a final product could be made with proper efficiency. Though it scales up the time of overall development, but also ensures to offer perfection in the final software product.

Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Rapid Application Development (RAD) is often considered to be the foundation of modern-day development methodologies. It was introduced way back in 1991 as the first model to develop commercial applications. Unlike other techniques, RAD focuses on developing products quickly without comprising anything in the final quality. It takes a pragmatic approach to achieve the required results perfectly according to the given demands.

The model is basically based on a 4-step development framework i.e. requirements gathering, prototyping, testing, and final implementation. It is one of those unique methodologies in which prototypes are not made for general customer usage. Instead, they are created for in-house usage, so that the actual development process can be streamlined towards testing and final implementation. It provides great analysis to the developers about the quality of applications during the development process. This reduces any chances of failure or low-quality software products to be rolled out in the market.

Final Words

That concludes our entire article in which we have discussed different software development methodologies in detail. It is certainly very important for developers to understand the core concept of various development methodologies. It will help them to pick the best suited development practice according to the requirements of their applications. Generally, people prefer to use the agile method for software development, as it provides more flexibility in the overall process. Other than that, some development teams also go with RAD and Prototype models, as they are also termed pretty good in offering quality software products results as per the given demands.

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7 Wastes In Lean Software Development and How To Prevent Them Mon, 18 Apr 2022 04:05:00 +0000 Lean Process thinking prioritizes eradicating and reducing waste compilation. Despite the “lean” approach adopted by major companies, some standard “waste” practices persist due to their “obvious nature.” The nature that’s deeply engraved in human and organizational practices is stubborn until taken a strict approach. What is Waste? Anything that requires resources/time or effort but doesn’t […]

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Lean Process thinking prioritizes eradicating and reducing waste compilation. Despite the “lean” approach adopted by major companies, some standard “waste” practices persist due to their “obvious nature.” The nature that’s deeply engraved in human and organizational practices is stubborn until taken a strict approach.

What is Waste?

Anything that requires resources/time or effort but doesn’t yield relevant results in performance or revenue incurrence is termed “Waste.”

Ultimately, the “waste reduction” procedure is designed and guided to increase team productivity and results.

However, now that Lean software development is the forefather for agile, we can adopt these seven waste reduction principles on software engineering and development to yield effective products and services, reduce costs, and faster product time to market.

1. Partially Done Work

If the previous work is never restarted then that effort was wasteful.

Any work until finished/completed doesn’t add to the customer’s value proposition; thus, it wastes time and challenges maintaining the code if put on hold.

A contemporary example is when a client requires modification or extra features on a product. The business is committed to finishing them urgently; the development team must stop the ongoing work and act on the requirements. On the same page, if the previous work never gets restarted, it has been a waste of effort.


Uncoded documentation: The requirements are detailed thoroughly yet never get implemented.

How to reduce this waste?

  • The focus should be on ” finishing” and not just “starting” a project.
  • Reduce work in progress tenures.
  • Cut off waiting for the detailed specification on every requirement until the team is ready to implement the efforts (it won’t be a lost cause then).

2. Extra Processes

Any added process or unread documentation that doesn’t convey practical value and unnecessarily prolongs the product market timing or accomplishment is a waste.

However, business policies often mandate such documents, with considerable paperwork yet never read. Those efforts are extravagant.

Typical examples:

  •  Unnecessary detailing of documentation.
  • Additional management or planning without execution.

How to reduce it?

Organizations can differentiate between what’s a lost cause/effort and what brings value to the table, the focus should be on producing meaningful results and channel efforts of doing more “quality” work by limiting the “quantity” work.

3. Extra Features

Any feature or low-value features that are added for/by the customer but not asked for/don’t contribute to the revenue increase is a waste of effort.

Businesses make this development error when they add features that won’t be much utilized or exercised; this new feature indeed sits idle and increases the application’s intricacy.

The Software 80/20 rule plays a significant role- 80% of users only utilize 20% of its features. Therefore the focus should be on making those 20% features top-notch to retain the existing users.

Additional codes have their downsides:

  • Increases application’s complexity.
  • Can make a potential application crash point.
  • Requires unnecessary after-effort in tracking and maintenance through the product life cycle.

How to reduce this waste?
Focus on iterative development- which means during the initial product release, build robust primary features which define your application’s USP. 

Focus on making it functional and validate learning the product’s continued advancement. Furthermore, keep building appropriate features based on your market analysis, consumer behavior, and feedback.

4. Task Switching

Assigning people to multiple tasks when they aren’t comfortable with it and hinders their existing process can take a massive amount of their days. The most efficient way of finishing a specific task or two is to finish one at a time.

While switching between tasks, there’s a small-time cost to close on the existing one and get momentum on the other one, this is called a context switch, and if you expect constant transitioning from one to another, these content switches accumulate that delays the “result” or “delivery time.”

How to reduce it?

Simple-One thing at a time.

  • Reduce content switching.
  • Minimize interruptions or distractions.
  • Postpone the unimportant ones.
  • Allocate resources as one project at a time.

5. Waiting/Delays

Approval dependencies should be timed primarily during the product roadmap; if a specific time interval isn’t allocated, be ready for delayed replies and feedback. Delays also refrain the consumer from realizing the product’s actual value. But, as developers or designers, you’ve to wait for approval on the work done; thus, you cannot avoid the time-lapse altogether. 

What can you do to reduce this?

  • Pick/assign something while waiting for existing feedback.
  • Allocate time to input and review.
  • Consider quick calls, face to face conversations rather than emailing the changes.
  • Regular feedback.

6. Motion

If development or research teams have been scattered with Information acquired and didn’t mark/label them appropriately, it can take an eternity to haze out the confusion and drop-in. If information is misplaced each time a deliverable is handed off; it will hamper results drastically.

How to reduce it?

  • Label assignments or resources acquired.
  • Reduce feedback timings.
  • Face-to-face collaborations.

7. Defect

Amount of waste caused by defect = (Impact of the defect) x (Time it goes undetected)

Due to its complexity, software development makes inevitable defects, but the problem arises when they’re prolonged in execution and fixation or the cost incurred in fixation or re-work impact. Additionally, major code errors and bugs can potentially affect and hinder the entire product lifecycle and leave it vulnerable to security threats, making millions of revenue loss.

What can you do to reduce this?

  • Immediate testing.
  • Constant integration.
  • Product testing and released ASAP.

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Why Consider Outsourcing Software Development in 2021 Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:00:00 +0000 The outsourcing industry reached $92.5 billion in 2019, with a rapid rise in 2021. The pandemic is a significant driver for the high demand for software outsourcing services. Software development outsourcing trends showcase that companies now prefer to outsource rather than hire in-house resources for IT projects. This article will focus majorly on the reasons […]

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The outsourcing industry reached $92.5 billion in 2019, with a rapid rise in 2021. The pandemic is a significant driver for the high demand for software outsourcing services. Software development outsourcing trends showcase that companies now prefer to outsource rather than hire in-house resources for IT projects.

This article will focus majorly on the reasons to outsource software development in 2021. We will begin by understanding what led to the rise in demand for outsourcing software development projects. Whether companies are considering outsourcing software development to India, Poland, Ukraine, or any other country, depends on where they can find the right skills for their budget. 

What Led to the Rise in Software Development Outsourcing in 2021?

Three things are major contributors to software development outsourcing. It is an interconnected web of significant factors that led to an increase in software development outsourcing projects. 

The most significant reason for the rise in software development outsourcing services is the need for digital solutions during the pandemic. Companies now want B2C applications to reach their customers at home. On the other hand, they also want high-quality enterprise applications to manage their business operations.

This brings us to the second point. Since remote work has become a mainstream possibility and is showing excellent results, it makes sense to outsource software development. Companies can hire world-class talent from far away places without asking them and project managers to come on-site. It saves massive costs and gives them access to resources that might not have been available earlier on.

The third aspect is that the pandemic is leading to more losses for companies than profit. Since there’s less revenue, extra expenses have to be cut back. However, the need for web applications and digital solutions is imminent. Due to a lack of funds, hiring an in-house development team heavily impacts the budget. Therefore, outsourcing software development projects is the best option to reduce the costs and still get an effective product to serve  customers.

Likely, the software development outsourcing market trends will only multiply. As companies realize the economies of scale they can reap from outsourcing talents, there is going to be a positive rise in demand. Let’s look at the different reasons why companies should consider software development outsourcing services for their IT projects in 2021.

5 Reasons to Outsource Software Development in 2021

When companies outsource a software development company to work on different IT projects, they leverage their expertise and get significant benefits. They are adept in the latest technologies and help businesses transform digitally through their experts.

In 2021, the pandemic clearly highlights the advantages of outsourcing software development. With the rise in the gig economy, more and more companies now hire software developers who can work on specific projects and then leave. The more flexibility they have, the better they are able to operate their control over the development process.

Here are 5 reasons to outsource software development in 2021:

1. Reduction in costs

One of the most significant reasons to consider software development outsourcing projects is to reduce costs. In-house developers require a salary, perks & benefits, bonuses, and compensations. There are a lot of maintenance costs as well. And then, what if there’s a need to build a team of developers?

Cost-saving is one of the leading benefits of outsourcing software development. Enterprises can pay a monthly amount to a custom software development company that can work on their project. Outsourcing software development to India will cost them around $30 to $70 per hour, whereas, in developed countries, it would cost about $70 to $150 per hour.

2. Better skill set

When companies ask about the reasons for outsourcing, access to a diverse skill set definitely makes the list. A broader base of talent and experienced developers are always a priority for companies. Skilled experts are much more expensive to acquire than regular employees.

An outsourcing company would have a pool of talent for different technologies and projects. Whether companies want a developer for Ruby on Rails or Laravel, the outsourcing software services partner will have it all. They can ensure the highest quality of work through developers who have knowledge of different technology stacks.

3. Focus on core operations

The IT team comprises developers, business analysts, project managers, and quality analysts. However, by outsourcing software development to India, not only do companies save costs, but they also save a lot of time. They can use the time to focus on their core operations related to the project.

Want a development team to migrate the database? Companies can outsource to a software development company and engage their core developers in building new features. They can outsource project managers and business analysts as well to ensure that developers don’t need to spend extra time on managing the project as well.

4. Eliminate uncertainties

Another of the reasons to outsource software development is to reduce uncertainties and minimize any risks in the process. How does this happen? For one – the software development company takes care of everything – from planning to testing of the product. The business has nothing to worry about.

Apart from that, outsourcing companies have developers who have already worked on such products before. They communicate better and bring transparency to the development process. Without any problem, they ensure that the risk is minimal because they are responsible for any issues during the development.

3. Round the clock

Companies can utilize time zone differences in their favor. They can plan and coordinate the project details and requirements when the times overlap. After that, the developers will work even when the employees at the company are sleeping. This is one of the biggest benefits of outsourcing software development.

In essence, it will also lead to faster completion of the software development outsourcing projects. Since developers are working round the clock, there are higher chances of reducing the development time. The project managers can review the work the next day and manage any inefficiencies that may occur.

Bottom Line

The software development outsourcing trends are clear. They showcase that companies are looking for partners who can help with IT projects at a lower cost from wherever they are. Enterprises need outsourcing partners for better productivity, efficiency, and cost savings. In the time to come, we will only see outsourcing rise due to digital technologies becoming mainstream across the globe.

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Top 7 Myth about Software Testing Fri, 28 Aug 2020 04:00:43 +0000 Software testing is an inevitable part of the development process. Moreover, the importance of testing software is surely undeniable. So, why do many companies still avoid using in-house QA or third-party services for making their products and services better? That’s all because some organizations still believe in the common myth regarding quality assurance (QA). In […]

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Software testing is an inevitable part of the development process. Moreover, the importance of testing software is surely undeniable. So, why do many companies still avoid using in-house QA or third-party services for making their products and services better? That’s all because some organizations still believe in the common myth regarding quality assurance (QA). In this post, we are going to bust the myths of using testing services. 

Misconception 1. You can get an absolutely perfect software with no bugs 

Many companies believe that creating flawless software is the ultimate goal of any developing company. But is it really possible? Does bug-free software really exist?


The truth is that it is impossible to create a perfect solution or detect all the bugs in a certain program. There is no software without flaws, just accept it. Testing is an ongoing process that never ends. This means that in order to get the best results, you will need to wait for a while until the QA team completes the process of testing. Creating a perfect service requires months and, in some cases, years of testing days and nights. Still, it might appear not to be perfect for a particular user. 

Just take a look around you – you will not find anything that is 100% perfect. This rule works for software, too. However, when hiring QA professionals, you are likely to increase your chances to detect and fix all serious bugs and faults that have a significant impact on the overall performance of your solution. 

Misconception 2. Software testing is nothing but an extension to software development

Many officials and leaders in various industries believe that the process of software development and testing are all the same. Further, they believe that the developers themselves can test their own products. Moreover, many professionals think that developers and QAs have similar skills and knowledge. However, this is not true. 


QA Engineers and developers often have completely different skills, experience, and educational background. 

There are lots of experts who can create excellent apps but fail to test in a fast and effective manner. At the same time, there are many skilled QA professionals who can’t write code. These are completely different professions. 

It is important to note that expert testers know many testing concepts and use various QA test methodologies the developers might not even be aware of. Moreover, the developers can often perform only basic testing procedures and fail to try chaos engineering, negative testing, and other important testing methods. 

Misconception 3. Testing is a simple and easy process

Many professionals find testing to be a simple process that can be performed by any person without experience. Is it true? 


The QA process requires having exceptional testing skills, an eye to detail, an analytical mind, and knowledge of software development. Further, it requires special education, courses, and certificates. The truth is that many bugs are not easy to detect. Most QA experts use manual testing combined with automated testing to ensure the best results. But good QA testing requires using many QA terms such as functional testing, non-functional testing, performance testing, exploratory, regression testing, ‘Black-Box’ testing, etc. Terms that only certified, professional testers can understand and execute. Furthermore, it is also often important to get help from crowd testers to ensure the app works well on various devices, carriers, and has no linguistic errors. By the way, creating an understandable bug report, or reading a ‘test case’ is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. 

Misconception 4.  Software Testing is exclusively a quality control activity

Quality control is the only thing most testers do. Is it true? What else do QA professionals do to ensure the best quality of the product? 


Quality control is a significant part of the job of any QA professional. However, most experts do many other necessary things. First, plenty of experts create automated tests to speed up the QA process. Since the new app’s features constantly appear, is it vital to modify the automated tests, too. Second, most QAs use various types of software or supporting platforms for the best testing practices. Installing and maintaining such software also requires plenty of time. Third, a good QA expert is helping to draft the organization’s quality standards, procedures, internal audits, and test plans to allow the company to provide the best possible product. 

Fourth, most testers provide recommendations on how to improve existing software and make it faster, more reliable and user-friendly.  

Misconception 5. Testing is very costly

Many companies hire internal QA teams. However, is it cheaper than using outsourcing or crowd testing services? 


In most cases, hiring an internal QA appears to be more expensive and time-consuming than using third-party testing services. You will need to pay the salary for an in-house professional regardless of whether you need to perform testing or not. In addition, there are other related costs such as social benefits, bonuses, office space, computers/devices, meals, travel, and more. Fortunately, crowd testing solutions can help you when you really need to scale your QA software testing in the fastest and most flexible way. These services are affordable and you can use crowdsourced testing only when needed. Lastly, crowd testing provides you with an experienced project manager to manage the entire testing process and literally acts as an extension to your own team. There are lots of companies that prefer using crowd testing services and significantly reduce their R&D budget while getting much better results by many more “unbiased” eyes.  

Misconception 6. Testers can break the software code

Some developing companies still hesitate whether to start using testing services at all because the QA process might damage the code. In case you are one of those, who are feeling anxious about the final product or service, the fact below is right for you. 


Most QA engineers are highly skilled professionals who always do their job in an accurate and precise way. They don’t fix any code, add new features, or change anything according to their views. Testers are only allowed to test the product with no interruption to the code allowed. In case you still have some worries regarding the issue, you can include this point to the agreement between you and the testing company. 

Misconception 7. Everything needs to be automated

Automation is the only way to test the software. Machines can do the entire job for human testers without any assistance. Is it a myth or reality? 


Currently, there is no QA technology that can substitute manual testing completely. Automated tests can check only pre-designed functions and options. In automation testing, you run similar scripts again and again. Therefore, lots of serious and minor bugs can be skipped. Manual testing allows a human mind to draw significant insights from a test that might otherwise be missed by an automated testing program. Further, a human tester can perform various types of tests to ensure the app works perfectly. 

Manual testing is the only way to perform ‘random testing’ or get ‘subjective’ feedback on your product. That’s how you get the true “customer experience feedback” or ‘user-friendliness’ insight from real users. 

All in all, testing is a complicated process that should be performed only by real professionals.

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Defining Onshore, Nearshore & Offshore Software Development Fri, 27 Sep 2019 04:00:55 +0000 Software development today is one of the highest-paid and sought-after positions. LinkedIn, for instance, lists software development related to its top two most desired positions. Companies ranging from startups to major enterprises like Apple and Google regularly compete for the top talent and even poach developers from competitors. However, because of the globalized world of […]

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Software development today is one of the highest-paid and sought-after positions. LinkedIn, for instance, lists software development related to its top two most desired positions. Companies ranging from startups to major enterprises like Apple and Google regularly compete for the top talent and even poach developers from competitors. However, because of the globalized world of today, workforces are no longer tied to a company’s headquarters. Companies can hire software developers from all over the world and remote teams to alleviate costs and find top talent.

This is where different outsourcing options — including offshore development, onshore development, and nearshore development — come in. Each has its benefits and drawbacks. 

Onshore Development

Onshore development refers to companies hiring developers or teams located within the same geographical region or country and time zone. Think of posting an ad in your local paper or on LinkedIn looking for developers that will be working in your in-house office. It could also be someone tapping into your company meetings remotely, but who lives in the same time zone and country as you. 

Offshore Development

Offshore development refers to hiring developers in far regions of the world located in different time zones. This form of recruitment deals with more inexpensive costs, but often also language barriers, cultural barriers and weak collaboration due to schedules differing by time zones.

Nearshore Development

Nearshore development refers to companies outsourcing development to nearby geographical zones, such as countries within your continent, and closer or same time zones. An example of this would be a company headquartered in West Coast U.S. while its developers are working remotely from Canada or Mexico. 

Outsourcing Models in Detail

For startups and companies on a tight budget, offshore development makes the most sense. This is particularly the case if the company either has no office and operates remotely or if it has less of a formal structure where meetings and in-person collaboration are less common. By hiring staff from abroad, companies can find talent that may be missing from their area of operation. They can outsource their workloads to overseas developers while their workforce focuses on other tasks in-house. Think of it this way: the startup can focus on the key aspects of the program and offload some work to remote teams in their time zones while they come back to work next morning to see it completed. 

Hiring onshore developers may make the most sense for larger companies and enterprises that rely on many in-house meetings. Such enterprises often need every step of a project discussed in-house or at least collaboratively and approved before going forward. In this case, onshore development makes the most sense because everyone can quickly come to a meeting or at least log in remotely without the hassle of a team member being asleep during such times. It also eliminates the drawbacks of potential language or cultural barriers.

To get the benefits of both of the above-mentioned paradigms, consider nearshore development. This method relies on outsourcing workers in a similar geographical time zone, thus collaboration and communication become easier. It implies shorter travel spans for meetings if they need to be conducted in-house and efficient collaboration.

The combination of effective remote collaboration with cost savings are major reasons for choosing nearshore development. If your company relies on collaborative software such as Google’s G-Suite, then working within the same timezone is a major plus. Oftentimes, there is also a lack of talent within a company’s geographical region or city and the real talent may be available abroad without having to hire full-time in-house employees. 


Each outsourcing method has its benefits and drawbacks. However, nearshore development can be a great place to start. It allows companies to be efficient at various organizational levels. Finding the right talent locally is often tough. 

Today’s workforces are becoming global in nature and teams are collaborating from across the world on a wide array of projects. However, some companies have more efficient practices and teams that can collaborate, communicate and work together more effectively than others. It is wise knowing the type of company you are running inside and out in order to choose the right approach for your needs.

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Agile Software Development Strategies Explained Mon, 25 Feb 2019 05:00:11 +0000 Agile development has been the go-to strategy in the tech market for some time now because the method has provided a more relaxed work environment without sacrificing efficiency or productivity.  The strategy is one of innumerable details surrounded by the fairly simple premise of collaboration and continuous improvement. It is, in many ways, turning work […]

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Agile development has been the go-to strategy in the tech market for some time now because the method has provided a more relaxed work environment without sacrificing efficiency or productivity. 

The strategy is one of innumerable details surrounded by the fairly simple premise of collaboration and continuous improvement. It is, in many ways, turning work from the draconian hierarchy method of invisible barriers and superstition to one of constant communication and friendliness. 

The basic principles of Agile software development

Agile software development is an environment that preaches continual refinement and enhancement in lieu of faceless software deployment that seems cold and uninviting. The strategy of Agile development also applies to all industries at the very least a tenuous level. Its origins can be traced back more than four decades to the era of incremental product development which favored adaptive environments rather than fastidious workhouses. 

However, its true progenitors were software developers that believed in the method so much that they published a pamphlet called Manifesto for Agile Software Development. In that instance, a fever was born that would reach every tech company from L.A. To N.Y. in a matter of a few years.

Agile software developers believe in collaboration and responding to change

“We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work, we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools,” assert the authors. Agile software development teams value “working software over comprehensive documentation” as well as “customer collaboration over contract negotiation,” and “responding to change over following a plan.”

Agile development prioritizes working software

The first real major change that Agile brought was the placement of functional software over detailed documentation. This directly led to development teams interacting with each other, and their audiences, at all times to ensure that visions were stable and development did not hit any snags. 

They would then release a piece of software and engage the consumer to make sure that software was sufficient and to receive any additional feedback to make the product better, both internally and externally. 

This entire process, from beginning to end, is the process of Agile software development, in simple terms. This style of development and deployment has proven to be quite popular with software companies as it creates a feeling of unity in an otherwise obtuse and unfriendly environment. 

“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through the early and continuous delivery

of valuable software,” explain the authors the Agile Manifesto. “Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.”

Every process can be improved by face-to-face communication

Instead of trying to win the rat race everyone focuses on making exquisite software that performs at peak potential. It’s about making the entire development team responsible for success and failure. By using these strategies you can enhance your already-implemented Agile development strategy and create an Agile environment for a more cohesive and inclusive team. 

Projects must always be built by motivated, self-organizing teams

“Build projects around motivated individuals,” advises the Agile Manifesto. “Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.” When teams are organized effectively, the pace sustains indefinitely. “Agile processes promote sustainable development,” the authors expand. “The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.”


In this article, we covered some basic Agile development strategies that you can employ to make your company run as Agile as possible.

Agile development strategies show that teamwork and constant communication are the only way to make a team truly cohesive. A team that rises as one and falls as one. Using the concepts that Agile shows us we can begin to revolutionize our work environment to create an arena of cooperation rather than inter-dynamic competition. 

Agile development, while not empirically faster than traditional development, is a great way to set up your team to work as well as they possibly can, which will, in turn, make your products labors of love rather than tortuous gulags. Implement Agile software development if you are ready to take your business or team to the next level of the tech industry.

The post Agile Software Development Strategies Explained appeared first on SiteProNews.
