Sarah Marksons, Author at SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Thu, 16 May 2024 18:59:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Dos and Don’ts of Email Subject Lines: A Guide to Click-Worthy Titles Wed, 12 Jun 2024 04:00:00 +0000 Introduction To create a great email subject line is an essential part of an email marketing campaign. As the subject line is the subscriber’s first encounter with the email campaign. And it is what attracts them to open the email. Email marketing campaigns can get lost in an inbox without a good email subject line. […]

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To create a great email subject line is an essential part of an email marketing campaign. As the subject line is the subscriber’s first encounter with the email campaign. And it is what attracts them to open the email.

Email marketing campaigns can get lost in an inbox without a good email subject line. But don’t worry as there are some dos and don’ts of email subject lines. In this article, you will learn about what are subject lines, their importance, and how to create the best email subject lines.

What are the Email Subject Lines?

An email subject line is the starting line of a conversation in the digital world. But an interesting and attractive one to be click-worthy. It is also something that summarizes the content or email purpose. An email subject line serves as the first impression of the recipient of the mail’s contents. It is an important part of effective email communication that guides the recipients and encourages engagement.

What makes the Subject Line Catchy?

An attractive subject line increases subscribers’ interest and forces them to open emails. There are various factors that makes the subject line catchy.


If you have limited subscribers, your subject line needs to be informative and personal. But sometimes it needs to be engaging and catchy. Whether it is a newsletter, update about the product, confirmation, request for a survey etc. you should let your subscribers know about what kind of value they will gain from your mail reading.


The tone helps to include emotion in your content. You can think about the kind of emotions that can help subscribers take action. Emails about the sales may have subject lines that are urgent. On the other side, an email about the product launch can be informative and catchy enough to attract the subscriber’s attention. 


Unlike the tone, subject line styling informs about the subscriber’s response. Credible subject lines are created according to the brand voice. Avoid spam filters. Some youthful brands use emojis in subject lines. However, brands that have male-dominated audiences may choose to use a few exclamation points.

Dos for catchy email subject lines

  • Keep it short

Email content should be within 50 characters and subject lines 28 to 39 characters.  This many characters help to make the subject line attractive and click-worthy. 

  • Subject lines personalisation

Personalisation helps to connect with customers more. As they are likely to respond to something relevant to them. Customers are likely to open an email 29% more than is personalised one. Plus adding the recipient’s name to the subject line helps email to become spam. 

  • Include a promotion or contest

An incentive-based email gets the best click-worthy rates. But to test email with a small set of customers before the campaign launch is a good step. To include a contest language in the email subject line shows the preview. There is an ISP that recognises a trusted sender and sends the mail straight to the inbox. 

  • Send the email at the right time

You can create engaging, optimised and catchy subject lines. But the effort can get wasted when the customers will not see it. So be sure to send the email at the right time. To optimise open rates and review completion rates. 

The right time gives customers enough time to use the product and leave a review. Also, it is suggested to send the request mail within 1 to 3 weeks after the customer has purchased the product. Certain benchmarks are there that work best for various types of products. Like for seasonal products 7 days, perishable 14 days, hard goods 21 days etc. 

  • Choose A/B testing

Always remember that your customers are unique. The average best practice may apply to them. Additionally, to check various variations of email subject lines. And then to see which subject line provides the best results. 

Don’ts of a Catchy Email Subject Lines

  • Don’t send emails from do not reply mail accounts

No reply email can be harmful to the email delivery rates. As they are various ISPs filter emails sent from no-reply addresses as spam. Plus it offers a bad experience for the users. If the customer has a problem, he cannot reply to the mail. So you need to create a dedicated email address for the reviews collection efforts. To make sure that it is checked in case of the customer’s response. 

  • Do not include other marketing or sales calls to action

You should not confuse your customers. Keep the call to action that focuses on the review collection alone. In the subject lines as well as email copy. 

  • No overusage of punctuation and hashtags

If there is too much punctuation in the subject line. It looks spammy. So don’t use lots of special characters like $ or! Hashtags can be showcased as spam too. Stick to the normal punctuation to make the email click-worthy. 

  • To skip the generic phases

Generic phases in the subject lines like important messages or check this out fail to capture the attention. So choose the particular, descriptive language that communicates with value proposition of the email and forces the receiver to open the mail.

  • Do not use overused terms

The use of overused terms enables to lose the impact. Terms such as breaking news or don’t miss out fail to stand out among the several emails. So, choose originality and creativity to gain attention. 

Importance of Subject Lines

Email subject lines are considered to be the first impression for the recipients. An attractive subject line can increasingly affect open rates, click-through rates and overall email marketing performance. It also sets the tone for the email content and impacts recipients who choose to open or ignore the mail. 

But subject lines play an important role. To convey the relevance and value of mail. As it helps the recipients to understand the purpose quickly. All this leads to a rise in engagement levels. 

Wrapping it up

To create attractive email subject lines need strategy. So by following the dos and don’ts, being concise, and avoiding spams, and cliches. Subject lines can become engaging and you can achieve email marketing goals in an efficient way.

The post The Dos and Don’ts of Email Subject Lines: A Guide to Click-Worthy Titles appeared first on SiteProNews.

Why Email Marketing Is Still Effective: Simple Strategies for Entrepreneurs Mon, 05 Feb 2024 05:00:00 +0000 Email marketing is a tool that lets business leaders talk directly to customers. Think of it as sending letters, but faster and smarter. Even with all the new ways to communicate today, email remains very powerful. It’s like having a special key that opens doors right into people’s inboxes. It might surprise you, but 42% […]

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Email marketing is a tool that lets business leaders talk directly to customers. Think of it as sending letters, but faster and smarter. Even with all the new ways to communicate today, email remains very powerful.

It’s like having a special key that opens doors right into people’s inboxes.

It might surprise you, but 42% of small businesses find their way to success through emails. Emails can be personal, like chatting with a friend who wants to buy what you sell without spending too much money on ads.

And though we see lots of tweets and posts daily, emails are still champions at getting messages across in business.

Smart bosses use email because they can make sure the right people see their message at the right time, making more money come back for every dollar spent. To do this well, they grow a list of people who care about what they offer.

Sending exciting and fun emails keeps these folks interested until they’re ready to buy.

Adding cool things like names and interests makes each email feel less robot-like and more friendly – imagine getting an invite just for you! Plus, computers can even help send these special notes while measuring how good a job it’s doing; fancy stuff like using phones or adding short videos may be extra important soon.

We’ll chat about making ace email lists, writing great messages that make readers click “buy,” using tech smarts for easier work days, and checking if our plan worked—all essential tricks for anyone wanting their business inbox filled not just with emails but also with opportunities.

Let’s unlock those strategies together!

Key Takeaways

  • Email marketing lets business owners talk straight to people interested in their products, with 42% of small businesses finding it effective.
  • Building a good email list is key, using tools like finders and keeping the list fresh with eager customers.
  • Strong, punchy words and personal stories grab attention in emails. One or two pictures can help but too many slow things down.
  • Using automation saves time by sending tailored messages when people sign up or buy something. Personalizing these messages makes them more special.
  • To get better at email marketing, look at open rates and what people do after getting the email. Changing your plan based on what you learn helps a lot.

Understanding the Power of Email Marketing

From a broad view to a tight focus, email marketing is a super tool entrepreneurs can’t ignore. It’s like having a magic wand to reach directly into customers’ inboxes with just the right words and offers.

This power lets businesses talk straight to people who are interested in what they have to say or sell.

Think of it as being at a huge party and knowing exactly who wants to chat about your amazing new product—and then getting those conversations rolling without any awkward small talk! Email marketing makes this possible because you can send messages that matter to each person.

You’re not shouting over the crowd; you’re whispering into someone’s ear, making them feel special with targeted and personalized messaging. That’s how connections grow stronger and sales numbers go up.

Using email finders, smart bosses make sure their emails land where they should – making lists packed with folks eager for news on their latest brainwaves or bargains. The secret sauce? A mix of great timing, messages that catch the eyes, and tools like LinkedIn email finders that help keep contact lists fresh and ready for action!

Building a High-Quality Email List

After exploring the power of email marketing, it’s clear that a high-quality email list is your next big step. A good list lets you talk directly to people who care about your business.

  1. Start with a plan: Before you look for emails, decide what kind of customers you want. Think about who will love your product or service.
  2. Use email finders: Tools that find emails can help you grow your list fast. Make sure they are the right fit for your audience.
  3. Give something valuable: Offer a coupon or useful information in exchange for an email address. People like getting gifts and will more likely sign up.
  4. Make it easy to join: Put sign-up links everywhere possible – on your website, social media, and at the end of emails.
  5. Always get permission: Never add someone to your list without their okay. It builds trust and follows the rules.
  6. Keep it fresh: Regularly check your list for old or wrong emails and take them out.
  7. Stay relevant: Send emails that matter to the people on your list so they keep reading.
  8. Talk like a friend: Write as if you’re chatting with someone you know well. This makes people feel special and listened to.

Crafting Compelling Email Content

Crafting compelling email content can make your message stand out in a crowded inbox. Think about what grabs your attention when you open an email; it’s often a catchy subject line or that first sentence that hooks you in.

That’s why it’s great to start with strong words and clear ideas. Use stories, jokes, or questions to connect with people right away.

Keep sentences short and punchy – they’re easier to read and more likely to keep the reader moving down the page. And don’t forget the pictures! A good image can say a lot and make your emails more fun to look at.

But remember, too many pictures might slow down how fast the email opens, so just stick with one or two that help tell your story.

Use language that speaks directly to readers’ needs and wants—like how your service saves time or makes life easier. Always be honest about what you offer and why it matters. This makes people trust you more.

People will think you know a lot.

Keywords like “email finders for email list” are handy tools too! These can help entrepreneurs grow their list of contacts quickly but make sure the quality stays high—it’s all about getting the right people hooked on what you have to say.

Automation and Personalization

Automation in email marketing simplifies the process of sending tailored messages to your audience at scale. By utilizing automation tools, you can schedule emails based on triggers like sign-ups or purchases, saving time and ensuring consistent communication.

This not only streamlines your workflow but also allows for personalized content delivery without manual effort.

Personalization is key to creating meaningful connections with your audience. Tailoring emails to individual preferences or behaviors can significantly increase engagement and conversion rates.

Utilize data-driven insights to personalize subject lines, content, and product recommendations, showing your audience that you understand their needs and interests. Implementing automation alongside personalization empowers entrepreneurs to deliver relevant and timely content efficiently.

By leveraging email automation and personalization strategies, entrepreneurs can create targeted campaigns that resonate with their audience on a deeper level while maximizing efficiency.

This combination of automated workflows and tailored messaging ensures that each interaction feels personalized, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversions.

These strategies enable founders, C-Suite business leaders, consultants, developers, marketers, and product teams to effectively reach their target audience with engaging content tailored to individual preferences.

Measuring Success and Iterating

After setting up automated personalized emails, it’s time to measure the impact and make necessary improvements. Here are the key steps for measuring success and iterating:

  1. Analyze Open and Click Rates: Look at how many people opened the email and interacted with its content. Understand which subject lines and content types resonate best with your audience.
  2. Track Conversion Rates: Measure how many recipients took action after engaging with your email. This could include making a purchase, signing up for an event, or downloading a resource.
  3. Monitor Unsubscribes and Complaints: Keep an eye on unsubscribe rates and feedback from recipients who mark your emails as spam. Use this data to refine your content strategy.
  4. Assess A/B Testing Results: Continuously test different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, CTAs, or visuals, to identify what drives better engagement and conversions.
  5. Utilize Feedback Loops: Gather insights from customer feedback and use them to adjust your email marketing strategies for better alignment with customer needs and preferences.
  6. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Use data analytics tools to gain insights into subscriber behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns that inform future campaign optimizations.


In conclusion, email marketing remains a potent tool for entrepreneurs. The strategies outlined in this article are practical and efficient for businesses of all sizes. Implementing these approaches can lead to significant improvements in reaching and engaging target audiences.

For further reading, consider exploring resources on effective email marketing tactics. Remember, taking action based on these simple strategies can yield substantial results for your business.


1. Is email marketing still a good choice for entrepreneurs?

Absolutely! Email marketing remains a powerful tool for entrepreneurs because it’s super cost-effective and fantastic at building relationships with customers through targeted messaging.

2. Why does email matter when there are so many social media platforms?

Well — social media is cool and all — but email marketing lets you send personal notes right into someone’s inbox. It means you can make each message feel like it’s just for them!

3. What makes email marketing stand out as a smart strategy?

Here’s the secret sauce: it’s good at keeping your audience interested over time. With emails tailored to their likes and needs using personalization tricks; folks are more likely to stay engaged.

4. Can simple strategies in email marketing get results?

You bet! Even straightforward tactics can help fire up conversations between businesses and their customers – making sure no one misses out on something they might love or need.

The post Why Email Marketing Is Still Effective: Simple Strategies for Entrepreneurs appeared first on SiteProNews.

Average Sales Cycle: A Blog About How Long It Takes to Close a Deal Fri, 10 Feb 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Are you in sales and curious about how long it takes to close a deal? Are you looking for ways to shorten your average sales cycle? In this blog post, we’ll discuss the average sales cycle, what impacts it, and how you can use that knowledge to get more deals closed faster. Introduction The sales […]

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Are you in sales and curious about how long it takes to close a deal? Are you looking for ways to shorten your average sales cycle? In this blog post, we’ll discuss the average sales cycle, what impacts it, and how you can use that knowledge to get more deals closed faster.


The sales cycle is an important part of any business, and understanding the average sales cycle length can help you create budgets, track leads, and manage your customer relationships. The average Lead to Close length is 102 days, but this can vary based on factors such as the opportunity source, customer type, and product/service. 

In this blog post, we’ll look at the different factors that can affect the length of a sales cycle and how this knowledge can be used to your advantage.

What is the Average Sales Cycle Length?

The Average Sales Cycle Length is an important metric to understand and measure, as it provides insight into the length of time it takes to close a deal. According to research, the average sales cycle length is 28.2%, with B2B companies typically taking 4-6 months to close a sale with new customers, and 6-9 months for larger deals.

Conversion rates for lead to opportunity average 13%, and the time it takes from initial contact with a lead to closing the deal can range from 6-12 months depending on variables like product/service type, complexity, size of the company selling it, etc. It’s important to track back to the beginning of a lead to determine their journey through the stages of the sales cycle, and this will help you better understand how long it takes for you to close deals.

Understanding the Lead to Close Length

Lead to close length is an important factor to consider when it comes to understanding the average sales cycle. Understanding the length of time from when a lead is generated to when a deal is closed can help businesses accurately plan and budget for sales. For instance, a B2B company estimated that it took them 1,240 days to close 10 deals, which meant that their average sales cycle was 33.25 days per deal. 

It is important to note that this varies greatly depending on the source of the opportunity. For example, when selling to existing customers, companies are more likely to close the sale within 1-3 months. Additionally, repeat customers are known to have shorter sales cycles compared to new customers.

Factors That Affect the Sales Cycle Length

It is important to understand that the average sales cycle length can be affected by a variety of factors. As mentioned previously, the lead to close length can vary significantly depending on the source of the opportunity, whether it is an individual consumer or a B2B company. As such, the complexity, size of the company selling it, and product/service type can all affect the length of the sales cycle.

 Additionally, annual planning cycles can also have an impact on sales cycle length, as do repeat customers, who often close in 1-3 months. All of these factors mean that it is important to take a thorough look at the length of your sales cycle and ensure that you are tracking back to the beginning of the lead.

Using Sales Cycle Length to Create Budgets

When it comes to budgeting, the length of the sales cycle is an important factor. Knowing how long it takes to close a deal can help you plan for the necessary resources, such as personnel and materials, that are needed to complete the sale. 

It can also help you set realistic goals and timelines for reaching those goals. For example, if you know that it takes an average of six months to close a deal, you can plan for a certain number of sales within that timeframe. This can be especially helpful for businesses that have limited budgets and need to be strategic about how they allocate their resources.

The Impact of Repeat Customers on Sales Cycle Length

Repeat customers are a great way to increase sales and revenue. When selling to existing customers, companies were more likely to close the sale in 1–3 months. This is because they already know the customer, their needs, and how to deliver the product or service. As such, repeat customers can help reduce the sales cycle length.

 Furthermore, it can have a positive impact on budgets as well. Companies can allocate more resources to acquiring new customers, as the overall sales process will be much shorter for existing customers. It’s important to track the performance of each lead and customer so that sales teams can easily identify repeat customers and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Tracking Back to the Beginning of the Lead

It is important to track back to the beginning of the lead to understand the sales cycle length. By taking the last 12 months of closed deals and tracking back to the beginning of the lead, you can gain a better understanding of how long it takes to close a deal. 

This allows you to create a budget and plan for future deals. Additionally, it also helps to identify any potential issues that may be slowing down the process and allows you to address them quickly.

Understanding the Seven Stages of the Sales Cycle

The seven steps of the sales cycle are essential for a successful sale. Understanding these steps will help you hone your sales process and improve efficiency and effectiveness from initial contact to signing the contract.

 These steps include initial contact, qualifying compatibility, analyzing needs or wants, making the pitch, product demos, closing the deal, and following up. Reaching out to leads for the first time can be difficult, so it’s important to have the plan to help increase your success rate.

 Product demos are also important as they give prospects an in-depth look at what you are offering and how it can benefit them. By understanding the seven stages of the sales cycle, you can create a solid process that will help you close more deals.

The Impact of Company and Product/Service on Sales Cycle Length

The length of the sales cycle is also influenced by the company and the product or service being sold. Depending on the company, the sales cycle can take anywhere from 5-12 months. For example, an organization selling a complex product may have a longer sales cycle than one selling a simpler product. 

The size of the company also affects sales cycle length. Companies with more resources might be able to close deals quicker, while smaller companies may need more time to finalize a deal. Additionally, services can generally close more quicker than products because they don’t require as much research and development.

What is the Average Length of a $100k Deal?

The length of a sales cycle can vary greatly depending on the deal size. For example, deals less than $2,000 in ACV typically close within 14 days, while deals over $100,000 may take up to 12 months. Even when the deal size is set, however, there are still several factors that can affect the length of the sales cycle.

Understanding these factors can help you plan your sales strategy and budget accordingly. For example, if your average deal size is $100,000, it may be beneficial to plan for a longer sales cycle than if the average deal size was lower. Additionally, the company you are working with and its product/service can also affect the length of the sales cycle. 

It’s important to do research into these factors before setting out on a sales journey to ensure that you have properly planned for the full length of the sales cycle.

The Impact of Annual Planning Cycles on Sales Cycle Length

The annual planning cycle for many businesses can also impact the sales cycle length. Companies will often plan out their yearly budget and investments at the beginning of the year, so it’s important to factor in the timing of this when determining sales cycle length. Businesses may also have certain goals or objectives that need to be achieved by a certain time, which may also impact the sales cycle length. 

Factors such as customer acquisition targets and customer satisfaction surveys can also affect the sales cycle length. It’s important to consider these factors when preparing a budget and timeline for a sales cycle.


In conclusion, understanding the average sales cycle length is an important part of any sales strategy. It provides valuable insights into how long it takes to close a deal and gives companies important information to help create budgets and adjust strategies.

 Additionally, it’s important to understand the factors that affect the length of the sales cycle, such as the type of product/service, the company size, and their annual planning cycles. Finally, tracking back to the beginning of the lead can help companies better understand their sales cycles and make improvements as needed.

The post Average Sales Cycle: A Blog About How Long It Takes to Close a Deal appeared first on SiteProNews.
