Sahil Kakkar, Author at SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Tue, 27 Feb 2024 16:22:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What are LSI Keywords and how do They Impact SEO? Mon, 15 Nov 2021 05:00:00 +0000 Suppose you are at a construction site. You see the site engineer using a measuring tape to find out the length of a wall. A little later, he tells his colleague to note down 30 feet. Using your senses, you quickly understand that ‘feet’ here refers to the unit of measurement and not the human […]

The post What are LSI Keywords and how do They Impact SEO? appeared first on SiteProNews.

Suppose you are at a construction site.

You see the site engineer using a measuring tape to find out the length of a wall. A little later, he tells his colleague to note down 30 feet.

Using your senses, you quickly understand that ‘feet’ here refers to the unit of measurement and not the human body part.

But, search engines are not capable of this.

They don’t have sensory organs to help them differentiate between the feet used to measure and the feet used to stand.

So, LSI keywords come into the picture.

What Are LSI Keywords?

LSI stands for Latent Semantic Indexing.

It was developed in the late 1980s to extract precise information from large data sets. However, over the years, it has improved tremendously.

Almost ALL search engines use it to understand the content on web pages and rank them better. (Even if they say there’s no such thing as LSI keywords!)

LSI keywords are simply terms or phrases related to the main keyword on a web page.

They are semantically (contextually) related to each other in one or more of the following ways:

  • Synonymy (Similar): Pipe and tube, rich and wealthy, rise and ascend, etc.
  • Antonymy (Opposite): Cold and hot, summer and winter, top and bottom, etc.
  • Hyponymy (Subordinate): Tree and plant, man and child, puppy and dog, etc.
  • Meronymy (Part): Cheese and pizza, ship and fleet, flower and bouquet, etc.
  • Troponymy (Manner): March and walk, whisper and speak, nibble and eat, etc.
  • Entailment (Consequence): Drive and ride, assassinated and dead, competition and winner, etc.
  • Derivations (Forms): Magnetic and magnetism, gynecology and gynecologist, simple and simply, etc.

Thus, relationships exist between the keywords, and search engines use them to understand a web page’s content better.

How Do LSI Keywords Impact SEO?

LSI keywords bring out the context and define the main topic of the page.

Let’s say you have created a web page about a bat and written a good 1500 words about it.

But, a bat can either be a small animal that flies and hunts at night or wooden playing equipment used to hit the ball.

How would the search engine gauge it?

They will look for different LSI keywords in your content.

  • Words like cricket, match, player, batsman, bowler, pitch, field, ground, score, etc., will help them know that it’s about the playing equipment (bat).
  • Words like wings, flying, nocturnal, darkness, echo, food, habitat, mammal, etc., will tell them that it’s about the animal (bat).

Once they understand the main topic of your web page, they will rank it for relevant search results.

LSI keywords impact SEO by helping your page rank for:

  • Relevant Search Queries: If it is about a cricket bat, it should not appear in searches for the animal bat.
  • Related Search Queries: If it is about a cricket bat, it can also appear in searches for cricket equipment.

Thus, they increase your ranking potential and enhance your site’s SEO.

How to Find LSI Keywords for Your Content?

When you have expertise and knowledge about a topic, you will unknowingly include semantically related keywords in your content.

But, to be on the safer side, you must perform exhaustive LSI keyword research before you start writing.

There are 3 ways in which you can find related words and phrases for your content:

1. Autocomplete Feature

While typing a search query, you must have noticed that the search engines try to guess it.

It looks something like this on Google and is known as the Autocomplete Feature:

Screenshot of Google provided by Author

You’ll also find it on other search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and Duck Duck Go.

They all highlight the words they are adding to your search query for a quick selection.

But, if you take a moment to analyze them, you can get many LSI keyword ideas.

For example, your main topic is chatbots.

When you type chatbots in the search box on Google, you get a lot of autocomplete suggestions.

Screenshot of Google provided by Author

Looking at them, you can find LSI keywords like ‘artificial intelligence‘ and ‘user interface‘.

Next, if you use autocomplete feature of other search engines, you can get even more suggestions.

Screenshot of Bing provided by Author
Screenshot of Yahoo!
provided by Author

2. Searches Related To

All search engines display searches related to your query at the end of the search results.

When you look at them, you find multiple phrases containing your search query and additional words before or after it.

For easy differentiation, the other words are in bold.

Look at these searches related to ‘credit card application’ on Google:

Screenshot of Google provided by Author

You’ll notice several highlighted words in these search queries.

When you look at them closely, they give you hints about potentially related terms to use in your content – the LSI keywords.

In this case, ‘apply online’, ‘online application process’, and ‘charges’, are some LSI keyword ideas.

And this is from Google alone.

You can examine related searches on other search engines as well to get more ideas.


Screenshot of Bing provided by Author


Screenshot of Yahoo! provided by Author

Duck Duck Go:

Screenshot of DuckDuckGo provided by Author

Each search engine gives you different suggestions, and so you’ll have plenty to pick and choose from.

3. Keyword Research Tool

If you don’t want to spend time with the search engines, you can use a free keyword research tool to discover LSI keywords.

It will give you thousands of keyword suggestions and also list common search terms and phrases.

So, you can use the tool as your own free LSI keyword generator!

Here’s how it works:

Courtesy of

Scan through the keyword suggestions to identify semantically related terms.

In this case, you can use the following words as LSI keywords:

  • foods
  • snacks
  • pills
  • menu
  • meal plan
  • recipes

With that, finding LSI keywords for your content becomes a cakewalk.

What’s the Selection Criteria for LSI Keywords?

The selection of LSI keywords demands using your instinct and common sense.

You don’t need to use all the LSI keywords you find in a single piece of content.

Only the ones that make sense and go well with your topic must be used.

Simply pick keywords with maximum relevance to your content.

If you are writing a listicle on ‘women handbags’, your LSI keywords list will include:

  • brands
  • online
  • shop
  • buy
  • ladies
  • purse
  • sale
  • price
  • designer

If you are giving information, words like shop and buy will confuse the readers. So, you shouldn’t pick or use such words in your content.

On the contrary, if you expect users to buy handbags, shop and buy will be the most important words.

So, the selection criteria will change based on the intent and context of your write-up.

Use your instinct and common sense while making a choice and prevent any possible blunders.

With that, LSI keywords should be simple and easy to use.

Increase Your Content’s Ranking Potential with LSI Keywords

Search engines have one goal: to provide relevant and valuable results to their users.

They can understand your page’s content ten times better with the help of LSI keywords.

Thus, you can achieve higher search rankings and decreased bounce rates by spreading semantically related keywords throughout your content.

Dropping out LSI keywords or randomly sprinkling them whenever and wherever in the content can cost you big time.

To see their power, use them wisely.

The post What are LSI Keywords and how do They Impact SEO? appeared first on SiteProNews.

How to A/B Test Facebook Ads to get the Most ROI Wed, 18 Sep 2019 04:00:08 +0000 Being in marketing, it is always crucial to keep testing your strategies and monitor their performance across all verticals. Be it social media marketing, email marketing, or any other form of marketing. Marketers should analyze how successful a campaign/strategy might be with a test run. The outcome will help them make a constructive decision on […]

The post How to A/B Test Facebook Ads to get the Most ROI appeared first on SiteProNews.

Being in marketing, it is always crucial to keep testing your strategies and monitor their performance across all verticals.

Be it social media marketing, email marketing, or any other form of marketing. Marketers should analyze how successful a campaign/strategy might be with a test run. The outcome will help them make a constructive decision on whether to go ahead and implement a particular campaign or not. Also, a test run can help shortlist a campaign that produces higher ROI than others.

Brands invest in social media ads because they can boost the ROI, and in that too, Facebook triumphs over others. It is proven that Facebook Ads increase ROI by 95.8% and offer businesses the ability to target their desired audience depending on their age, likes, place of work, etc. This distinct feature of Facebook Ads makes it worthy of promoting posts on the platform.

However, that does not mean we shouldn’t A/B test Facebook Ads. In contrast, it’s more crucial because not all Facebook ads can be successful.

This article is all about Facebook Ads and their A/B Testing, BUT, it also covers a basic understanding of A/B testing on Social Media Advertisements as a whole.

What is A/B Testing?

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Basics first! So that we are all on the same page.

A/B Testing is a process in marketing where different campaigns are compared with each other to identify the one campaign or strategy which can produce the best results.

To identify the ad campaign that produces a higher ROI, marketers run both A and B ads for separate sections of the audience. After that, they record their audience’s response to the shown advertisement. Those responses are then analyzed based on the goals and how successfully an ad campaign achieved them.

If you have more ad variations, then the number of A/B tests conducted will be multiple. And it is suggested that you have more than one ad variation to analyze the assured success rate. This is only possible when you have more than one variety of ad campaign.

Also, the A/B test varies from platform to platform. Ads that worked excellently on Facebook can attract an opposite reaction from the LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram audience.

What can A/B Testing do for your business?

What works for your business may not work for other businesses, and there’s the possibility of a considerable risk if you take a chance with ‘may’.

For instance, there’s a brand that only runs textual ads and does not rely on visual ads. They do so because textual social media ads are generating higher ROI than visual ads. However, for your business, textual ads may not be the way to produce a hefty return on investment. 

On the contrary, ads with images or visuals may work much better for you in terms of goal achievement. And this is still an assumption. You will only be sure about what type of ads work for your brand when you run an A/B test.

Making a wrong decision may lead to an unsuccessful ad campaign that is incapable of generating an impressive return on investment.

How to A/B test Facebook Ads?

Out of the many ad variations you have made, you should shortlist them into two couples. So, your top four ad variations can give you a fair idea about their success rate. Also, don’t try to run and record the performance of every ad variation because that will exhaust your budget even before you start generating ROI.

Facebook Ads has several customizable options to help enhance their success rate by narrowing down the ad reach to their target audience. Plus, Ads running on Facebook are more successful than others and don’t forget, affordable.

So, how to A/B test Facebook Ads?

1. The Description

Text is the most crucial element of ads.

It is through text that your ad does the convincing. The essential components of text that can increase your conversion rate are:

  • Length of the text.
  • Tone used. 
  • How attractive is it (use of emoticons), etc.

Take a look at this:

Variation One:

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Variation Two:

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In the Facebook Ads run by AutoPilot, the text is different for both the posts, though the context is the same: to get subscriptions.

After finishing their A/B Testing, AutoPilot can analyze which description was more successful, the first one or the second one and then go ahead with that description.

2. The Title of the Advertisement

Again we shall look at the example of A/B Tested ads by AutoPilot.

For one advertisement AutoPilot has kept the title subtle and to the point.

Image Source

However, for the other advertisement, AutoPilot let the creativity settle in and tried compelling the audience with a little twist.

Image Source

Not only is there an attractive line, but there’s also extra information (30 days) provided about the free trial.

3. The Right Call-To-Actions

What good will an advertisement do if it does not provide the audience with a convenient option to act?

It is the call-to-action buttons that compel the audience to engage with advertisements by performing an action. So, it is more than necessary that you run variations of CTAs while you are A/B Testing your Facebook Ads.

Similar to this:

Look at how Scoro has used different CTAs for an ad.

The first one:

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And the second one:

Image Source

You’ve probably noticed that Scoro’s Facebook ads have similar content (description and title). It is because they are sure about the content but not about the CTA; hence, they decided to do a test run on CTAs specifically.

4. What about the Visuals?

Visuals are engaging. Hands down!

This reason makes it crucial for marketers to do A/B testing on them. Brands need to know what kind of visuals work for them. Are they videos, images, or illustrations?

They need to be sure!

So, it’s time that you look at this advertisement by Madam.

Image Source

The image used in this Facebook advertisement is not eye-catching or attractive. These type of ads are lost in the infinite scroll since they are unable to grab one’s attention.

But when you look at this image…

Image Source

…your opinion changes completely. 

Looking at this advertisement, you know what it is about instantly. It no longer looks like an image that couldn’t grab your attention. Plus, the logo only made it better. Such images compel the viewer to engage and perform an action.

Now, moving on to videos.

On Facebook, mid-roll advertisement videos cannot be skipped. However, they are limited to just 15 seconds. So, you should advertise your product in those 15 seconds and convince the viewer to perform an action before it’s over.

5. The Power of Hashtags

If you want to extend the reach of your advertisements, start using hashtags. Your ads get highlighted when Facebook users search for a hashtag you’ve used in your ads. You need to test if hashtags are working for you or not. 

You need to check if your ads get more engagement with multiple hashtags or a single hashtag. 

Note: Multiple does not mean that you should use 5 or 6 hashtags. Limit them to a maximum of 3.

6. Test Your Target Audience

When you start running Facebook ads, you learn how your audience reacts to certain advertisements. You know what combination of texts and visuals should be used to get them to engage more with your ad.

So, you can perform A/B testing by targeting different audience groups. Doing so will give you an idea about the audience you can focus on in the later ventures of your business.

7. Deciding on the Appropriate Format

Advertising on Facebook is not limited to just one format. The sponsored posts are visible in your feed as well as in the carousel ad format. 

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Depending on your discretion, you can decide which ads you should use for your latest announcement. However, I would suggest that you choose the carousel ads when your brand is launching something new exclusively.

Too long; Didn’t Read?

This post is long, I agree, BUT it is shorter than the A/B testing process because that is definitely going to take a lot of time. So, it is better that you prepare for A/B Testing around a month before running an actual Facebook Advertisement.

When you A/B test, you need to analyze everything: the content, the image, the hashtags, the target audience, everything. Also, you should monitor the performance of your A/B testing with Facebook Analytics regularly. Plus, you can take a look at Facebook Ads Library to analyze more types of ads running on the platform.

This process will require a certain amount of investment, but the ROI generated when you run the actual ad will be exceptional. Plus, it will also attracts more leads.

Is there any other element of Facebook Ads that you would add to the list for A/B Testing?

The post How to A/B Test Facebook Ads to get the Most ROI appeared first on SiteProNews.

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