Andre Oentoro, Author at SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Sat, 29 Jun 2024 15:43:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Video Marketing Tips to Increase Your ROI Mon, 18 Sep 2023 04:00:00 +0000 In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where attention spans are shorter than ever, businesses are turning to a captivating medium that demands attention and leaves a lasting impression: video marketing.  With the power to engage, inform, and entertain, videos have become the ultimate secret weapon for businesses striving to cut through the noise and connect with […]

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In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, where attention spans are shorter than ever, businesses are turning to a captivating medium that demands attention and leaves a lasting impression: video marketing

With the power to engage, inform, and entertain, videos have become the ultimate secret weapon for businesses striving to cut through the noise and connect with their target audiences.

That said, not all video marketing strategies can bring the desired result. You need to spend extra effort to make sure that it performs well. We’ll dive into video marketing actionable practices so that you can boost your overall ROI.

Video Marketing: Why Is It Important for Business?

Before we get into the nitty gritty detail, let’s brush up on the basic question first; why is video marketing so important for business?

Visually-Appealing Storytelling

First and foremost, video marketing has an unparalleled ability to captivate and engage audiences. With vibrant visuals, compelling storytelling, and immersive experiences, videos can grab viewers’ attention and hold it captive. 

In a sea of static images and text-based content, videos stand out, impacting viewers’ minds. This heightened engagement translates into increased brand awareness, improved message retention, and higher chances of converting viewers into loyal customers.

Boost Conversion Rates

Videos have the unique ability to showcase products or services in action, demonstrating their value, functionality, and benefits. No wonder recent statistics say that a well-crafted marketing video can increase conversions by up to 80%.

Businesses can build trust and credibility by visually illustrating how a product or service can solve a problem or enhance customers’ lives, leading to higher conversion rates and increased sales.

Stand Out Among the Crowd

Let’s not forget the power of social media in today’s interconnected world. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok have transformed the way we consume content, with videos reigning supreme. 

By leveraging video marketing on social media, businesses can tap into vast audiences and viral potential, expanding their reach and amplifying their brand’s visibility. With the ability to share, comment, and engage with videos, social media platforms provide a fertile ground for businesses to connect with their target customers on a personal and interactive level.

How to Increase ROI with Video Marketing?

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to the best video marketing strategies. But we have some tried-and-true techniques to help you maximize your return on investment (ROI) with video marketing. 

Let’s dive into the world of ROI optimization and discover how to make every video count.

Knows Your Goals and Audiences

Before embarking on any video marketing campaign, it’s crucial to establish a clear understanding of your goals and audiences. 

Goals help you as a guide, ensuring your video marketing campaigns serve a purpose and contribute to your ROI. Also, take the time to research and analyze your audience’s demographics, preferences, and behaviors. 

This knowledge will help you craft compelling video content that speaks directly to their needs, desires, and pain points, maximizing the chances of engagement and conversion. For example, if you’re a vacation rental company, you can create videos showcasing stunning properties and highlighting the unique experiences that travelers can have. 

Knowing that your audience consists of vacationers seeking memorable getaways helps you tailor the content to showcase breathtaking views, luxurious amenities, and nearby attractions.

Quality Over Quantity

More videos don’t always translate to more engagement. You can have as much video content in the world to be consumed, but if it doesn’t produce well or prove to be valuable to your audience, it won’t be seen.

Your audiences only want to consume top-notch content that not only provides value but also entertains them. That’s why instead of focusing on creating a bunch of video content every single day, focus more on the content quality you deliver instead.

While coming up with new, fresh content ideas every time is not a walk in the park, you can use AI-powered content marketing tools.

Diverse Your Video Content

Just as people have different preferences when it comes to reading, listening, or interacting with content, the same holds true for video consumption. Some viewers may prefer short, snappy videos that deliver information quickly, while others may enjoy longer, in-depth storytelling pieces. 

By all means, embracing a diverse range of video formats, styles, and themes, allows you to tap into various aspects of storytelling and create a well-rounded video marketing strategy.

Optimize for Search and Discoverability

Each video you craft has a chance to show up closer to the top of the search engine results page (SERP). In fact, a website with video is 53 times more like to show up in Google SERPs compared to text-based-only websites. However, it only happens when you optimize the video content. 

So, conduct keyword research and incorporate relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. You might as well consider creating custom thumbnails to make the video more clickable.

Use Different Platforms

Don’t limit your video marketing efforts to a single platform. It’s crucial to explore various distribution channels to maximize your reach and increase your ROI. 

Social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and even your own website can be powerful avenues for video distribution. On top of that, tailor your videos to each platform’s specifications and audience preferences, ensuring they are optimized for maximum engagement and impact.

It doesn’t mean you must be present on all digital platforms. It would make it challenging for you to track your video campaign. Just make sure that the video platforms you use are where your audiences spend most of their time online.

Analyze and Iterate

Your video marketing campaign doesn’t stop when you hit the “publish” button. Even after the video is live, you must monitor and track it to see how well it performs.

After all, the beauty of digital marketing lies in its trackability. Take advantage of analytics tools to measure the performance of your videos and track key metrics such as views, engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions. 

Use this data to identify what works and what doesn’t, and then iterate and optimize your video marketing strategy accordingly. Continually refine your approach based on insights gained from data analysis to ensure an ever-improving ROI.

Wrapping Up

Remember, increasing ROI with video marketing is not an overnight job. It’s an ongoing process that requires experimentation, adaptation, and continuous improvement. The key here is to stay agile, embrace creativity, and monitor the metrics closely. 

With the actionable practices above, you now understand what you should bring to the table to boost your overall business revenue with high-performing video marketing campaigns.

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How Visual Content Can Improve Your Website SEO Rank Wed, 02 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This is especially true when it comes to content marketing. After all, humans are basically visual creatures. We are drawn to images and videos because they help us understand and remember information better than text alone.  It should come as no surprise that […]

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We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” This is especially true when it comes to content marketing. After all, humans are basically visual creatures. We are drawn to images and videos because they help us understand and remember information better than text alone. 

It should come as no surprise that content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without relevant images. Not only does visual content help capture attention– though, but it can also boost your SEO efforts.

When you need a powerful tool to stand out and get noticed in the crowded online world as well as improve your SEO effort, you need visual content.

Now the question is, “but, how can visual content help improve your SEO and generate more traffic for your website?”

1. Google Loves Visual Content

Just as we see the beautiful scenery while on vacation, so does Google when they see engaging visuals on your blog. Google values visual content because it can help improve the overall user experience.

After all, visuals are an important element of storytelling and they can enhance your message by providing deeper insight into what you’re trying to convey in your content marketing efforts. 

You see, when done right, videos like motion graphics or images add value to your web pages with information that would otherwise be hard to communicate through text alone.

Plus, as we all know, Google loves high-quality content and they are always looking for ways to improve the user experience on their search engine results pages (SERP). So, by providing relevant and engaging visual content along with your written content, you can help satisfy Google’s needs while also improving your SEO ranking.

But, you need to make sure that the content you provide is up to date and helpful for the audience. Content like this is way more attractive because people will love to learn fresh information on the internet. Also, you should post your content regularly to maintain your audience’s interest in your brand. Use a weekly schedule template to help you plan content update on your website. 

2. Visual Content Can Help Improve Click-through Rates

According to studies, people are more likely to click on a search engine result if it includes an image. In fact, relevant visuals will increase click-through rates (CTR) by about 47% and will drive more traffic to your website from social media.

So, if you want your website to rank higher in the search engines and generate more leads, be sure to include plenty of videos, infographics, or images in your content.

But, don’t stop at including just any old image. Make sure the images you include are high-quality and relevant to your topic. Make sure to give each image a descriptive filename and use keyword-rich alt text. This will help the search engines understand what the image is all about and rank it appropriately.

Also, if you can add relevant videos to your content, this is even better as they tend to perform even better than images when it comes to click-through rates.

3. Visual Content Increases Dwell Time

Dwell time is a measure of how long someone spends on your website. The longer they stay, the better it is for your SEO ranking. Google loves websites that provide their audiences with the information they’re looking for. And one way to increase dwell time is by using visual content. 

When you build a website, make sure to include visual content on your pages. Visuals help keep people engaged and make them want to learn more about what you have to offer. This means they’ll spend more time on your site and increase its dwell time, which will give you a higher ranking in the search results.

When you use videographics or infographics to convey information, you provide not only easy-to-digest information but also a great opportunity for people to stick around and learn more about what you have to offer.

4. Visual Content Is Easier on the Eyes

One thing that people often forget about SEO is that a good user experience (UX) plays an important part in how well your site ranks. One of the ways you can improve your UX is by using visual content.
Visuals help break up text and make it easier on the eyes, which means people are more likely to stick around and read your personalized content. In other words, it makes your website more engaging.

In fact, research shows that including visuals in your content can increase the chance of someone reading a piece of content by 80%. Not only will this help keep people engaged, but it can also help you rank higher in the search engines. 

The search engines are getting smarter and they are taking into account how well a website’s content is received by users. By using visuals, you are not only providing a better user experience, but you are also boosting your content SEO.

5. Visual Content Helps You Stand Out from the Competition

Any website should pay attention to visuals whether you are in a static complex industry like healthcare, blockchain, IT companies, finance, or manufacture, moreover, in sectors that need to be visual like art, entertainment, and travel websites.

If you want your website to stand out from the competition, you need to use visual content. In a world where everyone is using text-based content, visuals can help make your site stand out. Google loves websites that do things differently and they reward them by ranking them higher in the search engines.

Your content will also stand out from the crowd if you use visuals along with it. People are more likely to share your visual content on social media than anything else, which means you’ll get even more visitors and rank even better in the search engines as a result.

6. Visual Content Can Help Increase Social Shares

Visual content is more likely to be shared on social media than any other type of content. In fact, tweets that include images are retweeted 150% more often than those without images. The more content gets shared, the more it will rank higher in the search engines. 

Plus, when people share your content on social media, they’ll also be promoting your website and increasing its authority with Google. This means you have a better chance of ranking well in the search results if people are sharing their visual content on social media.

Conclusion: Go Forth and Create Visual Content

It’s safe to say that visual content has become a must-have type of content on your digital marketing mix. And including visual content in your website’s SEO strategy is a must if you want to rank higher in the search engines. Not only are visuals more likely to be clicked on by users, but they also help with reading comprehension and increase social shares. So, when you need an effective way to boost your content SEO, start using visuals– whether on social media platforms or websites.

Another good news is that creating engaging visual content shouldn’t be that hard. Thanks to the internet. There are plenty of easy-to-use tools and resources you can use to help make your visuals look great such as Canva, Piktochart, Powtoon, and more. Just take a little time to learn about how to use them and you’ll be on your way to better SEO results in no time.

The post How Visual Content Can Improve Your Website SEO Rank appeared first on SiteProNews.

How to Find the Best Products to Sell Online Tue, 14 Feb 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Thinking about having an additional income or being a boss yourself? Selling products online can be a solution. With eCommerce and social media still -and will continue to be on trend, you can sell any products from home. However, developing an online business is always a challenging feat. You need to decide what products to […]

The post How to Find the Best Products to Sell Online appeared first on SiteProNews.

Thinking about having an additional income or being a boss yourself? Selling products online can be a solution. With eCommerce and social media still -and will continue to be on trend, you can sell any products from home.

However, developing an online business is always a challenging feat. You need to decide what products to sell, choose platforms, create social media content, build strategy, and more. In this case, going with your gut is not really a good idea.

If you’re struggling to decide what product to market, this article is made for you. We’ve listed some practical steps to help you find the best products to sell online. Finding the right product to sell online allows you to generate sales easier and gain profit faster.

So let’s jump right in!

1. Browse the Trend Sites

Trend sites are not only beneficial for finding potential keywords to improve SEO strategy. They also let you see people’s behavior through queries on a certain time frame.

You can get valuable insights about the products that are trending and in high demand. You can go to Google Trends and Ubersuggest to see the trends and explore some keywords that many users are looking for.

The best thing is that trend sites are free resources that allow you to analyze certain keywords related to specific products. You can identify how particular keywords perform over a certain period.

Here’s how you can find and explore popular topics in your industry using Google Trends:

  • Go to Google Trends.
  • Go to the explore section.
  • Choose the region you want to explore.
  • Define the time range.
  • Specify the category, for example, beauty, books, arts, sports, etc. You can also be general by choosing all categories.
  • Explore the search topic and queries below the graph and see what people are looking for.

Google Trends also allows you to discover seasonal patterns. For example, if you want to sell sweaters, you can find the best time to sell them by using the search bar and entering a search term.

2. Look into Marketplaces Trending Products

Today, many marketplaces allow you to see trending products. You can go to big marketplaces like Amazon, Shopify, Etsy, and eBay to discover best sellers, most-wished, and most popular products.

For instance, Amazon has pages showing best sellers and most wished-for products. Meanwhile, Etsy provides the most wanted, best-selling items and most popular item pages for you to explore. Almost all marketplaces have these kinds of pages.

Also, consider leveraging AI tools like Jungle Scout. It is an instrument to help you identify the most selling products and popular sellers. You can use the filters to see specific results based on category, price, and other attributes.

3. Dig into Social Media and Online Communities

The majority of businesses today go on social media to meet target customers and market their products. You can also leverage many social platforms to find out what products are rising in popularity.

If you haven’t figured out a concrete idea, you can start by using Facebook as the most significant social platform today. Facebook has the most active users that vary in demographics. You can join eCommerce-related groups or explore Facebook Shop catalogs.

However, if you plan to target younger audiences, TikTok and Instagram are more relevant channels to dig into. Both have shopping pages where you can explore or study influencers to see which products they’re promoting.

You can also go on Quora and Reddit to do social listening. Those platforms also let you ask others’ opinions on popular products and get valuable feedback from them. You can also ask for insights to create a marketing strategy.

4. Try Dropshipping Software

Aside from trend platforms, social media, and marketplaces, you can also leverage dropshipping software. Some options include Sell The Trend, AliExpress Dropshipping Center, Niche Scraper, and All Factor.

Those platforms allow you to see products that are requested by many. You can identify the fast-selling products and popular ones at the moment. Moreover, you can also use the platform to do dropshipping.

Sometimes, opening an online store is daunting, especially if you’re tight on budget. The dropshipping system allows you to sell products without a huge budget and has a lower risk of losing. Moreover, dropshipping can be a great option if you want to sell seasonal products.

5. Identify Products with Good Profit Margins

Starting an online business requires you to be strategic. If you have little experience selling online, it’s better to start with products with relatively low-price to produce or wholesale. So research your budget flow and how it will impact your cost production.

It’s harder for you to get a higher margin with expensive products. Besides, managing the budget for other necessities, including creating a marketing strategy, packing products, and shipping orders, is challenging.

6. Follow Your Personal Passion

If you have personal hobbies or a job that you’re passionate about, you try monetizing it. For instance, if you like creating pottery, you can create your own products and come up with your own branding.

You can also sell digital products like posters, polaroids, portraits, logos, etc. You need to provide a product display to pull in customers. 

If you want to sell the products you create yourself, you must do market research. Look for your competitors and study their products and marketing strategy. Consider coming up with values that make your brand exclusive. 

7. Read Valuable Sources

You can get ideas from anywhere, online news, tabloids, newspaper, social media, television, or other sources. Staying updated on recent news and being quick to read certain situations can help you decide what products to sell. 

For instance, during the corona outbreak, people are looking for a way to maintain their health. So selling products related to health and lifestyle can be highly profitable. You can create masks that you make yourself or homemade antibacterial soaps.

Other product categories that can drive good sales are fashion, personal care, beauty, and houseware. Again, you must be quick to notice the upcoming trends by observing the market, society, and influencers.


Taking the first step to starting your self-managed online business requires a huge amount of courage. So make every step measurable to avoid failure. The above points can help you make the first step into the business easier. 

If you’re a beginner, selling popular and high-demand products is more likely to drive profits. You also need to study the market and target customers to develop your marketing strategies. You can do social media and email marketing to save your budget.

Knowing how to find the best products to sell online is a basic step you need to be aware of. If you already know the practices, it will be easier for you to scale your online business.

The post How to Find the Best Products to Sell Online appeared first on SiteProNews.

How to Create Effective Email Marketing Sequences that Drive Sales Mon, 16 Jan 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Email marketing is a classic yet profitable way to reach out to target customers. You can’t ignore the fact that email has an impressive ROI. In fact, for every $1 you spend, you can get $36 in return! However, every marketer and sales representative needs effective email sequences to generate sales or achieve other business […]

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Email marketing is a classic yet profitable way to reach out to target customers. You can’t ignore the fact that email has an impressive ROI. In fact, for every $1 you spend, you can get $36 in return!

However, every marketer and sales representative needs effective email sequences to generate sales or achieve other business goals. Even for experienced marketers, creating email marketing sequences can get more challenging over time.

This article can come in handy if you aim to escalate your email marketing to close more deals. We’ve rounded up some best practices to create effective email sequences that work for any industry. 

Before delving deeper into the main discussions, let’s briefly learn more about email marketing sequences to warm up first, shall we?

What is an Email Marketing Sequence?

An email marketing sequence is vital for spreading brand awareness and pulling in customers. In a nutshell, it refers to a series of emails you send to target customers to make them convert.

Marketers commonly use software to create and send their email sequences, but some may do it manually. However, every marketer may have different objectives for designing email sequences. 

Some marketers want to see replies from their target audiences. Meanwhile, others may want to drive people to sign up for their platforms or purchase products from their stores. You should also have clear goals before creating email sequences as a marketer.

Important Aspects of Email Sequences

There’s no one-size-fits-all email sequence. Every marketer must develop their email sequences based on their needs and goals. However, here are some general rules to make high converting emails.

Personalization is an essential attempt in email marketing. It makes your email more natural and less like one-for-all promotional emails. 

Visual media is excellent for attracting and engaging audiences. You can add images, product explainer videos, infographics, and social proof to your target buyers.

Killer subject lines are crucial as they’re at the frontline to greet your recipients. So personalized subject email that drives curiosity is necessary to make recipients open your email.

Language and formatting are also important to make your email sequence drive sales. Use a language style that resonates with your business. Moreover, your email formatting must be easy to follow and understand.

CTAs are the agents that will define audiences’ final decisions. A clear and powerful CTA is necessary for every email sequence you create. Besides, using a captivating CTA design will boost your email performance.

The above points are elements that play a vital role in your email marketing. The following discussion will give you a more in-depth elaboration of the practices for developing converting email sequences. 

How to Create Email Sequences that Drive Sales

In the sea of live-action and animated commercials, email stands still as one of the most powerful marketing media. It’s cost-efficient and suitable even for small enterprises to expand their business.

As your email marketing sequences appear at the frontline of your target customers, crafting them in the best way is necessary. One way to help you stay efficient is by using email software to automate your progress.

Below we’ve pieced together six ways to create email sequences for any business. Keep scrolling to explore the details!

1. Define Your Goals

Marketers carry different goals. Identifying what you want to achieve helps you structure better email sequences and measure their performance easier. 

If your goal is to drive more sales, your focus should be getting them to try a free trial or book a meeting. Therefore, your language, tone, CTA, and media should relate to your goal.

Email marketing software also has a scheduling feature that instantly lets audiences set a meeting date. Defining your goals helps you structure your sequence and find proper integration to feature your email.

2. Create Enrollment Criteria

Creating enrollment criteria helps you automate sending email sequences to target audiences. Your enrollment criteria will be the trigger to run the automation system on your email marketing software.

In order to set up your enrolment criteria, you must come up with the conditions that qualify contacts into your prospects. For instance, you can send your sequence to those who fill out your form, visit a specific page on your site, book a meeting, request a demo, or others.

Generally, you can create enrollment criteria on your CRM or email marketing software. Some even let you automate every process relating to capturing prospects.

3. Decide the Number of Emails You Want

No rule of thumb defines the number of emails included in your sequence. However, the best way to decide how many emails you need to send is to identify your customer behavior.

You need to find out your customer persona to know the sales cycle. You will learn the average time frame prospects need to finally become buyers. For example, your buyer persona is four weeks, so you must send at least two weekly emails to maintain engagement.

In that case, you need eight emails in your sequence. Every email you launch should include value to audiences to encourage them to give a response.

4. Write the Emails

Your email marketing sequence will go to many recipients, so it’s best to make it evergreen. The most challenging part is to make it general yet personal enough for your prospects, just like a customer service emails.

To give a personal touch to your audiences, you can personalize your email by referring to their name, business, or other personal information. Most email marketing software has personalization features for you to automate everything.

A personal touch, such as greeting them by name or mentioning their business, is a great way to create a balance in an evergreen email. Moreover, write valuable emails by pinpointing their problems and offering solutions. 

It’s better to be straightforward to prevent any confusion. Clearly state your purpose, add media or social proof wherever appropriate, and include a captivating CTA to drive prospects to convert.

5. Input Your Sequence and Build Automation

After you have your email sequence ready, the next step is to input it into the system. This process is relatively simple, as you only need to copy-paste your emails into your email software.

This way, everything can be automated. You need to set up automation to build the workflow. From the previous works, you can set up the prospect enrollment criteria and decide on actions that will trigger the email to launch.

Building an automated system also requires you to identify the time frames for every action, like sending follow-up or automatic emails to respond to specific queries.

6. Run a Test

Run a test before wrapping up everything. You can enroll yourself or your teams to see if your email sequence’s performance meets your expectations. 

You can see whether or not your personalization system, featured media, or other functions work optimally. It also lets you see your email sequence on different devices.

If something doesn’t feel right, you can make adjustments immediately. This way, it helps you craft an effective email marketing sequence and prevent any trivial mistakes.


Despite email marketing being a classic way to approach target customers, it remains one of the most effective ways to drive sales. Contacting prospects through emails also allows you to build better relationships with target audiences, resulting in long-term benefits.

Besides, global email marketing revenue will keep growing year after year. At the end of 2023, the revenue of email marketing is predicted to reach almost 11 billion.

The above points can help you to create email marketing sequences. The intuitive nature of your email software will come in handy for automating any process and help you be more time efficient.

The post How to Create Effective Email Marketing Sequences that Drive Sales appeared first on SiteProNews.

7 Tips to Build a Winning SEO Strategy on a Shoestring Budget Tue, 27 Sep 2022 04:00:00 +0000 Search engine optimization (SEO) is integral to every online marketing strategy. Whether you’re a giant business or just starting, it’s important to utilize SEO for your website. Today, internet users reach about 3.6 billion people worldwide. That means almost every person in the world uses the internet to search and find information and even connect […]

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is integral to every online marketing strategy. Whether you’re a giant business or just starting, it’s important to utilize SEO for your website.

Today, internet users reach about 3.6 billion people worldwide. That means almost every person in the world uses the internet to search and find information and even connect with others easily. That said, the search engine result page (SERP) showing the top website when users type a query becomes essential.

Only websites that land on the search engine’s first page can catch the audience’s attention, meaning that more people will visit certain sites because they are shown first after running a keyword. If you’re doing business, having your website placed in Google’s first place will mean a lot as it guarantees you huge traffic and possible revenues.

But, working on improving SEO can be a draining and not to mention its time-consuming method. That’s why most big businesses will opt for a paid version, namely Search Engine Marketing (SEM), for a quick result. This is where small businesses lack, and they don’t have a big fund for this purpose.

However, there are still many ways small businesses can build their SEO game. This article will discuss tips to improve SEO on a tight budget.

1. Keyword Research

There’s no need to be an SEO expert or hire one when it comes to small businesses. Instead, learn the basic and key points that you need to know. For instance, doing proper keyword research can help your website rank higher and boost traffic as you can target specific keywords with high search volume.

You can start by analyzing short-tail keywords and doing research if the phrase could bring benefits to your business. Google Trends allows you to check which keywords are popular at the moment, and the tool also gives you a prediction of whether the keyword is still relevant in the future. 

2. Site Load Speed

You should always check if the websites you work on load fast enough or not. Fast-loading sites gain more authenticity by showing that you care for their visitors’ time and convenience. If people wait long before your site is already opened, they might not like it and leave immediately without reading your content first. It also affects page speed ranking in Google’s latest search algorithm.

3. Quality Content

One of the essential parts of SEO is your website’s contents, also known as content marketing. You may have seen this thing over and over again, but it still matters. Content with high quality is shared by others in different communities online because it has value to them directly or indirectly. If you want your site to gain more authority, try investing time in creating unique and useful content for its readers.

Unique content such as videos and images can improve your website’s quality because you have diverse content to offer. More importantly, this will attract visitors to stay longer on your site. If you have product pages, instead of filling them with pages of text about the item, you can use product demo videos to explain and demonstrate your products effectively.  

4. Build Backlinks

Backlinks point directly to your site, and Google counts them as votes for your website. The more backlinks you have, the higher your chances of ranking better in their search engine algorithm. You can build these links manually or hire companies that will do this task for you.

A backlink coming from a reputable site is something that Google loves to see. It will automatically boost your ranking because Google trusts other sites making their opinions about you positive. This gives you an advantage when competing with other businesses doing the same industry as yours.

5. Get Social

A wide variety of businesses are now using social media not only to engage their customers better but also for marketing purposes. Tapping into different social media sites is an important part of search engine optimization because it makes your site visible to audiences who are already on the internet and those who are not yet online or have no idea what SEO is about. With this, you’ll have a higher chance of reaching out to more potential clients, which in turn gives you more revenue opportunities.

6. Social Media Engagement

Another easy way to improve SEO is by ensuring that your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, have a decent amount of followers. More people will visit your profile and see what’s on it if they’ve engaged with it regularly (provided they like the things posted there). 

This also gives them an idea about how active you are online and gives value to your business. If you’re doing great in building audiences over social media sites, it will be possible for you to get natural backlinks that Google loves.

7. On-page Optimization

Make sure your site’s contents are properly optimized. This lets search engines easily read what’s on them, making it easier for them to index and rank your website higher than the competitors’. You can consider hiring an expert or professional to do this task to improve your SEO game plan.

In short, on-page optimization means that you optimize the content of your website. Adding key elements such as meta descriptions and alternative text and using the right keywords can help your content be discovered easily and rank higher in the search engine.


Small businesses can take advantage of SEO strategy without worrying about the financial part. Although the more fund you have, the easier for you to improve your business in the span of a short time. Still, that doesn’t mean any excuse if you want to boost SEO in the first place.

You can build SEO under shoestring budgets. What you need to do is to optimize your content quality and ensure to build high-quality backlinks that can support your pages. Last but not least, you should also improve your on-page SEO by noting the key element that contributes to the SEO ranking the most.

The post 7 Tips to Build a Winning SEO Strategy on a Shoestring Budget appeared first on SiteProNews.

How to Counter Negative Publicity with the Right SEO Strategy Mon, 10 Feb 2020 05:00:18 +0000 Trust is important, especially in business. If investors don’t trust you, they won’t fund your business. If customers don’t trust you, they won’t buy your products. To gain trust, you have to build and maintain a good reputation. It was a lot easier to maintain a good reputation before the internet. Today, data travels very […]

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Trust is important, especially in business. If investors don’t trust you, they won’t fund your business. If customers don’t trust you, they won’t buy your products. To gain trust, you have to build and maintain a good reputation.

It was a lot easier to maintain a good reputation before the internet. Today, data travels very fast through the internet. One simple rant on social media about you will get tons of retweets, become a trending topic, get picked up by major news outlets, and the next thing you know, everyone’s talking about it.

So, how do you combat negative press? Well, you counter it with positive publicity. Sounds simple, right? Trust me, it’s not as easy as it seems. In this article, I’ll reveal the right SEO strategy to counter negative publicity. But before we go any further, let’s first learn about the sources of negative publicity.

The Sources of Negative Publicity

Fake News

False reports, fake news, and hoaxes are everywhere on the internet. It’s not a big problem until someone believes it and starts spreading it, especially when that someone happens to be a major publication site.

Negative Photos

With technological advancement, it’s easy to create fake photos these days. That’s dangerous because Google shows all images related to you when people type your name. Not to mention the number of people who will spread it on social media like wildfire.


Wikipedia is the largest encyclopedia on planet earth and it consistently ranks high on Google. The problem with Wikipedia is that the information on the site can be edited easily by anyone. To keep your reputation intact, you have to regularly monitor any change that’s been made about you on Wikipedia.

Fake Sites

There are tons of malicious websites on the internet. Some of them are created by trolls just to spread false news and some others are made by competitors to destroy your reputation. Either way, these kinds of sites are dangerous when they find a way to rank on the first Google page.

Bad Customer Reviews

Review sites like Yelp are created to make it easier for customers to pick the best services based on previous reviews. No matter how many positive reviews you get, one negative comment can ruin it all for you. After all, 85% of consumers trust online reviews just as they trust their family’s recommendation.


Forum sites like Reddit and Quora have become so popular in the last few years. People can ask questions and comment on just about anything. The problem is, they also consistently rank high on the search engines. Imagine when people search about you on Google and find negative comments. 

Social Media

Just like forums and Wikipedia, social media platforms also have high domain ratings (>90). This makes them easily rank first on the SERPs. And, just like forums and Wikipedia, anyone can say whatever they want on social media, including bad things about you.

SEO Strategy to Counter Negative Search Results

When people hear about a brand for the first time, they’ll check it on Google. When people want to buy something online, they’ll search for the product reviews on Google too. Through the search engine, most people have their first interaction and initial impression with your brand.

Imagine when people search for your brand, the negative news and reviews are the ones that first appear on Google. To counter this we use SEO strategy. The main idea of using SEO here is to boost positive results to rank higher and push down negative results. Here’s how:

Set up Google Alerts

First, do a little research to identify which keyword is showing negative results. Certain keywords have the potential to trigger negative search results, so you need to test all keywords the audience might use to find you.

After you’ve found the keywords, set up those keywords in your Google Alerts account to closely monitor them. Now, every time new content that carries one of those keywords appears, Google Alerts will send an email to notify you.

Optimize your Website

After collecting the negative keywords, the next step is to optimize your site using those keywords. The idea here is that when people search for those keywords, your website will rank ahead of any negative result. Here’s how to optimize your site:

-Create a long-tail article for the negative keyword.

-Fill the article with that keyword.

-Write guest posts on other websites and link back to that article. High-quality backlinks will help build authority and relevance to the webpage.

-As long as Google sees that your webpage is more relevant than the negative content, you will still rank higher.

Use Other Domains

Using only your site to counter negative results is not enough. You have to use other domains as well, especially with the current Google Algorithm which favors more variety. It’s rare these days to find two web pages from the same domain in the search engine results because Google prefers to show 10 different pages from 10 different sites.

Do you have any other domain that you control? Think of something like a sister or parent company website, your investor or business partner website, and even third-party blogs where you frequently write guest posts. 

Optimize Your Social Media Accounts

Like I said before, social media platforms have high domain ratings, making them more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results. That’s why it’s essential for you to make sure that all of your social media accounts are ranked first when people search for your name. Here are 4 social media networks that you should optimize:


Twitter is a great place to connect deeper with your audience. Not only that, Google regularly includes the Twitter account of a person or a brand on the first page. I did a little experiment by searching Neil Patel and his Twitter account is ranked number 2 in the SERPs, just below his site.


LinkedIn is the place where business owners, marketers, and thought leaders collide. Share your thoughts frequently here to build rapport and reputation. Like Twitter, the LinkedIn profile of someone is usually shown on the first page. Neil Patel’s LinkedIn profile is ranked 4, below his site, Twitter profile, and YouTube.


Facebook is the most popular social media network in the world. Most viral hoaxes and fake news come from Facebook. So, what’s a better way to counter hoaxes than posting positive content frequently here? Facebook also regularly sits on the first Google page.


Ever since Google purchased YouTube, it seems that the search engine giant has been giving more priority to YouTube videos. It’s evident in the Neil Patel case, where Google shows 3 of his YouTube videos.

Wrap Up

People love negative news and controversies, and the media knows this very well. They will publish bad news about well-known figures and brands the second they make mistakes. Because that kind of news gets the most clicks.

The post How to Counter Negative Publicity with the Right SEO Strategy appeared first on SiteProNews.

10 Best Free Video Marketing Tools and Platforms Wed, 28 Aug 2019 04:00:20 +0000 As someone who’s been in the industry for quite a while, I can say that learning the craft of video marketing is not an easy task. But not easy doesn’t equal to impossible. As long as you’ve got the right mentor, the right tools, and the will to dedicate hours upon hours of your life […]

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As someone who’s been in the industry for quite a while, I can say that learning the craft of video marketing is not an easy task. But not easy doesn’t equal to impossible. As long as you’ve got the right mentor, the right tools, and the will to dedicate hours upon hours of your life to practice, you’ll eventually get there.

There are so many parts of video marketing, sometimes it becomes quite confusing for people. That’s why I decided to explore various categories of tools that are used for different sections of video marketing, to help you understand better about it. In this article, we’ll talk about 10 free video marketing tools based on their specific uses.


Category: DIY Animation

Dvolver is a web-based movie maker tool that uses Adobe flash player to operate. It’s completely free and over 8 million clips have been made there. Aside from being completely free to use, you can also request the team to customize a movie maker for your specific needs.


Category: Video Marketing Platform

DailyMotion is a video management platform with many features resembling YouTube. Users get 96 uploads per day, and it allows drag-and-drop to make video organization easier for users. The premium plan grants users access to customizable widgets and personalized branding tools as well as various analytics features.


Category: Video Editing Software

OpenShot is free and is an open-source software to trim and animate your video objects on Linux, Mac, and Windows. It’s maintained by a community of programmers who keep it up to date. It also has an add-on for Firefox for web-based editing. If you use the free tool, you’ll find that some features do not work as well as they do in the paid version.


Category: Interactive Videos

Vialogues helps a ton with a discussion surrounding a subject in the video. Its time-based video discussion tool helps with online interaction and discussion, which have timestamps, about specific subjects in the video. It can also be used for internal training and assessment within your company.

Facebook Live

Category: Live Streaming

Facebook Live is a feature from the social media giant that offers complete control on who can and cannot see your broadcast. Whether you’re on desktop, mobile, or a ridiculously professional set up, you can broadcast it to Facebook Live to your followers. It’s free, and it reaches a wide range of audiences.


Category: Sound Effects Library

Bensound offers some of the best Royalty-Free music and tracks on the internet. Their entire library is produced by a man based in London. He updates the stock music on his site with everything from jingles to full-blown original songs.


Category: Stock Videos Library

Pixabay reportedly has over 1.6 million stock footage available to download — FOR FREE! They have a great collection from filmmakers from all over the world which you should definitely consider the next time you need stock footage.


Category: Voice Recording & Sound Editing Software

Audacity is one of the most well-known audio recording and editing software in this list. The combination of free price tag and rich features makes Audacity one of the best options for casual users like marketers who want to edit voice-overs for their videos.


Category: Caption and Subtitle Tool

Amara is a free captioning and subtitle translation platform. You should consider using this tool to help you write captions and translate them into multiple languages at the same time.

Amazon Storywriter

Category: Scriptwriting Utilities

Amazon Storywriter is a free web-based scriptwriting tool that works similarly to Google Docs. You can grant access to specific people, and the best thing is that it auto formats your script for you. It syncs across devices through your Amazon account, so you can edit your scripts anywhere.

If this list is not enough for you and you want to learn more about video marketing, you can access the complete list on Breadnbeyond’s page about video marketing tools. The list was compiled by Breadnbeyond, an explainer video company, and it contains 121 video marketing tools and platforms which are divided into 9 categories based on their utilities. 

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