Blogs & Podcasts Marketing Writing/Content

How to Write a Successful Blog Post — Step by Step Guide [+ 5 Ideas]

As a rule, blogs consist of two broad types — personal and corporate blogs. The difference between them is obvious. An individual blog is a great way to make its owner known to the public. If you create it correctly and maintain it responsibly, you have the perspective to get a vast number of subscribers, widen your network of contacts, and successfully promote a business of your choice. The biggest challenge is not just starting a blog, but operating it and filling it with relevant content all the time.

Personal blogs are platforms on which the authors express their thoughts, communicate with readers, and promote particular services or goods. Nowadays, personal blogs have gained considerable popularity. Sometimes it seems that every second person operates a blog devoted to food, traveling, or various sports. Many people even turn their blogging passion into a profitable business. Thus, if you want to create your blog and make this project successful, you should take into consideration several vital points.

Define the Main Subject for Your Blog

Most people devote their blogs to their specific activity or business. You can start blogging based on your profession, a hobby, or any aspect of your life that interests you. You are going to adhere to this theme strictly and always work on it. Also, you can choose a near-target approach and the spectrum of topics for your posts can be much broader.

In other words, you can blog about everything that relates one way or another to your main subject. It is perhaps the most popular format chosen by most individual bloggers. You can write about anything and everything without focusing on a particular point. This approach will allow you to highlight trending events and express your opinions about them. Here, you should not forget that you write not for yourself or search engines, but for people who will read your content.

Think about the interests of your target audience. To do that, imagine a detailed image of your typical reader. What problems does he or she face? What are the goals and aspirations of such persons? If you incorrectly define your target audience, even an amazing and informative blog will not be in demand among readers.

Outline Your Plan, Purpose, and Main Task

Before you start blog posting, you need to create a clear and concise plan. It is recommended you make a plan for some time ahead, for example, for six months. Also, prepare a list of topics and draw up outlines for some of them. 

Try to build a reputation, show your competence, and give useful tips to your readers. Actions of people are typically based on the opinions of trustworthy experts.

Understanding your main goal is essential since any of your posts will be directly or indirectly aimed at achieving it. Your specific tasks can be completely different while you write and post various articles. However, further strategy for promoting your blog will depend on the primary goal.

Your tasks are specific steps on the way to achieving the main purpose. Pay particular attention to the variety of content. Even if you want to sell something, you cannot just call your visitors to buy it. Readers will simply stay away from your blog if you do that. It is advised that you build a strategy in a way that makes your blog visitors wish to purchase something thanks to the informative content and positive customer reviews about your blog.

Constantly Improve Your Blog

During the process of blogging, you need to monitor how people react to your content, and whether they are interested in reading it. If they read one or two posts and leave, then you need to come up with some methods to incite their desire to visit your blog and read more posts. Share your personal experience and constantly improve your skills. Publish detailed case studies and monitor customer reviews. Keep in mind that blog posts with images increase the number of views significantly.

Of course, your content has to be selling. Otherwise, why are you creating it? Some novice bloggers think that content should only be useful so that no one suspects you are in the business of selling related products. But in reality, a blog affects sales, both directly and indirectly. So, do not hesitate to sell something and regularly send newsletters with offers.

What Else Should You Take Into Account?

You also need to determine where it is most convenient for you to create your blog. You can use a free platform or launch a website with your own domain and hosting. Another option is blogging on one of the popular social networks. Whatever you choose, it is worth considering the following points to achieve success with your blog:

1. Try to provide your readers only with useful information. Today, people do not have time to read something that does not benefit them and does not help improve their lives somehow. However, it is not necessarily only posts about trendy products or significant events. Also, dilute your posts with situational articles and current news whenever possible.

2. Be honest and competent. Write about what you know for sure. If you are not sufficiently savvy in some matters, study them properly. 

Continue to be true to your blog and your readers by posting only reliable content. As a result, your blog will be recognized as an authoritative and trustworthy source of information.

3. Properly position yourself and your blog. This depends entirely on which role you take for your target audience – an expert, an opinion leader, or even a bit of an insightful and inspirational person. Develop your writing style which should not be dry and dull. Also, avoid slang and vulgar expressions.

4. Write and post articles regularly. If you stop publishing, you will lose the confidence of readers and ranking in search engines. Do not ignore comments and respond to them politely. Feedback from your visitors can help you find new ideas for your posts.

5. Finally, you should not expect an immediate return on your blog. With time and effort, you will get a permanent result in the form of increased traffic, public recognition, and increased audience loyalty. Also, the effectiveness of blogging should not depend only on your inspiration or other circumstances. Diligence, as you know, is the mother of success.

About the author


Josh Carlyle

Josh Carlyle is a Blogger and Marketing Specialist at Essay Writing Service. Josh loves sharing his knowledge about trends in marketing with readers. A true marketing specialist he knows how to help companies achieve their marketing goals. He loves to spend his free time with the family or discover new destinations.