Ray Blakney, Author at SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Tue, 19 Mar 2024 06:10:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.10 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Long-term Business Goals https://www.sitepronews.com/2023/11/21/5-mistakes-to-avoid-when-setting-long-term-business-goals/ Tue, 21 Nov 2023 05:00:00 +0000 https://www.sitepronews.com/?p=132592 Establishing long-term business objectives is a must for achieving continual growth and success. These goals have an impact on every aspect of your company, from optimizing existing strategies to each major decision made to move a business forward. Obstacles and new opportunities will constantly arise for both new and established entrepreneurs, and long-term company goals […]

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Establishing long-term business objectives is a must for achieving continual growth and success. These goals have an impact on every aspect of your company, from optimizing existing strategies to each major decision made to move a business forward. Obstacles and new opportunities will constantly arise for both new and established entrepreneurs, and long-term company goals act as a guiding light leading the way towards a prosperous future. 

When setting long-term business goals, there are a number of pitfalls to avoid so that you don’t set objectives that are unrealistic or unconducive to the future you want for your company. The key lies in foresight, adaptability, and having an understanding of the business landscape. In my journey as the creator of the 9 Year Letter™ Method (a goal-setting system for the 4 pillars of life – relationships, financial, health, and fun), I have discovered many critical mistakes entrepreneurs typically make during their goal-planning phase. 

Here are 5 long-term goal-planning mistakes to avoid to strike a balance between ambition and practicality, ensuring sustainable success in the long run:

Ignoring Financial Feasibility

Having a vision is fundamental for any business that wants to grow, as it ignites excitement, encourages innovation, and drives teams forward. However, without in-depth, practical evaluation, this vision can easily turn into wishful thinking. One common mistake that many entrepreneurs make is setting targets (such as doubling monthly sales in a set timeframe) without fully grasping the financial implications and responsibilities associated with these goals.

Setting a goal requires a clear plan of action in order to achieve it. For example, if your goal is to grow twice as large in a 12-month period, several questions need to be addressed:

  • Staffing Needs: Will scaling your operations require new hires? If so, how many? And how much will the added salary expenses be?
  • Marketing Budget: Expansion typically requires amplified visibility and outreach. Have you calculated the projected marketing costs, including campaigns, promotions, and possibly new channels or platforms to target?
  • Affordability: Perhaps the most crucial question revolves around the company’s current financial health. Is there sufficient cash flow to support this growth spurt? Can the company manage the necessary investments without jeopardizing its overall stability?

Basically, ambition determines where we want to go, but financial planning helps us get there. This delicate balance between our dreams and practicality is often maintained by having a crafted strategy. 

Overlooking Current Successes

As business leaders venture into new territories and seek out new growth opportunities, it’s not uncommon for them to get caught up in all the possibilities and overlook the very foundations that led to their initial success. These core elements, whether it’s a product, a unique service, an efficient process, or a lucrative marketing strategy, have already proven their value by attracting customers and generating stable revenue. So why alter all of it just for the sake of change?

While pursuing innovation is important, it should never overshadow the significance of maintaining quality that existing customers expect. Building upon established strengths provides a base from which to explore new ventures. In many cases, the best strategy isn’t to reinvent everything, but rather to refine and expand on what is already working effectively. Pinpoint all the elements in your company that work well and brainstorm ways to further improve them.

Neglecting Existing Challenges

When setting long-term business goals, many companies driven by a forward-thinking mindset tend to overlook existing inefficiencies and flaws. However, it is crucial to constantly acknowledge weaknesses and consider the challenges they may pose to achieving company goals. If these issues are left unattended, they can become obstacles to growth. For example, if a hiccup in a business process is ignored while the company expands, this hiccup can turn into major systemic failure.

Therefore, before planning for expansion, it is crucial to review current operations. Identify any bottlenecks, strategies that are underperforming, and areas where customers may be dissatisfied. By recognizing these challenges, you can develop long-term strategies that not only propel your company forward, but also address any underlying weaknesses. Essentially, real growth isn’t about moving; it’s about strengthening the foundation so that unresolved issues from the past don’t hold your business back as you reach new heights.

By prioritizing resolving issues, you can create a strong foundation for your company. This will allow you to pursue your long-term goals without being hindered by problems. It is essential to strike a balance between addressing challenges and nurturing aspirations in order to achieve success and foster a strong business environment.

Making Goal-setting Exclusive

Every successful business relies not only on its management, but also on the collective efforts of every employee, from newcomers to experienced leaders. So it would be shortsighted to limit goal-setting processes to boardrooms. Excluding the majority can result in disconnects, misalignments, and missed chances for innovation. By involving everyone in understanding and contributing to the company’s vision and goals, you create an environment where each employee feels informed and invested.

Enabling all staff members to grasp the company’s direction and their own roles within that broader vision fosters an united workforce. It is within this atmosphere of shared purpose and ambition that businesses can truly leverage the strengths of their entire team. This leads not only to growth, but also to holistic, inclusive, and sustainable progress.

Additionally, fostering such an atmosphere helps build an adaptable organizational culture. It ensures that when challenges arise, the entire team is committed to overcoming them while actively pursuing success and long-term growth. In essence, inclusive goal-setting is synonymous with establishing a united and thriving enterprise.

Being Overly Detailed When Long-term Planning

Today’s fast-paced business environment is always changing. Technology keeps advancing, market trends shift, and consumer preferences can be unpredictable. So trying to plan every detail for the future can sometimes be more constricting than helpful. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the complexities of this evolving landscape when setting goals. Have an idea of where you want to go—the end goal—but how you get there should allow for flexibility. 

It’s key to create a plan that aligns with your business timeline, whether that’s a few months or a couple of years. This short-to-medium-term plan gives you direction while still being practical and relevant in the present. However, when it comes to long-term plans, being rigid and holding onto outdated strategies while the world around you changes can lead your company into trouble. It’s better to have objectives and remain open to adjusting your tactics as needed. 

In essence, while your company’s mission and destination stay the same, the path you take to get there should be adaptable and responsive to the changing dynamics of the business world.

To Wrap It All Up

Carefully establishing long-term objectives will guide your business’s path towards the future. This requires a balance between visionary thinking and strategic planning. When setting long-term goals, avoid making critical mistakes such as overlooking current successes and challenges, ignoring financial feasibility, excluding employees when pinpointing objectives, and being overly detailed. Keeping these factors in mind will help you attain your desired goals while ensuring that the journey towards long-term success is fulfilling and rewarding.

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5 Small But Impactful Ways to Optimize Your Startup and Boost Success https://www.sitepronews.com/2023/10/04/5-small-but-impactful-ways-to-optimize-your-startup-and-boost-success/ Wed, 04 Oct 2023 04:00:00 +0000 https://www.sitepronews.com/?p=131624 Have you recently launched a new business and don’t know how to make it more efficient? Or, are you having a hard time landing new customers and can’t quite figure out how to take your startup to the next level? You are not alone — many new entrepreneurs experience these struggles early on in their […]

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Have you recently launched a new business and don’t know how to make it more efficient? Or, are you having a hard time landing new customers and can’t quite figure out how to take your startup to the next level? You are not alone — many new entrepreneurs experience these struggles early on in their business journey and wonder if they should just go back to the comfort and security of a 9-to-5 job. Let me be the one to tell you this: DON’T give up on your entrepreneurial endeavors, as you can and will overcome these challenges.

I have launched and grown over a dozen businesses and know firsthand the struggles that so many new entrepreneurs face after they launch a startup. In my journey as the owner of Kairos Venture Studios, which specializes in launching new online businesses in the Latin American market, I have discovered a number of small but impactful ways entrepreneurs can optimize their startups and amplify business success. Here are 6 of them to keep in mind:

1. Ramp Up Productivity with Time Blocking

It is so easy for each day to fly by without finding the time for deep, uninterrupted work on projects that move your business forward. I get it — emails are constantly flooding your inbox, your business associates call at random times (and these phone conversations last over an hour), and so on. However, it is pertinent to make the time to check in with new client leads, plan and implement new marketing strategies, and work on other initiatives that lead to business growth. You can do this by scheduling your workdays two weeks out using time blocking.

Time blocking will help you stay on top of all of your work tasks, complete projects before their deadlines, and ensure that you never forget about projects that need to be worked on. To do this effectively, make sure to block out time in a scheduling tool (like Google Calendar) for the three most important tasks you need to complete every day, and also schedule blocks of time to answer emails and complete miscellaneous tasks. Since you already know what you need to work on each day from planning in advance, you will never waste time on trying to figure out the next task to work on.

2. Hire a Freelance Virtual Assistant ASAP

Even though you are in the early stages of your business journey, you likely already know what tasks consume the most time in your workday. Are they answering emails? Data entry? Replying to comments on your business’s social media channels? Don’t let these everyday work tasks take up your time any longer. Hire a virtual assistant as soon as possible to take over these tasks, as they will help optimize workflow and amplify the success of your company.

Entrepreneurs should hire a virtual assistant when their companies start to grow and it’s no longer viable for them to handle all of the tasks required to keep operations running smoothly. You can find affordable virtual assistants from all over the world for your company on websites like UpWork and Fiverr. Even better, you can hire specialized virtual assistants to handle specific projects or administrative tasks (like updating the website and daily social media management), which can be more cost-effective than hiring full-time, salaried employees.

Keep in mind that when you are describing projects to your virtual assistant, it is paramount that instructions are very detailed, in depth, and easy-to-comprehend. This will help to eliminate a lot of the back-and-forth discussions that can cause projects to drag out for a long time, especially if your virtual assistant is in another country with a large time difference. There could be a bit of a language barrier if you work with a virtual assistant in another country, so make sure that instructions are very clear and easy to understand.

3. Automate Meeting Scheduling with Calendar Tools

Have you yet to adopt the use of a calendar tool like Calendly? Calendar tools are so useful for business leaders, as they streamline the process of setting up calls and greatly cut down on time-consuming back-and-forth emails. If you don’t use a calendar tool, you have to email a business associate to ask when they are available for a call, wait for an answer, then schedule the call yourself in your calendar. On the other hand, if you have a calendar tool, you can simply send its link to your associate and they can select a time that works for them, then the scheduled call automatically shows up on your schedule and theirs.

Even better, the calendar tool will email both you and your associate with info about your call. You can also segment your automated calendar “events” according to what the calls will be about, and ask the contact for necessary info in the event’s “description” box. For example, you can create an automated 15-minute call for new clients, an automated 30-minute call for onboarding a new client, etc. Then you can write in these events’ descriptions what kind of info will be needed for each call, what might be discussed, etc. This can help ensure you don’t have to email the contact before your call asking for these assets.

4. Land New Customers by Launching a Podcast and/or YouTube Channel

If you have been struggling to land new clients, use a YouTube channel and/or podcast to provide free value to your target audience. This may pique your audience’s interest in subscribing, visiting your business’s website, and making a purchase. For example, you can share informational how-to videos and weekly industry insights roundups on YouTube, which will help position you as a leader in your industry. You can then capitalize on this by including your business website in each video description, which can lead to a boost in website traffic (and therefore a greater ranking in search engines).

5. Show Online Support to Other Company Leaders in Their Endeavors

Referrals from your business network can really help you grow your customer base. So network with other company leaders on social media and support them in their endeavors. Whether you are resharing an interesting article another entrepreneur posted or simply commenting “Congratulations!” when they share a major feat on Instagram, supporting and celebrating other business leaders is the best way to grow your network and potentially boost referrals. Those you connect with will know you are in their corner and will then be more inspired to want to support you as well and work with you. This can even lead to fruitful collaborations later on!

To Wrap It All Up

There are so many small-but-effective ways to optimize your startup and amplify business success. You can increase daily productivity and get more deep work on high-impact projects done by scheduling out each day with time blocking, hiring an affordable freelance virtual assistant, and using a calendar tool to streamline meeting scheduling. Also, you can land more customers by launching a podcast or YouTube channel and supporting other business owners in their endeavors. These are just a few ways to bring your startup to new heights.

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5 Often Overlooked Ways Businesses Can Use AI to Improve Customer Service https://www.sitepronews.com/2023/08/23/5-often-overlooked-ways-businesses-can-use-ai-to-improve-customer-service/ Wed, 23 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 https://www.sitepronews.com/?p=128062 Providing top-notch customer service is essential for amplifying customer retention, repeat sales, and overall business growth. Are you looking for new ways to optimize your company’s customer service department? You may not even realize it, but artificial intelligence may be the key ingredient missing from various customer service initiatives. While you may have already implemented […]

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Providing top-notch customer service is essential for amplifying customer retention, repeat sales, and overall business growth. Are you looking for new ways to optimize your company’s customer service department? You may not even realize it, but artificial intelligence may be the key ingredient missing from various customer service initiatives. While you may have already implemented an AI chatbot on your website to answer visitors’ questions (which expedites the buyer journey), there are many other ways AI can improve your customer service.

When you don’t automate as many customer service tasks as you can with AI, you are only preventing yourself from maximizing business success. In my journey as the owner of Kairos Venture Studios, which specializes in launching new online businesses in the Latin American market, I have discovered these 5 often overlooked ways to use AI to improve customer service:

1. Evaluating Customer Support Employees

Do you have Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for your customer support team? For example, do you have SOPs related to the number of customer support tickets to be handled in a day, email greetings, and how steps are written out when helping customers with issues? Or, do you ask that customer support agents reply to all email inquiries within 2 hours of receipt during business hours? These SOPs are pivotal for streamlining communications and preventing further customer frustration that could ultimately lead to a loss of future sales.

Therefore, it would be in your best interest to verify that your customer support agents abide by your designated SOPs. AI is here to help! You can pass all support team emails through AI applications like Smartwriter.ai to judge how well they hold up to your company’s SOPs and values. You can also use AI software like TimeToReply to analyze average response time to email inquiries. If there are any discrepancies, you can further train your customer support agents so they can provide the best service possible. 

2. Streamlining Customer Follow-Ups

Regular, consistent follow ups are key for boosting repeat sales with your current buyers and landing new customers. The problem is that manually sending out weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly email follow-ups to your entire customer list can take so much time and effort. So let AI handle it! An automatic email follow-up tool like Mixmax can help businesses better check in with current and potential buyers to keep leads warm and increase customer retention. This is paramount for amplifying sales and growing the customer base.

3. Customizing Every Step of the Customer Experience

Your customer base may comprise of all kinds of demographics, all with varying needs and interests. For example, a Fortune 500 CEO may regularly buy your products for their corporation, and a stay-at-home mom might purchase the same items for their home. Also, Baby Boomers and Gen Zers may both purchase your services, but they are at different stages in life and have varying tastes. So why use the same marketing strategy for all of them?

AI can help customize the entire experience each of your customers has. For example, you can use AI software like Klaviyo to personalize email blasts for the various demographics in your customer list. An AI tool like Unbounce can also select the exact page a potential customer will open on your website. AI algorithms can even analyze customer data like past purchases and browsing behavior, and then recommend certain products that align with their various preferences. Providing tailored experiences can help boost new sales and repeat purchases.

4. Sending Out Post-Purchase Questionnaires to Customers

Customer feedback can help businesses improve existing products and services, pinpoint new demographics to target, and better the enterprise’s overall operations. However, it can be difficult to find the time to come up with an effective questionnaire for customers (and then figure out when to send it). Luckily, AI software like Qualtrics can be used to periodically send out questionnaires to customers to get their valuable feedback. Remember, when customers know that you care about their experience, they will be more likely to buy again from your business. 

5. Analyzing Data to Identify Customer Pain Points

Going off of the last point, it can be a really time-consuming process to read through every customer questionnaire to find common complaints and suggestions. However, it is important to do so, as you may be completely unaware of an issue that many of your customers are experiencing. An AI tool like Idiomatic can help companies pinpoint customer pain points based on large data sets (like years of reviews or customer feedback). This will help businesses improve their offerings and fuel brand loyalty.

To Wrap It All Up

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing businesses in virtually every industry. There are many AI tools available that will help you improve your customer service, which is pivotal for business growth and success. For example, you can use AI to evaluate your customer support employees, streamline customer follow-ups, and send out post-purchase questionnaires to your current buyers. AI software can even customize the entire customer experience! Follow any of the tips above to improve your customer service and bring your enterprise to new heights.

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8 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Grow Your Business This Summer https://www.sitepronews.com/2023/07/10/8-ways-to-use-chatgpt-to-grow-your-business-this-summer/ Mon, 10 Jul 2023 04:00:00 +0000 https://www.sitepronews.com/?p=126466 There’s no doubt that ChatGPT has been one of the hottest topics in the business world ever since OpenAI launched it at the end of November. Enterprises are now excitedly researching how they can use this powerful text-generating AI chatbot to automate tasks, streamline operations, and amplify work output. There has also been a lot […]

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There’s no doubt that ChatGPT has been one of the hottest topics in the business world ever since OpenAI launched it at the end of November. Enterprises are now excitedly researching how they can use this powerful text-generating AI chatbot to automate tasks, streamline operations, and amplify work output. There has also been a lot of buzz over whether ChatGPT’s ability to write comprehensive content might cause many people to lose their jobs. 

It is important to understand that ChatGPT won’t necessarily replace people’s jobs; it will change processes to the point where employees will need to use AI/ChatGPT to do their tasks. Those who lose their jobs will be those who haven’t yet adopted the use of AI/ChatGPT. In my journey as the owner of Kairos Venture Studios, which specializes in launching new online businesses in the Latin American market, I have seen firsthand the many benefits of ChatGPT. 

Here are just a few ways to use ChatGPT to grow your business this summer and beyond:

Content Creation, But Not for the Website 

You may think it would be efficient to use ChatGPT to write informative blog posts and copy for product descriptions on your business website. However, don’t do this, as Google has already stated that AI-generated content is against their terms and conditions. Using ChatGPT to generate text for your website can cause it to be penalized and lose its ranking in the Google search engine, which can result in a major drop in business. 

Instead, I recommend using ChatGPT to write Twitter tweets, Facebook posts, and other text-based social media content. It can take a lot of time to come up with social media posts each day, which is why so many businesses hire specialists or employees to handle social content creation. However, if you don’t have the budget to hire someone to create text-based social media content, ChatGPT can take care of it. You can even train ChatGPT to write in your voice from analyzing previous emails, your other blog posts, etc. 

Creating an Outline for an Online Course

As a business owner, you likely have a ton of valuable expertise on a certain subject. For example, do you own a private investment firm that helps clients grow their wealth? You can launch an online course all about investment strategies, tips to ensure more financial freedom, and more. Launching an online course is a fantastic way to generate passive income for your business, so have ChatGPT help you get started! You can use ChatGPT to create the full outline for your online course, then you or an employee can fill in the course and build it.

Brainstorming Ideas for the Problems You Face

Are you struggling to get a major client project moving forward? Have your sales been declining for a while? Trying to figure out how to grow your social media presence? ChatGPT can help you brainstorm solutions for the challenges you face in your company. You can ask ChatGPT to come up with a list of solutions for a specific problem and then take the time to think over all of the options it generates. To be fully transparent, a lot of the presented ideas can be bad, but sometimes an AI-generated solution can lead you down the right path.

Generating Summaries of Video & Phone Calls

Do you usually have a team member write summaries of weekly video meetings and phone conference calls? This can take up a lot of valuable time, which costs your business money. On top of this, it can be easy for your team member to forget a major point that was made in the meeting, which can result in a lot of time-wasting back-and-forth emails. That said, I recommend using a transcription service like Otter.ai, as you can then copy the meeting summary into ChatGPT and ask it for a bulleted list of what was important during the phone/video meeting.

Generating Job Descriptions to Make Better Hires

If you really need to hire a new team member, writing the perfect description for your job post can be half the battle. If you get the wording wrong or don’t sell the position well, you can turn away the best candidates for the job. So let ChatGPT generate the job description for you! I recently did this for my own business and it helped me attract excellent candidates for the position I posted. You will likely need to tweak the description based on your company’s goals, but this will free up time for you to focus on other areas of your business. 

Customizing Customer Outreach Emails

Email marketing plays a vital role in the sales funnel — sending out weekly or monthly promotional emails to customer leads and checking in with current customers on a regular basis can help you land new business and enhance brand loyalty. That said, do you pay someone to write all your company’s email blasts, or do you handle this time-consuming task on your own? Let ChatGPT generate your outreach emails! Simply tell the chatbot exactly what to write about and it will come up with a full email blast for you. Then just copy, paste, and send!

Creating Copy for Google Ads

The first place most people go when searching for specific products and services is Google. Therefore, a robust Google ad campaign can really make or break a business. While it is paramount to target the right keyword phrases in Google, having messy, confusing, or grammatically incorrect ad copy can really turn away potential customers. So use ChatGPT to write succinct and attractive copy for all your Google ads. You may realize that changing your Google ad copy was all that was needed to supercharge your sales!

Writing Podcast Episodes

Podcasts have exploded in popularity over the years and are now a top source for information on all kinds of topics. Therefore, hosting a podcast all about your business’s industry can help you land a lot more customers! If you are finally ready to launch your podcast or already have one but are struggling to stick to a consistent recording schedule, use ChatGPT to write entire podcast episodes. Tweak the episode so it contains exactly what you want discussed, then you can feed the copy into a voice generation service. This will create an entire episode for you — NPR just did a whole show like this!

To Wrap It All Up

ChatGPT is revolutionizing the ways that businesses operate, so use this dynamic chatbot to bring your own enterprise to new heights. For example, use ChatGPT to write content for social media posts, create an online course, and brainstorm ideas for the problems you face in your company. You can also use ChatGPT to generate summaries of phone/video meetings, create descriptions for job posts so you attract the best candidates, and write podcast episodes. These are just a few ways ChatGPT can help grow your business this summer and beyond.

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9 Tried-and-True Tips to Amplify Your Website’s On-Page SEO https://www.sitepronews.com/2022/07/18/9-tried-and-true-tips-to-amplify-your-websites-on-page-seo/ Mon, 18 Jul 2022 04:00:00 +0000 https://www.sitepronews.com/?p=121999 Are you gearing up to launch a new website for your startup? Or, have you been managing your domain for a while now but you just can’t seem to drive steady traffic to it? Well, don’t start draining your business’s monthly budget on Google ad campaigns and content marketing initiatives just yet —it is vital […]

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Are you gearing up to launch a new website for your startup? Or, have you been managing your domain for a while now but you just can’t seem to drive steady traffic to it? Well, don’t start draining your business’s monthly budget on Google ad campaigns and content marketing initiatives just yet —it is vital to get your website’s on-page SEO right, as it is the low-hanging fruit and the first place every company should start in bolstering their site.

The on-page Search Engine Optimization is the only part of the SEO arena that we have total control over, so it is worth prioritizing before moving on to anything else. In my own journey of launching and growing the Live Lingua online language school on a bootstrap budget using SEO, I have discovered a bevy of helpful tricks and strategies to share. Here are nine tried-and-true tips on ways to amplify any website’s on-page SEO:

1. Optimize Every Single Landing Page

Yes, your homepage needs to be optimized for certain keywords, but have you thought of every other landing page on your website? From product pages to blog posts and subpages outlining your business’s history, your website likely has a number of other landing pages you are not making a prime SEO focus. However, it is pivotal to make sure every single landing page on your website is optimized for 2-3 keywords at most so that it can get ranked. To optimize those keywords, make sure they are in the title meta tags, the first H1 tag, and in the body text.

2. Place Related Keywords in H2 & Bolded Tags

After you place your main keywords in each landing page’s title and H1 tags, don’t just stop there! Bolser the SEO even more by adding keywords related to the main ones of your page in all of the H2 tags and bolded tags throughout the entire page. This will provide even more information for Google to determine what this page is about and what it should rank it for, ultimately boosting the ranking of the entire domain.

For example, say you own a business that sells nutrient-packed chocolates. If you already have “healthy chocolates” in the title meta tag, first H1 tag, and in the body text, then you can add related keywords like “wholesome sweets” or “nutritious candy” for the H2 and bolded tags. Including these related tags will help Google further assess that your business is all about healthy chocolates, which will amplify your ranking for that keyword phrase. 

3. Don’t Ignore the Meta Description Tags

Yes, Google has said that adding your main keywords somewhere in your meta description tags wouldn’t affect your ranking directly. However, in my own experience of building Live Lingua’s website through on-page SEO, I have found evidence that adding main keywords in my meta description tags did increase CTR (click through rates). This could have been helpful in boosting my website’s position in the search rankings. So don’t ignore this step! Every single tactic can be monumental for boosting your own site’s rank. 

4. Optimize the Meta Title Tag

After you have added main keywords into the meta description tag to give you a better click-through rate on the SERP, focus on optimizing the meta title tag! Add main keywords to the meta title tag, as this has anecdotally been shown to raise a website’s ranking. For example, if you own a marketing firm based in Minneapolis, you can add “Top Minneapolis Marketing Agency” into the meta title tag. Or, if you own a Miami-based bakery that has won many competitions, you can have the meta title tag say “Award-Winning Miami Bakery”. Adding in the keywords will really help boost the page’s overall rank.

5. Plan Your Internal Linking Wisely

It is paramount to ensure that your internal linking — the links from one page in your website to another — are well planned out so that subpages point to higher-up, sales-generating pages. This rule does not just pertain to each page’s header and footer; if there is relevant text in the body of a subpage, make sure those are also hyperlinked to the relevant internal page. For example, if your page’s bio mentions the various products your company offers, hyperlink the items’ names so they link to the products’ purchase pages. This can really boost SEO and sales.

We recently conducted an internal link audit at one of my businesses and strategically planned how pages would point to others. It was highly effective for amplifying our on-page SEO! Within 90 days, the website went from the bottom of page 1 to the top 3 search results for numerous keywords across our site. So try out this strategy to see how it optimizes your own website.

6. Unique Content Is Key

Every one of your landing pages that you want to rank will need to have enough unique content so that Google thinks it is worth ranking. However, this does not mean you should start adding all kinds of fluff directly to the sales copy, as this could turn away potential customers. You can easily add the longer, extra content below the fold where most people won’t go, but Google’s crawlers will. You can add unique content like useful applications for your products, fun facts about your services, or insight on what inspired you to launch these business offerings, which would all help Google determine that the page should be ranked.

7. Check Page Load Speeds

If webpages take a very long time to load, their search ranking will diminish. Therefore, make a concerted effort to assess the page load speed of your own website. You can do this site wide, but I highly recommend checking the page load speed of every single landing page individually to ensure that they all load quickly. This will help with SEO and also prevent visitors from getting frustrated and leaving your site just because a page takes a while to load. In my own entrepreneurial journey, I have used Google Lighthouse (a great free tool found in all Chrome browsers) to test and figure out what to optimize.

8. Can Google Read the Pages?

Implementing all of the above tactics will be for nothing if the content of your pages is not  readable by Google’s spiders and crawlers. For example, some website builders dynamically generate pages for the site, which does increase load time and allows for nice-looking pages, but they are also unreadable to Google. This can be detrimental for the overall ranking of the domain. If you are not sure if your pages are readable, simply open your page in your browser, right click your mouse on the page, and select “View Source”. If you can’t find any of the page’s text in the code page that comes up, then you have a problem.

9. Remove All “Dead Pages”

Do you have blog posts or other pages on your website that were published over a year ago but haven’t received significant traffic since they went live? Delete all of these “dead pages” on your website, as they could be lowering your ranking without you even knowing it. In fact, it is worth doing an audit to find and remove “dead pages” once a year using Google Analytics — you could simply delete them or 301 redirect that content to other pages that do get traffic. You can even merge the content into the page you point to to make the content that is there even better!

To Wrap It All Up

If you want to boost your website’s ranking, don’t start shelling out thousands of dollars on internet ads and other costly tactics — you can easily amplify the site’s rank by getting its on-page SEO right. Several ways to do this include making sure to optimize every single landing page for 2-3 keywords, placing related keywords in H2 and bolded tags, and adding keywords in the meta description tags. Also, plan your internal linking wisely, ensure that you have enough unique content on each page, and get rid of any “dead pages” on your site. These are just a few of my top tried-and-true tactics for bolstering any website’s on-page SEO.

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