Hope Horner, Author at SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Thu, 08 Feb 2024 20:10:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.10 3 Strategies for Making Better Short-Form Videos on TikTok and Instagram https://www.sitepronews.com/2023/01/06/3-strategies-for-making-better-short-form-videos-on-tiktok-and-instagram/ Fri, 06 Jan 2023 05:00:00 +0000 https://www.sitepronews.com/?p=123830 Short-form video has graduated from a fun bonus feature to a must-have element of a brand story. Shortly after TikTok went viral, Instagram made the decision to launch a new video function that allows anyone to create video content to help them resonate with a wider audience. Reels might seem to be playing second fiddle, especially […]

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Short-form video has graduated from a fun bonus feature to a must-have element of a brand story. Shortly after TikTok went viral, Instagram made the decision to launch a new video function that allows anyone to create video content to help them resonate with a wider audience.

Reels might seem to be playing second fiddle, especially given TikTok’s ubiquity with Generation Z and the fact that the app has seen more than 2 billion downloads in its young life. However, Instagram’s massive reach means that it is resilient and can undoubtedly fill gaps in the market. If TikTok were to flounder, Instagram is poised to pick up millions more users than it currently has.

As marketers, we can see the indispensable benefits of short-form video. So if both TikTok and Instagram are offering powerful platforms, does it really matter which one your brand is using?

Which Is Better for Short-form Video Content: TikTok or Instagram?

Both platforms hold sway over the general public, but while posting to both platforms is smart, marketers need to understand that content cannot simply be copied and pasted from one channel to the other.

Not only will editing features vary across platforms, but so will the algorithms, the audiences, and the types of content those audiences prefer to consume. The same piece of content can have different resonance depending on the platform. Reels has a larger caption limit, for example, so longer videos and more complex stories have a better chance there. TikTok is a speedier beast, with a 100-character limit.

The way audiences engage with both platforms differs as well. TikTok offers the “duet” option, making it more interactive. TikTok also relies on a trend culture and the ability to provoke viral memes via challenges, dances, and lip syncing. In contrast, users on Instagram are less tuned in to entertainment value; their primary motive might be just to connect with their friends, catch up, or view more aesthetic content.

How to Create Short-Form Video Campaigns on Instagram and TikTok

There isn’t a set of guiding principles that can lead marketers in creating content for both TikTok and Instagram. However, if there were, the No. 1 priority would be knowing the platform inside and out.

If you know each app well enough, you can create content that feels native to each platform, even if much of it is reused. Here are some tips to optimize your short video content, no matter where you’re delivering it:

1. Set Yourself Apart from the Pack, But Watch What They’re Doing

You want your videos to share unique insight into your industry. You might even offer behind-the-scenes treasure or insider tips. Yet at the same time, you want to be looking to your competition for inspiration and guidance. How are your competitors using video on their social profiles? What seems to be working for them? You can use this information to help guide your videos or provide inspiration for marketing campaigns. Furthermore, by creating unique content specific to your brand, you give your videos a chance to stand apart from the others and offer new views not yet discussed.

2. Play the Long Game

Many marketers who fail to make a name for themselves on TikTok or Instagram give up too early. They post a few videos, see little traction, and switch tactics before figuring out what went wrong and how to make it better. Learning how to please the algorithm and the audience will take time — on either platform — so keep watching the metrics and tweaking your strategy. After all, practice makes perfect.

3. Answer the Questions People are Asking

Entertainment goes a long way, but if you want to use social media to grow your audience and deepen your customer relationships, video can be a great tool to illuminate your brand. You can do this by answering questions that prospective customers are asking.This allows you to address any hesitation people might have about your brand and its values while also nurturing your current audience. Remember, entertaining and authentic content always wins on TikTok and Instagram.

When it comes to video marketing, many brands are losing out because they’re hesitating. Unsure whether they have the skills or the strategies to make video work, they would be better off simply pressing “record” and getting started. Fortunately in the long run, every video you make is a chance to learn and make a better one next time.

These strategies can help you make content for both TikTok and Instagram, reusing and repurposing where necessary. The most important thing to remember, however, is that when it comes to short video, you have to be in it to win it.

The post 3 Strategies for Making Better Short-Form Videos on TikTok and Instagram appeared first on SiteProNews.

4 Secrets to Distributing Branded Video Content for Maximum Impact https://www.sitepronews.com/2022/08/12/4-secrets-to-distributing-branded-video-content-for-maximum-impact/ Fri, 12 Aug 2022 04:00:00 +0000 https://www.sitepronews.com/?p=122282 Right video. Wrong channel. It’s a problem plaguing plenty of brands that don’t take the time to think about or map out their video distribution strategies upfront. Let’s say you produce an educational video that’s just in-depth enough to whet viewers’ appetites. That’s terrific, but you can’t just push it out on every social media […]

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Right video. Wrong channel. It’s a problem plaguing plenty of brands that don’t take the time to think about or map out their video distribution strategies upfront.

Let’s say you produce an educational video that’s just in-depth enough to whet viewers’ appetites. That’s terrific, but you can’t just push it out on every social media platform and expect it to do well. After all, it probably belongs on Facebook or YouTube, where viewers are looking for longer-form edutainment. But on TikTok? It’ll likely stand out — and for all the wrong reasons.

This is why you have to plan in order to achieve video marketing success. The best path to tapping into any corporate video’s inherent magic is to make sure it’s seen at the right time by the right people on the right channel. Being strategic about your video marketing distribution is likely to yield a greater return on investment and generate greater popularity with consumers. Otherwise, you’re tossing money, labor efforts, and imagination down the drain.

Where should you begin your efforts to maximize the distribution of all your corporate videos, though? Take these steps to ensure effective, dependable results.

1. Explore and Evaluate All Your Available Owned, Paid, and Earned Distribution Methods

You have three basic types of distribution channels to choose from. Owned channels are those you can control, like your website, your social pages, or email marketing. Paid channels include pay-per-click ads and any other “buyable” options. Earned channels are those that come to you from outside your control.

Your job is to lay out your owned, paid, and (to the extent you can) earned distribution channels. Then, choose which ones you intend to use. Keep in mind that every channel possesses unique benefits and pitfalls. For example, owned distribution channels offer creator freedom but not always exposure. Paid channels require an investment, but can help you attract wider audiences if optimized correctly. So pick and choose channels thoughtfully and incorporate a mix into your strategy.

2. Tailor Your Video Content to Channel-specific Audience Expectations

To be certain you’re designing consumable content for each channel you select, think about what each channel’s users expect. For instance, do viewers want short, snackable videos infused with wit, or would they prefer an inspirational deep dive? Your answers will assist you in building out strong video storyboards that are more likely to make sense and drive engagement.

How does this work? Let’s say you’re thinking about popping a video onto an owned media channel like your LinkedIn page. In that case, aim for content that’s professional and polished. You can still infuse it with personality, but not as much informality and lightheartedness as you would for TikTok.

3. Set SMART Goals for All Your Videos

Once you’ve nailed down your preferred channels and audience-pleasing video types, you want to set goals. Ideally, your goals will follow the SMART credo — specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Of those traits, you’ll want to home in on measurability. That way, you can track your video’s results with hard, tangible data.

Being able to target and track your video performance in real time can make all the difference. You’ll know right away if your impressions or conversions are meeting expectations. You’ll also be able to establish baseline standards for future videos that you upload to your paid, earned, and owned channels. Yes, video creation is a creative field, but it’s only enhanced by the science of data collection and reporting.

4. Avoid Common Video Creation and Distribution Pitfalls

From the moment you’re ready to create your video until the time it drops, work to sidestep the most common mistakes. Avoid not having a strategy in place or only using your video once. A single video can be repurposed countless times. If your internal team isn’t sure how to make that happen, partner with a video marketing company to learn how to maximize your existing shots or revamp your messaging.

Believe it or not, many high-quality branded videos end up underperforming because of a huge oversight: forgetting to add a call to action. Don’t be shy about telling your viewers what you want them to do after watching your videos. Being clear helps you lead consumers through your sales funnel.

Video is one of the best ways to grab more attention, leads, and sales. The trick is to apply the right techniques to ensure that your video appears intuitive for the channels where it exists.

The post 4 Secrets to Distributing Branded Video Content for Maximum Impact appeared first on SiteProNews.
