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]]>To understand the business environment in detail we should be aware of the certain characteristics that it exhibits.
Dynamic – A business environment is ever-evolving. It is continuously changing and is highly flexible. Therefore, it becomes imperative to monitor the changes in the business environment. This feature is also prevalent since a wide range of factors affect a business.
Uncertain – You have probably heard it from experts in the field of business that stepping into a business is like setting foot into uncertainty. You can never truly be sure about the outcome. This makes it difficult to predict any changes.
Complex – Since there are so many external factors affecting business, it can be a little difficult to understand the impact of each factor. A small change can have a huge impact on your business and you might take too long to figure it out.
Relative – As mentioned earlier, a business environment is similar to an ecosystem. The only way you can establish balance in an ecosystem is when all the related factors are working in harmony.
Composite – If you are part of the business community, you probably understand how there will always be ten ways of analyzing a particular situation. Each person analyzing the situation would do it through their perspective.
Several factors form a business environment. These factors can be broadly categorized as external and internal factors.
External Factors
No matter what kind of business you have, the changing trends in the outside world will have an impact on it. The sooner you come to terms with this, the better it will be for you and your business. Many external factors will impact your business, however, due to the nature of your business, there may be certain factors that have a greater impact as compared to others.
The political situation of a country plays an important role in dictating the business environment of a business. Politically stable countries are generally more inviting for investors. The political climate also has an impact on tax laws, regulations on business property, and export restrictions, etc.
The economic situation is probably the most critical factor that dictates a business environment. There are many economic factors that could directly affect the outcome of your business. Some of the most important are inflation, exchange rate, taxes, and recession.
Your product/service holds no value in a crashing economy. Keeping up with market trends will alert you to any threats. If you are planning to launch your business in another country, a thorough feasibility study will help you analyze the economic situation in detail.
The social norms of a society are related to the ethics, values and the general lifestyle of the people living in a particular community. To understand the demand for your product/service, it is important to be aware of all the social factors related to the particular audience you are targeting.
There are several factors which you need to consider such as the poverty line, the average monthly wages, and the role of women in society. The role of women has been playing an important role in how different societies are transforming. With women working side by side with men, households have a larger income which has changed the frequency at which families shop.
Internal Factors
Understanding internal factors is equally important when it comes to running a business. These factors are all those elements that are under the control of the business and are unique. The internal factors discussed below will affect your business in one way or another.
Resources is a broad term that refers to either materials, employees or money. Planning out your resources effectively can help you establish your business in a better way. Resources planning can help you to predict the outcome easily. It is also a great way to effectively manage your resources and be wary of any threats which you may be facing within the organization.
The physical environment of an organization is an important internal factor that contributes to the business environment. Most organizations ignore the importance of a clean and hygienic office environment. A clean environment leaves a good impact on any potential clients who walk into your office.
Moreover, it also helps to improve productivity. Investing in cleaning products and commercial cleaning services could help improve the overall office environment and the productivity of the employees as well. Offices based in London can take the services of any reliable London carpet cleaners to improve the overall look of their office.
To keep up with marketing trends and practices, businessmen must be keen on improving their operational efficiency. Developing a strong strategy can help a company improve its operations. Procedures taking place within the company must be optimized to their best. Any redundancy in processes must be avoided to prevent wastage of all kinds of resources.
The culture of an organization is the sum of the beliefs and practices of the organization. Every individual which belongs to the organization contributes towards the culture. Organizational culture should encourage communication at all levels. Employees must feel they are at ease and there is a prospect of growth for them.
It has been proven that organizations which make their employees feel valued are more successful. This goes for employees at all levels, even the photocopier at the office deserves the same amount of respect for the work he does. The importance of treating your employees in the right way is mostly undervalued. Employees who are valued and appreciated are generally more productive and contribute to a healthy business environment.
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]]>The post Smart CCTV and the Internet of Things appeared first on SiteProNews.
]]>From making it easier to spot a potential hazard at home to keeping crime down, smart devices are more important than many would have assumed, given their relative infancy as a tech development. However, it is the development of the smart CCTV (closed-circuit television ) that is the biggest innovative driver at this moment in time.
The use of such camera hardware has been coming for some time. Take this paper from Kevin Abas, Katia Obraczka, and Leland Miller. It shows the developmental process of SlugCam: a solar-powered, wireless smart camera network. It is primarily to be used for video surveillance and would be a key tool for making sure we could limit and, eventually, put an end to major crimes altogether. Just like SlugCam, smart CCTV also strives to serve the same purpose. So without further ado, let us discuss the topic in details.
Traditional CCTV’s days are long gone. This means that many of the industries along with homes are ditching grainy, black and white video feed in favor of smart CCTV.
Just like any CCTV, a smart CCTV works by providing real-time surveillance videos. However, where the traditional camera only records, a smart CCTV can understand the feed and is able to make sense from the images that it records. It is fed with such data and an algorithm that makes it possible for smart CCTV to detect certain behavior, keep a track of it, and evaluate it accordingly.
Smart CCTV is revolutionary in the sense that it acts like robots with human thinking capabilities. Some see it as a move into a more Orwellian way of living: where everything is analyzed in a way that helps them predict future events. Sure, it is a little worrying; however, it is fair to say the pros might outweigh the cons with such tech development.
A smart CCTV remains in a slumber-like state and it only awakens when its sensors detect movement. The smart CCTV is connected through a Wi-Fi network which helps it in recording and sending the live-feed to the person in charge.
Once it starts recording, an alert or a notification is sent to the person in charge which means that they can either view the live stream or record it for later viewing. A smart CCTV does not need hardwiring; just select a place and hook the CCTV for better security.
Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected devices through Wi-Fi or internet data that helps in sharing, connecting and interchanging crucial data with just a few clicks. Because of IoT, various devices such as home appliances, mobiles, tablets, computers, smart vehicles and other Wi-Fi electronics all share a single data connection which enables them to exchange information at a faster pace.
Just like that, the smart CCTV can be just another addition to the plethora of vast electronic devices controlled by a single individual from anywhere in the world.
The advent of smart devices along with IoT has paved way for two schools of thought. One that strongly opposes the integrations of the internet into smart devices; and the other that sees this integration as a natural technological evolution path that can be beneficial for both consumers and industries alike.
Although Smart CCTV and IoT seem a little risky and invasive, if implemented correctly can reduce costs, ensure security and deliver convenience to consumers. Moreover, the integration of IoT and smart CCTV trumps the traditional surveillance systems as it allows individuals to store and create a back up of the feed in the cloud. This makes it convenient to view live streams or recordings from possibly anywhere in the world.
Additionally, the smart CCTV and IoT cut the need for having a security department with a room full of employees constantly surveying an area. This is because IoT based smart CCTV can monitor any site and live stream the videos to specific individuals without any need for human intervention. Further, IoT based smart CCTV can send a trigger to notify individuals of any unspecified movements. This essentially combines the surveillance and the intruder alarm into a single device which ensures a protected environment.
An IoT-based smart CCTV is the very definition of a forward-thinking and ambitious project. It is going to help put in place a major change in the way that we live, and how we go about protecting ourselves from danger and from risk.
Such developments have been ongoing for many years, with various independent and corporate projects taking place to try and create more IoT based smart options.
Apart from providing a live feed and performing 24/7 live surveillance, IoT based smart CCTV can also be beneficial in the following ways.
A major benefit of using tools like an IoT based smart CCTV is that it could help us to see more for longer. Most wireless systems today will need some kind of battery operation that will need to be replaced or recharged. With the help of an IoT based smart CCTV, this is not the case as it could easily be kept charged and running without the same need for maintenance.
This allows for a significant downturn in the amount of time that we spend trying to control and manage our security systems. Additionally, maintenance might still be needed, but the time required will be reduced considerably.
Part of using an IoT based smart CCTV is that it would allow for smart and simple integration with other systems. For example, facial recognition systems could easily be wired up alongside this system. While some might worry about the lack of privacy that this could create, it is a system already in the works in China.
Such ‘ranking’ systems for people might seem like bad news for those who fear for our liberty under excessive government surveillance. However, identifying such issues and helping to make sure we can spot real crimes is very important.
While we have a lot to do to make sure that IoT based smart CCTVs do not ruin personal liberty, they should play a much bigger role in ensuring that we can quickly identify potential dangers to society thanks to constant surveillance capabilities.
Some believe that with constant capturing of data and imagery that it might become impossible to accurately capture moments of danger. However, with the IoT based smart CCTV, the constant alerts would ensure that any analysis needed could be requested in real-time.
Instead of reviewing video footage hours after the incident takes place, these smart CCTV would make it much faster for you by providing live-feed. In allowing for almost instant action to be taken, we could vastly cut down on the risk posed to individuals or their properties.
While some feel that the IoT based smart CCTV industry might become a danger to society, it is impossible to argue against the benefits to our wider personal security both at home and in the wider world. It is a debate which will rage on, but it is safe to say that the concept of an IoT powered smart CCTV network is no longer just a hope or a suggestion: it is here to stay.
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]]>The post 5 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Business in 2019 appeared first on SiteProNews.
]]>These whopping numbers point to the fact that Instagram is not only attracting businesses but is also providing them with a space to grow. So if millions of people are benefitting from Instagram so can you.
Since there is an Instagram audience out there waiting for you, here are 5 ways to ensure that you connect with your audience and form a tribe!
What started as a Twitter ‘thing’ has now become a full-fledged marking tool by Instagram. Apart from restricting 30 hashtags per post, Instagram has now introduced a new strategy that allows people to search and follow specific hashtag trends along with the profiles of the individuals who created the hashtag.
The use of hashtags shines a unique light on business models as they allow users to quickly connect with brands that fulfill their needs. However, general hashtags fail to fulfill customer’s needs as they lack a direction. This is where you need to breathe new life into your brand by using target hashtags!
Target hashtags are especially great for small-scale businesses as they can tap into their audience through niche-specific hashtags. For instance, hashtags like #velvetjackets or #neonpinkpants will help you connect with small communities looking for such products. Further, you can combine your targeted hashtags with popular ones to widen your reach.
Often people misunderstand Instagram and post random pictures that, although related to their brand, lack a sense of direction. This means that brands need to realize their purpose and make it the central theme of their pictures. So much so that one look at your feed proves enough for visitors to tell apart your main product/service.
Now comes the difficult part of identifying your brand’s main focus. For this purpose, go through the feed of Lush. They could have easily relied on famous faces to promote their products. Instead, they formed a brand narrative (which is bath bombs) and transformed it into the main focus of their pictures.
Having a brand narrative helps you narrow down your focus. This indirectly impacts your pictures and captions which reinforces your identity onto potential clients.
Generally, Instagram videos attract the attention of 250+ million users daily. Since Instagram stories are only available for a 24-hour period, it creates a sense of urgency among users. You can benefit from this consumer behavior and use it to boost your business. Here is how you can do it:
•Limited-time Offers: Everyone loves a good deal. So put this consumer behavior to good use by introducing time-sensitive offers. You can also give out promotional offers that expire with the story i.e. 24-hours. Moreover, always remember to drop limited-time offers at random times. This way your viewers will keep checking your stories in hopes of seeing a giveaway.
•Introduce the People Responsible for the Magic: Once you have attracted the right attention, you can step up your game by showing the people responsible for your success. You can do a Q and A session or you can show off a snippet of how your products are made.
•Show your Products: Have a new product/service lined up for release? You can show a sneak peek or a small preview to build up the hype.
You can also partner with local influencers and invite them to take over your Instagram story for the day. This way, you will be attracting the influencer’s fan base to your business.
Since its inception, Instagram has undergone tons of changes. However, it is still very much a visual channel that uses pictures as a tool to communicate with the masses. Keeping this in mind, you need to remember your brand’s narrative as this will help you in finding your visual consistency.
This step solely depends on your brand’s products/services. Defining your brand’s niche also helps. Additionally, if you lack the skills to capture visually pleasing pictures, then look into your competitor’s feed. See how they are sharing pictures and take notes. Upon analyzing their strategy, you can come up with a visual plan that can help you in achieving your goals.
Keep in mind that the more composed your brand’s images are, the more individuals will be compelled to share them. You can also feel inspired to visually enhance your feed by reading this article.
Instagram has rolled out a new feature for businesses which enables brands to promote themselves on users’ feeds in exchange for a small fee. This is a great strategy that Digital Marketing UK puts to good use.
Unlike other social media sponsored content, it is much easier to get the right attention on Instagram since the ads are displayed on the users’ personal feeds and not on the explorer page. It is a sure way of getting more exposure since Instagram knows your niche and is aware of the users’ preferences (thanks to its users’ data collection policy). In this way, your business will not only generate interest, but it will do so with the right crowd.
Although it is not a must to depend on sponsored content, it is one of the effective strategies that can actually produce positive results. Also, by including ads into your brand strategy, you will most definitely be getting an edge over your competitors.
Instagram for businesses is not extremely popular, but it is slowly picking up pace. Since the majority of Gen Y and Z hang out at Instagram, it is only sensible to include Instagram into your marketing efforts to boost your business. With that being said, nothing is permanent when it comes to Instagram. This is because the social media giant constantly updates and introduces new features to accommodate users as well as businesses.
So, while trying out the mentioned strategies, keep in mind that they may not be relevant for a long time. Stay ahead of the game by constantly apprising yourself of new Instagram policies and adjusting your marketing strategies to fit the trend.
The post 5 Ways to Boost Your Instagram Business in 2019 appeared first on SiteProNews.