Rob Davis, Author at SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Thu, 30 Nov 2023 21:52:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Book Marketing: Crush Your Competition With These 8 Killer Book Promo Tips Mon, 04 Apr 2022 04:05:00 +0000 Promoting an eBook is just as challenging as drafting one. The literature is designed for a platform that already has a plethora of information on every subject and topic imaginable. Therefore, it takes a lot to stand out amongst the competition especially in some of the mainstream genres. There can be multiple ways to promote […]

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Promoting an eBook is just as challenging as drafting one. The literature is designed for a platform that already has a plethora of information on every subject and topic imaginable. Therefore, it takes a lot to stand out amongst the competition especially in some of the mainstream genres. There can be multiple ways to promote your eBook on digital platforms but the ability to find the right mix, create a unique strategy and execute it effectively is key.

Publishing and then marketing an eBook is not black and white even if the pages in your work might be. As an author, you take a lot of effort, knowledge and heart in drafting a piece that can bring value to the readers but if it gets lost somewhere amongst the thousands of search results on Google, there can be a lot of disappointment. In this article we will lay down 8 efficient tips that can help you conquer the competition and give your eBook the attention that it deserves.

1. Start by Making Sure You Have Quality Content

The most important step in being able to promote your eBook effectively is to make sure that the content in it can enhance the learning for the target audience. Modern readers are always look for crisp and precise information on the topics that they search. No matter what genre your book might fall in, it has to be compelling enough for the readers to continue flipping the pages. This is one of the most crucial ways to promote your eBook properly.

The idea is to always build a relationship with the audience. Although the book serves as one-way communication, as an author, you should be able to surpass that. Make a plan about how you are going to structure the knowledge and insights that you want to impart. Create a robust framework for presenting ideas in a unique and compelling way where at the end of the day, readers believe that they achieved the target they had for reading your eBook.

2. Build Excitement and Anticipation with a Pre-Launch Campaign

Launching an eBook online requires certain efforts. A prelaunch campaign is amongst the most efficient ways to achieve greater engagement while building hype for the book. The content may be written by a book writing service or by you on your own, it will ultimately require pre-hype to build momentum for sales.

There are numerous activities that you can do as part of this practice. If you are trying to keep it simple, offer discounts to early registrations. Use social media to provide snippets of the most captivating parts of the book like the front cover or specific paragraphs within the book to garner attention.

3. Get Creative with Your Efforts

The underlying motive in the ways to promote your eBook should always try to get creative. Study the target audience that you are going to cater to. Look at the things and topics that they are following. Being innovative doesn’t necessarily mean coming up with something new but it can sometimes refer to a conventional approach. It all depends on the demographic that the book is targeting. Seasoned professionals or older individuals will prefer knowledge over vibrant tactics while the youth will prefer you to create exciting ways to promote your eBook.

4. Partner with Relevant Influential Figures for Promotions

Influencers are a great way to carve a niche and find the perfect way to get your work across. These people don’t necessarily have to have large social media followings. They need to be respectable and influential in the field or subject that your book is about. Get in contact with these people and collaborate by either doing short interviews or having them read as well as talk about your eBook before the audience.

5. Use Social Media to Your Advantage

According to estimates from 2021, 47.8% of the global population uses social media. That accounts for almost half of all people. This number offers a significant reason why social media platforms can be crucial in ways to promote your eBook. Figure out which medium is most appropriate for your target audience. It can be Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or even YouTube. Once you know, work on developing unique content for these platforms both pre and post launch.

6. Make Sure You Have an Appealing Video for the Book

Video content is amongst the most engaging ways to promote almost anything on the internet. According to statistics taken from a HubSpot survey, 54% of consumers want to see more video content from brands or businesses. Whether you have hired a book writing service or have drafted the book yourself, make sure that you have an engaging as well as insightful video that can go with the literature especially during promotions on social media.

7. Work on Search Engine Optimization

Google and its search algorithms use a number of elements to determine the relevance of content as per user requirements. Keywords are a key part of the SEO strategy as is the word count, backlinks, images and most importantly, overall quality of the content. The search engine is becoming smarter at picking the most relevant content thanks to sophisticated tools and so it is important to work in close collaboration with a SEO strategist when working on ways to promote your eBook.

8. Create and Upload Guest Posts

Guest posts are not only beneficial in SEO but great overall in allowing you to rise above the competition when marketing your eBook. Ask your book writing service or draft compelling articles, and blogs yourself that can appear as guest posts on various high-ranking websites. Leverage or build your credibility as an author to let these guest blogs serve as a pathway leading potential readers to the eBook that you’ve designed for their knowledge.


Being able to effectively market your eBook in a way that it rises above the clutter of content available online will require innovation and careful deliberation. Building the most effective marketing mix and then executing it appropriately will translate into astounding ways to promote your eBook. Make sure to pay attention to every aspect and integrate the above-mentioned tips so that you can achieve the best results in comparison to the competition.

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Don’t Ignore These Digital Marketing Tips to Crush Your Competition Mon, 16 Aug 2021 04:00:00 +0000 Digital marketing. The term sounds intimidating, which is why we’ve shared some top tips below to help you turn your business into a brand. A Solid Digital Marketing Strategy Granted, this doesn’t sound like a tip, but it is. There are quite a few people who fail to understand just how important this is. The […]

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Digital marketing. The term sounds intimidating, which is why we’ve shared some top tips below to help you turn your business into a brand.

A Solid Digital Marketing Strategy

Granted, this doesn’t sound like a tip, but it is. There are quite a few people who fail to understand just how important this is.

The idea is that everything you do for your business or brand in the digital realm is rooted in this very strategy. More often than not, companies have a set of steps they wish to take in terms of marketing but they are not part of a strategy per se.

Keep Referring to Your Strategy

A lot of businesses make the mistake of ignoring or setting their digital marketing strategy aside once the business gets legs. 

This is probably one of the worst things you can do to your business. Why? Because you obviously invested a lot of time and effort to generate all the information contained in that document. That strategy is the very foundation on which your company’s marketing efforts stand.

Do yourself (and your business) a favor, and keep revising and updating information every few weeks or months, depending on the industry you work in.

Use It as a Yardstick

All businesses can and should measure how well they are doing in terms of how they are executing their strategy. Of course, this is going to be determined by how well the business is performing.

An uptick in sales figures, opening of new locations, new client acquisitions all translate to a job well done.

Know Your Audience

Without knowing who you’re selling to, you’re not going to be able to get them to convert.

Try to get to know you customers by finding out what their online journey and spending is like. Needless to say, all digital marketing agencies are doing just that for their clients, so you need to try a different approach.

Be creative about where you place ads, for instance. Sponsored posts are likely to get a hit during post-work hours as well.

No Salesy Language

Everyone seems to be following the same template to write copy. Or so it seems. It’s time to stop pushing people to buy your product.

Adopt a “show, don’t tell” approach. It will be less annoying to audiences, and your product or service will have a higher probability of being bought.

Digital advertising is no longer “new” and so there is a lot of clutter out there that presents a great opportunity to break through.

If you don’t know how to proceed, take the time to do some research and find out what other brands are doing. There are always newer, more creative ways of going about advertising products in a way that converts to sales.

If all else fails, consider hiring a marketing copywriter. They work with several organizations and so they boast plenty of experience writing effective copy and content for the digital space. 

The Right Aesthetics

Design and branding are essential to any digital marketing strategy. Don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s superficial or that it doesn’t require substantial effort. 

However, this doesn’t mean that good design warrants you to pay through your teeth. 

All you have to do is make sure that the design is in line with who your target audience is. It needs to speak to them and tell them what they need to know before they even come across relevant copy or a brand name.

The idea is to pique their interest and get them to visit your website and find out more. 

This doesn’t just apply to websites. Your brand page on social media should have aesthetically designed posts that mirror the same appeal. There needs to be a singular thought tying everything together. One trend that has gained traction is that of “reveals.” When brands are looking to launch new products or introduce new variants, they post teasers featuring product silhouettes and/or incomplete pictures. 

Such posts gain virality as people continue to share and comment. 

Important to mention, however, is that this rule does come with a caveat. Just because a design is good doesn’t mean you’re necessarily going to strike gold with your audience. If you’re selling biking gear, for instance, your website can’t feature delicate filigree elements nor can it have a pastel color scheme.

Focus on Smartphones

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the fact that people are now consuming far more content through their mobiles than through other devices. 

Who can blame them? It’s portable entertainment that is capable of doing a whole lot more.

This is why your digital marketing strategy should have a dedicated section that focuses only on smartphones.

Also make sure you don’t fall into the trap of turning your website into one that looks good on smartphones. There is much more to designing content for mobile phones than simply optimizing a webpage for them.

Doing so is considered lazy in this day and age, especially if you’re a digital marketing agency that handles portfolios of several companies. Don’t risk losing business to your competition and keep brushing up on current trends.

Foster an Online Community

There is a lot of communication online on brands’ pages. Some wish to inquire about a certain product, while others engage in competitions, and then there are some who simply love interacting with the brand.

Whatever the case may be, it is supremely important to keep connecting with customers. It can be frustrating when individuals who are not active customers are part of an online space, but honestly, they are very likely to convert in the future. Remind yourself that there’s a reason they’re there. You’ve successfully managed to get them to like and follow your page. Now all that’s left is to keep devising new ways with which to hold their attention.

Bank on Influencers

Sure, there was a time when influencers were not really considered authentic representatives of a brand. While this still somewhat rings true, what’s important to acknowledge is that this class of people have still managed to carve out a space for themselves online.

Influencers are your brand’s representatives online, and they are hired mainly for two things. First, they need to have a decent follower count (organic, of course), and secondly, they need to be someone who your target audience can relate to.

An influencer then is someone who is singlehandedly portraying your audience. When customers can relate to them and agree with what they’re saying or how they’re carrying a product, they are pushed to purchase whatever product or service it is that they’re pushing.

A key piece of advice here would be to make sure your influencer has never been in hot water or known to voice problematic statements. 

One other thing you want to be sure of is that they’re not signed on with a competitor.

Digital Marketing for E-Books

Lastly, it’s important to understand that in the case of e-books, it will serve you well to hire a content development agency. By signing up for their services, not only will you end up with a great e-book thanks to their experienced e-book writers, you will get access to some invaluable information pertaining to marketing strategies for e-books.


There you have it. Some great digital marketing tips to blow your competition right out of the water.

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10 Easy and Effective Ways to Promote Your E-book Wed, 24 Mar 2021 04:00:26 +0000 Whether you’re a marketing professional in the publishing world, or an author looking to self-publish, there is an array of tips and tricks geared to help your e-book gain some serious traction. While digital and print-on-demand technology has facilitated self-publishing in many ways, it’s the marketing and promotional aspect that is sometimes found to be […]

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Whether you’re a marketing professional in the publishing world, or an author looking to self-publish, there is an array of tips and tricks geared to help your e-book gain some serious traction. While digital and print-on-demand technology has facilitated self-publishing in many ways, it’s the marketing and promotional aspect that is sometimes found to be lacking. Read on to find out what you can do to promote your e-book in 10 creative ways.

In order to promote your e-book, you have to go above and beyond; simply tweeting about the book and sending a flurry of emails to everyone you know might help a little, but the fact is, there is no novelty to these ideas.

1. Cover design

It’s all about first impressions. Ask any avid reader and they will have you know that they are prone to buying multiple copies of the same book. Crazy, isn’t it? Not so much once you understand readers’ tendency to buy a book simply because ‘the cover is too beautiful!’ Clearly, book covers go a long way in promoting sales and this is precisely why they should be designed well.

2. Create and foster a strong digital presence

Writers need to make sure that their professional website and all their socials are updated frequently. The task might prove cumbersome because writers may very well be engrossed in writing drafts and considering revisions for their books and hence left with absolutely no time to do so. In such cases, hiring a team to do the needful should work better. Also very important to remember is that book promotion does not necessarily start after a book is ready to be sold. Promotional tactics may also be used to give teasers to the audience and generate buzz around it.

3. Upload video recordings of yourself reading excerpts

Since public readings in bookstores and cafes might not work these days owing to the pandemic, authors can very easily record short videos of themselves reading excerpts from the book. These short videos may then be uploaded online and shared by followers and potential buyers, across different platforms.

4. Post pictures and stories on Facebook and Instagram

Everything posted on social media platforms carries the potential to go viral. Authors can look to even using their personal accounts for the purpose. There are many creative ways to consider when doing so. For starters, stories featuring blurbs and quotes from the book can be uploaded to Instagram. Promotional material for the book can also be designed and uploaded as social media posts.

5. Get in touch with popular book influencers

There are a lot of book influencers out there who regularly do book promotions. Of course, some of them might come with a price tag so it’s advisable to plan a budget accordingly. A good marketing approach should factor in a separate budget for online promotion, with a sizable chunk dedicated to influencers and reviewers.

6. Consider printing out some hard copies

Yes, it’s an e-book but printing out a few copies for the sake of promotion wouldn’t be a bad idea. These can be distributed at seminars, conferences, and exhibits.

7. Convert chapters into engaging blog posts

Depending on the genre of your e-book, there are multiple ways to go about doing this. If it’s a corporate handbook for example, a blog post titled “What to do when your boss is alienating you” might be fitting. The blog post in question can even carry a call-to-action at the very end featuring the e-book.

8. Host a live Facebook or Instagram chat

Hosting a live chat on social media can do wonders to get the word out. Since e-books don’t have a tangible presence, it can do a great deal of good if readers can see and speak with authors. By engaging and interacting with them, they are already en route to building a readership for themselves.

9. Embrace E-book Promotion platforms

Needless to say, you want to get as many people to read your book as possible. They can be uploaded to online retailers directly, or you might choose to distribute them via an e-book aggregator such as Smashwords, IngramSpark, and BookBaby. You may also benefit a great deal by getting in touch with publishers such as Kindle Direct, iBooks Author, and Google Books.

10. Peer promotion

This includes anyone and everyone you can count on to promote your book. Of course it helps to know people in the business who have managed to garner a considerable following for themselves. If not, approach a marketing agency specializing in e-book promotion and they will make sure you have all your bases covered. Peer promotion can very well include friends, family, work colleagues, as well as any professors you may have had.

At the outset, promoting an e-book might seem to be a daunting task, but as this post illustrates, it can be broken down into simpler steps. What’s more, there is no specific formula so feel free to pick and choose what works best for you and just get started!

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EBooks: Don’t Make These Embarrassing Mistakes in 2020 Thu, 01 Oct 2020 04:00:21 +0000 Whether used as marketing tools to boost your business, lead magnets to build your email lists or create a name for yourself in the literary world, eBooks are essentially meant to educate, inspire, and motivate. They are inarguably the most authoritative form of content in the digital world. However, not all eBooks deliver what they […]

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Whether used as marketing tools to boost your business, lead magnets to build your email lists or create a name for yourself in the literary world, eBooks are essentially meant to educate, inspire, and motivate. They are inarguably the most authoritative form of content in the digital world. However, not all eBooks deliver what they are expected to. While some eBook writers fail to deliver quality content, others make mistakes that can easily be avoided. 

Since many eBook writers have been going down the self-publishing road lately, attempting to do everything on their own, they often make mistakes that are small but capable of ruining all their hard work. It’s high time we stop making such mistakes. They not only impact your eBook sales but can also tarnish your business’ reputation. 

eBook Writing Mistakes You Should Avoid At All Costs

With countless eBooks available out there, readers are not going to put up with low-quality and error-ridden eBooks anymore. Whether you’re writing your first eBook or 10th, make sure that you are not making any of the following mistakes – they are embarrassingly bad:

Choosing a Wrong Topic

Whenever a person decides to write an eBook, the first thing they do is select the topic they want to write on (note that we’re not talking about the title of the eBook here; we are talking about the topic). It may seem like an easy step; the truth of the matter is that it often turns out to be one of the most challenging steps of eBook writing. And I am afraid to tell you that a significantly large number of new eBook writers fail at choosing the right topic.

Wondering what can go wrong with choosing a topic for your eBook?

Since everyone knows how saturated and competitive the eBook market has become, writers often try to come up with unique topics to make their eBooks stand out and attract more people. In doing so, however, many of them end up making the terrible mistake of settling with a topic they don’t know much about. This makes the eBook writing process a lot more difficult and longer and also greatly increases the chances that you’ll end up with low-quality work.

You need to understand that writing an eBook is totally different than other forms of writing – it’s a lot more demanding. Also, eBooks (even if they are short) are much more comprehensive than other forms of digital content. As an (aspiring) author, it is your responsibility to make sure that you have enough knowledge to comprehensively cover a topic.  In other words, you need to be self-assured that you can do justice to the topic.

Pro Tip: If you really want to write on a topic that you’re unfamiliar with or lack knowledge about, it’s better to take help from a professional eBook writing service than doing a bad job on your own.

Jumping Into Writing without Research and Planning

So, you have decided to write an eBook on a topic that’s your area of specialization or that you have plenty of knowledge about? Great!

Since you already have enough information about the book, you turn on your computer and start writing – Wrong! Absolutely Wrong!

It’s common for eBook writers to make this mistake when they are working on a topic or idea they are well familiar with and feel confident to work on. But, this is an entirely wrong approach. No matter how much knowledge you have about a topic or how much you have thought about it (in case of fiction eBooks), you need to properly research the topic and prepare a solid plan or outline for the book.

Writing without a plan is like hitting the road without knowing the route to your destination. You will most likely reach your destination, but you are also likely to lose your way. Also, you may take a long, difficult route, which can lead to a bumpy ride, or, at worse, ruin the whole experience. When you write an eBook without planning or creating an outline, you’re likely to get distracted from the main topic. Also, in an attempt to cover the topic comprehensively, many writers end up creating very long books. While this isn’t much of an issue in the traditional book industry, very long eBooks tend to be uninviting. This is where professional eBook publishing services can help!

They know what a good eBook length should be. However, more importantly, they can help writers generate more revenue by breaking down a comprehensive topic (eBook) into a series of smaller eBooks. They know that a series of smaller eBooks have higher sales potential than one big eBook. In other words, a professional eBook publisher can help you create a more profitable product for the market. 

Grammatical Errors, Typos, and Misspellings 

With so many grammar-checking and editing tools available, there’s no excuse for publishing an eBook with grammatical errors, misspelled words, and typos. These mistakes not only harm your reputation as a writer but also take away the charm from your writing. No matter how great your ideas are, if you haven’t presented them properly to the readers, they won’t make an impact or, worse, create a negative impact. 

Here are some of the software that you can use to detect grammatical mistakes, typos, and spelling errors in your eBook:

  • Grammarly
  • Hemingway Editor
  • ProWriitngAid
  • WhiteSmoke
  • Ginger
  • PaperRater
  • Slick Write
  • Language Tool
  • Grade Proof
  • Linguix
  • Reverso

Thinking You Can Edit Your Work Yourself

It’s high time that writers accept that they simply cannot kill their darlings on their own – they need someone else to do it. If you could edit your own work, why would the greatest writers and best-selling authors hire editors? (They all do!)

Don’t let the confident writer within you overestimate your skills. Hire a professional eBook editor for the task.

Don’t Ruin Your Reputation with These eBook Writing Mistakes!

We are at the end of the second decade of the 21st century, which means we are about to celebrate the golden jubilee of eBooks (yes, eBooks are going to turn 50 in 2021). Readers are getting smart, and so are eBook writers. It’s high time eBook writers stop making the mistakes that make them look amateur, incompetent, and dare I say, downright stupid.

Making any of the mistakes discussed above will only harm your reputation as a writer and may even end your writing career before it starts. Making these easily avoidable mistakes in eBook writing is like signing up for a project that’s predestined to fail.

If there’s anything in the eBook writing process that you’re not confident about, it’s better to take help from an eBook writing service than settling for low-quality work. There are plenty of eBook writing services available out there that can help you write, improve, edit, format, and publish your eBooks.

The post EBooks: Don’t Make These Embarrassing Mistakes in 2020 appeared first on SiteProNews.
