Chuks Chukwuemeka, Author at SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Fri, 08 Dec 2023 20:37:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 6 Simple Hacks to Scale Your Webinar as a Small Business Mon, 28 Dec 2020 14:36:00 +0000 Hosting online seminars, workshops, conferences, video presentations, and training sessions is on the increase now, especially among small businesses that are leveraging the internet to make more income for themselves. Webinars are gradually becoming one of the best methods to sell online. Many small businesses are taking to it for reasons which include: To establish […]

The post 6 Simple Hacks to Scale Your Webinar as a Small Business appeared first on SiteProNews.

Hosting online seminars, workshops, conferences, video presentations, and training sessions is on the increase now, especially among small businesses that are leveraging the internet to make more income for themselves.

Webinars are gradually becoming one of the best methods to sell online. Many small businesses are taking to it for reasons which include:

  • To establish themselves as authorities in their niches.
  • Identify the pain point of their clients and solve it.
  • Create awareness about their brands.
  • Attract more clients around the world.
  • Make more sales with ease.

But one problem these small businesses face is the inability to scale their webinar. They have taken steps to this effect, but it seems like it isn’t working.

They don’t see positive results. Even when they do, it’s not significant. In this article, we’ll look at 6 simple hacks that will help you scale your webinar as a small business. 

But before that, let’s define the term ‘webinar’.

What’s A Webinar?

A webinar is an event hosted over the web in which the presenters share their knowledge on a particular subject with their audience, participants, or attendees. It’s often business-related and allows for the exchange of ideas between participants and is presented through questions, comments, and answers.

6 Simple Hacks to Scale Your Online Marketing With Webinars

Choose a Suitable Topic 

The first thing you should do when thinking of doing a webinar is to identify a suitable topic. You may be asking what a suitable topic is. A suitable topic is one that solves the problem of your potential attendees. 

It should be one that a reasonable number of people are craving to get a solution to. Conduct research on the internet or use any keyword research tool to ascertain the estimated number of people looking for a solution to such a problem. Doing so will inform you of the number of participants who are likely to register and attend your webinar.

Ensure that the Content You Want to Deliver is of the Highest Quality 

Bear in mind that your prospective attendees may have participated in such webinars in the past and probably didn’t receive enough value. Ensure your content is superb, giving them a reason to be grateful for participating.

Develop your content in a systematic manner so it flows along at every stage. Make it interesting in such a way that there won’t be a dull moment throughout the webinar session. If you don’t have expertise in a particular area, involve an expert who can help. Content and how you deliver it is key for a successful webinar. 

Choose Suitable Webinar Software 

Identifying the best webinar software is important. The software you use to host your webinar to some extent determines the result you will get.

Host your webinar with software that is user-friendly, easy to use, and compatible with a lot of devices. Attendees who registered for your webinar may find it difficult to participate if the webinar software is not compatible with their devices or easy to navigate. 

 The implications are they won’t receive value for their money if they paid to participate in it. Secondly, you have limited the number of people who are likely to purchase the products you’ve created.

Get Your Timing Right

One of the mistakes some small businesses make is to host webinars at inappropriate times which can impact attendance. 

The first thing that should determine the timing of your webinar is the time zone of your prospective participants. Another is their age. Take, for instance, if your target audiences are in North America and Western Europe. The different time zones in these regions becomes a major factor. 

What you need to do is to identify a time that is okay for both. Also, the age of your audience should matter to you. If your audiences fall in the age bracket of 30 – 45, you should know that probably a lot of them have jobs and are likely to be occupied during weekdays. 

In this case, the best option would be to schedule your webinar during the weekend. Timing your webinar correctly can lead to an increase in the number of people who’ll participate and that’s a plus for you.

Promote Your Webinar 

If you don’t promote your webinar, only a few people will know about it. The more people who know about your upcoming webinar, the better your chances of achieving your goals. This promotion can be free or paid.

If you have a large number of followers on different social media platforms that is a good place to start your free promotion. You can run adverts on Facebook, Instagram, or even YouTube, targeting audiences who are likely to be interested in your webinar. 

Offer Incentives 

You need to offer something that will capture the attention of your audience. This could be a free e-book or video course that is related to what you plan to deliver on the day of your webinar. The reason for offering an incentive is to capture email addresses through a landing page you can create with email marketing tools like GetResponse or ActiveCampaign.

With that done, you can follow-up by sending reminders for registration, date, and time of the webinar. It can also be a means of selling the products you’ve created even if attendees didn’t purchase on the day of the webinar. People cherish freebies and it has proven to be an effective way of getting their attention. 

Final Thought 

Webinars are one of the best ways to grow your small business. Learning how to scale a webinar is a must if you want to see the positive results that come with it. That’s why you should take the right steps to make it work for you. The points made here are worth trying the next time you plan a webinar.

The post 6 Simple Hacks to Scale Your Webinar as a Small Business appeared first on SiteProNews.

On-page and Off-page Optimization of Blog Posts to Get More Traffic. Simple Tricks That Work Fri, 31 Jul 2020 04:00:34 +0000 Blogging is a lucrative online business no doubt about it. A lot of people want to start a blog as a means of making money online. But in blogging, making money depends on the amount of traffic you get. There are two types of traffic in blogging. Free and paid traffic. Free traffic is the […]

The post On-page and Off-page Optimization of Blog Posts to Get More Traffic. Simple Tricks That Work appeared first on SiteProNews.

Blogging is a lucrative online business no doubt about it. A lot of people want to start a blog as a means of making money online. But in blogging, making money depends on the amount of traffic you get. There are two types of traffic in blogging. Free and paid traffic. Free traffic is the one you get from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Paid traffic is the traffic you get when you advertise your blog on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. But in this article, I will teach you simple tricks that you can use to optimize your blog post both on-page and off-page to get more traffic.

On-Page Optimization

On-page Optimization involves actions you take when creating and publishing your blog post for it to appear on top page search results. Blog posts that appear on first-page search results tend to get more traffic. Start doing the following:

Conduct Thorough Keyword Search

Keywords are important for your articles to rank on Search Engines. There are a lot of keyword search tools you can use for free. Some of them are Ubersuggest, Keyword Everywhere, Wordtracker, and Answer the Public. When conducting a keyword search using any of these tools, you should consider this;

Search Difficulty: This tells you how difficult or easy it is for your blog to rank for such keywords.

Search Volume: How many people are searching for the keyword.

If your blog is new, you’re likely to have a low domain score, so it’s advisable you go for keywords with reasonable search volume and a keyword difficulty of under 20.

Create a Long Quality Blog Post

Search Engines like Google and Bing value long content of 2000 words and above. It sends them the signal that such a blog post is detailed and can provide more value to the user.

Use H1, H2, H3 Where Appropriate

Using headings on your blog post helps Search Engines and users to easily understand what your blog post is all about. H1 is exclusively for your headline. H2, H3 are for subheadings.

Use Your Keyword Naturally

Your keyword should appear in your title and the first 100 words of your blog post. This makes it easy for Search Engines to crawl it when a search is performed on such a keyword. Also, your keywords should appear in your subheadings and be spread evenly in a natural way throughout your blog post. Avoid keyword stuffing because it reduces the quality of your content.

Use Appropriate Copyright Free Images

Images they say are worth more than a thousand words. They’re important in blog posts for illustrations. Use them where necessary.

You can get free images on websites like Unsplash, Pixabay, and Pixels. Don’t forget to add alternative text to your images. Alt text is a ranking factor for Google because it considers disabled people. This kind of person can only make use of your blog through optimized images.

Add Quality Inbound and Outbound Links

Inbound links are links to articles you previously published on your blog. Outbound links are links to articles on another blog or website. When adding links, ensure that you add related ones that will add value to the content you’ve created. For outbound links, get them from authority websites. It will help improve the visibility of your content on search results.

Install Yoast SEO Plugin

If you run your blog on WordPress, I recommend you install the Yoast SEO Plugin. This tool is free to use. It will serve as a guide to ensure that you’re in line with most of the tricks I discussed with you here.

Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization involves all the activities you and others engage in after you have published a blog post. The aim is to increase its appearance on Search Engines results in order to get more traffic. A lot of bloggers relax after they publish a blog post forgetting that they can do a lot to increase the traffic to it. Let’s look at some of the tricks you can use to optimize your blog post after you have published it.

Social Shares

Sharing your blog posts with your followers on Social Media platforms is what you should start doing frequently. When your followers read and also share them, it sends a good signal to Search Engines, indicating that such content is valuable to users and therefore should appear more in search results.

Link Building

Share random posts with your fellow bloggers, inserting links from your blog posts where necessary. This helps to generate more traffic to your blog post. It also helps to build backlinks which you need to build authority and increase your domain score.

Make Use of Google Analytics – Track Behaviour

After you publish your blog post, it is important to track how people are reacting to it. The important metrics here are your bounce rate and average time per session. If your bounce rate is high (above 80), it’s a sign that users are leaving your page almost immediately. It means you need to look at your blog post again to see why this is so.


Blogging can be frustrating if you take time to create quality content and you don’t get traffic. That’s why you need to start optimizing your blog posts both Onpage and Offpage to get more traffic from Search Engines. The tricks I discussed above, if implemented, will increase the traffic you get from your blog posts.

The post On-page and Off-page Optimization of Blog Posts to Get More Traffic. Simple Tricks That Work appeared first on SiteProNews.
