Melanie Parncutt, Author at SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Wed, 13 Sep 2023 16:15:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Build Relationships with Media Personnel the Right Way Mon, 18 Sep 2023 04:05:00 +0000 One thing that makes anyone successful in public relations is their relationships with other media personnel. The power of a well-established rapport with journalists, reporters, and editors cannot be underestimated, as it opens doors to coverage, insights, and opportunities that can elevate your brand or message.  However, the art of forging these connections goes beyond […]

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One thing that makes anyone successful in public relations is their relationships with other media personnel. The power of a well-established rapport with journalists, reporters, and editors cannot be underestimated, as it opens doors to coverage, insights, and opportunities that can elevate your brand or message. 

However, the art of forging these connections goes beyond a mere transactional exchange of information. It involves a careful blend of research, respect, timing, and appreciation. 

Do Your Research

Knowledge is power. It is an invaluable tool, guiding your path toward meaningful connections. Before contacting a journalist or media professional, always do your research by diving deep into their work, their beats, and their unique approach to journalism. This isn’t just about becoming familiar with them — it’s showing them how much you respect their time and work, but also that you respect their expertise and have a genuine interest in their contributions. 

To better connect with journalists and media professionals, you must understand what types of topics they like to cover, and if they have any areas of specialization. This foundational comprehension forms the backbone for creating future pitches that seamlessly align with their passions and preferences. 

More importantly, look into their preferred angles of interest. Referencing their recent work in your initial conversations with them shows that you’ve done your research and strengthens your commitment to a mutually beneficial relationship. The dedication you invest in comprehending their world serves as the cornerstone for building rapport. 

Mention Their Recent Work

By mentioning a journalist’s or media professional’s recent work, you’re showing them that you’ve researched them and engaged with their most up-to-date content. If you can comment on their platform so that your name starts to become familiar, do so, and if they have a social media account, be sure to follow them and like, comment, and share their content. The point isn’t to create superficial connections, but rather to foster a genuine relationship based on authenticity. 

When reaching out to these contacts, compliment their recent achievements and consider showing appreciation for the approach and angle they adopted in addressing that specific topic.

Incorporating these steps into your approach displays a level of consideration that transcends transactional interactions. By celebrating their achievements and engaging in meaningful discourse about their work, you lay the groundwork for a connection founded on mutual respect and shared enthusiasm.

Make Your Pitch Timely and Relevant

Knowing when to pitch is probably the most difficult part of fostering relationships with journalists and media professionals. You don’t want to do it too soon because they won’t find your connections genuine, and you don’t want to take too long because you have clients to think about. Crafting a pitch that syncs with the journalist’s current focus isn’t just smart — it’s the difference between a hit and a miss.

One way to know when to pitch is to look at the trends. Keep your finger on the pulse of industry chatter, emerging stories, and buzzworthy social conversations that seamlessly blend with the journalist’s area of interest. 

For example, Amazon recently expanded its Amazon Clinic nationwide, providing messaging and video visits. If you have a client who specializes in health, this is a story you can pitch to journalists that cover health-related topics. 

When your pitch strikes the right chord with the moment and speaks to its readers, you set the stage for something memorable. By crafting a pitch that’s both timely and tailored, you’re creating an invitation for collaboration that’s hard to resist. 

Be Punctual, Responsive, and Dependable

Once you’ve set that relationship and have an in for your clients, you must stay relevant. That means meeting every deadline, being responsive when they’re looking for an expert to help write a story, and the information you share must be valid. 

Being punctual, responsive, and dependable in your media interactions isn’t just about fulfilling obligations — it’s about building a foundation of trust. Providing journalists with reliable information will continue to set your relationship with them apart. 

Don’t Keep Pushing After They Say No

There’s a difference between being persistent and not respecting boundaries. It’s okay to check in and reach out a couple of times if the journalists or media professionals provide ambivalent responses, but it’s not okay to continue to harass them if they give you a solid “no.” 

If you do receive a no, it’s perfectly fine to ask why if they didn’t initially provide a reason. Acknowledge their perspective, understand that everyone has their own priorities and limitations, express your gratitude for their time and consideration, and let them know you’re open to future opportunities. 

Maintaining your composure and courtesy, even in the face of rejection, leaves a positive impression. Understanding that a “no” isn’t a closed door, but a redirection that paves the way for a respectful and sustainable media relationship.

Show Your Appreciation When the Article Is Live

When a journalist features your content or story, showing your appreciation can make all the difference in maintaining a positive and productive partnership. Expressing your gratitude is more than just a mere formality — it’s a meaningful gesture that cultivates goodwill and nurtures a lasting relationship. 

Once the article goes live, acknowledge the journalist’s effort to bring your story to their audience, and recognize the value they’ve added to your message. Let them know that you’re grateful for the opportunity to collaborate and highlight the impact their coverage has made. 

More importantly, don’t let the connection fizzle out after the coverage is live. Instead, maintain momentum by staying engaged. Interact with their content, ask about upcoming projects they are working on, and keep the lines of communication open. This ongoing interaction reinforces your commitment to the partnership and paves the way for future collaborations.

The influence of a well-forged bond with journalists, reporters, and editors extends far beyond mere transactional exchanges. It opens doors to coverage, insights, and opportunities that can amplify your brand or message. 

In the end, successful media relationships aren’t built on one-hit wonders — they’re nurtured through ongoing engagement. By applying these strategies, you will not only foster connections, but also curate a harmonious partnership that resonates, elevates, and endures.

The post How to Build Relationships with Media Personnel the Right Way appeared first on SiteProNews.

The Importance of a Good Bio Thu, 25 Aug 2022 04:00:00 +0000 In 2022, every business leader has a personal brand. It is the story of who you are and what you do that is written across social media platforms, news outlets, and the reviews that are offered on your business’s products and services. For potential clients and customers, your personal brand is often the gauge they […]

The post The Importance of a Good Bio appeared first on SiteProNews.

In 2022, every business leader has a personal brand. It is the story of who you are and what you do that is written across social media platforms, news outlets, and the reviews that are offered on your business’s products and services. For potential clients and customers, your personal brand is often the gauge they use to determine whether or not you and your business can be trusted.

So, who controls your personal brand? Who is telling the story? Who decides what gets to be highlighted and what is left out?

It would be wonderful if you were granted sole authority to tell your story. Unfortunately, that is rarely — if ever — the case. Thanks to social media, anyone can tell stories about you and your business practices to a global audience, but where does that leave the business leader intent on crafting an attractive narrative? 

Your best strategy is to pay close attention to the areas that you can control. At the top of that list is your bio. Having a strong bio, and making sure it is accessible in every possible location, is critical in establishing a good personal brand. 

What Exactly is a Bio?

A bio is a carefully crafted summary that provides a snapshot of your life and work. Visit any profile page on social media and you will find some form of the owner’s bio. On some platforms, bios are very brief. Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook bio simply says, “Bringing the world closer together.” Selena Gomez’s Instagram profile says, “By grace, through faith.” You might think of these as social bios.

Professional bios go beyond a tagline to outline your professional journey, including what you have accomplished, the skills you have obtained, and the areas in which you excel. Its goal is to establish credibility and further certify the subject’s expertise. The bios that you find in a LinkedIn profile provide better examples of what a professional bio should include. These often tell a story about what inspires you, how your passions have served you, and the victories that you have achieved for yourself and others.

Who Needs a Professional Bio?

If you intend to establish a personal brand, you need a professional bio. Crafting a bio is not something that is only important for those in the upper echelons of business, nor is it something that is reserved for those who have the most experience in their own careers. In fact, most college graduates just beginning their careers have a professional bio on their LinkedIn page or personal website. The bottom line is that anyone who hopes to connect in the business world needs a professional bio to share as part of their online persona.

Why is a Good Bio Important for Professionals and Entrepreneurs?

Decades ago, a first impression was often made in person. In our digital age, your online presence provides your first impression. A good bio is important for any business professional or entrepreneur who wants to extend his or her network. The connections that will grow your business may begin with someone viewing your bio. Building a strong bio, in turn, means building a connection that grows your business.

A good bio can also be the tool that helps you to stand out from your competition. The globalization of business means that your merits are being compared to a global talent pool. As a result, your qualifications, certifications, and experience may not be enough to differentiate you. The best bios go beyond listing what you can do to explain why you do something better or are more knowledgeable than others who offer a similar product, service, or value proposition. 

How to Write a Professional Bio

The basics of a professional bio include your name, the company you work for, your position within it, as well as your strengths and past achievements. To establish credibility as an expert in your field, you can share links to media coverage that you have achieved or metrics that support your expertise. You will also want to include information on any advisory roles you may have held, such as serving on a company’s Board of Directors.

A standout bio will present these elements in a way that communicates your personality. Remember that your bio will likely be the first impression that you make with a potential client, customer, or even future employees, partners, and investors. How do you want to come across? A sterile, mechanically-written bio will make a certain type of impression to some, whereas a bio that shares some passion and vision will leave a different type of impression with others. Those who read your bio should know more than what you have done; they should get a feel for what it would be like to engage with you.

What to Avoid When Writing a Professional Bio?

There are certain things to avoid when writing your bio. Keep in mind that it is not a resume in which you need to include every milestone throughout your career. Focus on what is relevant for your current season and the goals you want to achieve. Additionally, your professional bio should focus on your professional achievements and experiences, and should avoid talking about your personal life as much as possible.

It is also helpful to zoom out when writing your bio. Make it appeal to those inside and outside of your industry by avoiding jargon or technical terms. For example, instead of sharing that you serve as an advisor to the IEEE, you can write that you are an advisor to one of the world’s top IT organizations.

Where Can You Add Your Bio?

Once you have crafted a bio that shares your qualifications and accomplishments clearly, concisely, and in a voice that represents you well, it will be time to share it. You can include it after your signature on your text and email communications, on the “About Me” page of your company’s website, and set it as your bio on your LinkedIn or Twitter profile.

With that said, however, it’s important to remember that your bio is not written in stone. Review it regularly to make sure it is fresh and up to date, tweaking it when necessary to better fit a particular use or audience. If you are submitting a guest post to a blog, adjust your bio to speak more clearly to the blog’s readership. You can then borrow pieces of it to include in shorter social media profiles and leverage it to build your personal brand whenever you have the opportunity. 

The post The Importance of a Good Bio appeared first on SiteProNews.
