Jackie Carrillo, Author at SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Fri, 15 Sep 2023 15:55:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.9.10 What the Current Uncertainty Means for Your SEO https://www.sitepronews.com/2020/06/09/what-the-current-uncertainty-means-for-your-seo/ Tue, 09 Jun 2020 04:00:12 +0000 https://www.sitepronews.com/?p=108330 After months in lockdown, many states have opened the floodgates, allowing businesses to open and consumers to flow out of their homes in a massive deluge. Yet, other states are staying firmly shut, enacting harsh penalties for anyone who unnecessarily leaves their home, forgets their cloth masks or otherwise increases the spread of COVID-19. Largely, […]

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After months in lockdown, many states have opened the floodgates, allowing businesses to open and consumers to flow out of their homes in a massive deluge. Yet, other states are staying firmly shut, enacting harsh penalties for anyone who unnecessarily leaves their home, forgets their cloth masks or otherwise increases the spread of COVID-19. Largely, politicians in power are praising the former group of states, fearing lasting economic damage to a country in shutdown for months longer. Meanwhile, public health officials are all for continuing social distancing and quarantining policies.

What does this mean for the future of the country? No one can be sure — it is a tumultuous time.

But what does this mean for your SEO strategy? Read on to find out.

You Need to Pay Close Attention to Audience Attitudes

Because SEO is so closely tied to other digital marketing strategies, like social media and content marketing, you need to be aware of, and respond to, ever-shifting audience attitudes. In February and March, before most states went into lockdown, a large number of people were not at all concerned about the spreading coronavirus — but those attitudes rapidly shifted as the danger of the disease became more obvious. Just a couple months later, attitudes are shifting again as many consumer groups have grown exhausted of isolation and fearful of the economic impact of a continued shutdown. As these attitudes shift, audiences’ desires and expectations for companies will shift as well.

It is incredibly important that you know exactly how your audience is reacting to the crisis from week to week. A good way to stay abreast of consumer outlooks is to stay connected to your audience via social media, especially Twitter and Facebook. You might pose a question to your following once or twice per week and evaluate responses for a pervasive feeling. Then, you should modify your content for the next week or so to suit your audience’s needs.

You Should Be Creating More Content All the Time

Speaking of content, you should be making as much of it as you can. 

 Right now, audiences almost across the board are starved for entertainment; they have more time and fewer responsibilities than ever before, which means the content you create right now is likely to garner more attention than it would normally.

Even so, you shouldn’t be happy to put out any low-quality, irrelevant swill. You aren’t the only business ramping up content production, so you need to prioritize creating content that appropriately addresses audience desires, is more compelling than competing content and fits neatly into your long-term content and SEO goals. If you aren’t well-equipped to generate more content, especially during this time when you might be furloughing workers, you might consider relying on an SEO marketing agency with a content creation team on staff. Then, you can benefit from a continuous stream of high-quality content to deliver to your eager audience.

You Might Want to Drastically Alter Your Strategy

Depending on your goals prior to the crisis, you might need to drastically change the focus of your SEO strategy. For instance, if your traffic and conversions have dropped off considerably, you might need to pivot your tactics to address this shift. Then again, if you are seeing a swell in traffic, you might not worry about that and instead concentrate on optimizing your website.

Data is the key to determining whether a change to SEO strategy is necessary. Again, it is wise to work with a qualified SEO firm to gather and analyze certain metrics as well as to make your SEO strategy more agile through the coming weeks. It might be wise to survey other aspects of your larger digital marketing scheme as well — just because SEO is looking good doesn’t mean your marketing across the web is a runaway success. It is important that you continue to closely monitor the technical aspects of your SEO and marketing and investigate any changes, so you can stay on top of the changes that threaten your business success.

As the COVID crisis has developed, SEO has become among the most important business activities, and that will likely remain to be true. Even so, no one can predict with any certainty what the next few months — or few years — will bring in terms of health, economic activity or consumer behavior. The best strategy for every business is to stay alert and be able to act swiftly to address the shifting environment in the near future.

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Campaign 2020: PPC Trends to Watch https://www.sitepronews.com/2019/10/09/campaign-2020-ppc-trends-to-watch/ Wed, 09 Oct 2019 04:00:43 +0000 https://www.sitepronews.com/?p=103952 Pay-per-click has been an integral element in successful digital marketing strategies, and as the internet has shifted and changed, PPC remains as important as ever at attracting site visitors and increasing conversions. In fact, PPC is so consistent and effective that many digital marketing experts considered it more vital to conversion success than SEO.  Whether […]

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Pay-per-click has been an integral element in successful digital marketing strategies, and as the internet has shifted and changed, PPC remains as important as ever at attracting site visitors and increasing conversions. In fact, PPC is so consistent and effective that many digital marketing experts considered it more vital to conversion success than SEO. 

Whether PPC or SEO will be dominant in the coming years, one thing is for certain: You will need to kick up your PPC campaign in 2020. Here are a number of highly anticipated PPC trends to watch over the coming months, so you can launch yourself into them when the timing is right.

AI and PPC

Artificial intelligence is an exciting (and slightly terrifying) development in tech that seems to be seeping into every digital nook and cranny. AI can greatly benefit PPC by parsing vast amounts of data to identify the best possible audiences for certain ads. This saves businesses like yours money by avoiding advertising to audiences unlikely to buy, and it helps audiences receive more appropriate advertisements to improve their life and work. Though PPC-specific AI isn’t perfect, it is rapidly developing and could be widely (and affordably) available in 2020.

Better Segmentation

Segmentation is effective grouping. In digital marketing, you need to segment your audience, so you can better cater to different customers’ needs and wants. Because you have such incredible access to user data, you have more options for how you segment your audience — based on location, demographics like age and weight, psychology like values and budget and behavior like habits and hobbies. Enhanced segmentation improves the success of PPC campaigns by ensuring that the right people see the right ads at the right time. In the coming years, segmentation options will continue to grow.

Reduced Search Results

When was the last time you went beyond a search engine’s first page of results to find the webpage you want? If you are like most people, it has been years, and search engines are noticing. Because they have become so outrageously good at returning the exact results that users want, search engines have begun dramatically reducing the results they show. That means you will need to work harder to get your content to appear organically in results — or you will need to pay to get on the list. By investing in PPC optimization, you can ensure your ads show up for as many queries as possible.

Cross-channel Video Ads

Videos convey information quickly and with high entertainment value. When you produce video ads, you have more opportunities to show your personality and engage more fully with your audience. Though video production might seem like an unnecessary expense, you should consider that 88 percent of users spend more time on websites with videos, and the ROI for video content tends to be exceedingly positive — especially if you can promote your video content across channels with ease. Fortunately, as video usage has increased, most social media sites and a few other platforms are offering more opportunities for video ads, which you should take advantage of in the coming months and years.

More Ad Platforms

Speaking of platforms, you should be using more than Google Ads to get the word out about your company. By investing in Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Amazon Ads and other advertisement platforms, you will be able to increase your reach, especially on mobile. When you have ads displaying on multiple platforms at once, you are guaranteeing that your target audience is seeing and engaging with your content.


Remarketing is a form of advertising that sells products or services to users who have already browsed those products or services. A few studies have been conducted on remarketing PPC tactics, and essentially every one has identified an extreme uptick in conversion rates amongst consumers who see again and again the products they once considered buying. Plus, remarketing campaigns are relatively low-cost because you don’t have to waste money identifying new audiences — you merely pursue the leads you already have.

VR and PPC

Finally, it is always possible that virtual reality will finally emerge as a vital advertising market. Indeed, VR continues to grow slowly, and as more VR technologies become more widely available to consumers, it is likely that some of your audience might migrate to VR. Because advertising in VR is uncharted territory, it might be worthwhile to spend some time developing a VR strategy should one be needed in the near future.

Pay-per-click advertising was among the first major ways businesses could access their online audiences, and it remains one of the best. By shifting your strategy with new technology and trends, you will continue to see success from PPC.

The post Campaign 2020: PPC Trends to Watch appeared first on SiteProNews.
