Business Technology

3 Ways to Create Your Ideal Remote Workspace

There is a shift happening in the global workforce. Employees are now moving from office spaces to distributed remote teams. 

There was a time when working ‘remotely’ wasn’t even a possibility. Lack of technology pushed employees inside physical offices. It rarely was connected with a full-time career. Now, technology affords us the ability to get the same job done, no matter where in the world we are.

Some people still can’t wrap their head around the idea of working-from-home. There are still organizations that believe it to be an un-organized and inefficient way to operate a growing company. 

And we can’t entirely blame them!

The internet is full of remote work myths that they keep revolving around. But if you do a quick Google search, you’d find out that remote workers are actually more productive, and have higher job satisfaction than traditional office workers.

It’s not magic or a mystery. Shorter commutes, flexible work hours, and personal office spaces lead to higher productivity in employees. If you put yourself in the same shoes, you’d realize that even you would prefer 30 extra minutes to enjoy your breakfast rather than 30 minutes of being stuck in traffic. 

The number of remote workers has significantly increased over the last couple of years. From freelancers to organizations with more than a hundred thousand employees, everyone is embracing the future of work.

This increasing number is no surprise. With the added benefits of working in a remote environment, it is natural for one to transition to remote work and bid goodbye to their cubicle days.

The world is becoming smaller, with people being able to have work teams that span the globe. This shift toward remote work has made it possible for people to have a career and generate income while pursuing their passion for travel and raising a family.

While it’s entirely possible to work from a beach, a cafe or a hotel lobby in a tropical paradise, there are plenty of home workers that have a home office. 

The availability of high-speed internet has given us the opportunity to be present anywhere, learn from everywhere and grow consistently. I personally don’t remember the last time I headed to the library. Today, knowledge & information across many different subject areas is available online, accessible within seconds. 

By now, many of us have become used to the fact that for nearly any subject, there is high-quality learning content accessible to you without leaving your location. And this continues to grow as you read.

A recent study shows the significant rise in e-learning, with video being a successful factor in much of that growth, expected to make up for almost 80% of all web activity worldwide (including e-learning) in 2019! 

This has already lead to a rise in online summits and virtual educational conferences that offer a great combination of knowledge, mentorship, networking and accessibility. 

Below we have listed 3 ways you can create your ideal remote workspace, no matter where you are.

Have Your Tools Ready

Success in working remotely is largely dependent on having the right tools for the job, in addition to being able to work without distractions. Fortunately, there are a lot of web tools designed for remote workers to make life easier, including everything from project management to AI-driven employee scheduling (source:

Ensure that you have your tools ready wherever you go. If you’re working away from your home office, check that you have your laptop charging cable before leaving to find a workspace. Find a location where you have a strong wifi connection, or where you can make a temporary hotspot to log on if necessary. Using cloud platform technology will allow you to work with a team from 

anywhere in the world, as long as you have a connection.

Create a Working Environment

If you have a home office, there are a few ways you can make it ideal for getting work done. You’ll want to focus on the ambiance of the room. Do you have lots of natural lighting and ambient lighting? Is it free of both clutter and distractions? Have you made a space that feels like it’s your own?

It’s different when you’re on the road, as you often find yourself in a public area that’s noisy and filled with distractions. In this case, do your best to find a place where you can focus on your work. A small cafe in England is likely going to be a better choice than a bar in the middle of a soccer game. The beach, while relaxing, runs the risk of getting sand in your equipment and being too bright to see your screen.

So what if these latter ideas are the only option? It’s up to you to create a working environment and be versatile. A well-placed bamboo rug and umbrella can be your private office oasis on the beach while noise-canceling headphones can be a lifesaver as Manchester United and Liverpool battle it out.

Sustain Yourself

Finally, to create an ideal remote workspace, you need to bring whatever it takes to sustain you while you work. If you’re prone to temperature fluctuations, wear layers or have a sweater nearby. Fresh, filtered water and small, healthy snacks will keep you going while you work.

The key to successfully creating an ideal remote workspace is to always be prepared. Whether you’re working from your home office, your kitchen table, an airplane or a hotel on a family vacation, have what you need with you at all times and plan accordingly.

We still don’t understand how some organizations and employees don’t see the benefits of working remotely. With the technology that we have today, there is no reason why people would still be stuck inside four walls to operate a business.

In the coming years, most of the jobs & organizations will move to remote working. Hiring, on-boarding, company culture & entire operations will be a part of the virtual world. As we reach closer to the future of work, it is essential for all of us to understand the remote work environment in depth, not just as an organization but also as employees seeking flexible opportunities.

In order to build a successful business in a talent-shortage economy, we have to hire the best of people — period. Similarly, to get the best opportunity, one needs to look beyond their geographical identity.

About the author


Vishant Khare

Join The Remote Work Summit 2019 and learn from over 14+ industry experts (including CXOs & HRs from organizations like Buffer, Zapier, Doist and more). The panel of speakers will help you understand how to work in a remote environment and give you insight on how hiring managers think & plan.

“Born with a flair for words, I love to bring my views in the form of content and facilitate hustlers to understand and reflect on ideas. A passionate storyteller, I bring perspective to million thoughts that stumble in your mind every now and then.”