Smartphones/Mobile Applications News - SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Sat, 29 Jun 2024 15:27:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Best and Worst Performing Google Play Apps of 2024 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 04:00:00 +0000 The average person has 60 apps installed on their smartphone. And while most of them make our daily lives run a little smoother, some apps can be a minefield of malfunctions, riddled with bugs and glitches that make us want to launch our phone at the nearest wall. And it’s these glitches that inspired the […]

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The average person has 60 apps installed on their smartphone. And while most of them make our daily lives run a little smoother, some apps can be a minefield of malfunctions, riddled with bugs and glitches that make us want to launch our phone at the nearest wall.

And it’s these glitches that inspired the latest study from Electronics Hub. It looked at the 400 most used apps on the Google Play Store, then analyzed all their reviews to find which apps have the highest mention of bugs and glitches for every 1,000 posted.

Here’s a look at the most and least buggy apps of 2024.

The buggiest apps of 2024

There’s bad news for the design team behind the Go Program Way2Go Card app. The financial support app ranked as the most buggy app of 2024, according to the Electronics Hub researchers. They discovered 325 mentions of bugs and glitches in every 1,000 Google Play reviews.

Dating apps are performing well

Dating apps dominate the top 10 list of the least buggy apps of 2024. They make up almost half the list, with Dating App FlirtMe scoring the lowest of all. For every 1,000 reviews of the app, you’ll only find 8 mentions of bugs. The other dating apps providing a smooth service to romance seekers include Once, Magnet, and Royal Match.

Social media apps

Sendit is the real standout in this category. The Q&A social media app has an impressive 4.8/5 Google Play score, and Electronic Hub research found less than 14 reports of app failure in every 1,000 reviews. “I absolutely love this app,” posted a happy Sendit user. “It’s so smooth and does exactly what it promises.”

The best and worst-performing retail shopping apps

Target is one of the biggest names in the US retail industry. And it still has big problems when it comes to app design. As one of the buggiest shopping apps of 2024, it has almost 150 negative mentions of usability issues for every 1,000 Google Play reviews. 

“Poor design,” reads one review. “There have been issues for at least a couple of years with bugs. It often just stops working for no reason.”

 A second reviewer put it a little more succinctly: “This app sucks!”

How are food apps performing in 2024

Ordering your favourite Mexican take-out on the Taco Bell app isn’t as easy as it sounds. Or should be. This app is riddled with glitches and bugs that can turn a simple order into a rage-inducing experience, pushing you to the very limits of “hangriness”.

And frustrated customers aren’t afraid to share their feelings in Google Play reviews. Over 25% of every 1,000 customers who leave a review in the Google Play store talk about the bugs and error messages in the Taco Bell app

Dating apps with the most bugs 

Grindr is the buggiest dating app of them all, with 156 mentions of glitches for every 1,000 reviews. Feeld, which bills itself as the “modern dating app for open-minded people,” sits in the second spot, with 158 mentions.

Dil Mil, an app catering to South Asian individuals looking to date, is also having some serious performance issues. Its users reported 100 bugs.

Two other niche dating apps feature in this part of the study. They are BLK, a dating and lifestyle app for culture makers in the Black community, and Christian Mingle, designed for those of Christian faith looking for a partner with the same outlook and values.

Bugs and glitches in gaming apps

More than 1 billion people have downloaded Pokémon Go since its 2016 release. But despite its huge popularity, the app’s performance has continued to struggle with  bugs. From server crashes to GPS inaccuracies, players regularly encounter frustrating issues when trying to “catch them all.”

“It seems like it’s getting harder to play because of all the bugs and faults,” reads one review. And that’s just one of the 152 negative reviews you’ll find in every 1,000 posted on Google Play.

The productivity apps ruining productivity in 2024 

Notion is a freemium productivity note-taking web application. However, there’s nothing very productive about all the glitches and bugs that slow users down when making to-do lists or tracking project timelines.

We can say the same for the Google Docs app. The study found that 120 out of every 1,000 reviews talked about bugs and glitches that make this productivity app feel like an anti-productivity app.

Glitchy finance apps

Reviews for the Experian and Intuit Credit Karma report the fewest number of bugs in the finance apps.

The Navy Credit Union is among the highest scorers. Almost 200 of its Google Play reviewers complain about usability issues caused by bugs and poor design.

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A Global Study on Internet Affordability Thu, 06 Jun 2024 04:00:00 +0000 In today’s digital world, access to the internet goes hand in hand with social and economic empowerment. A huge part of this accessibility comes down to price. In other words, people who can afford to access the internet every day have a massive advantage over those who are priced out of participating in the 21st-century […]

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In today’s digital world, access to the internet goes hand in hand with social and economic empowerment.

A huge part of this accessibility comes down to price. In other words, people who can afford to access the internet every day have a massive advantage over those who are priced out of participating in the 21st-century digital economy.

And as this latest study by Electronics Hub reveals, some countries are doing an excellent job of providing affordable internet access, while others continue to struggle with exorbitant costs that prevent widespread connectivity and further increase the disparity between the digital have’s and the digital have-not’s.

The most and least affordable countries for mobile data

The Electronics Hub researchers kicked off the study by looking at the cost of a 10GB mobile data plan relative to the national average income.

And on that scale, it turns out that nobody is getting a better deal on mobile data than those living in Israel. The price of a 10GB per month annual plan equals just 0.01% of the yearly wage for an average Israeli. It’s one of the reasons why Israel is among the best digitally connected countries in the world, with over 90% of the population having daily access to the internet.

Italy and France are two more highly connected nations where access to mobile data costs just a fraction of the average salary. Italians pay just 0.04% of the wage for an annual plan of 10GB per month. The same plan costs just 0.07% of the average salary in France.

There are several more nations where the price of mobile data works out at less than 1% of the average worker’s take-home pay. They include Australia, Finland, Denmark, and Austria.

Zimbabwe has the most expensive 10GB mobile data pack on the planet. Although calling it expensive is a bit of an understatement. Words like outrageous, astronomical, or maybe even extortionate would be more fitting. That’s because 10GB of mobile data in Zimbabwe is ‘worth’ 356% of the national salary. Like we said, an absolutely outrageous price.

And Zimbabwe is by no means the exception. Super-high data package prices are the norm across the African continent. For example, the price of 10GB annual mobile data in the Central African Republic is 334% of the average yearly income. Then there’s Zambia, where locals need to find 156% of the average salary to cover the price of a 10GB mobile deal.

Broadband prices compared to download speeds in every country

Romania isn’t the first country that comes to mind when thinking about digital innovation and connectivity. However, in terms of price per 1Mbps, it’s the best place on the planet for digital connectivity. In Romania, 1Mbps cost just $0.01.

But this will come as no surprise to those who know a little bit about Romania’s recent history and commitment to innovation.

After the fall of communism in 1989, Romania launched a huge and ambitious modernization development project, which included massive investments in telecommunications. By the early 2000s, private companies were rolling out fibre-optic networks, especially in urban areas, catapulting Romania to one of the top countries globally in terms of internet speed and value for money.

Internet access is a little more expensive in Thailand, where locals pay $0.02 per 1Mbps. Other countries in the least expensive broadband list include Moldova ($0.03), Poland ($0.03), and Slovakia ($0.04).

African countries dominate the top 10 list of the most expensive nations for broadband per 1Mbps, once again highlighting the problems (and price) of digital connectivity across the continent.

Just 1Mbps of internet in Eritrea costs $338! And it’s not like you’d even get much for your money. A 1Mbps internet connection has just enough download speeds to perform basic online activities, but your connection will still be relatively slow. And you can forget about streaming your newest favorite Netflix series. Unless you want to spend an hour watching the screen buffer.

Internet affordability around the world

The third and final part of the Electronics Hub analysis focuses on affordability. It compares the price of an annual broadband plan in every country to its national average salary.

Once again, Romania can say it has the most affordable broadband in the entire world. A year’s worth of broadband costs the average Romanian just 0.74% of their salary. In dollar terms, that’s about $60 a year for a super-fast and super-stable broadband connection.

Broadband is eye-wateringly expensive when compared to the national average salary in Burundi. This is a country where a year’s worth of broadband costs 2,935% more than what most people earn in a year. And yes, you did read that right – 2,935%.

That means the average person needs to find 29X their salary to afford broadband. This is why less than 10% of the country’s population has internet access. A 2023 Global Digital Insights report found that over 10 million people living in Burundi have never been online.

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New Study Reveals Alarming New Trends in Global Screen Time Habits and Addictions Tue, 21 May 2024 04:00:00 +0000 We all have a little bit of a problem with screen time addiction. It’s just a fact of modern life, where almost everything we do (and have to do) is mediated through digital technology. A recent study by Electronics Hub found that the average global citizen looks at a screen for 6 hours and 43 […]

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We all have a little bit of a problem with screen time addiction. It’s just a fact of modern life, where almost everything we do (and have to do) is mediated through digital technology.

A recent study by Electronics Hub found that the average global citizen looks at a screen for 6 hours and 43 minutes per day, or around 40% of the time they’re awake.

The study took a deep dive into screen time trends worldwide, looking at which countries have the highest average screen time, which are most addicted to TikTok, and which have a growing smartphone addiction problem.

The country with the highest percentage of screen time

South Africans spend a large portion of the day staring into some kind of screen. In fact, more than half (56.80%) of their waking hours pass by in front of a screen; that works out to around 9 hours of screen time every single day—higher than any other nation in the world.

Japan can proudly claim that its citizens spend the least amount of time absorbed by screen time. According to the data, the average Japanese person spends a mere 22% of their waking hours at a screen, which equates to less than 3 hours per day. 

The country that spends the most time on social media

Five of the top ten nations that spend the most time on social media are found in South America. This is largely due to the continent’s demographics. Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico have a younger population compared to regions like Europe and North America. In other words, these nations have more people who have grown up with (and now can’t live without) social media.

Flipping that around, we see why Japan has the world’s lowest social media screen time score (5.11%). A combination of low birth rates and increased life expectancy means Japan has one of the “oldest” populations on the planet. Nearly 29 million people in Japan are over 65. That’s almost a quarter of the country’s entire population—not exactly the ideal target demographic for TikTok videos or viral YouTube content. 

The world’s biggest TikTok addicts

No one watches TikTok more than people in the UK. Here, the average person watches 154 TikTok videos daily.

Despite rumors of a TikTok ban in the USA, its citizens are still loving the platform. They watch an average of 142 videos every day. But that’s not as much as it might sound. TikToks are approximately 34 seconds long. So 142 videos work out to roughly 80 minutes of daily TikTok time.

How much time do people worldwide spend looking at a computer screen?

Whether it’s for work, fun, or an idle few hours browsing, we all spend some parts of our waking hours in front of a computer screen.

But probably not as much as the Russians. They came out as the nationality with the highest percentage of waking hours at a computer screen, averaging 4 hours 29 minutes per day (or 27% of awake hours).

Once again, South Africa appears near the top of the chart. It’s a country where people sit in front of a computer screen for over a quarter of the day.

The most phone-obsessed nations in the world

Nomophobia (no-mobile-phone phobia) is a very modern phenomenon. It defines the anxiety we can experience without the comfort of a mobile device tucked away in our pocket. Nomophobia stems from the smartphone dependency we’ve developed. According to some studies, 50% of people admit to feeling addicted to their phones. Worryingly, that rate is even higher among younger people.

Nomophobia is running wild in countries all over the world, including South Africa, Brazil, and the Philippines. In each case, people living in these nations are on their phones for over 5 hours a day; that’s more than a third of the time humans are usually awake.

Where people spend the most time playing computer games

It’s easy to lose a few hours in front of the PlayStation or Xbox. The games we play are designed to keep us engaged as we try to reach the next level, complete one more mission, or beat our all-time high scores.

However, given video games’ addictive nature, it seems that the vast majority of players have a good handle on their gaming habits.

Saudi Arabia scores highest when examining the data on how much time people around the world spend playing video games. Yet this ‘high’ score was relatively low. Saudi gamers play for around 10% of their ‘awake’ time, meaning the average gamer is in front of a screen for under two hours per day.

The USA watches the most TV

This final part of the study looks at one of the more old-school forms of screen-based entertainment: television. And it found that despite an overall decline in viewership figures, Americans still watch TV for 4 hours and 39 minutes per day. No other country scores higher than that.

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What is the Cost for Custom iPhone App Development? Fri, 17 May 2024 04:00:00 +0000 The preference of iOS for smart phones in the United States is underpinned by unmatched user experience, application quality and performance, and a security framework. Apple’s development environment puts extensive emphasis on user experience. Even technologies used to develop an iOS app, such as Swift, prioritize performance, safety, and error handling. All these parameters suggest […]

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The preference of iOS for smart phones in the United States is underpinned by unmatched user experience, application quality and performance, and a security framework. Apple’s development environment puts extensive emphasis on user experience. Even technologies used to develop an iOS app, such as Swift, prioritize performance, safety, and error handling.

All these parameters suggest a sense of exclusivity that iOS apps offer. With that sense of exclusivity comes a differential rate card for app development. If the app incorporates basic features like a search bar, user login, and much more, it can require a capital investment of around $60,000 USD. Since the complexity of the features is directly proportional to the cost, the estimated expense of an advanced iPhone app can be around $200,000 USD or more.

Factors Influencing the Custom iPhone App Development Cost

Incorporating extra features in the app to meet the demands of users and businesses is possible. Consequently, your iOS app should have better-business-driven features like smooth navigation, third-party payment gateways, etc. These business and data-driven features play an influential factor in evaluating your iOS app development allocation, along with the elements detailed below:

1.     iOS App Development Cost on the Basis of Size

The size of the app is directly proportional to the app development capital investment. For instance, if you build a small app with basic features, the capital investment will be less than for a complex app. Distinguishable procedures and methodologies define the features and functionalities you prefer so you can begin agreeing on the app concept and its features before instigating the app development method.

Furthermore, detailed market analysis should be performed, including competitor research and a careful emphasis on devices for users, features they value, and characteristics that restrict an exceptional user experience.

Here’s the list of the expenditures of creating an iOS app based on the app scope:

iOS App SizeiOS App Development Cost Range
Small app$20,000-$60,000
Medium app$60,000-$150,000
Complex app$150,000+

2.     Complexity of the iOS app

An app is regarded as efficient only when it possesses numerous features and functionalities for users. From third-party integration to modern architecture, everything holds value and adds to the estimated budget cost. The more feasible and robust the app you build, the more increments in the budget you observe.

The cost of the estimated budget can be near about:

App ComplexityApp Development Cost Range
Basic iOS app$20,000- 60,000
Medium and complex iOS app$60,000-$250,000

3.     Category of iOS App

Considering that there are indefinite kinds of iOS mobile apps, the expenditure of individual apps depends heavily on their category. Your business industry decides the type of app you must look forward to. For instance, a game company would build a gaming app specific to its users, not an ecommerce app.

Let us find out the development cost for different categories:

iOS App CategoriesAverage Development Cost Range
Gaming app$35,000-250,000
Business app$20,500-150,000
Education app$25,00-80,000
Entertainment app$20,000-100,000
Travel app$30,000-50,000
Shopping app$25,000-50,000
Social networking app$25,000-60,000
Health and fitness app$35,000-250,000
Medical app$35,000-150,000

4.     Design and UI/UX

The design of an app approach and animation are different distinguished elements we must include when managing the question, “What is the cost of creating an iOS app?” It is apprehended that various designs, layouts, and illustrations will be combined to make various expenditures for the same app. This is not to say that exciting app designs can assist you with expanded engagement and boosted conversion rates.

App DesignDevelopment Cost Range
App design research$100-$350
UX design$2000-$8000
UI design$10,000-$40,000
Animations and illustrations$1000-$20,000

5.     App Development Team Size

The cost of building an iOS app greatly depends on who you choose, such as a freelance iPhone app innovator or an experienced iOS app development agency.

The list of iOS app development costs based on particular position size:

Role NamePer Hour Cost
iOS app developer$20-$100
UI/UX designer$15- $50
Scrum master$50-$150
Project manager$12-$40
QA engineer$30-$70
Business analyst$60-$150

Considering the difference, hiring a particular skill can be costly, so it is recommended that you choose a full-stack iOS app development group from the best iPhone app development agency at an affordable price.


As one can see, the cost of developing an iPhone app depends on various factors, and businesses and enterprises must consider them all. Choosing the suitable app development is essential for budget-friendly decision-making.

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Using SMS Text Message Marketing to Foster Connections and Boost Sales Wed, 27 Mar 2024 04:00:00 +0000 SMS text message marketing emerges as a pivotal player in the today’s world of business strategies. It is transforming the way brands connect and sell. This shift is more than a mere trend but a strategic evolution that businesses like GA4 consultants and SEO Edmonton and SEO Calgary agencies are embracing with fervor. SMS text […]

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SMS text message marketing emerges as a pivotal player in the today’s world of business strategies. It is transforming the way brands connect and sell. This shift is more than a mere trend but a strategic evolution that businesses like GA4 consultants and SEO Edmonton and SEO Calgary agencies are embracing with fervor.

SMS text stands out as a direct and impactful channel in the world of commerce where attention spans fleeting moments. Its immediacy and concise nature make it a preferred choice for reaching a broad yet engaged audience. The question is not merely about sending messages but about unlocking the potential to foster genuine connections and drive sales.

Optimal Approaches for Utilizing SMS Text involves understanding the nuanced power it holds. Dive into the statistics, and a compelling narrative unfolds – a narrative of businesses tapping into the art of personalized messaging.

It isn’t just about dropping a generic note but tailoring each text to resonate with individual preferences, creating a bond that transcends the transactional.

The crux lies in crafting campaigns that not only grab attention but also inspire action. From attention-grabbing content to strategically woven calls-to-action, every element plays a role in the symphony of successful SMS marketing. It’s about creating a seamless flow that guides the recipient from curiosity to conversion.

As we embark on this exploration, we will navigate the landscape of compliance, understanding the rules governing SMS marketing, and we will unveil the magic of automation which is a tool that not only enhances efficiency but also magnifies the impact.

Let us dig deep into the world of SMS marketing and see how it helps your business.

Understanding the Power of SMS Marketing

SMS marketing is where numbers and trends show that it’s a powerful way to connect with people. Imagine it like a secret code that speaks directly to your audience.

SMS marketing is like a superhero in the digital jungle. Short and sweet, it cuts through the noise of emails and social media. The facts and figures scream its success, with open rates soaring high. It’s not just a trend. It is a new way to talk to people, a modern-age messenger connecting brands and consumers.

Why is it so special?

Well, imagine getting a message right in your pocket. That’s the magic of SMS. It’s personal, like a friend sending a quick note. This personal touch creates a bond beyond just buying and selling; it’s an invitation for people to be part of something.

Think of it as a text message symphony in the digital orchestra. Short and snappy, yet hitting all the right notes to grab attention.

In a world where everyone is fighting for Focus, SMS marketing is like a friendly tap on the shoulder. It is not just a buzzword but a clever dance of words, making sure your message is heard loud and clear.

Building Strong Connections through Personalization

Think of personalization as adding a special touch to your messages which like tailoring a suit to fit just right n the world of SMS marketing. It’s more than using someone’s name but making them feel like the message was made just for them.

To nail this personalization, you’ve got to get to know your audience. It’s not about just having numbers but understanding what they like and how they act.

It is a message that’s not just interesting but feels like it understands you, like a favorite song you can’t help but groove to.

Now, to make this magic happen, you need to gather some smart data. You can dive into their past interactions, what they prefer, and what they’ve bought before. It’s like tailoring a message to fit them perfectly, just like a custom-made suit.

The tips for great personalization are like different tools in your toolbox. Use info about what they’ve bought and how often they engage.

Each piece of info is like a stroke of a brush that is adding to the picture of a message that’s uniquely theirs. It’s like getting to know someone’s favorite dance moves and making sure your message grooves right along with them.

Crafting the Compelling SMS Campaigns

Making a SMS campaign successful is like cooking up a perfect dish, it is all about the right ingredients. Consider your campaign as a recipe, with the attention-grabbing content as secret spice that makes it delicious.

The content is like the smell of a tasty meal that pulls you in. It is not just about sharing information but it is about creating a message that sticks in people’s minds, like a catchy tune you cannot forget.

But here is the real magic trick – the call-to-action. Think of it as the friendly nudge that says, “Hey, take a bite!” It’s the part that turns interest into action, like making people click, buy, or sign up. It is the final touch that completes whole dish.

So, in simple, a successful SMS campaign is a mix of interesting content that grabs attention and a call-to-action that guides people on what to do next.

It’s like a dance where every move has a purpose, making sure your message isn’t just seen but enjoyed.

It is a show where the content and calls-to-action take center stage, creating a performance that leaves everyone wanting more.

Navigating Compliance and Best Practices

When it comes to SMS marketing, think of it like a rulebook. There are do’s and don’ts that we have to follow. Because it is not just about sending messages but making sure we play by the rules and do it ethically.

The world of SMS marketing regulations is like a puzzle where you have to figure out how to send messages without stepping on any toes. This means respecting people’s privacy, avoiding spammy stuff, and ensuring your messages follow the rules. Imagine it as a dance, where every step is crucial to avoiding mistakes.

Now, let’s talk about the good stuff called the best practices. These are like the golden rules that guide us to do SMS marketing the right way.

It is about getting permission before sending messages, giving people an easy way to say ‘no,’ and being clear in our communication. You can think of it as a set of friendly guidelines that make sure our messages not only get to the right people but also do it in a way that’s respectful and ethical.

In simple terms, SMS success is not just about numbers; it is about playing fair, following the rules, and building trust with your audience. It is like a good friendship – based on respect and doing things the right way.

Leveraging Automation for Efficiency and Impact

Think of automation as your digital helper that is making things easier and more effective in the world of SMS marketing. It’s like having a smart assistant handling the heavy lifting for you.

 Benefits of Using Automation:

  1. Time Saver: Automation isn’t just about doing things faster; it’s about getting the timing right. Imagine sending messages exactly when your audience is most likely to engage.
  2. Precision Timing: With automation tools, you can schedule messages to hit your audience’s phones at the perfect moment, creating a synchronized dance of communication.

 Tools and Strategies for Streamlining Campaigns:

  • Dynamic Personalization: Imagine a tool that tailors messages to each person, adapting to their preferences. That’s the power of dynamic personalization.
  • Responsive Workflows: Craft smart workflows that change based on how users interact. It’s like having a marketing butler that adjusts the conversation based on each person’s unique journey.

Automation in SMS marketing is like the behind-the-scenes magic that transforms your campaigns.

It’s not just about efficiency. It is about creating personalized and timely interactions that leave a lasting impression.

So, imagine automation as your marketing assistant, helping you deliver messages with perfect timing and a touch of digital charm.


As we wrap up our journey through the world of e-commerce, let’s shine a spotlight on the key player. 

You can think of SMS messages like adding special features to make your online store super cool. It’s not just about campaign which about creating a digital masterpiece that makes shopping online a breeze.

In simpler terms, PrestaShop module development is like giving your online shop superpowers. It’s about making it stand out in the big online world.

So, as we end our tour, remember, every piece of code contributes to the future of smooth and fantastic online shopping experiences.

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How to Increase your iPhone Internet Speed Wed, 28 Feb 2024 05:05:00 +0000 When seamless connectivity is important, a sluggish internet connection on your iPhone can be a great source of frustration. Whether you’re trying to stream a video, load a webpage, or download an app, increasing your iPhone internet speed can improve the efficiency and functionality of your device. We will provide potential reasons behind slow iPhone […]

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When seamless connectivity is important, a sluggish internet connection on your iPhone can be a great source of frustration. Whether you’re trying to stream a video, load a webpage, or download an app, increasing your iPhone internet speed can improve the efficiency and functionality of your device. We will provide potential reasons behind slow iPhone internet speeds and offer practical solutions to enhance your experience.

Common Culprits of Slow Internet Speed on iPhone:

  1. Network Congestion: One of the primary reasons for very slow internet speed on iPhones is network congestion. In densely populated areas or during peak usage times, cellular networks can become overloaded, leading to decreased data speeds. This is particularly noticeable in crowded urban locations or at events where numerous people are accessing the network simultaneously.
  2. Outdated Software: Regular software updates not only provide new features but also include optimizations and fixes that can improve overall device performance, including internet speed. Running an outdated iOS version may contribute to connectivity issues. Ensuring that your iPhone is running the latest software can potentially resolve slow internet speed problems.
  3. Background Apps and Processes: Apps running in the background can consume data and affect internet speed. Some apps may continue to refresh content or download updates even when not actively in use. Closing unnecessary background apps and managing their settings can help conserve data and boost internet speed.
  4. Signal Interference: Signal interference from electronic devices or physical obstacles can impact Wi-Fi and cellular signal strength. Electronic devices like routers, cordless phones, or microwave ovens emit signals that may interfere with your iPhone’s connection. Additionally, thick walls or large metal objects can hinder signal penetration.
  5. Network Settings: Incorrect network settings on your iPhone can also contribute to slow internet speed. Issues such as incorrect DNS settings or a misconfigured Wi-Fi network can result in connectivity problems. Verifying and adjusting these settings may help improve your internet speed.

Effective Strategies to Increase your iPhone Internet Speed:

  1. Connect to Wi-Fi: When possible, connect your iPhone to a Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi typically offers faster and more stable internet speeds compared to cellular data. Ensure that you’re connected to a reliable and secure Wi-Fi network for optimal performance.
  2. Restart Your iPhone: A simple but often effective solution is to restart your iPhone. This action can help clear temporary glitches, refresh network settings, and improve overall device performance.
  3. Update iOS: Regularly check for and install the latest iOS updates on your iPhone. These updates may include bug fixes and optimizations that address connectivity issues and enhance internet speed.
  4. Manage Background Apps: Close unnecessary background apps to prevent them from consuming data and affecting internet speed. Adjust the settings of apps that frequently update content in the background to reduce data usage.
  5. Check for Signal Interference: Identify and eliminate potential sources of signal interference. Ensure that your iPhone is not in close proximity to devices emitting conflicting signals, and try to minimize physical obstacles between your device and the Wi-Fi router or cellular tower.
  6. Reset Network Settings: If you continue to experience slow internet speed, consider resetting your iPhone’s network settings. This action will erase saved Wi-Fi passwords and other network-related configurations, so be prepared to re-enter this information.
  7. Optimize Safari Settings: If slow internet speed is particularly noticeable while browsing, optimize Safari settings on your iPhone. Clearing browsing data, disabling JavaScript, and adjusting other settings can contribute to a faster browsing experience.
  8. Use a VPN Wisely: While a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can enhance security, it may also introduce some latency. If you use a VPN, consider connecting to servers that are closer to your physical location to minimize the impact on internet speed.

When looking to increase your iPhone Internet speed you will need a combination of troubleshooting steps and optimizations. By understanding the potential causes and implementing the suggested solutions, users can significantly enhance their iPhone’s internet speed, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable online experience.

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Building Community Through Your Business App: Tips for Success Wed, 27 Dec 2023 05:05:00 +0000 In the competitive landscape of digital business, fostering a sense of community through your mobile app can be a game changer for your business. A well-designed and strategically implemented app has the potential to transform one-time users into a thriving community. We will explore effective tips for leveraging your business app to build a strong […]

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In the competitive landscape of digital business, fostering a sense of community through your mobile app can be a game changer for your business. A well-designed and strategically implemented app has the potential to transform one-time users into a thriving community. We will explore effective tips for leveraging your business app to build a strong and engaged community.

The Power of Connection: Introduction to Community Building

In today’s digital age, where businesses transcend physical boundaries, creating a genuine sense of connection is paramount. Your business app serves as a direct link between your brand and users, offering a unique opportunity to establish a community. By understanding your audience’s needs and preferences, you can create an environment that fosters interaction and loyalty.

To kickstart your community-building journey, collaborate with the best mobile app development company in India. Their expertise can ensure your app not only meets industry standards but also incorporates features that facilitate community engagement.

Strategic Design: Crafting an Intuitive and Engaging User Experience

The first step in building a community through your business app is ensuring that user find it intuitive and enjoyable to navigate. A user-friendly interface, coupled with aesthetically pleasing design, sets the stage for a positive experience. Leverage the expertise of mobile app development to create an app that seamlessly integrates functionality with an engaging experience of design.

Implement features that encourage interaction, such as discussion forums, live chat support, or user-generated content. These elements not only enhance user experience but also lay the groundwork for a thriving community.

Exclusive Content and Incentives: Fostering User Participation

To encourage ongoing engagement, offer exclusive content and incentives within your app. Develop a content strategy that provides value to users, such as insider tips, early access to promotions, or members-only events. This exclusivity not only makes users feel special but also creates a sense of community.

Partner with a best mobile app development company that understands the importance of integrating features like push notifications and personalized content delivery. This ensures that user remain informed and engaged, fostering a sense of community through regular, relevant interactions.

Facilitating Communication: The Role of In-App Messaging

Effective communication is at the heart of community building. Integrate in app message features to facilitate direct communication among users. Whether it’s a group chat for shared interests or private messaging or personalized connections, these features add a layer of interactivity that goes beyond the traditional boundaries of business-consumer relationships.

Collaborate with a mobile app development team that specializes in creating scalable and secure communication features. This ensures that your app provides a safe and dynamic space for users to connect.

User-Generated Content: Empowering Your Community

Empower your community by encouraging users to contribute through user-generated content features. Whether it’s reviews, testimonials, or creative submissions, allowing users to share their experiences fosters a sense of ownership and pride. Integrating social sharing features can amplify the reach of user-generated content, attracting new users to join the community.

Work with a mobile app development team to implement robust moderation tools that maintain the quality and authenticity of user-generated content. Balancing user freedom with brand guidelines ensures a positive and inclusive community environment.

Regular Feedback Loops: Listening to Your Community

Building a thriving community requires an ongoing commitment to understanding your users’ needs. Implement feedback mechanisms within your app to gather insights on user preferences, pain points, and suggestions for improvement. Actively listening to your community and incorporating valuable feedback not only enhances user satisfaction but also demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement.

Collaborate with a mobile app development team that prioritizes the integration of user feedback tools, creating a seamless loop of communication between your brand and its community.

Live Events and Virtual Meetups: Strengthening Bonds

Take your community building to the next level by organizing live events or virtual meetups within your app. These gatherings provide an opportunity for users to connect on a more personal level, fostering a sense of camaraderie. Whether it’s a product launch, webinar, or themed virtual event, these experiences create lasting impressions and strengthen the bonds within your community.

Consult with a mobile app development team to incorporate features that support virtual events seamlessly. From live streaming capabilities to interactive elements, a well-executed event strategy can elevate your community engagement.

Analytics and Iteration: The Path to Continuous Growth

To ensure the sustained growth of your community, leverage analytics to gain insights into user behavior. Track metrics such as user engagement, retention rates, and popular features to understand what resonates most with your audience. Armed with this data, collaborate with your mobile app development team to iterate and enhance your app continually.

Regular updates, feature enhancements, and strategic iterations based on user analytics demonstrate a commitment to providing an evolving and valuable experience for your community.

Conclusion: Nurturing Community, One App at a Time

Building a community through your business app requires a thoughtful combination of strategic design, user-focused features, and ongoing engagement efforts. By partnering with a mobile app development team, you can leverage their expertise to create an app that not only meets industry standards but also excels in community-building functionalities.

Investing in the right mobile app development team is crucial for bringing your community-building vision to life. Remember, a well-crafted app goes beyond transactions – it creates connections, fosters loyalty, and establishes your brand as a hub for like-minded individuals.

The post Building Community Through Your Business App: Tips for Success appeared first on SiteProNews.

Impact of Apple’s App Store Changes on iOS Development Thu, 21 Dec 2023 05:00:00 +0000 In the dynamic landscape of mobile app development, Apple’s App Store has always been a crucial player, setting trends and standards for iOS developers. Recently, Apple introduced significant changes to its App Store policies and features, creating ripples across the iOS development community. This blog explores the impact of Apple’s App Store changes on iOS […]

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In the dynamic landscape of mobile app development, Apple’s App Store has always been a crucial player, setting trends and standards for iOS developers. Recently, Apple introduced significant changes to its App Store policies and features, creating ripples across the iOS development community. This blog explores the impact of Apple’s App Store changes on iOS development, shedding light on the challenges, opportunities, and the evolving landscape of building applications for Apple’s ecosystem.

Understanding Apple’s App Store Changes

App Tracking Transparency (ATT) Policy

In a bid to enhance user data privacy, Apple introduced the App Tracking Transparency framework, requiring explicit user consent for apps to track their activities across various apps and websites. This empowers users with greater control over their personal information.

App Store Small Business Program

To empower small businesses and independent developers, Apple introduced the App Store Small Business Program, reducing the commission rate for developers earning less than $1 million annually. This strategic initiative fosters a more financially favorable environment, promoting competitiveness and diversity within the App Store ecosystem.

Product Page Optimization

Apple unveiled novel features, providing developers with enhanced tools to refine their app’s product page. Introducing custom elements, A/B testing capabilities, and promotional text enhancements, these additions empower developers to create more engaging and effective presentations, optimizing their apps for better visibility and user appeal on the App Store.

In-App Purchase (IAP) Guidelines

Apple has strengthened its in-app purchase guidelines, especially for apps providing digital goods and services. This initiative aims to establish a fair and secure environment, prioritizing the interests of both developers and users.

Impact of Apple’s App Store Changes on iOS Development Practices

Discover the transformative journey as we unravel the Impact of Apple’s App Store Changes, reshaping the landscape of iOS Development Practices!

User Privacy and Data Handling


  • The App Tracking Transparency policy posed challenges for developers relying on targeted advertising.
  • Ad revenue models and user analytics were directly affected, requiring innovative approaches.


  • Developers focused on building trust through transparent data practices gained an advantage.
  • New opportunities emerged for alternative advertising models that don’t rely heavily on user tracking.

In-App Purchases and Monetization


  • Stricter enforcement of in-app purchase guidelines impacted apps offering digital goods.
  • Developers had to adapt their monetization strategies to comply with the guidelines.


  • Emphasis on providing value through in-app purchases led to enhanced user experiences.
  • Subscription-based models gained popularity as a sustainable revenue stream.

App Store Small Business Program


  • Larger developers faced increased competition as smaller developers benefited from reduced commission rates.
  • Some developers questioned the fairness of the program’s structure.


  • Smaller developers and startups found a more financially favorable environment.
  • Increased competitiveness led to a diverse range of apps, fostering innovation.

Product Page Optimization


  • Competition for visibility intensified with the emphasis on product page optimization.
  • Developers needed to invest more in creating compelling product pages.


  • Improved product page features allowed developers to convey their app’s value more effectively.
  • A/B testing empowered developers to refine their app presentation based on user preferences.

Adapting Strategies for Success

Embracing Privacy-Centric Development

Developers prioritized user privacy in their app design and marketing strategies. Communicating transparent data practices became a key aspect of app promotion.

Diversifying Monetization Models

Developers explored alternative monetization models beyond traditional advertising. In-app purchases, subscriptions, and premium features gained prominence.

Strategic Utilization of App Store Changes

Developers strategically leveraged the App Store Small Business Program to optimize their revenue. Adapting marketing strategies to align with the product page enhancements became crucial.

User-Centric Design and Communication

A shift towards user-centric design principles gained momentum. Developers focused on creating intuitive and valuable app experiences.

The Evolving Landscape and Future Considerations

Ongoing Changes and Adaptations

Developers recognized the fluid nature of the App Store ecosystem and remained agile in adapting to ongoing changes. Regular monitoring of Apple’s announcements and updates became a standard practice.

Collaboration with Apple’s Ecosystem

Building a collaborative relationship with Apple, understanding its vision, and aligning with its values became essential. Developers engaged with Apple’s resources and support channels for guidance.

Continuous Innovation and Differentiation

The emphasis on continuous innovation became a driving force for iOS developers. Creating unique and differentiated apps became crucial to stand out in a competitive App Store.

Conclusion: Navigating the App Store Landscape

Apple’s App Store changes brought about a paradigm shift in how iOS developers approach app development, user privacy, and monetization. While challenges surfaced, opportunities emerged for those willing to adapt and innovate. The impact of these changes underscores the dynamic nature of the mobile app industry, where resilience and agility are key to success. As developers continue to navigate the ever-evolving App Store landscape, a user-centric mindset, strategic adaptation, and a commitment to delivering value will remain the guiding principles in building successful iOS applications for the Apple ecosystem.

Get professional expertise in mobile app development with a leading digital marketing company in Kolkata.

The post Impact of Apple’s App Store Changes on iOS Development appeared first on SiteProNews.

Top 10 Big Challenges in Mobile App Development You Need to Know Mon, 30 Oct 2023 04:05:00 +0000 Mobile app development comes with new challenges. Here are the top 10 challenges that developers face during the mobile app development process with ways to overcome them. 1. Platform Fragmentation The platform of different devices are operating systems (iOS, Android, etc.), and their version creates more challenges to ensure consistent performance and user experience across […]

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Mobile app development comes with new challenges. Here are the top 10 challenges that developers face during the mobile app development process with ways to overcome them.

1. Platform Fragmentation

The platform of different devices are operating systems (iOS, Android, etc.), and their version creates more challenges to ensure consistent performance and user experience across various platforms.

Ways to overcome:

  • Prioritize the most popular platforms (iOS, Android) and their recent versions.
  • Use cross-platform development frameworks like Flutter or React Native to streamline development across platforms.
  • User Interface and Experience Design
  • Follow platform-specific design guidelines for a consistent or attractive look and feel.
  • Conduct user testing to identify usability issues and refine the design.

2. User Interface and Experience Design

If you are planning to create good user interface, then your site should be user-friendly. Try to use different screen sizes and resolutions for platform-specific design and should follow all the guidelines.

Ways to overcome:

  • Do research and understand user needs & preferences.
  • Involve users in the development process by using beta testing and early access programs.

3. Performance 

Mobile devices have limited resources compared to desktop computers. It is responsible for optimizing your app performance, minimizing memory usage, and ensuring smooth operation on lower-end devices.

Ways to overcome:

  • Optimize code and assets to reduce memory and CPU usage.
  • Use performance profiling tools to identify bottlenecks and optimize accordingly.
  • Security
  • Implement secure authentication methods and encryption for sensitive data.
  • Regularly update libraries and dependencies to patch security vulnerabilities.

4. Security

Mobile apps are dealing with sensitive user data. Ensuring data privacy, secure authentication, and protection against vulnerabilities like data breaches and hacking attempts is critical.

5. Network Connectivity

Here, the app needs to great network connectivity but at times network includes poor or fluctuating connectivity. In that case, offline mode and synchronization between the networks is a big challenge. Make sure your connectivity should be high.

Ways to overcome:

  • Implement offline capabilities with local data storage and synchronization when connectivity is restored.
  • Use lazy loading and minimize network requests to improve performance on slower connections.

6. Battery Life

Battery life is a must, if your apps that consume excessive battery life may result quickly in an uninstall. Here, developers need to optimize energy consumption and try to provide a satisfactory user experience without draining the device’s battery.

Ways to overcome:

  • Try to use energy-efficient coding practices and tools for power profiling.
  • Minimize the background processes and use push notifications judiciously.

7. Cross-Device Compatibility

If your app doesn’t work correctly or consistently across a wide range of devices, May hardware specifications can be difficult. And make sure, you check all the specifications of hardware & software.

Ways to overcome:

  • Use responsive design and adapt layouts for different screen sizes.
  • Test on a variety of devices to ensure consistent performance.

8. App Store Approval

Have to follow all the guidelines and rules of app stores such as the Apple App Store and Google Play Store & also help to publish the app. However, these guidelines can be different and vary according to the client’s demands.

Ways to overcome:

  • Interact yourself with each platform’s guidelines and policies to ensure compliance.
  • Check review and adjust your app to match any policy changes.

Mobile app development companies in Dubai play a crucial role in addressing the diverse challenges faced by developers. These companies, located in a thriving technological hub, contribute to overcoming hurdles such as platform fragmentation, ensuring top-notch user interface and experience design.

9. App Monetization

If you decide on the right monetization strategy whether through ads, in-app purchases, subscriptions, or paid downloads need careful consideration and should create the balance between the user experience and revenue generation.

Ways to overcome:

  • Offer a mix of monetization methods, such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ads.
  • Keep user experience a priority to avoid alienating users with excessive ads or aggressive monetization tactics.

10. Rapid Technological Changes

Mobile app development is evolving new technologies, frameworks, and tools. You should update with these changes and ensuring the app remains up-to-date can be a challenge. Therefore, it’s important to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in mobile app development.

Ways to overcome:

  • Stay updated on the latest industry trends and technologies.
  • Invest in continuous learning and training for your development team.


Remember that the mobile app development process is continually evolving. Staying adaptable, open to new technologies, and responsive to user needs will be important in overcoming current and future challenges. Keep updating yourself on the latest trends and stay up-to-date with the latest best practices.

The post Top 10 Big Challenges in Mobile App Development You Need to Know appeared first on SiteProNews.

Mobile Phones Are the New Target: 5 Ways to Avoid Hackers Wed, 30 Aug 2023 04:00:00 +0000 While computers and laptops were at risk of getting hacked, attackers now have a new target of interest. Since mobile phones are more commonly used, much personal information is clustered into one tiny frame. It makes your phone a gold mine for hackers! It is also why mobile phones have become a new target for […]

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While computers and laptops were at risk of getting hacked, attackers now have a new target of interest. Since mobile phones are more commonly used, much personal information is clustered into one tiny frame. It makes your phone a gold mine for hackers!

It is also why mobile phones have become a new target for hackers. In this blog, we will cover five ways to protect your mobile devices against these exploitations so that your sensitive information is safe on your phone. Let’s get started: 

Why Are Hackers Targeting Mobile Phones? 

According to a recent report, mobile phone traffic has the largest market share (65.57% of all mobile traffic). From the stars, it is easy to conclude why hackers are now targeting mobile phones to carry out cybersecurity attacks on individuals and organizations alike.

To Steal Credentials

Stealing passwords is a fool-proof way to gain access to a corporate network. Hackers often use phishing attacks to get sensitive information like credentials, credit card information, etc. And since most people now use their phones to manage emails, hackers find it easier to exploit those. 

To Obtain Organizational Data

Around 40% of small businesses reported data loss due to cyberattacks in a report published in May 2023. And since a significant part of office work is done through mobile phones, it is easier for hackers to target these devices and gain sensitive operational data.

To Spy

A mobile phone can be used for spying if it gets compromised by a hacker. Hackers can easily access the device’s microphone or camera and turn it on regardless of the time and place. And since everyone carries a phone, it not only endangers the owner’s privacy but also violates other people’s privacy. 

To Deliver Malware

It is also common for hackers to exploit mobile phones to deliver malware. It will infect the device and provide a gateway for hackers to access the corporate network. 

How Can Your Phone Get Hacked? 

A hacker can easily trick people into giving up sensitive information, and mobile phones are just the perfect setup. Here are a few ways your phone can get hacked. 


Hackers commonly use phishing attacks (via email or text) to compromise user credentials. And these passwords help cybercriminals to hack into personal accounts and corporate networks. 

Tracking Software

Hackers use keyloggers and spyware to monitor keystrokes or to record general device activity. It is a common way hackers steal personal data using mobile phones. 

Using Bluetooth & Public WiFi

Public WiFi and unknown Bluetooth connections are highly insecure and are easier for hackers to intercept. 

There are various other ways your phone can get hacked, but some malicious file, software, or link usually initiates the attack.

Common Signs that Indicate Your Phone Is Hacked

Here are some common tell-tale signs to identify phone hacking:

  • Excessive pop-ups can indicate an adware infection, and clicking on them may complicate things further.
  • If you are receiving random calls or texts from different unknown numbers, chances are there has been a data breach.
  • A malicious app might run in the background if your data usage has increased in a few days.
  • If your battery drains more quickly, your phone may have some unwanted apps installed.
  • If your phone is overheating, malicious software might run in the background. 
  • Suspicious phone performance can also indicate hacking attempts.
  • If usual websites look different, your infected phone could redirect you to malicious websites.
  • Unusually high phone bills can indicate that your phone is hacked.
  • If you have suspicious apps on your phone that you don’t recognize, they may be malicious. 

5 Ways You Can Protect Your Phone from Getting Hacked  

1. Use Strong Passwords

Using complicated sequences and passphrases is better than using simple passwords. The more difficult it is to break a password, the more secure your data is. Using password managers is also a fool-proof way to create, store and manage your credentials. You can also use 2FA (two-factor authentication) for added security.

2. Install Updates

You must keep your mobile phone up-to-date by installing software updates, patches, and bug fixes. This way, you can ensure that there are no vulnerable spots in your device that can be exploited or hacked. 

3. Use Antivirus Software

You can only do so much alone when protecting your mobile phone. However, antivirus software can regularly scan your mobile phone to detect and remove malicious software, offering real-time protection. 

4. Clear Cookies and Browsing History

Deleting your browsing history and cookies can reduce your digital trail. It ensures that your personal data, preferences, and other sensitive information do not fall into the hands of vicious hackers.

5. Use a VPN

A virtual private network (VPN) protects your network security. A reliable VPN encrypts your network traffic and provides you with complete anonymity, even if you are using public WiFi. 

Besides this, one must practice healthy browsing habits. Clicking suspicious links and downloading software from unverified sources is a big NO. Turning off your WiFi and Bluetooth (when not in use) is also commonly recommended.  And not leaving your phone unattended always helps. For security reasons, try to use VPN for TextNow for secure calling or texting purpose.

What to do if your phone gets hacked?

Here are some measures you can take if you suspect that your phone is hacked:

  1. Delete any (suspicious) app you do not recognize.
  2. Block excessive unrecognized calls and report them as spam.
  3. Cancel subscriptions if your bill is unusually high. 
  4. Run a scan using some anti-malware tool
  5. Back up your data and restore your phone to its factory settings.
  6. Reset all your passwords (account credentials and phone passcode)
  7. Inform your friends and service provider. 


All in all, hacking mobile phones has become more convenient for cybercriminals, and the increasing use of such devices is only fueling this wave. However, with some basic security measures, you can ensure that your mobile phone is protected against such exploitations and that your data is safe against breaches and hacking attempts.

The post Mobile Phones Are the New Target: 5 Ways to Avoid Hackers appeared first on SiteProNews.

Why Text Message Reliability Matters: A Guide to Ensuring Successful SMS Delivery Mon, 22 May 2023 04:00:00 +0000 In an era of instant communication through social platforms and sophisticated emails, SMS marketing may seem a bit old school. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth, especially for businesses that want to instantly engage their customers. According to a 99Firms report, 89% of phone users check and read a message within 30 minutes […]

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In an era of instant communication through social platforms and sophisticated emails, SMS marketing may seem a bit old school. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth, especially for businesses that want to instantly engage their customers.

According to a 99Firms report, 89% of phone users check and read a message within 30 minutes of receiving it.

This impressive statistic clearly states the importance of text message communication reliability. But what does text message reliability mean and how can you ensure the successful delivery of your text message SMSs? Let’s debunk the same:

What Does Text Message Reliability Mean?

The text message’s reliability means how trustworthy the SMS channel is. It is defined by the open rate and delivery rate of text messages. The overall text message reliability is determined with the help of the delivery rate and open rate.

There can be several reasons why text messages fail to deliver, and thus, never get opened by the intended recipient, affecting their reliability. For instance, sending SMS texts from your mobile phone will likely reduce the delivery rate and it may run into the “failed to send” error.

But the good news is that there are several business texting solutions such as SMS automation software that allow the safe delivery of mass messaging. Moreover, they eliminate the backlog or long delivery wait times each time you send a new SMS from your drip campaign.

Importance of Text Message Reliability

The obvious benefit of text message reliability is that the more people will receive and open your message, the higher your return on investment and revenue from the SMS campaign will be. For example, if you are sending 1000 SMSs for $10, the ROI will depend on how many users receive and open them out of 1000.

Since text messages have a high open rate, it also translates to high deliverability of the channel. However, the problem may arise when you attempt to send mass text messages without the right systems in place.

Sending out an SMS blast to hundreds of customers from your mobile phone isn’t going to cut it. Moreover, text messages take a few seconds to deliver, and if you send hundreds of them together, they’ll queue up and overwhelm the carrier.

This will not only create deliverability issues but also impact your ROI and the overall reliability of the SMS channel. Thus, if your business involves sending out thousands of SMSs, it makes sense to invest in automated text drip campaign tools to ensure the messages reach your customers quickly and smoothly.

Factors Affecting Text Message Delivery

Besides carrier limitations and mobile device capabilities, several factors affect the delivery and reliability of text messages. Here we’ve listed a few:

  • Invalid number: Invalid customer numbers such as landline numbers create delivery issues. Double-check all the numbers and their region code and confirm the same with the user by contacting them through email.
  • Number is on the “Do Not Call” list: If customers have turned on “Do Not Call” for their number, you might not be able to send SMS to them. Check the Do Not Call registry of your country to ensure users haven’t opted for that.
  • Not using an approved carrier: If you’re using a carrier not approved by governing authority, then you may face delivery issues. To avoid it, choose an approved carrier to send automated text drip campaigns.
  • Flagged as Spam: Sometimes, carriers of recipients may flag your SMS as spam because of the use of certain language, words, or symbols that trigger spam filters.

4 Best Practices for Optimizing SMS Delivery Rates

The delivery rate is the percentage of SMSs that are delivered out of all the SMSs that you sent. For instance, if 750 SMSs are delivered out of 1000, then the delivery rate becomes 75%. Here are some ways to improve the deliverability of your text messages:

1. Use the Correct SMS Phone Number (SenderID)

There are two types of numbers you can use for sending automated text messages: Long code and Short code.

Long codes offer an interactive messaging experience but come with a limit of 500 messages per day. Short codes, on the other hand, don’t have such daily restrictions on sending messages. However, you won’t get the interactive messaging experience with short code numbers.

Sending correct messages from the correct phone number type would increase the delivery of your text messages.

2. Avoid Repetitive Content

Repetitive or offensive content that involves marketing announcements is more likely to be considered spam. The carrier may block your number, and you may even lose the number and pay hefty fines.

Use proper and concise language to avoid spam filters and try to include users’ names in the message. Also, explain to your users why they are getting the SMS and what they should do afterward.

3. Clean Your List

As explained earlier, your delivery rate may get affected due to invalid or incorrect numbers. Regardless of the reason why they are invalid, you should make sure to clean your list frequently to remove incorrect numbers.

Doing so will improve the delivery rate of your SMS campaign and also help save money charged for sending messages to invalid numbers.

4. Select a Good Carrier & SMS Tool Vendor

Every carrier has different rules for different SenderID and they vary depending on the type and number of messages to send at a specific time. Thus, choose a carrier that’s suitable and fits perfectly for your SMS needs and business requirements.

Further, selecting the best SMS tool vendor who has a good relationship with most carriers will more likely give you an improved delivery rate. They understand the rules of each carrier and may guide you to get the best out of your SMS marketing campaign.


Text messages’ reliability and high deliverability are just the reasons why it’s so popular among businesses. As a marketer, your job is to cut through the noise and use the SMS channel for effective marketing communications.

We believe that this article gives you the information you need to optimize your SMS communication and delivery rate. Adorned with good carrier and business texting solutions, you are bound to get success with SMS marketing.

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Yes, Your Phone is Eavesdropping on You – and Most Americans Don’t Know How to Stop It Mon, 15 May 2023 04:05:00 +0000 Study by NordVPN reveals majority of American consumers in the dark on sonic snooping by devices Half of Americans (53%) say they have seen an ad for a product or service pop up on their phones soon after talking about it or watching it on TV, new research by cybersecurity company NordVPN reveals. Two in […]

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Study by NordVPN reveals majority of American consumers in the dark on sonic snooping by devices

Half of Americans (53%) say they have seen an ad for a product or service pop up on their phones soon after talking about it or watching it on TV, new research by cybersecurity company NordVPN reveals.

Two in four (50%) consumers admit they have no idea how to prevent this from happening and one in ten (10%) who noticed the adverts said it scared them.

Rather than devices reading your mind, this personalised product placement is due to a type of data monitoring called ultrasonic cross-device tracking. This is where apps on your smartphone listen in to background noise — including conversations — to gather more information about you.

“Later, they share this data across other devices,” says Adrianus Warmenhoven, a cybersecurity advisor at NordVPN.

Smartphones were by far the most common place to find these tailored ads. Four in five (77%) Americans who recognised the phenomenon first spotted it on their handset, with half (52%) seeing it on their computer and a fourth (39%) on their tablet.

Information showing people’s behaviour across devices is extremely valuable to companies, but this type of tracking is controversial because of its lack of transparency and security concerns around consumers’ data.

A key part of cross-device tracking is the use of audio beacons, which are embedded into ultrasound — frequencies above the level that can be heard by humans — and can connect with the microphone on our devices without us knowing. This is one reason many apps ask for permission to access your smartphone’s microphone, even if they don’t involve using your voice.

“While it’s impossible to stop the ultrasonic beacons working, you can reduce the chance of your smartphone listening for them by simply restricting unnecessary permissions you have granted to the apps on your device,” says Warmenhoven.

Ultrasonic Cross-device Tracking — How Does It Work?

Ultrasonic cross-device tracking is used as a method to link all the devices you own to track your behavior and location. These ultrasonic audio beacons can be embedded in many things we interact with daily: TV shows, online videos or websites, or apps on our phones.

Imagine you are watching TV and you see chocolate being advertised. You pick up your phone, and the same chocolate ad appears on your screen. By using ultrasounds, audio beacons can detect when your phone is nearby, and apps on your phone can listen for approximate audio beacons to track what you are doing.

How Can You Reduce Cross-device Tracking?

NordVPN cybersecurity advisor Adrianus Warmenhoven has some top tips to keep snooping devices at bay:

  • Change app permissions. The apps on your smartphone may have some permissions that are not required. For instance, why would a photo-editing app need access to your microphone? If apps on your phone have such non-required permissions, you should revoke these permissions. Apple now requires apps to ask your permission before tracking you or your iPhone across websites or apps owned by other companies, and you can turn this off for all apps. All changes to app permissions can usually be done in the privacy settings on your device.
  • Use a private browser. If you want to keep yourself from tracking, it is best to use a private browser like Tor or DuckDuckGo rather than the incognito mode in Google Chrome. These browsers do not profile you or save any of your personal data for sharing with marketers.
  • Use a VPN. One of the best ways to protect yourself from being tracked is by using a VPN. A VPN is a tool that encrypts every bit of information about your internet activity. It also stops IP-based tracking because it masks your IP address.

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Creating a Mobile-First Website Design: Best Practices and Case Studies Tue, 04 Apr 2023 04:00:00 +0000 With the increasing number of smartphone users around the world, it has become essential for businesses to prioritize mobile-first website design. According to Statista, the number of smartphone users worldwide is projected to reach 3.8 billion by 2021, making it imperative for businesses to cater to the mobile user base. In this blog post, we […]

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With the increasing number of smartphone users around the world, it has become essential for businesses to prioritize mobile-first website design. According to Statista, the number of smartphone users worldwide is projected to reach 3.8 billion by 2021, making it imperative for businesses to cater to the mobile user base. In this blog post, we will explore the best practices for creating a mobile-first website design and showcase some case studies of successful mobile-first design.

What is Mobile-First Website Design?

Mobile-first website design is a design strategy that prioritizes the design and development of a website for mobile devices first, followed by desktop devices. In mobile-first design, designers and developers focus on optimizing the user experience for smaller screens, slower internet speeds, and touch input. The mobile-first approach ensures that the website is designed with the smallest screen in mind, which enables the website to perform better on all devices.

Best Practices for Creating a Mobile-First Website Design

  1. Prioritizing content: Mobile-first design requires prioritizing the most essential content that users are most likely to view on their mobile devices. By simplifying the content and only displaying the most important information, businesses can ensure that the website loads faster on mobile devices.
  2. Simplifying navigation: Navigating a website on a small screen can be challenging, so simplifying the navigation can improve the user experience. By minimizing the number of navigation items and using a simple menu icon, businesses can help users navigate the website more easily.
  3. Optimizing for touch input: Mobile devices rely on touch input, so it’s crucial to optimize the website for touch input. This includes designing buttons and other interactive elements that are large enough to click with a finger and have enough space between them to prevent accidental clicks.
  4. Using responsive design: Responsive design ensures that the website looks good on all devices, including mobile devices. This involves using a flexible layout and images that adjust to the screen size.
  5. Using fast-loading images: Images that are too large or not optimized can slow down the website’s load time, especially on mobile devices. By using fast-loading images, businesses can ensure that the website loads quickly and doesn’t frustrate users.
  6. Optimizing typography: Choosing the right font size and style is essential for mobile-first design. A font that is too small or difficult to read can make the website unusable on mobile devices.
  7. Using white space: White space is essential for mobile-first design as it makes the content easier to read and navigate. By using white space effectively, businesses can improve the user experience and make the website more visually appealing.
  8. Designing for the smallest screen first: Designing for the smallest screen first ensures that the website performs well on all devices. By focusing on the smallest screen size, businesses can ensure that the website is optimized for mobile devices and will perform well on larger screens as well.
  9. Keeping the user in mind: Ultimately, the key to successful mobile-first design is keeping the user in mind. By focusing on what the user needs and wants from the website, businesses can ensure that the website is designed to meet their needs.

Case Studies of Mobile-First Website Design

  1. Airbnb: Airbnb’s mobile website is a prime example of mobile-first design. The website prioritizes content, simplifies navigation, and uses fast-loading images to create a seamless user experience. Additionally, the website uses a responsive design, ensuring that it looks good on all devices.
  2. Starbucks: Starbucks’ mobile website is another example of mobile-first design done right. The website features large buttons for touch input, uses fast-loading images, and simplifies the navigation for a better user experience.
  3. Amazon: Amazon’s mobile website is designed with the user in mind. The website prioritizes content, simplifies navigation, and uses a responsive design that looks great on all devices. Amazon also uses fast-loading images and optimized typography for a seamless user experience.
  4. Google: Google’s mobile website is a great example of simplicity and optimization. The website prioritizes the most important content, uses a simple menu icon for navigation, and features fast-loading images for a great user experience.
  5. Dropbox: Dropbox’s mobile website uses a minimalist design that prioritizes functionality. The website uses fast-loading images, optimized typography, and a simple menu icon for navigation.
  6. Uber: Uber is a transportation company that has revolutionized the industry with its mobile-first website design. The website is designed to be easy to use on mobile devices, with a simple interface and fast loading times. This has made it possible for people to quickly and easily hail rides from their mobile devices, which has led to the company’s incredible success.

Tools and Resources for Mobile-First Website Design

  1. Google Mobile-Friendly Test: This tool allows you to test your website’s mobile-friendliness and get recommendations for improvement.
  2. Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a popular framework for developing mobile-first websites. It provides a responsive grid system and a variety of components for designing responsive websites.
  3. Adobe XD: Adobe XD is a design tool that allows you to design mobile-first websites and prototypes. It includes features for designing responsive layouts and optimizing for touch input.
  4. Mobile-first design templates: There are many mobile-first design templates available online that can be customized for your business needs.
  5. Mobile-first design blogs and tutorials: There are many resources online that provide tips and tutorials for mobile-first design, including Smashing Magazine and A List Apart.


Mobile-first website design from the best web design agency in the world is essential for businesses that want to cater to the growing number of smartphone users around the world. By prioritizing mobile design, businesses can create a seamless user experience that will keep users engaged and returning to the website. Some best practices for mobile-first design include prioritizing content, simplifying navigation, optimizing for touch input, and using fast-loading images. There are many successful case studies of mobile-first design, including Amazon, Google, and Dropbox. Finally, there are many tools and resources available for businesses looking to design mobile-first websites, including testing tools, frameworks, design tools, and online resources.

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Company Smartphone Solution or Web Resource Mon, 03 Apr 2023 04:05:00 +0000 The amount of smartphone users is quite high these days. Statistical resources prove that it will reach 6.6 billion by 2023, which is 85% of the entire human population. This is much more than laptop users. So, in an effort to discover the finest means of luring new clients, business owners constantly analyze their mobile […]

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The amount of smartphone users is quite high these days. Statistical resources prove that it will reach 6.6 billion by 2023, which is 85% of the entire human population. This is much more than laptop users. So, in an effort to discover the finest means of luring new clients, business owners constantly analyze their mobile strategy.

Finding the most lucrative and desirable smartphone alternative for their company is the key problem they need to tackle. Will it be a mobile-friendly website or an app for Android/iOS-based devices? We’ll assist you in answering this question by listing the advantages and disadvantages of each choice.

Smartphone Solution and Mobile Adapted Web Resource: Essence and Common Differences

Starting our smartphone app vs. website research, we’ll delve deeper into the subject and define what is an application for portable gadgets and a smartphone-adapted web resource. Thus, a solution for portable gadgets implies a digital product built specifically for iOS/Android-based smartphones, tablets, or iPads. A mobile website is a bunch of web pages linked between each other and available through a mobile browser.

Web resources for mobile gadgets are designed to be fully adapted to various sizes of the gadgets’ screens. However, their initial purpose is to distribute material, and that’s why more often, they aren’t very engaging. Meanwhile, smartphone applications are developed especially for a single operating system and work best on it.

As a result, designing an application typically costs more than creating a website. Applications may readily operate in an offline mode, however, web resources depend heavily on an Internet connection to function.

We’ve provided brief comparative characteristics of web resources adapted for portable gadgets and smartphone solutions based on one of the two operating systems, but to determine which option is best for your specific circumstances, you need to do a more detailed analysis.

Common Advantages of Web Resources Adapted For Smartphones

A standard website was all that was needed to run a successful business just several years ago. However, as demand and technology evolve, so do the most essential benefits of using them.

  • Cutting-costs. A responsive website is cross-platform compatible and uses a single codebase, that is why it is evident its cost is far cheaper than an adaptable website’s one.
  • Updating. Since Google or Apple must approve an update before a user can use it, upgrading smartphone apps may take a lot of time and effort.
  • One of the key advantages of mobile sites is compatibility. It implies that a person may access your website’s features without installing any additional software on their machine. When compared to mobile apps, which must first be sought for, downloaded, and installed before being used, the browser provides rapid access to everything.

Mobile Web Resources’ Drawbacks

Despite their obvious benefits, mobile-friendly online resources also have drawbacks that should be considered when choosing which digital product is appropriate for everyday business related activity.

  • Functional constraints. Remember that mobile websites can’t access as many of a device’s features as mobile apps can when deciding whether to utilize a software developed for mobile gadgets or a web resource.
  • There is no opportunity to use sites offline. If it’s a case when a website is completely unavailable, visitors may only see the pages of content that are earlier cached. It is also unable to interact with any of the site’s elements since doing so involves communicating with the server over the World Wide Web.
  • User experience (UX). Due to the sometimes poor quality of the Internet sites and the technological restrictions imposed by browser foundation, sites cannot offer the optimum user experience.

The Most Common Benefits of Smartphone Solutions

According to the earlier given stats, people use smartphones rather than laptops or desktop computers. If you want to take advantage of it, you should pay attention to applications for portable gadgets (like smartphones or tablets).

Below, there are the crucial benefits of the smartphone applications you should know about for a proper decision-making process.

  • Additional capabilities of digital solutions for portable gadgets (such as smartphones). While highlighting differences of mobile apps and smartphone websites or discussing the benefits and drawbacks of mobile applications, it is difficult to ignore the fact that mobile apps are substantially more advantageous than mobile websites. In this manner, you may use smartphone applications to link the device’s special features, such as accelerometers, if needed.
  • Consider creating a mobile app if your product concept requires it to be used without an Internet connection. The usage of mobile web pages for this is not allowed.
  • Enhanced customer experience.  Because the apps were created with consideration for the target device and OS environment, the use of gestures and native UI components considerably simplifies navigation and usage.
  • Promotional opportunities for brands through smartphone solutions. Several businesses from various sectors have used their mobile app as a common form of promotion. For instance, push alerts make it very simple to send critical information and remind clients about essential events in your company.

One of the prominent examples of successful business promotion through apps is IKEA. Their smartphone solution based on augmented reality innovation boosts their company business forward as well as increases sales.

Common Drawbacks of Apps For Portable Gadgets

It’s time to talk about the frequent drawbacks of smartphone solutions.

  • Considerable expenditures related to the development process. Because mobile apps have to be created for a specific operating system, they are almost always expensive to build. However, you can optimize your app development cost by leveraging Flutter technology to create hybrid or cross-platform apps and save money by avoiding independently developed solutions for each OS.
  • Maintenance and support duties. Software for both operating systems should regularly get updates with bug fixes, enhancements, etc. The actions taken result in a greater need for resources. As the web resources run on a single system, they require less frequent maintenance.
  • Complicated approval procedures. No matter the platform, the approval procedure is required for all mobile applications. Nevertheless, you do not need to authenticate your web resource anyplace.
    Let’s describe it in considerable detail. Before the iOS-based application can be published in the marketplace for app uploading, it must successfully undergo a rigorous moderation process given the special guidelines. The decision-making process typically takes four days. If the software is easy to use and adheres to all rules, it will then be submitted to the App Store.
    The Android version of the authentication process has some peculiarities of its own. The procedure might take a week. The sole advantage of having your application accepted by the Google Play Store is that you will be told of the reasons for rejection and what needs to be altered to pass a verification procedure.

Bottom Line

Depending on the objectives and the resources of the business at hand, you could choose between a smartphone solution and a web resource that is suited for mobile use. For example, some organizations perform everyday business using both a website and a smartphone application.

If you are unsure about which mobile solution is best for your organization, speak with a reliable vendor experienced in software development (both mobile and web one). The IT professionals will provide you with comprehensive advice on all the problems you are facing and assist you in finding solutions by creating a profitable, cutting-edge, and user-friendly digital product.

The post Company Smartphone Solution or Web Resource appeared first on SiteProNews.

The Best React Native Tools for Your Next App Project Fri, 30 Dec 2022 05:05:00 +0000 There are many great reasons why you should consider using React Native for your next app. It’s a cross-platform framework, which means you get to build mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms using single source code. React Native offers performance similar to native experience while still using JavaScript as code base. There are […]

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There are many great reasons why you should consider using React Native for your next app. It’s a cross-platform framework, which means you get to build mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms using single source code. React Native offers performance similar to native experience while still using JavaScript as code base. There are now many third-party libraries and tools available in React Native to make development easier than ever before. This article will introduce some of the best React Native developer tools that you can leverage to create your next project.

Code Editor Tools

1. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code, a free and open-source React Native source code editor developed by Microsoft, supports TypeScript, JavaScript, and Node.js for all JavaScript developers. For all developers working with JavaScript, this tool provides a strong ecosystem of extensions that supports Java, PHP, C#, C++, and Python, in addition to JavaScript. This tool combines developer tools such as IntelliSense code completion & debugging with source code editors. It was released in April 2015 and is written in TypeScript and JavaScript. This tool supports all the important platforms, including Linux, Mac, and Windows.

2. Webstorm

Webstorm is a code editor that offers client-side development with Node.js and complex server-side development. This powerful editor comes with many helpful features that make your development experience much easier. One great feature of Webstorm is its ability to run JavaScript code from the editor itself. This means that you can implement your code and debug it directly from the editor. Webstorm also comes with built-in support for many popular frameworks and libraries. This includes React Native, Meteor, AngularJS, and many more. This makes it simple to implement your code and get it running without any additional configuration or setup. You can use Webstorm to edit both your code and assets, such as images and CSS code. This makes the editor useful beyond just your JavaScript files. The editor has many advanced features, including version control and powerful code assistance.

3. Atom

Atom is a powerful editor with many useful features that make your development faster and easier. One of the best features of Atom is that it’s customizable. You can easily add extensions to the editor to expand its functionality. This makes Atom a great choice for React Native developers because many extensions are useful for this framework.

4. Expo

Expo is a rich tool that allows you to create and publish React Native apps. Expo has many features that make it easier to publish your app. These features include splash screens, app configuration, and built-in analytics and cloud services. Expo makes it simple to publish your app to the Expo app marketplace and start receiving installs. The Expo editor allows you to edit your app directly in the browser. You can create views, add logic, and integrate your app with web services.

5. Nuclide

Nuclide is another powerful IDE for developing React Native apps. It’s a free and open-source IDE that you can use to create apps. Nuclide works on top of your favorite editor, like Atom or Visual Studio Code. It allows you to keep using your favorite editor to edit your code, still benefiting from the advanced features of Nuclide. One of the best features of Nuclide is its rich toolchain. This toolchain allows you to edit your app, manage dependencies, and build your code. It also integrates with many popular tools, including Flow, Typescript, and Prettier.

Also Read: 7 Ways to Streamline Your Application Development Process

Software Development Kit (SDK)

1. XCode

XCode is the Apple IDE that you use for creating native iOS apps. It’s a powerful and fully-featured IDE that is easy to use. XCode comes with many features that allow you to write and create your source code. It has great built-in debugging functionality that makes it easier to test your app. XCode comes with built-in support for Swift and Objective-C. It also supports third-party code, including React Native. That makes it simple to implement your app code and get it running on your iOS device. XCode has many features, including a source editor, debugger, and file navigator.

2. Android Studio

Android Studio is the official IDE used for building Android apps. The IDE is developed and maintained by Google, making it a powerful and easy-to-use editor. It has a built-in code editor where you can edit your source code. It also has great built-in debugging functionality that makes it simple to test your app. Android Studio is fully integrated with Google services and tools. This makes it easier to use the services that you’re already familiar with, like Firebase and Google Sign-In. Android Studio also has built-in support for Kotlin, a programming language that helps to create robust and powerful apps.

Database/Backend service

1. Firebase

When it comes to React Native application databases or extra features, Firebase is one of the most popular tools. Firebase simplifies the whole development process for React Native applications. Firebase offers a complete backend solution for managing authentication, a real-time database, and hosting. The platform provides good typescript support and extensive documentation. It also allows secure database access from client-side code to create rich, collaborative applications.

2. DynamoDB

Amazon DynamoDB is a serverless, key-value NoSQL database that allows running large-scale, high-performance applications. It is a fully managed NoSQL database that provides built-in security, continuous backups, multi-region replication, in-memory caching, and data import and export tools.


React Native is a powerful and growing framework for developing applications. With these tools, you can easily create your next app and promote your business. These tools can help you with everything from debugging your code to creating splash screens for your apps. They can even help you publish your app to app-stores.

The post The Best React Native Tools for Your Next App Project appeared first on SiteProNews.
