blockchain News - SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Fri, 08 Mar 2024 19:31:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Role of Blockchain in Securing Online Transactions Fri, 15 Sep 2023 04:05:00 +0000 Let’s embark on a journey of discovery into the realm of blockchain and its importance in safeguarding transactions. We’ll delve into the workings of blockchain, why it’s deemed impenetrable, and how it bolsters secure transactions across different scenarios. Whether you’re an individual striving to shield your financial information or a corporation aiming to bolster transactional […]

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Let’s embark on a journey of discovery into the realm of blockchain and its importance in safeguarding transactions. We’ll delve into the workings of blockchain, why it’s deemed impenetrable, and how it bolsters secure transactions across different scenarios. Whether you’re an individual striving to shield your financial information or a corporation aiming to bolster transactional security, this article offers a comprehensive summary of blockchain technology and its potential to fortify security in the digital landscape.

Blockchain technology harbors the power to transform our approach toward online transactions. It operates as a decentralized digital ledger, documenting transactions across a network of computers. This makes it practically impervious to any attempts to modify or tamper with the recorded data.

Voila! This makes blockchain the perfect candidate for fortifying online transactions, offering secure, transparent, and tamper-resistant record-keeping. Now, isn’t that just the cherry on top of the digital security sundae?

What Exactly is Blockchain?

Think of a blockchain as a decentralized digital ledger, diligently recording transactions across a sea of computers. It’s an ever-expanding list of records, fondly referred to as blocks, bound and secured with the magic of cryptography.

Each block is a treasure chest that typically houses a cryptographic hash of its predecessor, a timestamp, and transaction data. The power of cryptography ensures that once a block finds its place in the blockchain, it can’t be modified or erased without the network’s collective agreement. Blockchains can don the cloak of public or private identities.

Public blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, roll out the welcome mat for everyone and are kept running by a network of users.

On the flip side, private blockchains are usually under the wing of a central authority and only accessible to a specific user group.

The star of the show when it comes to blockchain technology use cases is undeniably the creation and management of digital currencies, like Bitcoin.

However, the versatility of blockchain technology doesn’t stop there. It has a plethora of potential applications, including supply chain management, digital identity verification, and even voting systems.

One of the crowning glories of blockchain technology is its capacity to offer a secure and transparent stage for record-keeping.

Transactions are etched into a decentralized network, making it a Herculean task for hackers to manipulate or tamper with the data.

Moreover, the use of smart contracts paves the way for transaction automation, reducing the reliance on middlemen and minimizing the risk of human error. Now, isn’t that smarter than your average bear?

Perks of Leveraging Blockchain for Online Transactions

The most striking perk of blockchain technology is its ability to provide a bulletproof platform for online transactions.

Transactions get chronicled in a decentralized network, making it a herculean task for hackers to tamper with or alter data.

This is because, once a block of data is cemented into the blockchain, it can’t be modified or deleted without the collective agreement of the network.

Not only does blockchain technology offer a secure platform for online transactions, but it also guarantees transparency and accountability.

In a blockchain-orchestrated transaction, every user can view and track the entire transaction history, including the nitty-gritty details, all parties involved, and the exact timestamp.

This level of transparency paves the way for accountability and traceability of transactions, allowing for the swift detection of any fraudulent activities.

Another significant facet of blockchain technology is its aptitude to facilitate smart contracts. Picture a smart contract as a computer program that automatically carries out the clauses of a contract when certain conditions are fulfilled. This leads to the automation of transactions, cutting down the need for middlemen and minimizing the chances of human errors.

The application of blockchain technology in safeguarding online transactions isn’t confined to financial transactions. It can also be used to secure other types of online transactions, such as exchanging personal data and managing digital assets.

For instance, blockchain technology can be employed to establish a secure and decentralized platform for storing personal data, like medical records and personal identification documents. This empowers individuals to take control of their data and ensures it’s used correctly and handled appropriately.

To sum it up, blockchain technology holds the potential to revolutionize the way we conduct online transactions by offering a secure, transparent, and tamper-proof platform for record-keeping.

Its capability to enable smart contracts and decentralized applications also allows for the automation of transactions, reducing the need for intermediaries and minimizing the chances of human error.

As technology continues to evolve and more businesses and organizations jump on the bandwagon, we expect to witness a surge in the number of secure online transactions facilitated by blockchain technology.

What Are the Most Popular Blockchains?

The blockchain world is dominated by two major players – Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency, has been the poster child of the blockchain revolution since its inception in 2009. The brainchild of an unidentified individual or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin uses a public blockchain to document its transactions.

The Bitcoin blockchain functions as a ledger for the ownership of digital currency, facilitating peer-to-peer transactions without the need for centralized oversight.

Hot on Bitcoin’s heels is Ethereum, the second most popular blockchain. Introduced to the world in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum also operates on a public blockchain. However, it sets itself apart from Bitcoin with its support for smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps).

Ethereum’s blockchain serves as a playground for developers to design and launch their own decentralized applications. Furthermore, it boasts a built-in programming language that enables the creation of more intricate and flexible smart contracts.

Other blockchains that have managed to carve a niche for themselves in the market include:

  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Litecoin
  • Bitcoin Cash
  • Binance Coin
  • Tether
  • Cardano
  • Chainlink
  • Dogecoin
  • Polkadot
  • Solana

These blockchains are deemed popular owing to their high trading volume, significant market capitalization, widespread adoption, and the interest they garner.

However, the popularity of these blockchains is subject to change, influenced by fluctuations in market conditions and their rate of adoption.

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How Blockchain Will Transform Digital Marketing Tue, 10 Jan 2023 05:00:00 +0000 If you are new to the idea of blockchain and do not have any idea about what it is, we are here to help. By definition, blockchain is a decentralized, public, and distributed digital ledger or database that is used to record and store transactions across several computers. This record cannot be altered retroactively without […]

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If you are new to the idea of blockchain and do not have any idea about what it is, we are here to help.

By definition, blockchain is a decentralized, public, and distributed digital ledger or database that is used to record and store transactions across several computers. This record cannot be altered retroactively without altering all the corresponding blocks and the harmony of the whole network.

With businesses taking the assistance of digital marketing, we have seen so many dynamic changes in the world of marketing over the years. These changes have contributed to the overall portrayal of businesses for their target audiences.

Many businesses have taken advantage of the powerful technological changes and taken their businesses to new heights of success. But the advent of blockchain technology is a whole new universe of possibilities for businesses as they take its help for their digital marketing strategies.

Blockchain is the most complicated and distinct form of digital technology. It is changing the way businesses conduct their digital marketing campaigns wholly. Businesses today are profiting from blockchain technology exceptionally.

When we talk about blockchain, we think of cryptocurrency and blockchain. But there is an underlying treasure of possibilities that are connected to marketing.

We have seen what digital marketing can do for businesses with the way it is constantly changing and improving.

But we are yet to see the wonders of blockchain technology. Blockchain is slowly transforming digital marketing with a full force of technological advancement. As we have seen, the arrival of artificial intelligence and analytics has already introduced new opportunities to businesses so they can cater to their customers more effectively.

Now, both AI and analytics pale in comparison to blockchain technology. The biggest reason behind this is that artificial intelligence and analytics have facilitated businesses more than consumers. With the emergence of blockchain technology, the tables have turned because it benefits consumers more.

AI and analytics have taken the control of user data and provided it to businesses. Blockchain technology will give this power back to users by giving them full autonomy over their data.

The core concept of blockchain is helping parties to connect and conduct business with each other without the interference of any third party. It effectively provides an efficient bridge for conducting business transactions between two parties. This eventually eliminates the redundancy of intermediaries.

Blockchain is a quite new digital marketing tool. Before there was not any awareness regarding blockchain technology and people were quite afraid of the way cryptocurrency worked. But now, there is a lot of understanding in people about blockchain. They have seen the wonders it does in facilitating both businesses and consumers.

For this very reason, digital marketing services offered by digital marketing agencies include the use of blockchain technology to further contribute to providing a premium experience to consumers.

To get an astute understanding of how blockchain is changing the world of digital marketing, let’s dive into see some of the prominent reasons:

1. Blockchain Provides Transparency

The fraudulent activities happening online are nothing new. As long as the digital world is working, unfortunately, it will be hard to completely obliterate these issues. Before, people were forced to trust the seller and buy products blindly, hoping to get their money’s worth of product and not get brutally scammed.

However, with the emergence of blockchain technology, it has become quite easy for people to verify the authenticity of a particular product before making a purchase. Blockchain technology facilitates people to confirm the manufacturing process of a product.

This provides a level of transparency between businesses and consumers. Before, businesses and consumers were only concerned with the facet of buying and selling products or services. But those days are gone now. Now, consumers look into the moral and ethical standing of a business and then decide to buy from them.

It is simply not a transaction any more but a whole relationship between businesses and their customers. This factor of blockchain technology provides consumers with a wholesome sense of satisfaction that is unbeatable.

When consumers know that they are establishing relationships with reputable businesses, it makes their whole user experience quite great. Many people are looking for the whole supply chain procedure to know where exactly a particular product is coming from. Blockchain technology helps businesses and people alike by making a transparent path to ensure authenticity.

In addition to this, blockchain technology prevents fraudulent ads that can sabotage the experience of users. These ads can be quite frequent which can hurt the user experience since they get constantly blocked by these ads.

Some blockchain technology tools prevent fraudulent ads to appear during the journey of the users. Effectively, there is an option for paid ads that can be viewed by valid publishers and users. These ads do not block the content from users and instead enhance the overall experience of the users.

These paid ads are made by businesses and companies who have rigorously researched a set of target audiences and then made appropriate ads to target them effectively.

If you are in the business and you do not know how to effectively use blockchain technology for your business, you can take the aid of any digital marketing company and they will accommodate you accordingly.

2. The Control is with People

As discussed above, artificial intelligence and analytics aided businesses far more than they did consumers. Companies and businesses have enjoyed the benefits of being able to get their hands on the data of users. This data has provided a lot of advantages to businesses.

But blockchain technology has taken control from businesses and companies and given it back to its rightful owners which are the users. Small or large businesses alike all want our data and personal information. The data helps them in making intelligent decisions to digitally market their products or services.

At the end of the day, this data helps the consumers in interacting and buying the products that they are searching for.

But aside from this, many businesses are subjecting their users to data theft to make quick money. Businesses are taking advantage of this liberty and selling these data to companies.

This is sabotaging the trust of users in digital businesses and shopping online. People are becoming more cautious and concerned regarding their personal information. They do not want to share their details online for fear of getting scammed.

Blockchain technology is changing the world of digital marketing by restricting companies from easily pulling data from users.

When we use blockchain technology intelligently, we find that it has great potential in limiting the influence of companies over the data of users. For this reason alone, blockchain technology is slowly becoming one of the most prominent beneficial digital marketing solutions among others.

3. Blockchain Gives Measurable Results for Marketing Campaigns

The era of digital marketing is laced with organic and paid marketing campaigns that may or may not provide profitable results to businesses. But this has not been entirely beneficial and the results were harder to quantify.

Enter blockchain technology and it has changed the whole game of getting measurable results from marketing campaigns. Blockchain technology blended with robust tracking software can give concrete results for marketing campaigns.

This will help businesses effectively evaluate the progress of their marketing campaigns. When businesses are enabled to monitor and see the results of their digital marketing campaigns, they make more informed and clever decisions regarding their marketing strategies.

All this has benefited customers in the end and that is the key purpose of any digital marketing campaign. Blockchain is slowly transforming the user experience for customers and is helping them in gaining a far better experience than before.

4. Blockchain Provides Effective Keyword Monitoring

Keyword research is the most commonly used digital marketing tool. It has helped many businesses in creating valuable content, optimize websites, and drive more traffic to their websites.

Not every person has the same online experience as others. The locations and devices they are using, play a huge role in their search results and in having different experiences online.

This distinction makes it hard for digital marketers to keep accurate track of keyword ranking.

Now, if we take a look at blockchain technology, we will see that blockchain provides the facility of recording and storing every data with their respective ranking position. Blockchain also stores the location and devices of the users. This helps digital marketers effectively figure out the ranking of keywords.

All this information can help digital marketers in making clever decisions regarding their marketing efforts and areas of improvement. When businesses can see what keywords and phrases are gaining the attention of their target audience, they will be able to create content accordingly that can fit the desired needs and expectations of the customers.

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4 Ways Blockchain Will Revolutionize the Recruitment Process Fri, 23 Dec 2022 05:05:00 +0000 Although the very mention of blockchain is often met with a sense of intrigue and mystery within HR departments around the world, there’s little doubt that the technology has the potential to make a big difference throughout the industry and beyond–particularly when it comes to optimizing the recruitment process.  Blockchain technology first emerged in 2009 […]

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Although the very mention of blockchain is often met with a sense of intrigue and mystery within HR departments around the world, there’s little doubt that the technology has the potential to make a big difference throughout the industry and beyond–particularly when it comes to optimizing the recruitment process. 

Blockchain technology first emerged in 2009 along with the launch of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency that became the world’s favorite form of digital finance. 

“Blockchain is a distributed and secure database,” surmises Phil Aldridge, chief technology officer at Peoplewave. “It records and stores every transaction that occurs in the network, and each new transaction is added only after being verified by the network. This creates a “historical ledger” of authenticated and trustworthy data.”

Furthermore, Precedence Research data suggests that the blockchain IoT market size alone is set to grow to almost $2 billion by the end of the decade–with a sprawling volume of use cases likely to emerge as a result.

While blockchain appears to be a natural fit for a broad range of sectors, particularly that of finance, cybersecurity, and logistics, the potential application of the technology in HR roles can’t be underestimated. Let’s take a deeper look at how blockchain and recruitment may forge the perfect partnership as the age of Web 3.0 dawns upon the industry:

Pairing Blockchain with Recruitment

The reason that blockchain has the potential to build a successful relationship with the world of recruitment is that it acts as a public distributed digital ledger, or record of transactions that can be programmed to securely keep a record of just about anything that holds value. Fundamentally, blockchain is the world’s most secure track of records. 

Furthermore, blockchains are immutable, which means that data stored is impossible to hack, steal, or modify on the chain. 

When data such as an individual’s employment history, school record, or any other relevant information is stored securely on the blockchain, for instance, it could be a significant step for the world of recruitment. 

Crucially, studies have shown that millennials typically change their employer once every 2.8 years. These ‘wrong’ hires cost businesses an average of almost $14,900, but blockchain-based hiring can help to ease this process through instilling greater transparency. 

Not only can blockchain help to verify the best candidates, it can also eliminate factors like misrepresentation. It also has the potential to automate the onboarding process, saving businesses time and money.

True Candidate Transparency

Let’s take a closer look at the topic of employer/employee transparency. Blockchain empowers all parties to gain secure access to authenticated records, whereby applications can be viewed in real-time with consent-based verification of education levels, accolades, and employment history. 

These validated credentials could either be recorded directly onto the blockchain, or they could be represented by non-fungible tokens, which would be awarded to individuals on completion of an educational course or training. 

There can be a wide range of details recorded and stored via the use of blockchains, including: 

  • Educational history
  • Employment history
  • Criminal background checks
  • Relevant licenses and certifications
  • Driver records

The process of enabling recruiters to gain the necessary permissions to access a candidate’s credentials can take just a matter of seconds, helping to streamline the vetting process when looking for new talent. 

Frictionless Onboarding

Blockchain can enable companies to automate their onboarding process. This can help to eliminate repetitive tasks geared towards preparing new recruits and instead focus on other manual processes. 

Thanks to blockchain applications, businesses can save time whilst also ensuring the safety of their new recruits. Powered by artificial intelligence, this automation can instantly perform the necessary safety background checks and explore an employee’s credentials to analyze their competencies and skill gaps. 

Subsequently, the AI can generate fully customized VR training programs that automatically update themselves based on each employee’s progress. When the AI is satisfied that a competency has been achieved, the program will create a new blockchain record on the employee’s chain, so that the HR department is aware of their progress. 

Data Safety

With the greater level of sensitive data that recruiters must work through, factors like GDPR compliance can be a recurring issue. However, blockchain isolates the dangers of misplaced information and delivers far greater levels of data security. 

Today’s processes within recruitment risks making personal data susceptible to hackers and data-tampering. Blockchain has the ability to enhance data safety by storing it in a decentralized manner–breaking all the information down and distributing it across a wide network of interconnected computers. Each computer will house a complete copy of the data, making the matter of losing it virtually impossible. 

Due to the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, the data it stores is fully immutable, because changes must be verified across the entire network. For any legitimate transaction, multiple confirmations must be provided and the same goes for underhanded attempts to access data. 

Comprehensive Payroll Management

The rise of remote work has presented new challenges in managing payroll, but blockchain can also revolutionize this area of HR and recruitment. 

Because blockchain works closely with cryptocurrency, it can be an excellent asset for paying employees who work in different areas of the world in a quick and efficient manner. It’s even possible for companies to create their own cryptocurrency to pay employees, which can later be converted into domestic money. 

Furthermore, blockchain-based smart contracts have the potential to change how workers are rewarded for special tasks. Rather than performance-based bonuses which need to be cleared by a payments and accounting team, employees can have certain bonuses written into a smart contract–whether they involve making a certain number of sales per month or learning new competencies–and once they’ve achieved their goals, an instant payment can be made into their account. This can help to leverage a truly rewarding employee experience. 

Although we’re still very much in the early stages of seeing blockchain realize its potential, the prospective use cases are still clear for all to see. When it comes to recruitment, the automation and efficiency that blockchain can bring mustn’t be ignored. The companies that move fastest in accommodating the technology are likely to lead the way in employee retention rates and data security.

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NFT Tickets on the Blockchain Wed, 05 Oct 2022 04:05:00 +0000 Concert and sports event prices have steadily increased to average around $100 in the past couple of years. These events are typically memories that last a lifetime, but purchasing a ticket that turns out to be fake can also become a memory you’ll never forget. However, NFT ticketing on the blockchain could change that. NFT […]

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Concert and sports event prices have steadily increased to average around $100 in the past couple of years. These events are typically memories that last a lifetime, but purchasing a ticket that turns out to be fake can also become a memory you’ll never forget. However, NFT ticketing on the blockchain could change that.

NFT ticketing that utilizes blockchain technology is emerging quickly, and it’s causing quite a disruption in the traditional ticketing system. Third-party vendors are expected to adopt this new technology soon as the events industry continues to pick back up in the coming months.

What Does an NFT Ticket Do?

NFT tickets function virtually the same way as event tickets. NFT tickets hold your digital credentials that can also hold and grant access to other assets like meet-and-greets, merchandise, VIP lounge spaces, and more. Because the NFT tickets are managed through blockchain technology, fans can sell them on a secure secondary market, which also tracks every time the ticket is sold. Additionally, smart contracts are often attached to the tickets by the event organizers, which makes it easier for them to manage agreements with third parties.

Smart contracts are pre-programmed agreements that activate automatically after a sale with preset conditions. Organizers can also program automatic royalty fees for secondary sales and omit third-party distribution by utilizing blockchain as a way to mint their tickets. Essentially, NFT tickets can’t be lost, forged, or stolen; most importantly, you can always trust they are real.

After the purchase of a ticket is made, a smart contract is automatically triggered that ensures the seller gets paid and the buyer receives their NFT ticket. If an individual wants to resell their ticket, that’s no issue for the fan or the organizers. Predetermined markets, made by the organizers, are accessible to the NFT owner, where they have the ability to sell their ticket at a competitive price along with other NFT ticket owners. Every transaction is tracked, too, so as a new buyer looking for tickets through a market of tickets being resold, you can make an informed decision.

One Opportunity After Another

NFT tickets give artists and sports teams a new power. If desired, they will have the opportunity to coordinate exclusive products or events as a reward for loyal fans. With the click of a button, any fan who owns an NFT ticket may open up their email inbox to see they’ve won free merchandise or premium access to purchase tickets for the next event of their favorite team or artist, affording fans the opportunity to buy the best tickets before the general public has access. 

For artists, this means having a more direct connection with their fans, a better way to manage relationships with record labels, and avoiding having their music or merchandise being misused. For sports teams, this enables them to amplify the fan experience even more, with opportunities to win rare merchandise or other exclusive rewards like season tickets, discounts for better seats at the next game, or even brand collaboration opportunities. The important factor in this is that the extra benefits and rewards follow the ticket, thus giving fans the potential to increase the value of their ticket even after the event.

Who Manages NFT Tickets?

The event organizers own and manage NFT tickets just like they would a traditional paper ticket. Although, some companies are able to manage the NFT ticketing process for the organizers. The fan can also access our tech with our app. Essentially, we are the mediator and distributor of the NFT tickets. We bring all the benefits of Web3 without affecting the current ticket holder’s process. If a fan has a digital wallet, the NFT will be delivered. If the fan doesn’t, the traditional ticketing experience is delivered, just without the NFT. The revolving QR code is always available, too.

This combination of NFT’s, blockchain technology, and smart contracts will create a multi-faceted disruption of the traditional ticket system and its benefactors. As a fan, NFT tickets offer virtually every convenience. Most of all, NFT tickets provide a sense of trust that each ticket is real, can’t be stolen, and can easily be sold to someone else without any need for either party to prove your trustworthiness. The future of ticketing is with blockchain technology. Entertainers, fans, and organizers all benefit from this transition in one primary way — a trustworthy and secured experience.

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Blockchain-Powered Web 3.0 and Its Impact on Business Wed, 13 Jul 2022 04:05:00 +0000 So what is Web 3.0? In simple words, it is a fully transparent, unbiased, and secure third-generation Internet, based on Web 3.0 technologies like AI, natural language processing, IoT, AR/VR, and WebGL. But, while these technologies are critical for delivering top-notch user experiences, for Web 3.0, blockchain plays a decisive part.  Another Web 3.0 definition […]

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So what is Web 3.0? In simple words, it is a fully transparent, unbiased, and secure third-generation Internet, based on Web 3.0 technologies like AI, natural language processing, IoT, AR/VR, and WebGL. But, while these technologies are critical for delivering top-notch user experiences, for Web 3.0, blockchain plays a decisive part. 

Another Web 3.0 definition is the decentralized web. This basically means that the data is distributed evenly through the nodes on the blockchain network, and cannot be erased, deleted, or tampered with without the awareness and consent of all parties involved. 

The decentralization is achieved by using the distributed ledger, which creates a secure and transparent environment with fair possibilities for doing business for every company.

The new and advanced worldwide web is rapidly evolving, offering a range of Web 3.0 websites and services based on blockchain platforms. 

As of today, the most spectacular Web 3.0 examples across industries include:

  • Social networks
  • Crypto exchange platforms
  • Messaging services
  • Data storage capacities
  • Banking and finance apps and services
  • Browsers
  • Streaming music and video platforms, etc. 

The advent of Web 3.0 has also given rise to a number of alternative monetization models. While ICOs (initial coin offerings) are familiar to everyone, other models include revenue and income sharing, percentage fees, continuous funding, and curved bonding models. The SaaS and marketplace models, which are the predominant monetization methods of Web 2.0 will gradually become obsolete. 

What Are the Main Characteristics of Decentralized Web 3.0?

For organizations, Web 3.0 will imply the entirely new way of doing business. This includes the following:

  • User-centricity

The users are not only the main authors of the content, they also have full ownership and control over their data. Unlike web 2.0, where data is collected and sold by corporations without users’ consent, customers will be the ones to decide which information they want to share with others. 

  • Trustlessness

Businesses will be enabled to conduct secure transactions across borders without having to rely on trust: the procedures will be taking place automatically, upon meeting the necessary terms and conditions. 

  • Interoperability 

Web 3.0 apps run on all devices and platforms, so interoperability will no longer present a problem. 

  • Increased fairness and transparency

Decentralized Web 3.0 will eliminate the monopoly of tech giants. Every company will have equal possibilities for growth and development. Next-generation Internet will also be free from bias and discrimination, and organizations will be enabled to transfer funds and assets in a fast and secure way, with no permissions required from any intermediaries or third parties. 

The adoption of Web 3.0, however, will be a gradual process, that will require businesses to rethink the ways they operate, redefine their priorities and look for reliable tech partnerships to help them adopt new technologies and business principles. It’s always advisable to start off with a small pilot project, which will help organizations to test their ideas and new business approach for viability.

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Top IoT Market Demands – Internet of Things Forecasts 2022 Mon, 13 Dec 2021 05:05:00 +0000 The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot topic of conversation among those in the tech and manufacturing industries. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hyped-up futuristic technology known for its social and technological miracles. The most recent IoT trends show that this technology has altered a number of industries. IoT and its smart […]

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot topic of conversation among those in the tech and manufacturing industries. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hyped-up futuristic technology known for its social and technological miracles. The most recent IoT trends show that this technology has altered a number of industries.

IoT and its smart sensors have already cleared the way for automation improvements in a variety of industries, as well as increased cloud usage and the development of 5G. This article discusses some of the most important IoT developments and predictions for the year 2022.

The Internet of Things is evolving at a breakneck speed. Even the most knowledgeable specialists find it difficult to forecast the future of IoT standardisation due to the rapid advancement of the technology. According to the McKinsey Global Institute, by 2025, the Internet of Things could produce up to $11.1 trillion in economic value in a variety of contexts, including industries, cities, retail environments, and the human body.

The Internet of Things is optimizing operations for both not only individuals but businesses and enterprises. Yet, there remains a lot of opportunity for connected devices in the many different verticals of the market. Hence, deploying IoT on any scale for any business domain requires the expertise of a leading software development company including custom software development to continue to leverage new streams of revenues.

In case you are looking to scale up your business, here are some top IoT trends and predictions to watch out for 2022.

Advanced Security

A heightened focus on security will be seen in the IoT sector. IoT network hacking is expected to become a routine occurrence by 2022, according to experts. Intruders will be prevented from causing any harm by network operators acting as cybersecurity personnel. Companies like Sierra, Wireless, and others who have been cyber-attacked in the past have implemented IoT-driven cyber technologies as a result of the recent increase in intrusions. Ericsson, Microsoft, and U-Blox, for example, have developed their own threat detection and security service technologies.

Analytics, ML & Disruptive Technologies

Applications in IoT networks are detected using IoT analytics and data. While transmitting large amounts of data to the network cores, these systems generate alarms. Providers and business leaders are increasingly incorporating integrated analytics into their products in order to speed up data analysis. These technologies facilitate the adoption and optimization of IoT devices, processes, applications, and infrastructure, resulting in enhanced performance as networks operate in a low-latency environment.

IoT Transforming Business Models

There are several proofs, studies, and instances of effective IoT deployment in business models that have improved the company’s performance by raising output and improving other business KPIs and objectives. Manufacturers are converting their entire business models into more inventive and productive ones with the help of automation.

AR and VR with IoT

With IoT, virtual and augmented reality may connect the physical and digital worlds. It opens up the possibility of using IoT data in AR and VR technology. The use of IoT in various technologies has several economic benefits, including lower costs and new and greater earnings and opportunities. Combining these technologies could help organisations teach staff about virtual prototypes of items, different types of equipment, and different business growth tactics.

Adoption of IoT in Healthcare

For years, the healthcare industry has been experimenting with Internet of Things (IoT) technology. This sector is at the forefront of IoT adoption and innovation. IoT is used to discover many forms of equipment such as wearable sensors and gadgets, tracking, and indoor navigation technology. By connecting lighting systems to health monitors and deploying sensors, it can also improve lighting systems.

Boost in Customer Service

IoT technology has had a significant impact on customer service and information delivery. IoT can enhance the capabilities of CRM systems, allowing them to detect and report customer issues to businesses. These solutions also enable businesses to participate in customer discussions, resulting in increased consumer involvement and, ultimately, client retention. During the epidemic, the increased usage of IoT to enforce social distancing measures was visible.

Blockchain in IoT

For IoT support, blockchain is a very promising technology. By combining the two, IoT security as well as operational, compliance, and legal concerns may be met in a uniform manner. Aside from executing business logic via smart contracts, blockchain technology provides a basic foundation for smart devices to function autonomously. IoT systems that use blockchain technology will be able to register and confirm themselves against the network, as well as directly transfer data between devices.

IOT & On Demand Software Development

By 2020, the Internet of Things will require millions more developers, and I’ve always said that IT is the future, and that we should recognise that on-demand software development is transforming how we do things now, along with IoT taking the centre stage as well.

With changes in consumer behaviour and the increasing availability of free internet access in our cities and towns, we will see more and more adaptations to on-demand apps. I’m talking about apps like Uber, Lyft, and other e-commerce systems that have entered the market to make our lives easier. Using them is no longer just a matter of fiddling around; we rely on them because they have come to our rescue in many ways.

Summarizing Thoughts

Because the value and uses of IoT continue to rise, the pattern of IoT development has a lot of potential and a lot of market share. The objective is to come up with the best solutions by combining cutting-edge technology with practical knowledge, experience, and skill.

Superior enterprise solutions in all industries, increased productivity, a pleasant living standard, and lifestyles will be the result of IoT advancement as an accurate source of wide-range data.

Prepare for the impending explosion of the Internet of Things. You can be sure that IoT is bound to infiltrate businesses of any scale or a leading on demand software development company. As a result, remember that it’s better to be prepared than to be left behind by the Internet of Things train.

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When to Leverage Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies to Drive Experience Growth Tue, 01 Dec 2020 05:00:44 +0000 Today, product managers across all industry sectors are looking to harness the power of blockchain to create real value for both their teams and customers. Blockchain, which underpins Bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies, is being used to govern and record human or machine interactions such as sending money from one person to another, or recording the […]

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Today, product managers across all industry sectors are looking to harness the power of blockchain to create real value for both their teams and customers. Blockchain, which underpins Bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies, is being used to govern and record human or machine interactions such as sending money from one person to another, or recording the votes for an upcoming election by mail ballot.  

Given its high degree of security and transparency, this technology will prove to be a key investment area for businesses as we move into a post-pandemic world. This new bitcoin era, however, has left many leaders both confused and excited, and has created widespread disagreement over which qualities are essential in order to call something a blockchain. 

What are cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin? What is the difference between the cryptocurrencies and blockchain networks that businesses are developing that we read about in the news? And as a product manager, how do you know when there is an opportunity to leverage these technologies to drive growth within your customer or employee experience? These are three important questions asked at Bottle Rocket, so we decided to provide our current best answers below.

The Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Puzzle Breakdown

Before thinking about ways to incorporate blockchain and cryptocurrencies into the customer or employee experience, businesses need to understand the puzzle that is blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and how they are supposed to fit together.

The main difference between Bitcoin and business blockchain is the degree to which the network is decentralized (how much human interaction exists within the network), and the types of transactions being recorded. Bitcoin is a fully decentralized network, which means there is no human interaction when sending Bitcoin from one person to another. Most business blockchains are not fully decentralized and require some human interaction to complete the transaction, such as the manual review of a voting ballot before being confirmed to the ledger.

“Blockchain can mean different things to different types of companies. For big companies, it is about making existing markets more efficient & transparent. For small & medium sized companies, collaboration enables them to punch above their weight and launch exciting new last mile like products and services. But, it is at the start up level that digital innovation burns the brightest, creating a new digital economy to transform whole industries on top of this new quality and ownership, or access of data.” — Andy Martin, Blockchain Business Value Design World Wide Leader — IBM

The Relationship Between Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies & Your Customer or Employee Experience

Their utility as an alternative payment option is often better understood and can already be found embedded in most customer experiences. It’s more a question of whether it makes good business sense to offer Bitcoin or some other cryptocurrency as a payment option. Consumers typically prefer choice and any customer who uses this channel could result in the avoidance of credit card transaction fees by the business, driving higher profit margins.

Turning to the other side of the same coin, the relationship isn’t as intuitively obvious. Most of this stems from the fact that these are business focused networks that don’t get much visibility by the public. The experience in this instance is typically a web or mobile app used by your employees. This employee experience is a window into the blockchain and its available functions. The quality and ease-of-use of this employee experience will be the main driver of adoption.

The relationship between the customers/employees and blockchain/cryptocurrencies, however, will be largely derived by the design and the user experience of the web and/or mobile application used to interact with it. If businesses want to drive adoption using blockchain and cryptocurrencies, they must make the experience so easy-to-use, that it is intuitively understood by even the most casual observer. 

In order to do this, leaders will need to cultivate a strong understanding of their customer base, their current behaviors, expectations, goals, and assumptions. Indeed, bad design, navigation, and user experience are the main barriers that have prevented adoption growth of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It simply isn’t easy to use for most people and thus does not get used as much as it could be.

When to Leverage Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies to Drive Experience Growth

Whether or not it makes sense to invest in blockchain and/or cryptocurrencies to drive growth, depends largely on the benefits that would be gained from automated decision and governance processes and the level of interest from your future customer/employee base. Below are three common areas to consider when evaluating your customer or employee experience for opportunities to drive growth through blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

  1. Cross B2B silo collaboration (reconciliation, provenance or a visibility issue) (Source — Andy Martin, IBM)
  2. Data that needs to be shared is too valuable to let a 3rd party govern on your behalf (Source — Andy Martin, IBM)
  3. Customer interest supports additional payment options

As a product manager, it is important to consistently take the pulse of the businesses decision and governance model taking place inside your business right now. An easy way to do this is to simply write down every decision made internally and externally with third parties. Once this list has been made, evaluate each decision using a multidimensional lens that includes the amount of time to complete each decision and the amount of friction it causes (none, low, medium, high). 

Once this is complete, filter the list so that the decisions with the highest level of friction and that take the most time to complete on average are on top and proceed in descending order down the list. These are the areas that represent your best opportunities to drive growth through blockchain and cryptocurrencies. For the highest-ranked items, do a cost-benefit analysist to see if a blockchain solution could help expedite these processes internally. This will then help you build out your strategy, create your service blueprint, and get you to launch in real time. Like everything else, you’ll want to continuously monitor, evolve, and grow.

In Summary 

Product managers and product growth SMEs should keep a consistent pulse on their governance models and perform regular reviews to determine when it makes sense to leverage this technology.

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Why Businesses Need Smart Contracts in 2020 and Beyond Mon, 09 Dec 2019 05:00:22 +0000 Closely tied to the concept of digital currencies, such as Ethereum and Ripple, smart contracts are so much more than a cryptocurrency investor’s toolkit. Increasingly, businesses are engaging the technology to close contract deals more efficiently and without the need to send hard copies of documents, among other benefits.  But what is a smart contract, […]

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Closely tied to the concept of digital currencies, such as Ethereum and Ripple, smart contracts are so much more than a cryptocurrency investor’s toolkit. Increasingly, businesses are engaging the technology to close contract deals more efficiently and without the need to send hard copies of documents, among other benefits. 

But what is a smart contract, and how does its functionality support contemporary business? A smart contract is a digitized version of an agreement that can undertake, execute, and enforce contractual terms between two or more parties. It’s made using blockchain technology, which safely encodes the contract’s information, making it immutable after the deal has been agreed upon. 

In 2019, with business continuing to become increasingly globalized, smart contracts are proving to be one of the more innovative solutions to enact international business deals successfully. This is based on three conquering principles relevant to today’s business arena: 

  • Autonomy—generally, business agreements between two parties require a third party to ensure the deal is adequately fulfilled. For example, in terms of financial exchange, a bank acts as an intermediary allowing finances to be passed from one party to the other. In terms of resource transfer, a third-party verifier may be required too. Here, smart contracts eliminate the need for such a body, allowing contracts to be automatically fulfilled. 
  • Trust and security—due to their uneditable nature and usage of a blockchain-based digital ledger noting all transactions, smart contracts are seen to be secure. Data entered into them is visible to the parties involved, and sometimes external parties depending on the type of blockchain used, public or private; however, it is not hackable or able to be edited after the deal has been entered into. Additionally, its trustless nature means participants don’t have to rely on the other party to fulfill the deal as it is executed automatically based on the terms and conditions. 
  • Speed and efficiency—deals are typically closed through negotiations, document creation, signing, printing, posting, and confirming; all of these are manual and time-consuming processes. In an increasingly digital world, this approach is becoming less convenient for companies who value time and speed, as well as efficiency. With smart contracts, deals can be instigated with various parties and fulfilled automatically without hard-copy headaches. 

Business seeking to engage smart contracts often additionally consider the cost-effectiveness of such systems to be a primary motivational element in utilizing them for their needs. With smart contracts, costs are reduced from the lack of need for intermediaries, a decrease in some formal bureaucratic processes, and direct contract enforcement.

How Enterprises Use Smart Contracts Today

On the whole, businesses are becoming more and more interested in the potential of blockchain technology. However, some are hesitant to use it to its full potential, for example, by relying solely on smart contracts. 

Those choosing to employ the solution are faced with the challenge of designing a network from scratch or tailoring a ready-made blockchain platform, which can prove a daunting task, especially as this is still such a new technology. 

For this reason, many companies engage the help of blockchain consultants who are well-equipped to analyze which solution is best suited and weigh up the risks and benefits for each particular project. 

Below, are some of the most recent and interesting use cases on the market.

Microsoft’s Blockchain Development Kit

Microsoft’s recent turnaround on the usage of open-source software, from being a critical opponent to championing the movement, has formed some of the company’s business decisions in recent years. 

Not so long ago, Microsoft launched its Ethereum-based blockchain development kit, which allows companies to create their own smart contracts using its technology. Known as the Azure Blockchain Services, users can form, manage, and govern individual blockchain networks. For companies using the kit, this presents the potential to engage a new technology in an efficient way, with a level of reliability from the Microsoft name.

In general, such a massive giant backing the technology is an encouraging step in its future development as a tool accessible to more and more businesses. 

IBM-Backed Blockchain as a Service, and Other Platforms

A competitor to the Ethereum network, Hyperledger utilizes the accessible Linux platform to make its blockchain-as-a-service solution available for companies worldwide. The platform allows enterprises to develop their own solutions and adapt the blockchain software to meet their needs. 

Among other top runners this year, there are Ripple’s smart contract platform known as Codius, an open-source hosting protocol that helps websites monetize their content in new ways, and EOS, one of Ethereum’s most well-known competitors and effective alternative.

A Future Outlook for Smart Contracts  

Currently, blockchain and smart contracts are at an exciting point in their development, with solutions being created and tested almost every day. Although businesses may be concerned about the risk of adapting such rapidly developing technologies, their potential should not be ignored. 

These are some of the solutions to current adoption challenges, which we can expect to see moving forward in 2020: 

  • More testing and better efficiency. More innovative testing methods for smart contracts can help them become more efficient and workable.
  • More use cases. From cryptocurrency to employment contracts to voting, smart contracts will find increased use in 2020 and beyond. As more businesses are adopting them, it will become ever clearer just what the limits of the technology are. 

While the “revolutionary” tag is still firmly attached to blockchain, in 2020 we will start to move from hype into reality, and the sustainability of smart contracts will become more apparent. For businesses hoping to remain on the cusp of efficiency and forward-thinking, smart contracts represent an unmissable opportunity, even if some caution should be exercised and measures taken to reduce risks.

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How Blockchain is Shaping the Healthcare Industry Thu, 01 Aug 2019 04:00:58 +0000 Defining Blockchain A Blockchain refers to a timestamped series of immutable data records that are managed by a cluster of computers that are not owned by any single entity. Each of the blocks of data is secured and are bound to each other by the use of cryptographic principles, known as chains.  The Blockchain network […]

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Defining Blockchain

A Blockchain refers to a timestamped series of immutable data records that are managed by a cluster of computers that are not owned by any single entity. Each of the blocks of data is secured and are bound to each other by the use of cryptographic principles, known as chains. 

The Blockchain network holds a no-central authority. It is shared, and an immutable ledger and the information being stored is open for everyone to see. Any data built on the Blockchain is very transparent, and hence, everyone is accountable for their course of action. 

Costs Involved in Blockchain

A blockchain has no transaction costs involved. There is an infrastructure cost, but no transaction costs exist. It is a simple and ingenious method of passing on information from a source to a destination in a fully automated and safer way. One of the parties involved needs to initiate the transaction by creating blocks. The designed block is verified by a vast number of computers present around the net. The verified block is then added to a chain and stored across the net by creating not only a unique record but also a unique record that has a unique history. When a single record is falsified, the entire chain having millions of instances is even falsified, and it becomes virtually impossible. Bitcoin has now and then used this model for carrying out monetary transactions, and it can be deployed in various other ways as well.

The Blockchain can not only transfer and store money, but it can also replace the processes and business models that are dependent on a small fee for carrying out transactions or any other type of transaction between parties.


Working of Blockchain

The information that is held on a blockchain exists as a shared and a continuous-reconciled database. This method of using the network holds several apparent benefits. The database of the Blockchain isn’t located or stored in a single location, i.e. the records are kept public and easily verifiable. There is no centralized version of this information that exists for any hacker to corrupt. The information is hosted by millions of computers present in the network, and the data is accessible to anyone present on the Internet.

Reasons for Blockchain Being Successful

Following are some of the reasons why blockchain has become successful-

  1. Not owned by a single entity and hence there are no issues of centralization
  2. Data is stored using a cryptographic method
  3. Blockchain is immutable, thus no one can tamper or alter the data inside the blockchain
  4. The blockchain is fully transparent, so it is easy to track the data by the user according to their needs

Properties of Blockchain Technology

1. Increased Capacity

One of the most remarkable features of Blockchain is that it can increase the capacity of the entire network. Many computers working together offer more power than a few devices where things are centralized

2. Better Security

Blockchain Technology provides better security because there is no chance of shutting down the systems. Several computers known as nodes secure the blockchain network, and these nodes are responsible for confirming the transactions on the network

3. Immutability

The creation of immutable ledgers is one of the significant values which drive Blockchain. Any centralized database is prone to getting hacked, and hence, these require trust in the third parties for keeping the database secured

4. Decentralized System

Decentralized technology allows users to store their assets inside a network which is further accessed using the Internet. The asset could be either a contract, a document, etc. The owner holds direct control over his account giving him the power to transfer assets to anyone he wishes.


New Applications of Blockchain

The newer business applications that will rise from Blockchain include the following-

1. Smart Contracts

Distributed ledgers allow the coding of simple contracts that are going to get executed when a set of specific conditions are met. At this stage of technological development, smart contracts can be programmed for performing simple functions

2. Shared Economy

By enabling peer-to-peer payments, Blockchain has opened ways for directing interactions between the parties, which is a genuinely decentralized result of economy sharing

3. Governance

Making the results fully transparent and accessible to the public, distributed database technology can bring full transparency to elections or any other processes which involve poll taking

4. Auditing of Supply Chains

Distributed ledgers can provide an easy way for certifying the genuineness of the products being purchased. Transparency is achieved by a Blockchain based time timestamping of a date and location which can correspond to a product number

5. File Storage

The decentralized file storage brings a lot of benefits. Distribution of data throughout the network can protect files from getting hacked or lost

6. Prediction Markets

The crowdsourcing of predictions on an event is proven to have a higher degree of accuracy. Averaging opinions can cancel out the unexamined biases which could distort judgment

7. Identity Management

There has been an increased need for better identity management on the Internet. The ability to verify an individual’s identity has remained the anchor for all the financial transactions happening online. Distributed ledgers offer enhanced methods for proving an individual’s identity along with the possibility for the digitization of personal documents

8. Anti-Money Laundering and KYC Practices

Anti-money laundering and KYC practices have great potential and need to be adopted by  blockchain technology. Financial institutions need to perform a labour-intensive multi-step procedure for `every new customer. KYC costs can be reduced by cross-institutional client verification and also by increasing monitoring and analysis at the same time.

How Blockchain Benefits the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry should look to invest in Blockchain technology to gain the following benefits-

1. Easy Exchange of Health Data

The exchange of health data is one of the essential features that Blockchain offers the healthcare industry. Healthcare startups can use blockchain-enabled IT systems for delivering technological solutions for many challenges which include health data security and interoperability. 

Blockchain technology gives healthcare data exchange systems a seamless access to real-time patient data by eliminating the cost and burden of data reconciliation

2. Building Smarter Contracts for Flexibility

Blockchain technology makes it possible to develop smart contracts. Smart contracts allow doctors to exchange information with more flexibility and freedom and inline with health-related decisions, be it a patient willing to disclose health records or a doctor sharing information with his fellow doctors

3. Resolving Challenges of Cybersecurity

The healthcare industry is known for its strict policies and regulations, ensuring the security and privacy of data.  With the increase in the number of cybersecurity threats, new problems are created for emerging digital workflows. 

Since it is not possible to hack or modify the data saved on the Blockchain, this technology can help in resolving the cybersecurity challenges facing the industry 

4. Reducing Costs and Gaining Efficiency 

Healthcare-related organizations and firms can use the Blockchain for record management as well as bridging traditional data silos, thereby increasing efficiency and keeping medical data safe. This technology can also streamline the entire process for patients to access their medical records and securely share data. By using blockchain technology, the transfer of medical records between two institutions is likely to decrease, thereby making the process of auditing much more manageable.


Source: Quora

SWOT Analysis of Blockchain in Healthcare

Blockchain along with other technology drivers such as IoT and machine learning have become a key driver for triggering new digital processes. It has already begun to revolutionize healthcare. With the rapid development of blockchain as a technology, many companies in the healthcare arena are looking to implement it for their business. This includes the pharmaceutical companies along with hospitals and healthcare institutions where the usage of blockchain would lead to faster and more efficient problem-solving. Blockchain will make it easier to deploy technologies for smart storage of data, different transactions as well as patient care and research.

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Four Ways Blockchain is Revamping Healthcare Thu, 11 Apr 2019 04:00:48 +0000 Tech giant IBM is aiming to revamp the healthcare sector using blockchain technology. The IT veteran recently partnered with a consortium of healthcare enterprises, including American healthcare insurance giant Aetna, to build the Health Utility Network. The goal of the Health Utility Network is to enable healthcare companies to build, share and deploy solutions that […]

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Tech giant IBM is aiming to revamp the healthcare sector using blockchain technology. The IT veteran recently partnered with a consortium of healthcare enterprises, including American healthcare insurance giant Aetna, to build the Health Utility Network. The goal of the Health Utility Network is to enable healthcare companies to build, share and deploy solutions that could drive digital transformation in the space.

Why does the healthcare sector of all industry segments need blockchain you ask? 

Even though the healthcare industry has gone through unprecedented levels of modernization over the years (with surgeons now being able to remotely conduct surgery-via a dexterous robot -that maintains a connection through a 5G network), the industry has found it cumbersome to digitize healthcare information, increase interoperability and improve transparency despite major initiatives to do otherwise. These inefficiencies are inadvertently costing the industry as much as 50 cents on the dollar, which if rectified could significantly boost the profitability of healthcare organizations.  

This is where blockchain could prove useful for the healthcare industry and what companies like IBM are aiming to bring into the industry. But IBM is not alone. Numerous startups have also realized the potential for blockchain technology in the healthcare sector and they have collectively managed to attract a staggering $246 million to date (source). A breakdown of the funds raised gives a clear idea of the leading players in the space.

Image Source:

Startups like and together attracted as much as 27% of the total funds invested in the blockchain-healthcare space, indicating that these startups exhibit great promise and investors are willing to pledge top-dollar in their business. Startups like Grapevine, Medicalchain and Litra are not far behind the top players and also raised significant funds. Interestingly, the top five companies attracted a staggering 57% of the investments in the blockchain-healthcare space, indicating these players are far ahead of the competition. 

So what are the ways blockchain could revamp the healthcare industry? Before we dive into that, it’s important to understand what blockchain is.

In essence, what’s blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger of economic transactions, secured using cryptography. For uninformed readers, let me explain the jargon terms used here-

Decentralized- A blockchain network is not governed by a single authority but instead hands control to each computer (node) on its network.

Distributed- blockchain is distributed because instead of a single computer providing all the computational power needed, a network of nodes work with each other to achieve the task.

Cryptography- It’s the practice and study of techniques that enable secure communications in the presence of a third party. Secure communications is often achieved using encryption, similar to how whatsapp has an end-to-end encryption option.  

The innovation that blockchain brings to the table can be near perfectly summed up in the three words noted above. Blockchain allows data to be distributed but not copied, meaning it is immutable. Now a good analogy to explain how blockchain works is by imagining that blockchain is a digital spreadsheet that is copied thousands of times across a network of nodes. These nodes are constantly communicating with each other and are programmed to regularly update the spreadsheet.

This means that data stored on a blockchain is by design resistant to manipulation, on top of being significantly more secure because of its decentralized nature and also because of the cryptographic techniques employed. And a blockchain network can do all this without the need for a central authority constantly managing it. 

Now let’s dive into the use cases of blockchain in the healthcare industry, that could potentially revamp the sector.

Four ways blockchain can revamp the healthcare industry

1: Patient data management- Blockchain and healthcare

In the healthcare industry, patient data is critical for doctors to properly diagnose diseases but the challenge is how this data is stored and shared. As you can imagine, sensitive patient data is stored on centralized servers which itself poses a huge security risk. Doctors often have to share sensitive data with other doctors possibly across borders and this is often achieved using traditional messaging platforms, which again are at risk of cyber attacks. 

Blockchain can be used to create a secure patient data management system. This is how healthcare managers can collect individual data from each patient which can then be stored on a private blockchain network. This step alone significantly decreases the security risk involved with data falling into the wrong hands since hacking into a blockchain network is incredibly difficult. 

2: Clinical trials- Blockchain and healthcare

In the healthcare industry, clinical trials are meant to gauge the tolerance and effectiveness of a product on a study group in order to come to a suitable conclusion. The conclusion is critical in determining the future of the product in the industry, which often takes billions to develop. As these trials take years to complete and include data from hundreds of patients and thousands of data points, most often errors are made along the way. These errors often change the outcome of the trial, which has led to some trials being manipulated by bad actors in the space to thwart progress. 

As mentioned earlier, blockchain is an immutable record, meaning once data is stored on a particular blockchain it cannot be manipulated, thus providing authentic proof for the conclusion at the end of the trials. The only way to change information on a blockchain network would be to gain control over a majority of nodes on the network, referred to as a 51% attack. This is incredibly hard to do on large networks with several hundred nodes. 

3: Drawing insights from patient data

As the healthcare industry slowly starts digitization of patient information, it holds the potential to radically change how diseases are treated. Heard of big data analytics? Yes, it’s used by businesses to increase efficiency, but the same technology can be used to draw insights from patient records. Enterprises that employ big data analytics often use machine learning algorithms to draw meaningful insights from the slew of data available. But again the problem boils down to how to store patient data in a secure way but that is still accessible to machine learning algorithms.

As it turns out, blockchain could be a viable solution due to its security and distributed characteristics, which can keep hackers at bay while at the same time allowing certain trusted users access. Imagine, a machine learning algorithm ploughs through all the patient data available and draws a parallel between lung cancer and smoking (or something more audacious that is not known to doctors). It could kick start a new era of medicine where instead of treating the symptoms, the focus shifts to the underlying causes.

4: Drug traceability

You may be surprised to know that drug counterfeiting is a huge problem in the healthcare industry, especially in developing countries where people often can’t afford expensive medicines. Astonishingly, anywhere between 10-30% of drugs sold in developing countries are counterfeit and this shady market is worth a staggering $20 billion annually. These drugs can be incredibly harmful to patients who consume them as they often contain abnormal ingredient levels.

Blockchain can help ensure the authenticity of these drugs by integrating them into the supply chain network. Each batch of the drug made can be tracked at each stage of the manufacturing process which can help increase accountability in the space and curb bad actors in the space. 
With tech giants like IBM partnering with healthcare companies to introduce blockchain, it’s not too far fetched to expect major changes within the next few years. But just to be clear, Blockchain is not the panacea for all the problems plaguing the healthcare industry. It does, however, come close.

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Top 9 Technology Trends of 2019 Wed, 27 Feb 2019 05:00:46 +0000 As we all know, 2018 was a tech-driven year. This trend is expected to grow in 2019 as well. It brings immense opportunities for entrepreneurs. Disruptive technology trends accelerate industries throughout the year. The intelligent digital mesh includes interconnected humans, devices, robots, services, and content, everything driven by digital transformation. Here are the top technological […]

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As we all know, 2018 was a tech-driven year. This trend is expected to grow in 2019 as well. It brings immense opportunities for entrepreneurs. Disruptive technology trends accelerate industries throughout the year.

The intelligent digital mesh includes interconnected humans, devices, robots, services, and content, everything driven by digital transformation. Here are the top technological trends that will result in a significant revolution this year.

1. Artificial Intelligence

In 2019, there will be a convergence of AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning in business applications. AI innovations will keep bringing scientific breakthroughs thanks to the tons of data collected by new technologies.

AI and Machine Learning will be embedded in big as well as small business platforms in order to create and enable smart business operations.

Innovation in Machine Learning as well as in its technology will result in more advanced AI. Robotics and Autonomous vehicles industries will experience rapid growth in 2019.

2. Blockchain

Blockchain has attracted many interested individuals and businesses. And its biggest use case, the digital currency, Bitcoin, has been a point of discussion for a long time. Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt many industries with its security system for recording as well as well as its verification of store records and transactions. 2019 is going to be a golden year for Blockchain to show its charm. Organizations will implement blockchain to improve collaboration.

3. Automation

There was a time when robots were considered the synonym for automation. Now automation has transformed the way we get things done. With more advancement in connectivity and machine learning, automation firmly stands at the forefront. Whether it is using convenient devices at home or industrial applications on a large scale, automation has become the key focus of technological transformation.

4. Internet of Things

Internet of Things is going to become the foundation of new, innovative business models and platforms. Gartner called the collaboration of technology, devices, people, services, and content the “intelligent digital mesh”.

Even though these are the early days for IoT applications, there are clear signs that opportunity will exist for all those who have the technical knowledge on how to connect platforms and the data analytics skills in order to utilize the information generated by IoT apps.

5. Augmented Analytics Using Natural Language

With natural language generation, augmented analytics can transform the way data experts, executives, and organizations get insights and engagement from their data. Natural language surfaces the important findings in a small fraction of time, making data science more accessible. This trend will continue in 2019 as well.

6. Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality

2019 is going to be a fascinating year for AR, VR, and MR.

Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality, also known as R+, will be at the forefront of attention. These technologies are not limited to gaming only. They have become extremely useful in some big sectors such as manufacturing, engineering design, space exploration, and healthcare.

R+ will help companies change how people work as well as collaborate across geographies. It’s true that AR rose under VR’s shadow, but 2019 is going to be the year for AR.

7. Data Security

Data security, also known as computer security or information security refers to preventing unauthorized access to databases, websites, and computers by taking protective digital privacy measures. It also protects data from hacking and corruption.

We can expect the data security trend to continue this year. Many companies used to access as much data as they could without caring much about data security. But with more data theft, the focus will be more on data security than data acquisition.

8. Smart Spaces

Smart space is a digital or physical environment where humans and digital systems can interact in an increasingly connected, open, intelligent, and coordinated ecosystem. Smart spaces let multiple elements such as people, services, processes, and things come together to create a more interactive, automated, and immersive experience for the target set of industry scenarios.

9. Digital Twins

Digital twins are the digital representation of actual entity and system. Gartner has estimated that by 2020, there will be around 20 billion connected sensors. Along with that the digital twins and endpoints will exist in billions of things.

It is possible that organizations will prioritize implementing digital twins, evolve them over time, and improve the ability to visualize and collect the data. It will help companies apply for the right analytics and rules, as well as work effectively towards business objectives.

Wrapping Up,

In 2019, the simplest, yet best, strategy is to think exponentially and act incrementally. You have to maintain a balance between being uncertain and comfortable. In order to cope with the above-mentioned trends, you have to broaden your thinking and look for the intersecting vectors of change along with determining the ways to take incremental actions.

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