blogging News - SiteProNews Breaking News, Technology News, and Social Media News Sat, 29 Jun 2024 15:21:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 13 Types of Blogger Emails to Send to Subscribers Wed, 01 May 2024 04:00:00 +0000 Today, blogging remains a powerful and critical tool that allows bloggers to connect with audiences. Many small blog owners also use blogs to educate customers, share their experiences, and build communities. And to further these goals, it’s critical to use blog email marketing. Doing so ensures that you build a relationship with your readers and […]

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Today, blogging remains a powerful and critical tool that allows bloggers to connect with audiences. Many small blog owners also use blogs to educate customers, share their experiences, and build communities.

And to further these goals, it’s critical to use blog email marketing. Doing so ensures that you build a relationship with your readers and ensure that your blog content gets traction.

And that isn’t all; aside from making and managing content, you must also build a relationship with your audience.

The best way to do this is through blog email marketing.

Historically, email marketing conversions statistically beat both search and social media marketing combined.

In this post, I’ll share how to do email marketing for bloggers. And we’ll look at what type of emails you should send to your audience. Let’s go!

1. The Confirmation Email

When someone subscribes to your list, you should send them a confirmation email. This email should ask users to confirm that they want to join your list. They click a button doing so, and they’re finally added to your list.

This seems like an extra step, but having this setup has one major benefit. That is, it trains your subscriber’s email provider to inbox your communications by letting it know that your emails are not spam or promotional.

It also lets you engage your audience and build a sense of familiarity and deliberation in their contact with you. Once your subscribers confirm that they want to join your email list, direct them to read your blog or take some other action.

2. The Welcome Email

When someone joins your email list, you should send them a welcome email. It’s a powerful opportunity that many people forget to use in email marketing.

Just thank your reader for taking the time to sign up. In fact, 76 percent of people expect to see an email welcoming them after signing up as a subscriber.

The content of your welcome email should introduce the subscriber to you and your blog, and provide an overview of the types of emails they can expect from you.

A welcome email is different from a confirmation email in that it should be less formal and more personal. You may also want to include a link to your best blog posts so that the subscriber can get a better sense of your work.

This is also a great opportunity to give them additional information about your brand or how they can access their content for signing up.

Start the email with the word “Thanks.” Why? It turns out that “thanks” and “thank you” are some of the most important words to subscribers when they sign up for an email list. Terms like this are designed to give human qualities to your business, which promotes rapport between your business and customers.

The welcome email is absolutely vital to any marketing campaign. There’s more data to back up this claim. OptinMonster reports that app creators who use a welcome email as part of their process for new customers see a retention rate of 71 percent.

3. The Expectation Email

When we start doing business with a new company, we have expectations. Your blog readers will expect the same from your blogging brand, too! It turns out that not providing the customer with expectations, and by default, a wonderful experience, is likely costing you a ton of money.

One survey revealed that 86 percent of people are willing to pay more for a product if they get a great experience in the process. You can improve the chances that they have a good experience on your blog and continue shopping with you by setting some expectations as soon as customers start subscribing.

The following example from Asana combines their welcome email and expectation email together. Let’s take a look.

A welcome email that sets expectations for the near future by Asana

As you can see, this is a simple and effective blog email that lays down exactly what new subscribers can expect when they sign up. They will receive great tips over the next few days. It showcases how Asana leverages their blog

This helps people and keeps readers engaged with the brand.

4. The Freebie Email

Everyone loves getting something for free. A psychological look at people’s reaction to the word free is telling. An MIT study came to this conclusion:

“The word free gives us such an emotional charge that we perceive what is being offered as immensely more valuable than it really is.”

You can probably see where this is going. Any blogger worth their weight will have something for free that they can offer their customers. If they don’t, there’s always the opportunity to create a freebie from scratch. Virtually anything given away for free has an increased perceived value. This is where your marketing skills kick in.

There are plenty of things you can give away as a blogger to your subscribers. Some of the most common trends are to create unique listicle-style articles in your niche, offer your latest podcast transcribed, free trials, or even create a ‘top secret” checklist for everyone interested in your niche.

Make your call to action in this email ‘hit reply’ and have readers email you with the answers to questions such as hurdles, general questions, or tips they would like to hear more about in your consultation. When the emails flow back and forth like this, it builds a rapport with the subscriber that will keep them around as long as you’re putting out new and valuable content.

You can also direct your readers to your contact page and title their message “Free (Product/Download/Trial)” and answer the questions in the body of the message.

Here is an example of a blogger email offering a free download in its newsletter.

IndieHackers does a clever job of incorporating blog-like content in its newsletter with a free download offer

Notice how they made the download offer seamless by incorporating it with content about social proof. They also link the download to a clear outcome i.e. using social proof for better conversions.

5. The Exclusive Content Email

One type of blogger email you should make is the ‘exclusive’ email. This is content just for your subscribers. There are a couple of reasons to use this type of email when reaching out to subscribers:

First, delivering exclusive content to your subscriber’s inboxes is the perfect reason for them to decide to engage with you in the first place. This goes back to the freebie email as well. People have a greater sense of value if they are getting more than your latest sales pitch. By providing something of value to your readers, you’re increasing your trustworthiness and improving the odds that they engage with your website.

Secondly, creating custom content for your subscribers means you can save the list of content (depending on how many pieces you have) and create an automated email for your customers. Here’s an example of an automated email from

WPBeginner’s automated onboarding email guiding people where to start and making the most out of the blog

This website sends a series of automated emails that guide readers through new tutorials and ideas every day. This information is exclusive to people who sign up for this content and want to learn more about starting with WordPress from zero and learning from the experts.

The blog email is direct, addresses a problem, and offers useful tips. This is a great format to follow if you want to engage readers.

6. The Helpful Email

The best way to get readers to stay committed to your brand is by building trust. Nothing builds trust like offering help. You can apply this same logic to readers who sign up for your email list.

Try to think about the different ways your blog helps customers. There are always going to be questions about the topic you’re discussing, regardless of your niche. It’s your job to proactively consider the questions that may come up in your readers’ minds and address them in the form of a helpful email.

As an example, let’s say you’re in the marketing business and trying to figure out how to reach more customers. You visit a website run by a group of personable, helpful people who provide great content. But you still have some questions. They then encourage you to sign up for their email list for more marketing tips.

A couple of days later, you check your inbox and see an email from the trusted website saying, “Oh hey, I just found this awesome tip, and I thought you’d enjoy it!” Wouldn’t that establish trust and make you think, “These people understand my struggles?” You’re going to want to bring that same assurance to your customers.

7. The newsletter anniversary email

Starting a newsletter is a big achievement, and so is getting your first hundred subscribers and making it to your first newsletter anniversary!

Send an email to celebrate your newsletter’s anniversary and tell them how much you appreciate them. This email should include a recap of the past year’s blog posts, any major accomplishments you’ve achieved, and any other news or updates you want to share.

This email is a great way to show your subscribers your gratitude for their support. You can also share important milestones or achievements you plan to reach in the year ahead. And you’ll create proof that your audience is a member of a thriving community. Such a step builds a positive impression and ensures your subscribers stay subscribed.

WPBeginner turned 14 and sent this content to its blog subscribers via email to celebrate

8. Feedback request email

Asking for feedback is the best way to know how your audience feels about you. And the more you know, the better content you can provide to help your audience.

You could learn what topics appeal to them or what they want insights on with some feedback.  This is a great way to engage your audience and keep them invested in your future posts.

Create Blogger Emails That Win

These tips should give you a great idea of what kind of content your subscribers want to see in their inboxes. As your blog grows and you forge a connection with your audience, you’ll begin to notice trends in their behavior.

You can put this to use in order to keep developing killer content for your subscribers and have a successful blog viewed by hundreds of thousands (potentially millions!) of people.

The post 13 Types of Blogger Emails to Send to Subscribers appeared first on SiteProNews.

4 Powerful Tips to Overcome Blogging Burnout That You Shouldn’t Miss Mon, 16 Oct 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Do you want to learn about the signs and symptoms of blogging burnout? Are you also interested in discovering several actionable strategies you can use to overcome this common problem experienced by content marketers for businesses and solo bloggers alike? If you answered yes, you’ve made it to the right place! The average blogger spends […]

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Do you want to learn about the signs and symptoms of blogging burnout? Are you also interested in discovering several actionable strategies you can use to overcome this common problem experienced by content marketers for businesses and solo bloggers alike?

If you answered yes, you’ve made it to the right place!

The average blogger spends around 4 hours and 10 minutes to craft an engaging, shareable blog post. Depending on the industry, this time could be much more or less. For instance,

technical writers usually spend more time working on articles due to the research involved.

Despite the average post taking around 4 hours, that doesn’t mean a reasonable blogger working 40 hours each week can publish 10 posts.

Creative work, like writing, requires bloggers to rest and recharge. If you don’t take this time, you’ll quickly hit burnout and struggle to be as productive as you’d like.

Today, we will go over the most common symptoms of blogging burnout and discuss 5 actionable strategies you can do to slow down, and even reverse, this unfortunate but common phenomenon.

What Are the Signs of Blogging Burnout?

Blogging burnout can creep up on you before you know it. If you’re not careful, you could find yourself experiencing one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Feeling anxious or stressed about blogging (when that wasn’t the case before)
  • Trouble concentrating and brainstorming, which often leads to longer work days and more stress.
  • A noticeable decrease in productivity
  • Consistently failing to reach goals.
  • Physical symptoms, such as fatigue and tension headaches.
  • Blogging feels tedious, tiresome, and boring.

4 Ways to Overcome Blogging Burnout

Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to look at several strategies you can use to overcome blogging burnout.

1. Set Realistic Expectations

One of the most common reasons bloggers experience burnout is they set unrealistic expectations for themselves. Once they inevitably fail to reach their goals, they start feeling overwhelmed and start spiraling down a path to burnout.

You can avoid this mistake by setting realistic goals and expectations based on your skills and time. For example, if you’re barely getting 2 posts published each week, it’s unrealistic to start expecting yourself to write 5 or 6 each week without gradually improving.

The best way to get better at setting goals is to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for yourself. KPIs are numbers you are expected to hit over a predetermined period. In most cases, they are measured weekly and quarterly.

In this instance, I would start by attempting to write 3 posts per week. This is a more realistic goal and will boost your confidence once you hit publish on the last article. I also suggest adding secondary goals to improve your blog, like getting a specific number of backlinks and internal links each month.

2. Write When You’re Most Productive

Another common reason for burnout is people try to push themselves when their minds are not ready. Some of us are morning birds and ready to go before the sun is up. On the other hand, many of us are night owls and prefer to work when everyone else is sleeping.

Regardless of your preferences, you should stick to a schedule that aligns with when you are most productive.

When people try to push themselves and work when they’re used to sleeping, they tend to experience burnout much faster than people who go with the flow and work when they’re comfortable.

I suggest reflecting on how you feel during the day and scheduling time to write when you feel sharp and alert.

3. Use Tools to Help You Get Past Small Ruts

Next, let’s talk about how you can use brainstorming tools to get over small ruts on your blogging journey. Using the right tools will save you time and mental energy, which can help you maintain a consistent schedule without suffering from the ill effects of burnout.

I suggest using a blog post title generator to come up with ideas for posts. It’s not easy to come up with new titles week after week. A generator can give you some great ideas for current and upcoming posts. I often use them as a foundation for most of my articles.

Since many solo bloggers don’t have editors, I suggest investing in a grammar and spelling tool. You’ll become a fine editor with time and practice, but a second pair of “eyes” can make a big difference in the quality of your work.

Many bloggers have found AI-powered tools like ChatGPT to be helpful when writing articles. It’s not advised to copy and paste the text these tools produce. Instead, they should be viewed as a brainstorming tool that you can use to come up with ideas for your posts. For example, if you’re writing an article titled “10 email marketing tips,” and you’ve come up with 8, a simple prompt can help you come up with ideas for the final two.

4. Don’t be Afraid to Take Time Off

Finally, it’s impossible to stress the importance of taking time off every once in a while. We all need time to rest and relax if we want to do our best work.

My advice is to schedule long weekends occasionally and try to take at least a full week off each quarter. I found that having a few extra days off made me more productive than I would have been if I had worked all those days.

There will be unplanned times when you wake up, and you’re not feeling your best. Not necessarily sick, but also not capable of getting through an article. This is completely normal, and you shouldn’t feel bad or get down on yourself when you need to take an extra day.

Your mind and body benefit from true, uninterrupted rest. Stressing when you feel burnout coming on will only make the situation worse.

The lesson here is when you’re working on your content calendar, don’t forget to pencil some time off for yourself.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve ever experienced burnout, you know it’s extremely frustrating and worrying. The best thing you can do is avoid getting to that point by watching for symptoms and taking steps to overcome burnout.

The strategies outlined today will help you develop a helpful, healthy blogging schedule that has the potential to improve your happiness and long-term success. I highly recommend using your experiences and knowledge combined with these tips to customize your journey.

The post 4 Powerful Tips to Overcome Blogging Burnout That You Shouldn’t Miss appeared first on SiteProNews.

How a Virtual Assistant Content Writer Can Help Boost Your Blog’s Success Mon, 12 Jun 2023 04:05:00 +0000 High-quality blogs are crucial for establishing your authority, building your brand, and engaging readers on your website. It is a powerful way to establish credibility in your niche. Writing an informative blog requires experience and skills as it involves immense research, which is time-taking and cumbersome. Businesses find it challenging to maintain an in-house team […]

The post How a Virtual Assistant Content Writer Can Help Boost Your Blog’s Success appeared first on SiteProNews.

High-quality blogs are crucial for establishing your authority, building your brand, and engaging readers on your website. It is a powerful way to establish credibility in your niche. Writing an informative blog requires experience and skills as it involves immense research, which is time-taking and cumbersome. Businesses find it challenging to maintain an in-house team of writers, especially owing to the costs and time associated with hiring and training them. In such scenarios, seeking the help of content writing virtual assistants is a viable solution.

Content writer virtual assistants (VAs) can create powerful blogs and grow your business with high-quality, well-researched, and engaging content consistently. They can help you develop a content plan, conduct keyword research, and optimize your blog posts for SEO. A content writer VA can also assist with editing, proofreading, and formatting your blog posts to ensure they are professional and easy to read.

This post discusses how a content writing virtual assistant can elevate your blog’s quality.

Benefits of Hiring a Content Writer VA

Many businesses opt to hire VAs due to a lack of resources and infrastructure. Content writer VAs can help you save time and money while providing high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience. By partnering with a virtual writing assistant, you can focus on growing your business and achieving your goals, while leaving content creation to a skilled professional. The following are the advantages of hiring a content writer virtual assistant.

  • Cost-effective

Hiring a content writer VA can save you money in the following ways:

  • Reduced Overhead Costs

When you work with a virtual assistant copywriter, you don’t have to worry about the overhead costs associated with hiring a full-time employee. You don’t have to pay for office space, equipment, or employee benefits.

  • Pay Only for the Work You Need

By engaging a virtual assistant, you only pay for the work you need, precisely when you need it. This allows for effortless scalability, enabling you to adjust your content requirements without the financial concerns associated with hiring or terminating employees.

  • No Training Costs

A content writer VA has the necessary skills and experience to provide high-quality content. You don’t have to spend time and money training them, which can be a significant cost savings for your business. 

  • Convenient and Flexible

Engaging VAs offers flexibility and convenience to businesses of all sizes.

  • Flexible Work Arrangements

With a content writer VA, you can opt for flexible work arrangements that suit your schedule and preferences. You can hire a VA for a few hours a week or full-time, depending on your needs. This means you can get the help you need without having to commit to a full-time employee.

  • Remote Work

A content writer VA can work remotely, which means you don’t have to worry about providing office space or equipment. This can be especially convenient for businesses that don’t have a physical office or have a limited budget.

  • Time Zone Flexibility

By hiring a content writing assistant in a different part of the world, you can leverage time zone differences to your advantage. They can work on your project while you take a break, ensuring that you return to completed work.

  • Access to Experts

Content writing VAs are trained and hold expertise in providing content that is curated based on client requirements.

  • Quality Writing 

They have the expertise needed to produce high-quality content that is engaging, informative, and error-free.

  • Knowledge of Best Practices

Experienced VAs follow the best practices in content writing and possess ample knowledge of SEO, keyword research, and social media marketing. They can ensure that your content is optimized for search engines and social media platforms, helping you reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your website.

  • Professionalism

Virtual assistants understand the importance of meeting deadlines and delivering high-quality work. They can work independently and can communicate effectively with clients, ensuring that the project is completed to the client’s satisfaction.

  • Versatility

They are versatile and can write on a wide range of topics, from technology and healthcare to fashion and lifestyle. They can adapt their writing style to suit the client’s needs and can produce content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to the target audience.

  • Improves Performance

Virtual writing assistants can significantly improve productivity for businesses. Here are some reasons:

  • Saves Time

Writing high-quality content requires time, effort, and expertise. Hiring a content writer VA frees up valuable time for business owners and employees, allowing them to focus on other important tasks.

  • Consistent Content

A content writer VA can create a content calendar and produce consistent content for your blog, website, or social media platforms. This ensures that your brand message remains consistent and relevant to your target audience.

  • Specialization

Content writer VAs have specialized skills and knowledge in content creation, allowing them to produce high-quality content more efficiently than an in-house team. They also stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in content creation.

  • Effective Collaboration

A content writer VA can collaborate with other members of the team, including marketers, designers, and developers, to create content that is aligned with the overall business strategy.

Tips to Find the Right Content Writer VA

Finding the right virtual writing assistant requires time and effort, but by following the tips discussed below, you can ensure that you hire someone who can deliver high-quality content that aligns with your business goals and objectives.  

  • Convey Your Requirements

Communicate your specific content needs and requirements. Mention your desired writing standards and style. Share samples wherever possible to give clarity on expected quality.

  • Analyze Work Experience

Look for content writer VAs with experience in your industry and niche. Check their portfolio and past work to see if they have experience creating content of your desired type.

  • Analyze Sample Content

Ensure that the content writer VA has excellent writing skills, including grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You can ask for a writing sample or have them complete a short writing test to evaluate their skills.

  • Evaluate Ethics and Communication

Good communication is the key when working with a virtual assistant. Look for someone responsive, communicates clearly, and understands your requirements. Look for someone professional, reliable, and has a strong work ethic. Check their references or reviews to ensure they have a good track record of delivering quality work on time.

  • Discuss Costs

Virtual writing assistants offer different rates based on their experience and expertise. Consider your budget and ensure that the rates are reasonable and align with your expectations.

Maximizing Results with Content Writer VAs

Keeping the below-mentioned aspects in mind can help you achieve maximum results when working with a content writer VA:   

  • Develop Strong Working Relationship

Building trust, maintaining open communication, and showing appreciation for their work are essential in maximizing the value of your partnership.

  • Utilize Project Management Tools

Businesses can keep track of tasks and deadlines with the utilization of proper management tools, enabling them to stay organized and ensure timely delivery of content creation projects while outsourcing the task to a content writer VA.

  • Evaluate and Adjust the Partnership

Regularly assess if your collaboration with a VA copywriter is meeting your needs and producing high-quality content aligned with your business goals. Provide constructive feedback and make necessary changes to improve the collaboration.

  • Consider Expanding the Scope of the Contract

Explore opportunities to enhance the value of your partnership with your content writer VA. This could involve additional services or projects that align with your content needs and business objectives.


For your business, hiring a content writer can be a game changer. With their expertise in crafting engaging and high-quality content, a virtual assistant copywriter can help you create killer blogs that generate leads, boost your online presence, and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. By leveraging their skills and experience, you can save time, streamline your content creation process, and ultimately achieve your content marketing goals more efficiently. So, whether you’re just starting or looking to take your content strategy to the next level, partnering with a content writer VA can be a smart investment that pays off in more ways than one.

The post How a Virtual Assistant Content Writer Can Help Boost Your Blog’s Success appeared first on SiteProNews.

5 Ways to Generate Passive Income with Your Blog Tue, 02 May 2023 04:00:00 +0000 Running a successful blog is more than just writing amazing content—it’s about finding ways to make it profitable. With growing competition in the blogging industry, standing out from the noise has become even more difficult. Fortunately, there are still some avenues that can help you generate passive income with your blog and make it profitable […]

The post 5 Ways to Generate Passive Income with Your Blog appeared first on SiteProNews.

Running a successful blog is more than just writing amazing content—it’s about finding ways to make it profitable.

With growing competition in the blogging industry, standing out from the noise has become even more difficult.

Fortunately, there are still some avenues that can help you generate passive income with your blog and make it profitable for years to come.

In this post, we look at 5 ways that you can use to monetize your blogs by creating passive income streams. You’ll also get useful tips and actionable ideas on how to get started right away!

Join Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are a great way to monetize your website and promote products relevant to your niche.

These are programs that allow you to partner with vendors, companies, and individuals who make and sell products.

What happens is that you sign up with their affiliate program whether it’s directly with the company or through a marketplace. One example is through WPForms.

You’ll get a unique link for selling products from these programs. You can add this unique link to your blog content and expose your readers to products, services, and subscriptions.

If you successfully promote these products, your readers will click on your link and buy.

And companies will connect the sale with your specific account. And you’ll be rewarded with a generous commission from the vendor.

It’s a win-win situation for both partners, allowing mutual growth and success over time.

To make sure you make money through affiliate marketing, do the following:

  • Build a niche audience
  • Write useful content regularly
  • Feature products, subscriptions, and services often
  • Join affiliate programs for different products and add your unique link to them
  • Create honest product reviews and explain the features they offer and how they can benefit readers.

By providing such helpful information on products within your niche, you’ll help your audience and drive plenty of sales while earning a commission in the process.

As your sales add up, you’ll find yourself making a high income passively.

Create a Membership Site with Exclusive Content

Another way to monetize your blog is to make some of your content exclusive. And to provide access to such content for a small payment – typically in a subscription format.

To do this, you need to create a membership portal or site along with your blog.

Setting this up isn’t hard. You need a membership plugin and a form tool that will have features like:

  • Registration for the membership content
  • Payment gateways
  • Forums and community channels to encourage discussions and more

Once you’ve used a membership plugin to set up your site, you can begin structuring the content that users will pay for access.

This type of content needs to be unique and provide a high degree of value to people. An example of a paid membership to access service is from Wine Specatator.

It should be something that people are willing to pay for like industry analysis articles, videos, discounts, or early access to major releases.

Offerings this valuable can help incentivize users to sign up as members and become part of your loyal community. You also need to engage people on your site to keep them interested and engaged. If you manage this, you stand to make a steady income from your blog.

Sell Digital Goods on Your Blog

Selling digital goods on your blog can be an effective way to monetize it and help you grow an audience.

Some ideas are:

  • Ebooks
  • Online courses (you can build this using a membership plugin too)
  • Audio downloads
  • Recipes
  • Templates, checklists, guides
  • Exclusive videos
  • Software applications and more

With a few simple steps, you can quickly add digital products to your blog.

If you only want to sell digital products, a simple digital eCommerce plugin will be all you need.

It will help you set up a payment system so people can purchase digital items from your site and then download them to their phones or desktops.

This is a great way to make more money using your blog. And you should do this if you get good traffic and have something of value to share with your audience. The Intentional Mom is an example of a blog that sells digital products.

Start a Podcast and Monetize It

Podcasts are a great way to grow your online presence while showing off your expertise and creativity.

Using podcasts to share your content also works because you’ll reach out to people who can’t read or just prefer to listen to audio material while they work or commute.

It isn’t hard to make a podcast today. You can start one with just your phone or a computer and a microphone.

There are also free podcasting platforms where you can create engaging content, form meaningful connections with new and old audiences alike, and even monetize your program. That is, by:

  • Accepting donations
  • Getting sponsorships
  • Selling merchandise
  • Creating premium subscriptions for exclusive content

But what do podcasts have to do with your blog?

A podcast is a great way to repurpose your existing blog content. You can reuse material that you’ve worked so hard on in the past. And you can bring your previous content back to people’s attention by talking about them.

You can also share your podcasts on your blog and increase the content on your site. It’s a great way to engage people with your blog. Some podcasting platforms also have partnerships with advertising networks that you can leverage.

Monetize Your Blog with Ads

The most common way to monetize your blog is to place ads on it.

There are ad networks like Google Adsense, Outbrain, and others.

This is an easy way for beginners to start generating income from their blog.

You just need to submit an application with your website’s details and wait for approval from a network. Once approved, you will be able to embed ads onto your site which can generate commissions and revenue based on clicks and impressions from visitors.

It doesn’t take long or require too much effort either, so why not see what earning potential your blog has by monetizing it?

However, be careful not to overdo placing ads on your site. You should never compromise on your blog’s user experience in favor of making money on your site. If your ads clutter up your content and you aren’t providing much value, you’ll only see a decrease in traffic which will lower your earning potential.


Blogging is a rewarding and lucrative business when done correctly.

If you provide great content and provide your users with value, you stand to make a great deal of passive income.

I’ve shared various options for monetizing your blog, especially for earning money in a passive way.

I suggest focusing on affiliate programs and creating a membership site or online courses. And, of course, sell digital products too.

There are many ways to generate passive income, but remember that balance is important. There’s no one size fits all approach when it comes to monetization – focus on a couple of strategies that fit within your niche and give it time to grow.

And never lose sight of your audience and provide useful information to them. Keep creating top-notch content and then monetize your writing to build an income-generating blog.

The post 5 Ways to Generate Passive Income with Your Blog appeared first on SiteProNews.

4 Steps to Create Content Silos That Work for Your Blog Fri, 03 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +0000 Most business websites have a blog section that helps them improve their search rankings and share their knowledge and expertise with their audience. But many marketers don’t know that it is important for your blog section to have a structure too. Having a proper structure can help your audience find information in a logical manner […]

The post 4 Steps to Create Content Silos That Work for Your Blog appeared first on SiteProNews.

Most business websites have a blog section that helps them improve their search rankings and share their knowledge and expertise with their audience.

But many marketers don’t know that it is important for your blog section to have a structure too.

Having a proper structure can help your audience find information in a logical manner and with more ease.

Besides, it is also helpful for your SEO.

When your content is well-organized, it becomes easier for search engines to find relevant content and rank your blog higher in search results.

After knowing of so many advantages of a well-structured blog section, you must be wondering how to create this structure. Well, that’s where content silos come in. So what are content silos?

What are Content Silos?

Content silos are a way of organizing content on a website into topics or categories to make it easier for visitors to find relevant information.

Ideally, they are organized around topics to make it easier for users to find the information more quickly and easily.

The best thing about creating content silos is that it helps you improve your search engine optimization (SEO) by allowing search engine crawlers to discover and index related content more easily.

Now the question is how do you create a content silo that works well for your blog. In the following section, we’ll talk about 4 important steps that can help you create a powerful content silo for your blog.

So let’s check them out.

1. Conduct a Survey to Discover Your Audience’s Pain Points

Conduct thorough research about the pain point of your target audience. The fastest and most qualitative way to do so is by creating a survey with the right questions. So take your time to think about what you want to know: What problems does your audience encounter? How do they currently deal with them? What is the cost of these challenges?

This way, you get qualitative information that will help you write the content your audience wants to read. In your articles, you can offer suitable solutions to their pain points in your blog, promoting your product or service. For example, you can create content silo’s according to each pain point category, or per solution category.

Share the survey on your website, via mail, and on your social media channels to get as many responses as possible. To give your audience an incentive to complete the survey, offer them a score and feedback at the end of the survey. Personal recommendations will motivate your audience because of the added value you offer for free.

The greatest advantage is that you can keep the survey running for as long as you want. You can update your content according to the responses that flow in because you are constantly collecting data. As such, you can update existing articles and keep them evergreen.

Once you’ve determined the main topics, it’s important to conduct keyword research in order to optimize your blog articles for search engines.

2. Start with Keyword Research

Before you can create content silos, you need to identify the topics that you’ll be focusing on in your blog. This will help you determine which topics are related and which ones are more general for your silo.

Once you know that, start with keyword research. This will help you identify which topics to include in your silo. It also helps you identify the most relevant search terms and phrases related to a particular topic.

Knowing these phrases and topics is important because you can then use them to come up with sub-topics and related content for your silos. In the process, don’t forget to create a spreadsheet where you add your keywords.

3. Create Pages for the Content Silos

Once your keywords are ready, it’s time for you to identify the subtopics and create the pages for your silos. Review the keywords and choose the ones you want to add to your initial silos.

Now there are two different ways of picking your silo. In the first one, you want to opt for the core topics that are essential for your business.

This approach helps offer value to your audience from the early stage of your website. The downside of this approach is that it isn’t very helpful for your SEO.

In the second approach, you want to opt for the keywords with the lowest difficulty. Now create content by targeting long-tail keywords for those keywords. This has great benefits in improving your overall search rankings.

However, it’s to be noted that you can’t expect your website to generate a massive amount of traffic right from the start since long-tail keywords don’t do that immediately.

Now that you know your subtopics, it’s time to map out your content. Try to choose at least 5 subtopics under each topic.

4. Create a Page Structure

After you have grouped the related topics together, it’s important to create an overall structure for your blog.

This will help visitors quickly find the information they’re looking for and make it easier for them to navigate your blog.

So how do you create this structure? Let’s take an example in which you’re creating a content silo around Web Design. Now the topic on your main page says ‘How to.’ Let your supporting pages be about ‘WordPress’.

Now on your main page, which is ‘Web Design,’ you have to create an H2 or H3 heading about WordPress and add an internal link to it.

You’ll do the same on your subpage as well. For example, you’ll create an H2 or H3 heading on your WordPress page and add an internal link to your main page, which is ‘Web Design.’

Basically, you create a structure in which your audience can easily browse through your contentto find the information they are looking for.

5. Publish and Link Your Content

The next step is to create and publish content on your pages. Take your time and start with research. If you’re not sure how long your content should be, make a quick Google search on the same topic as yours.

Now pick the first three posts and calculate their average length. The trick in making your content stronger than theirs is to add 10% more content to yours.

But simply writing a long post isn’t enough. They should be able to add value to your audience. Make it engaging by using a lot of infographics, images, and videos.

Also, focus on improving their readability by using headings, subheadings, and bullet points. Keep your paragraphs small and distribute your keywords strategically to make them appear more natural.

Once your posts are ready, go ahead and link them together.

And that’s it. Your content silos are ready. But don’t forget to keep your content silos updated.

This will help you improve your search rankings and will keep you ahead of your competitors too.

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How to Build an Affiliate Blog from Scratch: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners Mon, 30 Jan 2023 05:00:00 +0000 According to these 2020 affiliate marketing statistics, 48% of affiliate marketers with an established audience earn $20K per year. Tempting, isn’t it? But building an affiliate blog from scratch can seem daunting, but it is not as hard as it might sound. This beginner’s guide will walk you through the process step-by-step and show you […]

The post How to Build an Affiliate Blog from Scratch: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners appeared first on SiteProNews.

According to these 2020 affiliate marketing statistics, 48% of affiliate marketers with an established audience earn $20K per year.

Tempting, isn’t it? But building an affiliate blog from scratch can seem daunting, but it is not as hard as it might sound.

This beginner’s guide will walk you through the process step-by-step and show you how to create a successful affiliate blog in no time. You’ll learn to choose a niche, set up your website, create content, attract readers, and much more!

So, are you ready to get started? Let’s go!

What Is The Affiliate Blogging?

Affiliate blogging is when you – a blogger – promote a product or service in your articles and include a unique link or discount code related to that item that identifies your blog as the traffic source. When readers click on your link or purchase the item, you earn a commission.

Therefore, an affiliate marketing blog is different from a personal or a blog that complements a company’s business. You must create content for people looking to buy products and services. Moreover, you have to monetize the traffic and ultimately generate sales through affiliate programs and offers.

Creating a blog which one can use for affiliate marketing is a simple way to make money right at home. No specific experience is needed, but there are several rules one should follow to improve the chances of success.

How to Choose a Niche for Your Affiliate Blog

Choosing the right niche is essential for building a successful affiliate blog. You need to select a topic that:

  1. you are interested in,
  2. you know something about
  3. has a significant enough audience to generate traffic & make sales.

There are many different ways to find niches for your blog, but here are a few tips to help get you started:

  • Ask yourself the right questions: What are you passionate about, regardless of your skills or experience? What are you good at? Now pick the topics that appear in both answers. If you have many, pick the top 3 you love the most. For each topic, set a timer for 3 minutes and write down as many post ideas as possible. Which topic was the easiest to write about? Congrats! You just found your zone of genius and the niche you should focus on in your affiliate blog. Make sure it is not broad but as specific as you can in order to stand out from the competition.
  • Do some research online: Use Google or other search engines to do some preliminary research on popular topics and keywords related to your niche. This will give you an idea of what people are already searching for online and can help you come up with ideas for blog posts or other content that will be useful to your audience.
  • Look at what’s trending on social media: Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are great places to find out what people are talking about right now. You can use these platforms as inspiration for new ideas and content-creation strategies!

How to Set Up Your Website

Now that you have chosen a niche and created some content, it’s time to set up your website. This is where the real work begins! There are a few things you will need to do to get started:

  • Choose a domain name and web hosting: The first thing you need is a domain name (the address of your website) and web hosting. You can buy both of these items from various providers or use one of the many free options available online.
  • Install WordPress: Once you have registered your domain name and set up your web hosting account, you will need to install WordPress. This software powers most websites today and is very easy to use. If you want to get into more detail in web development, there are many sources from which you can learn web development fast.
  • Choose a theme: The next step is to choose a theme for your site. There are thousands of free themes available online and many premium ones too! You can also create your custom design using HTML/CSS knowledge or hire someone else who does know the code well enough.
  • Add plugins: Plugins are pieces of software that add new features to your website. They can be installed from the WordPress dashboard or downloaded directly into the theme’s folder on your computer. You’ll want at least two: an SEO plugin (such as Yoast) and a social sharing like Shareaholic. In the future, we recommend having a great affiliate tracking software that gives you data & insights your competitors lack.
  • Create pages for important content: It’s always a good idea to have an About page where visitors can learn more about you and why they should care. This page will help your readers feel connected with what they’re reading.
  • Write a blog post: Once your website is set up, it’s time to write your first blog post. You can start by writing about anything you’re passionate about. Knowing basic SEO will help you significantly to stand out. However, if writing many high-quality & SEO-friendly articles is too challenging for you, hiring a content writer on a side is an option, too. The right content & SEO experts who increase your search traffic value and maximize your growth way faster.

Set Up the Affiliate Network

  • Contact companies in your niche: After creating content and setting up your website, it’s time to look for affiliate programs. You can do this by contacting companies directly or searching online for relevant ones that match the topics on your blog posts (e.g., if you sell sports equipment, then you might want someone who blogs about how great their products are).
  • Join an affiliate network: Once you’ve found a few good candidates, sign up with them through an affiliate network like ShareASale or Commission Junction. This will allow your commissions to be tracked and paid out easily.
  • Start promoting! Now it’s time to start promoting your blog posts! You can do it via social media, email marketing, community forums or any other distribution methods you can think of. The more people who see your content, the better chance you have of making affiliate sales.

Final Thoughts

And that’s it! Now you can officially become a blogger with an affiliate website.

It may seem like a lot at first, but with a little hard work and dedication, you’ll be able to achieve great things in no time.

Remember to always focus on providing valuable content that will help your audience somehow, and everything else will follow suit naturally over time. So get to it and have some fun with it!

Remember: Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t expect everything to happen overnight; Give yourself time to grow and evolve as a blogger while building valuable relationships with your audience.

The post How to Build an Affiliate Blog from Scratch: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners appeared first on SiteProNews.

4 Bad Blogging Habits to Stop Doing Mon, 28 Nov 2022 05:00:00 +0000 If you’re contributing to a company blog, you may have learned some bad habits along the way. While most businesses and organizations need to have a blog, you may not realize that you’re doing things that are hurting your brand instead of helping it. Perhaps you learned how to do things many years ago, and […]

The post 4 Bad Blogging Habits to Stop Doing appeared first on SiteProNews.

If you’re contributing to a company blog, you may have learned some bad habits along the way. While most businesses and organizations need to have a blog, you may not realize that you’re doing things that are hurting your brand instead of helping it.

Perhaps you learned how to do things many years ago, and your knowledge hasn’t caught up to current best practices. Or maybe you’ve just fallen behind on updating the blog due to all your responsibilities.

From infrequently posting to poor-quality content, here are some blogging habits to avoid. In this guide, you’ll learn some of the worst blogging habits, so you can make any necessary changes to your blogging routine.

This way, you’ll hopefully get more viewers to your blog and create more relevant content for your target audience.

Where to Learn Best Blogging Practices

Before jumping into the blogging practices to avoid, you’ll want to know the resources for best blogging practices. Luckily, many resources are out there. You can check out blogging experts such as The Blog Starter.

Then, continue to research overall best practices for content writing and SEO. It’s best to keep up to date on information on the Google algorithm and continually learn from others in the field. And, if you’re blogging for your brand but don’t have a lot of experience in online marketing, check out these basic best practices here.

Habit 1: Unoriginal or Poorly Written Content

When it comes to content marketing, you need every blog post you write to be unique. If it’s too similar to other blogs, even those on your site, the blog won’t be rated highly by the Google algorithm. Along with writing unique content, you also need to ensure that every blog post is well-written. Grammar and spelling errors look bad all around, and they won’t do your brand any favors.

Along with well-written, original content, you also need to write blog posts relevant to your audience and brand. It’s best to write on topics that your audience would be interested in and offer something of value in each post.

This will vary depending on your company and overall tone, but you should still be writing content that audiences can glean valuable information from.

Habit 2: Keyword Stuffing

Over time, best practices in content marketing have changed. While it used to be that websites tried to include a bunch of keyword phrases to trick the algorithm, everything is much more sophisticated now.

While keywords are still helpful, adding too many is awkward to read and will make your blog seem less authoritative. Instead, figure out the keyword density you feel comfortable with and shoot for that. Or, if you’re new to keywords and SEO, focus first on writing good-quality blogs with helpful information.

Habit 3: Posting Very Randomly

One of the most important rules to stick to for your business blog is posting on a consistent schedule. Now, there’s some debate as to exactly how often you should post, and there isn’t a hard and fast rule here. However, whatever schedule you decide to have, stick to it.

So, for example, if you’ve decided to post a blog once per week, make sure you aren’t missing weeks at a time. Instead, you can schedule posts ahead of time for when you’ll be busy. Lack of consistency often means the algorithm will ding your blog.

Habit 4: Using Bad or Varying Formatting

Just like with consistency in your posting schedule, you should also have overall consistency in your formatting, tone, and voice. Blogs with the same font, header styles, and image sizes will look better to readers.

Along with this, it’s crucial to stay on brand. This means you want your tone and voice to stay mostly the same from piece to piece. While this might occasionally differ a little if you have a guest blogger, you don’t want to have one post that sounds super dry and business-like and another that’s very upbeat and casual. Instead, figure out the right tone and voice for your audience and stick to that.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your blogging for your brand, ensure you aren’t following any of these bad habits. You might find making a few adjustments makes a big difference.

The post 4 Bad Blogging Habits to Stop Doing appeared first on SiteProNews.

20 Benefits of Blogging Fri, 18 Nov 2022 05:00:00 +0000 Blogging has many benefits, including sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world, connecting with like-minded people, and making money. But what are the specific benefits of blogging? In this article, we’ll explore 20 of the most noteworthy advantages. 1. Helps Improve Your Writing Skills To write a good blog post, you need to be […]

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Blogging has many benefits, including sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world, connecting with like-minded people, and making money. But what are the specific benefits of blogging? In this article, we’ll explore 20 of the most noteworthy advantages.

1. Helps Improve Your Writing Skills

To write a good blog post, you need to be able to express your thoughts clearly and concisely. This requires good writing skills. And the more you blog, the better your writing skills will become.

2. Helps You Become a Better Thinker

Blogging also helps improve your thinking skills. When you sit down to write a blog post, you have to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. This forces you to think about your ideas and how to communicate them effectively. As a result, you’ll become a better thinker overall over time.

3. Teaches You How to Research

To write a good blog post, you need to do your research. You need to find reliable sources of information and learn how to use that information in your writing effectively. This is a valuable skill that can be applied in many different areas of life.

4. Helps You Develop a Personal Brand

A blog is an excellent platform for developing a personal brand. When you blog regularly, people will start to associate you with specific topics or ideas. And as your blog grows, so will your brand.

5. Increases Your Visibility Online

Blogging also increases your visibility online. The more quality content you produce, the more likely people will find you and your blog. And as your blog’s readership grows, so does your influence and reach.

6. Helps You Connect with Others

Blogging can also be a great way to connect with others who share your interests. When you blog about passionate topics, it’s easy to find like-minded people who will enjoy reading your content and engaging in discussions with you.

7. Helps You Build an Audience

To be successful as a blogger, you need to build an audience of loyal readers. And the best way to do this is by creating quality content that provides value for your readers. Over time, if you consistently provide value, your readership will grow, and you’ll be able to build a following of loyal fans.

8. Gives You a Platform to Share Your Ideas

If you have something important to say, a blog is a great way to get your message out there. A blog gives you a platform to share your ideas with the world. And with the proper marketing and promotion, you can reach a large audience.

9. Helps You Make Money

If you’re looking to make money from blogging, there are several ways you can do it. You can sell advertising space on your blog, promote affiliate products, or even create and sell your products.

10. Helps You Stay Up-to-date on Current Trends

Blogging also helps you stay up-to-date on trends in your industry or niche. For example, the Merch Mates blog contains all the latest pop culture news. By reading and writing about the latest trends, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the curve and position yourself as an expert in your field.

11. Helps You Build Credibility

If you want to be seen as an expert in your field, blogging can help you build credibility. By writing quality content and sharing your knowledge, you’ll be able to establish yourself as an authority figure. And as your credibility grows, so will your blog’s readership.

12. Helps You Get Feedback on Your Ideas

When you share your ideas with the world through a blog, you also open yourself up to feedback from others. This feedback can help you improve your thoughts and make them even better. It can also help you avoid making mistakes in the future.

13. Helps You Generate Leads for Your Business

If you have a business, blogging can be a great way to generate leads. By writing informative and keyword-rich blog posts, you can attract visitors to your website who are interested in what you offer. And if you have a lead capture form on your website, you can turn these visitors into leads for your business.

14. Helps You Build Relationships with Customers

Blogging can also help you build relationships with your customers. When you provide valuable content, your customers will appreciate it and be more likely to do business with you in the future.

15. Helps You Connect with Employees

Blogging can help you connect with your employees if you’re a business owner. By sharing your thoughts and ideas on your blog, you’ll be able to get feedback from your employees and build a stronger relationship with them.

16. Helps You Connect with Investors

If you’re looking for investment for your business, blogging can help you connect with potential investors. By sharing your story and your vision on your blog, you’ll be able to attract attention from investors who are interested in what you’re doing.

17. Helps You Recruit New Employees

If you’re looking to expand your team, blogging can help you attract new employees. By writing about the culture and values of your company, you’ll be able to attract talented individuals who align with your mission and vision.

18. Helps You Get Media Coverage

If you’re looking for media coverage for your business, blogging can be a great way to get it. By writing press-worthy content and promoting it on your blog, you’ll be able to get the attention of journalists and bloggers who cover your industry.

19. Helps You Establish Yourself as an Expert

If you want to establish yourself as an expert in your field, blogging can be a great way to do it. By sharing your knowledge and expertise on your blog, you’ll be able to position yourself as an authority figure. And as your credibility grows, so will your blog’s readership.

20. Helps You Make a Difference

Finally, blogging can help you make a difference in the world. By sharing your thoughts and ideas on your blog, you can reach people worldwide and make a positive impact. Whether you’re writing about social issues, politics, or anything else, your words can make a difference.

These are just a few of the many benefits of blogging. We hope this list has inspired you to take the plunge if you’re considering starting a blog. And if you already have a blog, we hope this list has given you some new ideas for how to make it even better.

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How To Promote Your Brand New Site – The Ultimate Guide Wed, 14 Sep 2022 04:00:00 +0000 You’ve ironed out the design kinks, added all the relevant links to the sidebar, and tested out the user experience on your coworkers (or even your friends and family) — so, now that your brand new website is fully up and running, you want to know how to effectively promote it.  Many might directly go […]

The post How To Promote Your Brand New Site – The Ultimate Guide appeared first on SiteProNews.

You’ve ironed out the design kinks, added all the relevant links to the sidebar, and tested out the user experience on your coworkers (or even your friends and family) — so, now that your brand new website is fully up and running, you want to know how to effectively promote it. 

Many might directly go down the paid digital campaign route; however, if your paid advertisement choices are limited, or you simply wish to expand your promotional outreach in every way that you can, then this ultimate guide on how to promote your brand new site is definitely for you.

Produce Quality Blog Posts

Adding a blog section to your website in order to boost your SEO and raise your site’s ranking on search engines is always an excellent idea. To begin with, producing relevant blog content does not just make it easier for potential users to locate your website, it also greatly contributes to elevating your credibility and reputation as a brand — but only when you strive to maintain a high level of content quality. When done right, blog posts can help your brand position itself as an authority in your field, which may in turn significantly increase your conversion rates.

In order to write great blog posts, you will need to conduct a certain amount of market research, which would have the added benefit of broadening your knowledge and establishing your website as a relevant and accurate source of up-to-date information. 

Guest Blogging

Another way to capitalize on blogging is to collaborate with a guest writer who is an established expert in your field. This will help increase your exposure to their readership, which would subsequently yield some fantastic leads. Connecting with writers who are already established in their profession also helps you expand your own network, which can additionally result in increased visibility and more social media shares.

Moreover, guest blogging can be done the other way around, i.e. you may advertise your website by writing quality content for sites other than your own. You do not even need to wait for someone to notice your work in order to be invited to write for their website — in fact, approaching others with a good pitch is quite common, so do not be afraid to take the first step if you believe you have something valuable to offer which would ultimately benefit both sides.

Make Smart Use of Social Media

Social media platforms, especially those that foster the creation and maintenance of online communities, are more than likely to contain your target demographic. You only need to figure out where and how you can supply them with distinct value, and you can rest assured that you will have plenty of opportunities to promote your website if you have something of significance to say or provide to your target audience. 

Depending on the types of audiences you want your website to appeal to, you should be able to choose where to focus most of your social media marketing efforts. If your brand is looking to cater to gen Z and young millennials, for instance, you will have more luck reaching them on places like Instagram and Tik Tok than on platforms like Facebook or Linkedin. Finding out where best to reach your desired audiences might take some market research as well. 

Nevertheless, it is always advisable to have multiple official social media accounts up and running, and then use those accounts for cross-promotion. For example, you may tweet your Instagram video or publish your most recent blog article on your Facebook page. Both the Instagram video and the Facebook post should contain a link to your website that drives more traffic where you want it. 

Importantly, producing great material enhances the likelihood of your audience sharing it further, which results in free organic marketing for your website. The more individuals that click on your material, the more likely it is that you will improve your overall conversion rates.

Email Marketing Through Newsletters

Although you may be surprised to hear this, newsletters are an incredibly efficient form of email marketing. When written and designed well, they allow you to communicate with your potential customer base in a way that is more direct, convincing, and — let’s not forget — affordable. They may also contribute to an increase in subscribers and boost traffic to your website. As a result, newsletters could be an essential component of your marketing strategy. 

There are various creative ways for driving traffic from email newsletters to your website. Some examples include:

  • Linking your website content. By including banner pictures, text, and photos in the email, you can easily generate targeted traffic. However, keep in mind that your newsletter should not be a catalog for your entire website. Instead, include direct links to your best-selling goods or a link to a tutorial or demo video that will teach your visitor how to utilize a product.
  • Promoting your blog. Many people like to add an extract from their most recent blog entries in their email. This motivates readers to visit the website, and while there, they are also more likely to visit other portions of your website and maybe even make a purchase.
  • Including a story that is short and sweet. Save your website’s backstory for a dedicated page on the site and insert a little paragraph in your email to create a non-product related talking point. This will immediately make you appear more approachable and human, as opposed to just being perceived as a wall of text on a screen.

Remember, if your email content is snappy and direct, with strong calls-to-action that urge readers to click, your material will stand out in a sea of numerous other newsletters that your readers may receive.

Get Your SEO Down Pat

Search engine optimization (SEO) is probably one of the most popular methods of website promotion (and, certainly, among the most effective) for the simple reason that it improves a site’s rating on Google and other search engines. And, unlike paid search advertisements, SEO is completely free, meaning that the competition is open to everyone and is based on the quality of the information you publish, the ease of navigation on your website, and the amount of links you get from other sources.

Thousands of guides have been written on how best to harness the power of strong SEO, so this is evidently a topic worth spending more time, effort, and research on. However, generally speaking, impactful search engine optimization can be achieved by including keywords and phrases all over your website, providing alt text to pictures, and optimizing your headers so that search engines can locate your website more easily.

How do you know which keywords to use? Check out your competitors and make use of tools and software that can do the job for you. By entering a few topics that your website is concerned with, a good SEO tool will be able to do the necessary market analysis to find keywords that rank high on search engines.

However, keep in mind that search engines have become much smarter over the past few years, and that they now prefer good quality content over websites that are nonsensically stuffed with keywords. Utilize your keywords of choice in a way that is organic and sensible to the topic at hand. Even a non-discerning reader will click out of your blog post or web page if the text looks way too much like a commercial.


The above strategies are not the only ones you can implement in order to successfully market your new website. If you’re committed to it, it is best to use a range of methods by trying new things and building on what works. However, make sure to carefully track the outcomes of any new strategy you end up utilizing, so you’d know whether to keep at it or stop wasting your time on it.

The post How To Promote Your Brand New Site – The Ultimate Guide appeared first on SiteProNews.

Great Content Is Expensive. Here’s Why Mon, 04 Jul 2022 04:00:00 +0000 Have you ever stumbled upon a website with mediocre content and said “well, this article looks perfectly average; I’ll give it a thorough read.”? I didn’t think so. Every day, over 5 million blog posts are published on WordPress alone. Add to that the other platforms, the news articles, and social media content. Your content […]

The post Great Content Is Expensive. Here’s Why appeared first on SiteProNews.

Have you ever stumbled upon a website with mediocre content and said “well, this article looks perfectly average; I’ll give it a thorough read.”?

I didn’t think so.

Every day, over 5 million blog posts are published on WordPress alone. Add to that the other platforms, the news articles, and social media content. Your content has serious competition.

This is why no one wants to read mediocre content. There’s plenty of excellent content out there, so the bad articles sieve themselves out naturally.

But what does it take to produce excellent content, the kind that gets read and, more importantly, helps you meet your business goals (read: ROI)?

I run two digital marketing agencies that mainly offer content writing and copywriting services. There are two main ingredients that go into producing a piece of content that’s above the fold.

1. Great Content Takes TIME

As the demand for great content increased, so did the time to produce it.

Within seven years, the time allotted to a single blog post almost doubled. Why?

As someone who had a front-row seat to the evolution of content marketing, I can shed some light on this:

  • It’s hard to reinvent the wheel: 99% of what you want to say has already been said. The writer needs to come up with a brand-new angle that’s also in tune with your brand voice and aligned with your business goals. This takes a lot of research, which, in turn, takes time.
  • Research itself has become more demanding. You can’t just cite any source, it needs to be an authoritative website. What do you do when you find two research reports that contradict each other? You take more time to decide which of them is the one you should cite.
  • When you write a blog post, for instance, you’re not just thinking about how it will look on the client’s website. You also need to think about its potential to go viral on social network, its SEO value, and more depending on the company’s goals with it.

Writing got more complex. You can’t churn out thousands of words per day, stuff them full of keywords and send them on their merry way. They won’t rank and they won’t be read. It will be wasted money.

Which takes us to the next point:

2. Great Content Takes Multidisciplinary Expertise

At the dawn of SEO, keyword stuffing worked. Everyone could write. You didn’t need to know anything about the topic you were writing about; you could simply spin existing content and add a ton of keywords to it.

Heck, you didn’t even need grammar skills. Search engines didn’t care about that too much, as long as you had your precious keywords everywhere.

This is why you could churn out 10 articles per day and charge $10 a piece.

Today, you can’t do that anymore.

Case in point: one of the agencies I run, Copywritech, serves clients in the tech space. We handle complicated topics like networking, cyber security, or software QA. This is why we have engineers on staff. Someone with an English or a marketing major can’t even begin to understand those topics.

It’s incredibly hard to find engineers who know how to write well AND are willing to do it. Of course, their fees are as steep as you’d expect.

But wait – there’s more! Understanding the technology is not enough. The blog posts need to rank and to convert.

So on top of engineering and writing chops, you also need marketing and SEO chops.

Granted, some industries are far easier to tackle. My other agency, Idunn, rarely hires experts with real-life experience in the fields they write about. Still, all the writers we hire have marketing and SEO knowledge.

The writers who can produce content worth reading today have a multidisciplinary approach. They know something about the industry they write about or they are willing to take a crash course in it.

Remember how it takes 4+ hours to write a blog post? The same research report by Orbit Media found another impressive nugget of knowledge.

“Bloggers who invest more time get better results”. Who would have thought?

To sum up, it takes time and expertise to create ROI-producing content. But since I sense an objection coming, let me address it before we wrap this up:

What Can I Do When the Budget Is Tight But I Still Want Great Content?

The quick answer: produce less content. If you have to choose, always (ALWAYS!) go with quality instead of quantity. One excellent blog post per month is far better than four mediocre pieces.

Work with writers you can trust and who have proven results. Explain your budget concerns to them and come with a calendar that meets your goals and your budget.

Looking for content writers who can create excellent content that gets read and gets results? Check out our case studies and let’s talk!

The post Great Content Is Expensive. Here’s Why appeared first on SiteProNews.

10 Best Strategies to Start Gaining Income From Your Blog Mon, 16 May 2022 04:05:00 +0000 These days, we see more creative ways to capitalize on blogging as the digital space expands and grows more complex. It is no longer just a journal to share your experience, thoughts, and feelings with the online community. Instead, it’s a way to share your knowledge, expertise, and experience with compensation (if you are smart […]

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These days, we see more creative ways to capitalize on blogging as the digital space expands and grows more complex. It is no longer just a journal to share your experience, thoughts, and feelings with the online community. Instead, it’s a way to share your knowledge, expertise, and experience with compensation (if you are smart about it). Therefore it’s critical to have a solid plan in place. You can’t just wake up one day and say to yourself, “Ok, I want to make more income. I’ll start blogging because it seems the easiest way to start.” Then you read some articles and pray you’ll be making money one way or another. Successful bloggers work extremely hard, consistently produce high-quality posts, and know how to market themselves.

This article will expand on ten strategies to monetize your blog and earn passive income. Although blogging is relatively easy to start, it’s becomes challenging to find a competitive edge to earn good money because of its low entry barrier and crowded bloggers.

Before you dive into reading ten different ways of earning with a blog, keep this mental framework in mind:

  • Stop thinking about monetization. Reframe your mentality towards added values and target audience
  • Find a niche to connect with that audience
  • Commit to a personal productivity plan
  • Select and leverage marketing channels like social media

Now to ten ways to get that extra income!

1. Coaching and Consulting

It seems like everyone’s trying to become a coach nowadays, offering personal advice on topics ranging from increasing income, managing personal finance, maintaining work-life balance, or starting a business. It’s your task, then, to stand out from the noises.

Take a pen and paper. Start with the brainstorming process.

Brainstorm as many ideas as you like within your talent stack (see definition of talent stack). Then pick one as your niche, develop a roadmap for your customers, and the desired output they can envision for themselves if they complete your coaching lessons.

For example, financial coaching for mom-to-be: In six months, you will learn all the basics of mastering your household finance and become an efficient “momager” who can balance your household expenses with little headaches.

Another strategy you can work on to resonate with your readers is to improve your storytelling. This strategy will enhance your vulnerability in a journey filled with challenges you overcame. Most people relate to a story rather than a rigid guideline or bombastic promises. Once you get your authentic story to the readers, they will start coming to you to learn more. Your words have touched them. Afterward, you can leverage your experience and knowledge to offer coaching lessons. Again, make sure you are an expert at the subject. You don’t want to be a wannabe who patches different sources from the Internet into a coaching session for your clients.

2. Digital Products

E-commerce digital products yield better sales with a blog. Blogging brings potential customers closer to understanding your brand and your products’ concrete values.

People love reading about how to use a product and what they will get out of it to fit into their daily life. For example, you can make an instructional video (vlog) or write a detailed blog about using digital planners to plan trips abroad or special occasions. Present the message on the added values clearly, which saves time and hassle. Or you can pitch them on how to use digital stickers in an everyday journal or note-taking to spark creativity and festivity.

Many online coding and design boot camps take the same approach. They offer their content, insights, and lessons in the form of short blogs to build trust and authority on the subject before students are convinced to sign up for their courses.

3. Physical Products

If you are selling camping gear, you may want a blog dedicated to educating your readers about the best camping gear and all the components that make the niche stand out. Incorporate the niched value you offer. Don’t just offer camping gear. Too broad and cliche. Offer a category to meet a need.

Hone in the unique aspects of the topic in your blog. For instance, discuss eco-friendly and easily disposable camping utensils; you demonstrate the importance and where these products can be used in your blog with detailed instructions and examples. Make it convenient for your readers to have space to imagine how they can use it to fulfill their needs, and they will continue to come back to your blog to learn more!

4. Affiliate Marketing

There is no digital world if you haven’t heard of the concept of affiliate marketing. It exists in multiple formats such as social media posts, YouTube videos, and unsurprisingly, blogging. Think of a salesperson who gets a commission every time he successfully promotes a product. Companies will look for you once you have the number to back up your influence. So, as usual, niche up your blog. Build a habit of writing and promoting a post every day to drive traffic to your site, and no sooner than later will you find yourself increasing your income threefold by promoting products on your blog.

You are not under as much pressure to make a sale as a salesperson. Instead, you can focus on driving value home to your readers by envisioning yourself using and benefiting the product. Make sure you affiliate yourself with a product you trust and envision using. Otherwise, your writing will fall flat, having to keep promoting something solely because you are receiving a pay bump.

5. Ebooks Selling

Many successful bloggers see themselves generating a massive amount of profit through ebooks. There are many ways to put forth an ebook for your audience. Through email marketing, blog article link, cold calls, networking – give your potential clients a sneak peek or part of what is in your ebook; as they are hooked, present the rest with a link to your ebook.

Ebooks don’t have to have a niche. Before you decide to write an ebook and link it to your blog, conduct a quick survey to assemble the content the readers are looking for (you can use Typeform or Survey Monkey).

Next, plan the structure of your ebook. Writing a book can be overwhelming, but you will get there if you break it down into smaller manageable parts and commit to finishing the role every day. Don’t make the mistake of writing your ebook right away. Planning is crucial in the process. Organize related content into one theme or one chapter.

After finishing your ebook, you can hire a book cover designer for your ebook. Then, start marketing your ebook on social media channels, including Quora, Reddit or IndieHackers. The best way is to offer free tips and guidance, show proof (even better!) of yourself achieving it, and make it measurable. This way, you present yourself as a credible writer and expert on the matter at hand.

6. Online Courses

Although many sites make online courses with minor hassles, such as Teachable or Udemy, offering online courses with no mediator is the best way to control your income. Like coaching, you are flexible in structuring your courses and the medium you deliver.

It’s best to offer courses related to your blog’s niche to get the best response rate. Establish yourself early on as an authority on the subject with detailed articles and interactive Q&As with your readers. However, you should not offer online courses right in the beginning when your blog has not yet gained traction. Instead, drive traffic to your blog first by offering free courses or content. Then, once you amass a certain following and observe that your readers trust you and want to learn more, you can offer relevant online courses.

7. Subscription/ Paid Membership

You are probably familiar with the subscription box model from Amazon, Netflix, Ipsy. Guess what? You can do the same thing with your blogging business. Readers are always hungry for exclusive offerings and content. Imagine if you can persuade 100 customers to sign up for an exclusive membership for $5; that’s $500 a month. You’ll have to have a niche blog that few can compete with and offer insights because online content is broad and saturated. If you can’t provide something that targets a specific audience and meet their aching needs, your readers will probably look elsewhere. Once readers feel like they can obtain much value out of your blog, you are bound to increase that subscription by the month.

8. Donation

If your goal is nonprofit or you’re not ready to deploy the above monetization models, you can always maintain your blog by asking for donations for starters. As long as you show that you work hard to give away valuable content and generate measurable values, your readers will see through this and be willing to chip in. There are some WordPress plugins to start a blog with a donation already set up.

The key to running a donation blog is to consistently communicate with your potential donors and ensure your key messages and values resonate with them in every post.

9. Sponsored Posts and Reviews

Sponsored posts can earn you a good bit of income. Some bloggers earn $15,000 – $20,000/month on sponsored posts because they work with well-known brands to review or promote their products. Before reaching that level, you will have to churn out a good amount of high-quality blog articles that drive substantial traffic for brands to start noticing. So make sure you’re an expert at your subject and produce consistent articles every week.

10. Freelancing Blogger

In-demand freelance bloggers can earn about $250 per hour. That is $2000 per day! Don’t just stop writing persuasively; brushing up your skills on social media, SEO, psychology, business strategy will make you a competitive writer that brands are dying to hire. Being a freelance blogger grants you chances to apply for challenges with different companies without focusing on one brand, maintaining a website, and producing posts relevant to that brand every time. You can write blogs for emails, landing pages, UX, or tutorials. The opportunities are limitless.

Want to learn more about passive income other than blogging? Check out here for more ideas!

The post 10 Best Strategies to Start Gaining Income From Your Blog appeared first on SiteProNews.

How to Combine Email Marketing With Blogging Mon, 16 May 2022 04:00:00 +0000 Regardless of the niche of your business, email marketing strategies and blogging have the same fundamental goals: to share value and promote your product, service, or organization.  Search engines do not index emails; thus, they are frequently regarded as parallel lines that do not intersect. As a result, we see them as two distinct marketing […]

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Regardless of the niche of your business, email marketing strategies and blogging have the same fundamental goals: to share value and promote your product, service, or organization. 

Search engines do not index emails; thus, they are frequently regarded as parallel lines that do not intersect. As a result, we see them as two distinct marketing channels.

But why not combine them to get more tangible outcomes in a shorter amount of time?

Emails are excellent tools to  help your blogging, increasing site traffic, on-page activity, and average visit length, all of which increase your search rankings. 

There are various approaches to build that bridge between blogging and email marketing and boost your results.

1. Increase Traffic Through Emails

Keeping your audience informed about your special offers and new blog content is critical. It sounds like a no-brainer technique to encourage more visitors to visit your website, yet most businesses overlook it. 

Write an email with a summary that entices your subscribers to learn more, and include a link to an article.

If your company’s blog content is helpful and well-researched, you may turn readers into part-time link builders. There is a good chance that there are bloggers, industry experts, and thought leaders on your list.

They frequently sign up for newsletters in the hopes of finding unique case studies or reports to include in their articles. Make a report and send it via email if you have unique information to share with a larger audience.

Some readers will follow the link and visit your resource, while others may repost and link to it on their websites. 

To do that, you can use email newsletter software which has all the necessary features to make your life easier.

2. Grow Your Email List Through Content Upgrades

An email list is essential for a successful email marketing campaign. Crafting an effective email marketing list is one of the most vital parts of every marketer. Leveraging your blogs and creating content upgrades is one of the easiest ways to convert your readers into subscribers.

To do that you need to have a sign-up form to your website and use the content as a lead magnet to encourage people to opt-in for your email list. 

Pro Tip: To have success with this approach you need to have a relevant lead magnet to the article that your readers engage with at that particular time. Another approach is to create more generic content that can help your readers achieve something or can make their life easier.

3. Increase Time People Spend on Your Website

For Google to understand if your content is helpful enough to rank it high heavily depends on the amount of time people spend on your site. By inviting your subscribers to post comments under your article in an email, you may encourage them to join in a debate.

You may send a follow-up email to your subscribers after receiving an email about a new article, highlighting the most controversial comments and asking them to offer their thoughts on the topic. 

You can dramatically boost user engagement and even revive unengaged subscribers this way. You may also enhance the average time on site by including a link to your website’s search bar in your emails. With this approach, you can get users to view many pages at once.

4. Remind About Your Previous Evergreen Blog Posts

Valuable content is vital to your rankings; thus, you spend a lot of time creating it. Unfortunately, it is frequently forgotten before it loses its significance. So, why not send out emails to remind people of your articles?

You could, for example, create an editor’s selections or the week’s most popular content newsletter. If you design it wisely, it is regarded as another attempt to get your material recognized and a handy approach to ensure that your subscribers do not miss anything vital. 

Ensure you’re providing facts that you’d be interested in learning about and offer some key insights into the value your audience will get if they follow your links in the email.

5. Add Social Media Buttons Encouraging Readers to Share Your Content

People are more inclined to share your blog posts if they are truly valuable. You may make their lives easier by allowing them to do everything from their mailbox. Most email marketing services will enable you to modify share buttons and add them to your emails.

More shares mean more traffic to your site and social signals, which are essential aspects of SEO results. 

Pro Tip: If you’re not sure if your emails are helping your blog’s traffic, utilize UTMs to see the source of your traffic and which sorts of emails are doing best. You can then optimize your email campaigns and drive more traffic to your content.

The Takeaway

Combining email marketing and blogging doesn’t have to be difficult.

Examine your existing blog posts, your content marketing goals, and your subscribers’ demands. Then craft a strategy for utilizing your email in combination with your blog posts.

Start by going through all of your content marketing pieces to ensure they’re all working for you.

Ensure you’re not losing out on any opportunities to supply your audience with engaging, relevant, and extremely helpful material in methods that are convenient for them.

Email is one more channel that can amplify your reach, and your blogs are a great fuel to skyrocket this strategy. Use the tactics above to ensure that you are on the right track and pivot when you reach a plateau.

The post How to Combine Email Marketing With Blogging appeared first on SiteProNews.

Get These Ideas Incorporated For Your Next SEO-Friendly Blog Posts Thu, 31 Mar 2022 04:00:00 +0000 Everybody knows that writing blog posts requires many skills and talents as one has to focus on keeping the reader engaged so that they read the post till the end. One easy way to do so is by structuring the content so that the readers enjoy reading the post. Here comes search engine optimization or […]

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Everybody knows that writing blog posts requires many skills and talents as one has to focus on keeping the reader engaged so that they read the post till the end. One easy way to do so is by structuring the content so that the readers enjoy reading the post. Here comes search engine optimization or SEO because this helps a post or website rank higher in search results. However, just writing engaging and informative content will not cut it as we also need to make sure that the posts rank higher on search results so that the readers can find it with ease.

Nonetheless, with plenty of great SEO companies, it can be challenging to keep up with the SEO requirements and ensure that the posts are the top-ranked. Therefore, we have compiled some of the most potent tips to help one curate an SEO-friendly post without any hassle.

Potent Tips For Writing SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

  • Thorough Keyword Research: Keyword research is one of the essential elements of any successful SEO strategy. Therefore, if anyone wants their blog posts to perform well in search engines, then it is imperative to incorporate the right keywords in the post.

One needs to understand customers’ search intent and include the right keywords used by the target audience while looking for products and services relevant to the blogs.

  • Creating A Structure For The Blog Post: A blog post with a clear structure has far better chances of bagging the top ranks than a poorly constructed blog post. A structured blog post ensures that it is SEO-friendly and can be easily read by the reader. Therefore, one must start the post with a small introduction that acquaints the reader with the topic.

Then comes the main body, where the central message of the topic is conveyed to the reader. Lastly, we need to write a conclusion as we reach the end of the post, where the primary ideas of the post must be condensed to give the reader a preview of all that they have read.

  • Writing Informative And Engaging Content: Content is one of the most important elements of search engine optimization, so it is important to ensure that the content is both practical and valuable for the readers. Some people often mistake forgetting about the reader while focusing all efforts on impressing the search engines.

However, that should not be the case, and every specialized SEO expert must always keep the readers in mind as they are the ones that derive value from the content and not search engines.

  • Grammar And Fact Check: When curtains a content piece that aligns with SEO guidelines, it is imperative to ensure that it assumes less and checks more. Today there is no shortage of unauthentic and poorly researched content online. Still, publishing blog posts with grammatical errors or unauthentic facts can hamper the SEO ranking of the post severely.

Therefore, it is imperative to check the content thoroughly for grammatical errors and unverified facts. Everybody can make mistakes, but proofreading the content can prevent our mistakes from being published on the internet. We say so because there is no shortage of ‘grammar shamers’ on the web, making it imperative to proofread the content thoroughly before publishing it.

  • Using Transition Words: Transition words are significant as it helps the readers scan through the posts and better understand the connection between different sentences and paragraphs. For instance, suppose there are three additional reasons why the customers should consider buying a particular product or service.

Therefore, in this case, one must use ‘firstly,’ ‘secondly,’ and ‘lastly.’ In addition, other works such a ‘furthermore,’ ‘nonetheless’ or ‘for instance’ are also great for clearly signaling the post’s readers. This further helps readers better understand the conclusion and which paragraph is just a continuation of the main body of the blog post.

Concluding Thoughts

Above-listed is some of the most important tips to keep in mind when creating SEO-friendly blog posts that rank high on search engines. These points are essential because every blog post that we publish on our website has to be optimized for SEO to ensure that the reader can find the blog without much hassle.

Therefore, whether one is writing a blog that helps the reader learn about an SEO agency or a blog about enhancing the search engine optimization performance, these tips will come in handy for all types of blog posts.

The post Get These Ideas Incorporated For Your Next SEO-Friendly Blog Posts appeared first on SiteProNews.

Top 5 Blogger Outreach Services In 2021 – Which Is Good For You? Wed, 04 Aug 2021 04:00:00 +0000 Introduction It’s a tried-and-true digital marketing strategy that can propel your company to new heights. Blogger outreach is the practice of identifying influential people in your industry and requesting them to write about your company on their blogs. It not only helps you attract more visitors, but it also helps you establish a positive brand […]

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It’s a tried-and-true digital marketing strategy that can propel your company to new heights. Blogger outreach is the practice of identifying influential people in your industry and requesting them to write about your company on their blogs. It not only helps you attract more visitors, but it also helps you establish a positive brand image. The greatest bloggers continue to employ methods that distinguish their material. 

To guarantee that your material is not overlooked, you may need to do things differently from others. Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of producing such excellent outcomes for their sites. As a result, you need to hire seasoned specialists to assist you in implementing innovative tactics that will ensure your success. You can locate the perfect placement blogs and manage your campaign more efficiently with these blogger outreach services.

Top Blogger Outreach Services In 2021

Blogger outreach is straightforward, but it can be tedious and time-consuming at times. Connecting with the appropriate people in your industry takes time and effort, and maintaining outreach efforts is no easy task.

So, this year, let’s focus on some of the top blogger outreach services that may assist you in getting your duties done quickly. 

1. is one of a kind. This one platform efficiently offers you all blogger outreach services at a low cost. You can simply streamline all of your blogger outreach duties with the aid of this application.

Blogger outreach is a market-leading digital platform known for its content production and marketing capabilities.’s primary characteristics are as follows:

  • The most traffic will be driven by simple dashboard and reporting approaches.
  • The items that adhere to Google’s link-building guidelines will score higher. Additionally, the page’s SEO will improve.
  • Because automatic reaching isn’t available, you’ll have to contact your bloggers manually to meet your needs.
  • Improve in traffic directly, allowing you to increase your sales income and product sales.

Price Value: It’s also a cost-effective platform, with industry specific niches- Travel, Health, Finance, Auto, Legal, Education, and many more. Here you will get private and free login for clients. If you want to know more regarding the guest posting service, you can visit the official site.

2. Hunter

Hunter is a powerful outreach tool that has exploded in popularity in recent years. It started off as a fantastic tool for obtaining email addresses, but it has since grown to include many more elements that are essential for executing a successful outreach campaign.

Hunter has over two million clients and has worked with some of the world’s largest organizations, including Microsoft, Google, and Adobe. Let’s look at some of the characteristics that make it such a valuable tool for blogger outreach:

  • Type a domain name into Hunter’s database to find emails.
  • Scan all of your emails for problems and mistakes at the same time.
  • With Hunter’s Chrome plugin, you can get an email address for any publication in seconds.
  • Connect your Gmail account to your Hunter account to keep track of all the emails you’ve sent.
  • Create and edit your own email templates for certain websites.
  • Each campaign should have its own set of emails and follow-ups.

Price Value: When it comes to pricing, Hunter is, believe it or not, completely free. The free version, however, limits you to 50 requests each month. The monthly membership costs $49 and allows you to process up to 1000 requests each month.

3. SEMRush

SEMRush is not just a fantastic blogger outreach tool, but it’s also one of the best marketing apps available. SEMRush is more of a collection of several digital marketing apps that can help you take your business to new heights. 

It is quite a popular name in the social media marketing world. SEMRush provides a comprehensive analysis of all the elements that influence the success of your website, from keyword research to domain overview. SEMRush’s blogger outreach options include:

  • Any domain’s backlinks can be analyzed.
  • Finding prospects and sending follow-up emails is made easier with this link-building tool.
  • A broad overview of a domain is provided, as well as a comprehensive study.
  • Keeps track of the rankings of the terms you’re interested in.
  • Looks into the trendiest subjects in your field.
  • Keeps track of any brand references.
  • Looks for backlinks on the websites of your rivals.

Price Value: SEMrush’s monthly subscription is $99.95, or you can save money by signing up for an annual plan. You can also join up for a seven-day trial to gain a better understanding of the site.

4. Buzz Sumo

BuzzSumo is one of the most powerful and underappreciated tools for reaching out to bloggers. It’s a fantastic marketing tool that lets you find out what’s hot in different categories.

You can also use BuzzSumo to identify relevant influencers in your business. The following are key features you can use:

  • Find influential people in your field without breaking a sweat.
  • Generate fresh leads and use keywords to create alerts.
  • With BuzzSumo’s trend detection, you can find the trendiest subject on the market.
  • Search top-rated content in your sector to see what’s working and what isn’t for your rivals.
  • Examine website backlinks for new chances.

Price Value: BuzzSumo offers a $99 monthly membership that permits up to five different users. You may also set up five separate notifications every month, with a total of 5K mentions.

5. Ninja Outreach

Ninja outreach is among the top blogger outreach services that does exactly what it claims. It’s a one-stop-shop that can help you with anything from discovering niche relevant influencers to delivering personalized emails. 

It is one of the most widely utilized outreach tools, with companies such as Disney and Amazon using it. Ninja Outreach provides high-quality email management solutions to assist you in developing effective campaigns. The major features of Ninja Outreach are:

  • Use your region and specialization as keywords to get new leads.
  • With segmentation, you can divide your leads into multiple groups and keep better track of them.
  • After you’ve sent an email, keep track of its status.
  • Send emails to newly produced leads by connecting your mailbox to Ninja Outreach.
  • Personalize your email templates.
  • Follow-up emails can be sent automatically in response to a user’s action.
  • On Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, look for niche relevant influencers.

Price Value: Ninja Outreach subscriptions start at $120 a month, and you can also sign up for a free seven-day trial to get a feel for the tool and its features.

Final Thoughts

Local businesses can gain success using the appropriate channels correctly. One method is to reach out to bloggers. It helps if you do it right. Avoid making typical errors like assuming it’s all about you, forgetting to track emails, or sending generic emails instead of personal ones. Failure to conduct research, follow up, or reaching out to the wrong individuals all indicate a flawed plan that will fail. Before you start, be sure you know what works.

The post Top 5 Blogger Outreach Services In 2021 – Which Is Good For You? appeared first on SiteProNews.

Top 5 Free Blogging Sites to Create a Successful Blog in 2021 Mon, 05 Jul 2021 04:00:00 +0000 A well-designed blog is a foundation for a successful content marketing strategy for many brands. That is because a blog can attract, engage, and convert leads simultaneously, a rare ability for any single style of content. Even among the types of copywriting developed for a brand’s content marketing strategy, blogs have a high success rate, […]

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A well-designed blog is a foundation for a successful content marketing strategy for many brands. That is because a blog can attract, engage, and convert leads simultaneously, a rare ability for any single style of content.

Even among the types of copywriting developed for a brand’s content marketing strategy, blogs have a high success rate, building lasting relations with prospective customers. That is because blogs are designed to influence the consumer into trusting the brand, thus leading to a sale. Conversely, content like sales copies fails to foster a trusting relationship and may end up losing a lead not yet prepared to buy your product. 

With over 90% of the organizations globally using content as their primary mode of marketing, you, too, need to build a strong content marketing strategy to stand out and succeed. And what better way to start than to create a blog?

Why Do I Need a Blog?

There are several reasons you need a blog to market your business in 2021, including the one discussed above. From building a lead base to engaging and converting them, blogs are helpful for a company in various ways. As a content marketer, you can use blogs to:

  • Disseminate information and educate people about complex topics or the latest trends in any industry. With high-speed internet and smart mobile devices available to billions of consumers globally, an intelligent marketer can easily make their mark.
  • The creativity that developing a blog allows for can help a brand express and foster its own unique identity while simultaneously marketing its products or services. That will help your consumers remember your brand among a sea of competition and increase your chances of gaining new leads. 
  • Create a conversion funnel by developing articles that generate interest in your brand with quality content, informing them of your offerings. Once they build trust in your brand, your blog can help convert them into customers. 

While it’s a good idea to start a blog, and you can set it up in no time, it may take some time for the blog to start driving leads to your website. 

The Best Free Blogging Sites in 2021

If you are new to the world of blogging and content marketing, then you might be worried about investing in a blog. Understandably, if you are unsure about the blog’s effectiveness in attracting new leads, then spending your hard-earned revenue on it might seem foolhardy.

That is why, listed below are five of the most popular blog builders you can use to build your brand’s blog. Some of the options below are entirely free, while others offer a freemium version for you to try out before committing to a premium package. Let’s have a look. 


The most popular option for people looking to build a blog,, is used by nearly 39.6% of websites available on the internet right now. Sites like the New York Times and Forbes use WordPress for their websites. is a free CMS platform, allowing you to create a blog for your website, but it comes with a caveat. You will have to develop the website yourself to integrate it, and you will have to find a hosting service to host it. But if you are committed to starting a blog, an excellent hosting service won’t break the bank. 

Before choosing a hosting platform, make sure that it provides:

  • An SSL certificate
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • Ample storage space
  • A private domain

As you’ll be hosting WordPress privately, this ensures that you have complete control over your website, including its visuals, functionality, and monetization. 


While and may share a name, they are pretty different in terms of functionality and accessibility. A free blog hosting site from Automattic allows bloggers to use the platform for free, albeit with limited functionality. Or they can opt for a premium plan to access several advanced functions and features. 

It may not be an excellent option for established businesses due to factors like being hosted on a subdomain. But for bloggers just starting in the industry, or small companies with limited budgets, this can be a great option to create and host a blog. Most importantly, if you ever plan to migrate your blog to a private domain, you can move over to quite quickly. 

The free account allows just the basic functionality needed for a blog. However, the paid plans, ranging from $4 to $25 per month, open up many new and exciting features like monetization, etcetera. 


A popular blog and article publishing platform created by a former Twitter team member has seen its user base grow extensively since its beginning in 2012. Freelance writers, hobbyists, and readers visit this platform in great numbers. 

Medium can be an excellent tool for an aspiring blogger to start developing their blogging profile or even draw traffic to their blog or website through blogs published on the Medium platform. Moreover, it features a limited social networking module, allowing readers to comment on the articles or give it a “Clap.”

To start blogging on Medium, all you need to do is sign up and start writing a blog post. The user interface is quite intuitive, making it easy to create and structure the content for efficient reading. The platform focuses on the content you provide while it takes care of the page design and site performance. 

Unfortunately, as it is focused on developing a writer’s profile, there are no monetization options to earn from those articles. However, if you have your domain, you can easily link your Medium articles to it. 


Wix is a drag-and-drop website builder that is designed for business owners. With no technical web development knowledge required, a person can use the tool to create beautiful websites with a blog added to them.

While lacking a lot of the functionality a number of its competitors provide, it focuses on empowering brands to create their websites without hiring a web designer or developer. 

Designed for small businesses and creatives looking to showcase their offerings, Wix offers the ability to customize the site according to your needs. However, the extent of that customization depends on the pricing plan you’ve bought. It allows its users to build a website with:

  • Several design options based on your subscription plan
  • Easy setup process
  • Free library of stock images
  • Integration of free third-party apps and plugins

Additionally, Wix also offers an AI client designed to build a website for you according to your needs automatically. The premium packages start at $13 a month, and each successive package adds functionality and support, with the most expensive plan offering VIP support for almost $40 a month. 


An open-source CMS platform, Joomla is used to build a variety of websites around the world today. Requiring a working knowledge of essential web development technologies like HTML and CSS, Joomla is best for websites that require a sense of finesse in their design and functionality.

As it offers a more in-depth approach to building a website, Joomla is perfect for:

  • e-commerce stores
  • business websites
  • sites that require technical customization

 With Joomla, you can build a blog and a feature-rich website to connect with your blog. Readily available templates for various business niches and an extensive library of plugins and extensions make this a great option to build a website. 

Completely free to download and use, like, the only costs to develop your blog or website would be to buy a domain and hosting plan.

Choosing the Right Platform

Besides the choices above, there are many more options to choose from when selecting your blog development platform. Each of these platforms has its benefits and drawbacks, and you can choose the one that suits you best. 

Your choice for a site builder depends on many factors like budget, business needs, and goals you’re aiming for. The options listed above are pretty versatile and will help you develop blogs and websites for various niches and industries

The post Top 5 Free Blogging Sites to Create a Successful Blog in 2021 appeared first on SiteProNews.
