Just a decade ago, email was the dominant form of marketing. The internet,however, has seen a radical change. This begs the question if email marketing is still required given that social media has become the norm of the day.
The short answer is yes, it is still relevant and will be for years to come. According to a report published by campaignmonitor.com, for every $1 you spent on email marketing, you will get $44 in return.
Here is a list of 6 ways in which email marketing is still beneficial. But do keep in mind, like any form of marketing, you’ll have to avoid some factors and concentrate on others. Utilize the best forms of email marketing to yield high response rates.
1. Demand Attention
Compared to other online marketing strategies, email marketing can still grab a lot of attention. People are aware of social media marketing these days. And as such, you will notice that most people simply ignore pop ups and advertisements on social media. The advantage emails have in this regard is that, they enter the client’s email which is more personal, and, in that way, email marketing stands out in a sea of social media notifications.
The strategy you use when you send email marketing will determine your open rates. According to a study by getresponse.com, triggered email has a 44.05% chance of being opened compared to just 20.48% of newsletters.
2. Cost Effective
It is effective, easy to use, and saves a lot of money. Email marketing will allow you to reach thousands of potential customers at the cost of nearly nothing. Particularly for start-ups, this can be very advantageous in comparison to other forms of marketing like direct mail, radio, or television. A joint study carried out by Forrester Research and Shop.org revealed that about 85% of US retailers viewed email marketing as one of the best customer acquisition strategies.
In comparison with traditional forms of marketing where postage, printing, etc can cost you quite a lot for your direct mailing campaigns, with email you’ll still be able to convey the same message while keeping costs as minimal as possible and with the added advantage of having a follow up with just a simple click of a button.
3. Action Oriented
Email is super easy, and whether you are aware of it or not, everybody is accustomed to the actions related to an email-sign-up, click-through, forward, reply, or straight up buying. Because of its transactional nature, you can utilize emails to draw traffic to your website which will in turn result in sales.
If you own a small business or a start-up, try focusing on email marketing strategies and you will see visible results quickly. Regardless of your company size, email marketing is a great way to cut costs and generate sales.
This is not limited to just newsletters but utilizing email automation after examining your customers’ triggers as well.
4. Mobile Compatibility
Smartphones have become the norm of the day and as such people are always checking their phones for notifications and emails regardless of where they are – whether in a coffee shop or waiting in a line at the bank.
With the growing popularity of social media, many people believe that email should be discarded. However, more than 40% of emails are opened. This allows you the opportunity to grab your client’s attention and retain it as well.
5. More Powerful Than Social Media
I’m not saying that social media is not useful, it certainly is. It’s a very powerful way to modernize your business, connect with your customers, and strengthen your relationship with them. Thanks to that, it’s a wonderful tool to actualize your marketing goals.
But, if you want to convert people into members, supporters, or customers, email marketing is a more powerful tool.
6. Track Customer Actions
One of the paramount advantages of email marketing is that it directly links to your customers actions. What are your customers clicking on in the email you send? And, why are they clicking on those specific elements?
Let’s take this for an example – say you add a discounted list of items and the receivers barely click on your links. This is a good time to reconsider the way you present your discounted item to your clients.
In addition, emails also have the advantage of helping to determine which headlines work best with your customers. Which topic gives the best open rate? This and numerous other important marketing questions can be answered through email marketing.
Email marketing is cost effective, efficient, and a powerful tool for driving sales. There is absolutely no reason why you should not give it a try. You don’t have to trade off your social media campaigns for email marketing, but email marketing still has a lot of strengths that social media lacks. It is still relevant and powerful and will stay that way for years to come.