Business Ecommerce

ECommerce Thrives in COVID-19 Era

Source: Pixabay

In a time when many small businesses are floundering, eCommerce is unapologetically thriving. According to Digital Commerce 360, over $200 billion were spent with U.S. online retailers in quarter two alone. That’s up 14.7-percent from quarter two in 2019, and up 16.2-percent from the first quarter in 2020. Let’s break that down further – one in every $5 spent in April through June came from online orders. Make no mistake: eCommerce is big business.

As with almost everything else in 2020, COVID-19 has played a huge part in the eCommerce explosion. Because of this, a lot of people should be pondering how they can make this online upswing work for them beyond being on the receiving end of some online retail therapy.

Online start-ups are much more difficult to create than they were five or six years ago. But they are still starting, growing, and thriving. Consulting companies are an excellent asset for budding start-ups. They can help people build their eCommerce businesses from making zero dollars in revenue, to six-figures in a couple of months. The problem for most people is the initial investment. However, professional consultants can help you reach your eCommerce goals in a few short months if you have the start-up funds.

More than ever, this is the era of doing business virtually from across the country – or in some cases, from across the world. Skype and Zoom meetings, phone calls, e-mails – these are all the new and acceptable ways to land $10,000-plus deals. And the hiring process is the same. Companies’ workforces are spread out all over the country, but it works. Of course, the upside is that businesses do not have to sustain a pricey office building to do stellar business. 

So, what are some of the best eCommerce ventures right now? Any business that does not have excessive overhead is a plus. Therefore, the service industry is booming. If you have a skill or a service to market, you are a valuable resource in the eCommerce industry. And not having inventory to pay for is a huge plus. 

Online companies that outsource technical jobs— such as website construction, blog writing, podcast creation, and more— are having a field day in this economy. More and more people are looking for additional work, and the nature of the times dictates it is remote work. Not only is there no inventory in this situation, but there is also no dedicated office space to rent and heat and cool.

Business trends are always changing. This year, maybe more than ever, we see more eCommerce opportunities due to COVID-19 and its lingering effects. The following is a list of just a few top eCommerce opportunities you could benefit from investigating:

Summary of top eCommerce services for 2020

  • Remote technical services
  • Web development
  • Blog creation
  • Podcast creation
  • Freelance services 
  • Consulting
  • Marketing
  • Public relations
  • Influencer
  • Social media expert
  • Educational videos and services

It’s important to note that any budding business needs some expert advice along the way. To hit your potential and not hit the wall, make sure you are in a niche well within your capabilities. Then, seek some expert advice. First, find a consultant who specializes in eCommerce start-up creation. Then, find a firm that offers extraordinary public relations and marketing services. These investments are time and money well-spent in the long run.

Certainly, COVID-19 has dealt a blow to the economy that will be felt for a long while. However, when one aspect of the economy takes an adverse turn, another seems to rise. At this moment in time, eCommerce is making its mark by setting the bar high and over-reaching for the prize. With the right service to offer, some start-up cash, some expert advice, and a lot of hard work, your eCommerce start-up dreams could come true. 

For anyone thinking of putting themselves out there and dipping their toes into the eCommerce pool, weigh your options. You never know, 2020 might have started as your worst year ever, but that doesn’t mean it has to end that way.

About the author


Scott Bartnick

Scott Bartnick is the co-founder of OtterPR. He is an internationally renowned eCommerce and media expert who has been recognized worldwide for his business acumen. Bartnick owns several successful eCommerce companies and has been recognized for his innovative lifestyle. Bartnick is the bestselling author of the Five-Day Startup and has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, IBTimes, Yahoo, and more for his success in business.